The next goals


Mar 29, 2009
For the following version, I will try to do many changes. I describe you my future goals.

- Fix the multiplayer

- Upgrades IA

- Adding commercial company

- Improve the exploration

- Improve economy

- Add Isabelxxx tags and ships

I have four holidays months, so I think it is possible to do that :).
What are the changes to the AI you have in mind?

I have some, but not sure if they can be coded easily...

- Improve economy

Currently I miss some type of reward, events, etc. if you have a strong economy. The same if you have a week one, but in that case "bad" events. There is not any relation between the economy in the colony and Europe; and I mean real relation...

Also some type of economical victory would be great.
What are the changes to the AI you have in mind?

I have some, but not sure if they can be coded easily...

Changes I have in mind are many.
First, I want that IA knows how works cannons.

Then, IA has to become a threat for us.

It will become a commercial competitor (with my new commercial companies).
Money was and is always the wars origin. In this game, it was not the case :confused:.
It would be change in the next versions.

For the economic point :

Dazio and I wanted to add real relation between us and Europe.

We thought to add different kind of gold stocks, like an internal stock that will allow to rush a construction (we have other ideas).

Moreover, a new loan system will exist. With a deadline to respect, otherwise we will have some penalties.
Some suggestions from old posts by users (I think you already added these things but I'm not sure):

If it's not to hard to make maybe the battle ships could have some kind of 'guard this ship' command that works in a way that they follow the selected merchant ship and when the merchant ship goes to europe the guard ship could wait or follow it to Europe and then continue guarding it when the merchant ship/guard ship returns.

A feature that would help when trading with Europe (especially automated trade) is if you add an exclamation mark on the trade button when a ship is in europe and has tradeable goods. See the green circle on the attached image.


The when you plant a seed with the Agriculturist you have to press space again after you've sown the seeds in order to rotate to the next unit/end turn. This is just nitpicking but I thought I'd say it.
If a Agriculturist if fortified and you sow some seeds he continues being fortified when he's done. Often I wait until I get enough gold or a Pioneer is ready with a farm and sow at once after that and when the unit remains fortified afterwards many turns can get lost.
It will become a commercial competitor (with my new commercial companies).
Money was and is always the wars origin. In this game, it was not the case.
The addition of the "coastal ships" should help there since the AI could trade easily with natives, the player, etc. as well as transport goods between cities.

If possible, it would be great to re-model the way the AI is managing the economy: trade-routes between colonies, specialized cities, strategical collocation of factories, ...


Dazio and I wanted to add real relation between us and Europe.

Real & logical taxes . It seems that taxes are adjusted randomly... not in a continue and predictable way according to your actions.

Then a few "random events" could change dramatically prices in Europe and taxes.

Also the addition of some interesting events related to the colonies, buildings, etc. to the game would improve the economic part of the game.

We thought to add different kind of gold stocks, like an internal stock that will allow to rush a construction (we have other ideas).
I thought something similar. The king seems to ask for gold constantly therefore you can not accumulate securely some amount of gold to spent it in a future project.
That would be solved with gold stocks as you noted. You could "store" that gold so it becomes useless for immediate actions (like trading, paying to the king, ...) but you could still buy ships or speed up the building.


Moreover, a new loan system will exist. With a deadline to respect, otherwise we will have some penalties.

There was some code related to blocking ports in your colonies so you can't load goods in your ships.

Closed Ports - The king now has the power to shut down your ports when you anger him. Closed ports cannot load or unload goods to ships but they can load and unload units. Goods can still be moved by Wagon Train.

There could be 2 types of loans. King loan & European bankers loan.

If you ask you king for a loan he could impose some specific conditions according to your economic/war situation. Low interest (10%). Also, if you don't pay at due time the the King would close some of your ports, impose new taxes, etc...

On the other hand, if you ask the European bankers for a loan the conditions would be different. They will no impose you so restrictive conditions but there are 2 negative points: higher interest (15% to 20%) & if you don't pay at due time a penalty is applied (increase interest to 30%-35%). Then, other delay in the payment and you will not be able to ask them for a loan.

Here some info about loans:
It seems that taxes are adjusted randomly...
Yes, currently it is :(.

There was some code related to blocking ports in your colonies so you can't load goods in your ships.
It could be fun, but is it realistic? Are there any historical facts?

