The New Team


Jul 25, 2006
The team (in alphabetical order):
Arminius - Maps and XML
Civmansam - Co-ordinator (and modder [?])
gostanford92 - Flags and ideas

Hadrean - Misc Graphics
johny_smith - XML, gamefonts and screens
Kissamies - Music, beta-testing and ideas
NikNaks93 - XML and Nifviewer
Pegasos - XML and ideas
Qdin - Models
rothn - SDK
snipperrabbit!! - Buttons and gamefonts
Sovin_nai - Beta-testing and ideas
tallicahead00 - Beta-testing and ideas

thrallgor - Beta-testing and ideas
vsaiyan - SDK and python
WGW - Beta-testing and ideas
NikNaks93 said:
And I'm putting adambot in for now. If he's been gone for a month I'll remove him.
I agree with that. We might as well elect a 'temporary' leader until he reapears or doesn't reapear, though.
By the way, along with ideas and testing, I could write the civilipedia entries, as I have a very large knowledge of the Star Wars universe.
I agree with that. We might as well elect a 'temporary' leader until he reapears or doesn't reapear, though.
By the way, along with ideas and testing, I could write the civilipedia entries, as I have a very large knowledge of the Star Wars universe.

along with the civilopedia entrys we need city names as well
Shouldn't be too hard. Just find the huge map and take the planets. If you really want, we could research for the names of cities on the planets, but that really isn't neccesary, and very few people would recognize the names.
I think it wouldnt be so much effort to search for city names that fit with the civilization. i could do that as soon as we have the complete list of civilizations ;)
just make a list of like 15 city's that should be enough at first i think :)
What do y'all think of Rhye's City Namer feature in Rhye's and Fall? Basically, it names the city for you based on where the city is. If applied to our map, no matter who founded a city on Coruscant, it would be named Coruscant. If there is general support, I'll ask Rhye if we could borrow the feature.
Yeah, there are some civs confined to clearly defined and pretty exclusive areas, like Hapes, that have planets easy to name, but big Galaxy spanning ones tend to overlap. Could try to do lenghty research to try to determine which worls were most pro-Empire or pro-Sith and so on, but that namer feature seems more elegant way.
I PM'd him asking, but I have no idea of how to implement that as it's a python mod.

EDIT: We have permission, and he explained it to me. I'll get hopping on that.
I think that barbarian cities on each planet, with razing of cities off, and no settlers, would work better. It would work even better with races, too. The Ewok race 'holy city' would be on Endor, and you could capture it, and spread the Ewok race. The Chiss race would start on Csilla, and so on, and so forth.
Rhye said we could use it as long as we credit him.

I think that barbarian cities on each planet, with razing of cities off, and no settlers, would work better. It would work even better with races, too. The Ewok race 'holy city' would be on Endor, and you could capture it, and spread the Ewok race. The Chiss race would start on Csilla, and so on, and so forth.
I like this idea, but I'm worried about load times. Also, if this is for vanilla, then all those cities would be linked and research, etc. together.
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