There could be 2 types of loans. King loan & European bankers loan.
Indeed, it is a good idea. I will try to add a kind of account book, that will allow us to see all our debts :(.
Yes, currently it is :(.

It could be fun, but is it realistic? Are there any historical facts?

Indeed, it is a good idea. I will try to add a kind of account book, that will allow us to see all our debts :(.

Well I think it's realistic if we add something more.

For ex. the king would not only block the port with just an invisible action (DLL Code) but we could add something more...

You refuse the new tax, then the king could send a few ships, take any goods he wants from your colonies, block temporarily some of your ports and return with the seized goods to "compensate" the tax.

In other words add a new concept: Interaction with the king
Actually we only "see the king" at the start of the revolution, what about some type of actions performed by King's troops, changes in the politics, etc. before that?

That's is just an idea. And while just port-blockade is not documented, these actions were performed along other measures (like levying money or men) when some an revolt appeared due to changes in politics or taxes.
It is good idea to add new penalties. When king troops can appear near our colonies, it will be fun! :p We thought that in the future King could give us some powers, and he could withdraw some of them when we don't accept taxes.

Otherwise, I changed my priorities. For the next version, I will try to do that.

- Upgrade IA (allow Europeans to use all my changes)
- Restore Multi-player mode
- Fix all known bugs
- Add a screen for new eras

This mod will look more like a patch than anything else :).
It is good idea to add new penalties. When king troops can appear near our colonies, it will be fun! :p We thought that in the future King could give us some powers, and he could withdraw some of them when we don't accept taxes.

Otherwise, I changed my priorities. For the next version, I will try to do that.

- Upgrade IA (allow Europeans to use all my changes)
- Restore Multi-player mode
- Fix all known bugs
- Add a screen for new eras

This mod will look more like a patch than anything else :).

Ok. I have collected a few more bugs and some small adjustments in some interfaces & screens that could be done for the patch. I will explain them tomorrow.
I'm currently working in:

- A really advanced Unit Unique Name generator
- Adding Debugging features in most python files
- Realistic Map generation with Scripts (though it will work with any other map script if it uses the map generator python file - it's Tested)...

I will not be really active here for a few weeks but I will continue updating the repository from time to time...

Waiting for the DLL changes which should include the Goody, Buildings & Units tags modification & additions, then as soon as possible I would made the XML changes.
I'm currently working in:

- A really advanced Unit Unique Name generator

From the future change-log:

 Unique Unit Name generator: (

Now every Naval unit & some Land Units (this feature can easily be extended to other types of unit…) will have an Unique Historical Name from the start, this includes:
• Starting units: From example, the first Spanish Ship would be named Nina, Pinta or Santa Maria…
• The Name generator function analyses if the player is in revolution, it’s the 1st turn, etc. and returns names according to those condtions.
• New Units created on cities.
• New Units created by events.
• New Units bought in Europe.
• REF units: both, ships and land units.

(Search for: ##DOANE: Unit Unique name generator)

 Unique Unit Name generator for Worldbuilder: (

Now every Naval unit created in the Worldbuilder (it can be extended to other types of unit…) will have an Unique Historical Name. This has been done in consonance with the previous feature.

3 Methods have been implemented for this Name Generator, the method to use can be selected in file:
• Vanilla method: units created in WorldBuilder will have standard names.
• 1st DoaNE Unique Unit Name generator method
• 2nd DoaNE Unique Unit Name generator method
Both 1 & 2 will rename the units created in WorldBuilder giving the same results, the difference between both methods is in the way they have been implemented.

And the most important thing, all this will work with all maps, scenarios, etc. so this is not only a change for a scenario.

- Realistic Map generation with Scripts (though it will work with any other map script if it uses the map generator python file - it's Tested)...


From the future change-log:

 DOANE Improved Feature Placement: Desert Logic (CvMapGeneratorUtil)

This fixes a stupid behavior of map generator in Civ Col: deserts placed near Jungles, Forest, etc.

Now the placement follows a logic: it checks if there are deserts adjacent to the plot where the map generator would add the feature and adjust that placement according to that.
By default Jungles are not allowed next to Deserts. Forest have a heavy restriction if there are a certain number of deserts in the vicinity and Light Forest have a minor restriction.
This has been done to show a natural gradient of vegetation between “arid” and “humid” zones.

The variables which control the placement can be changed via “DoaNE globals”.

And the most important thing, all this will work with all maps, scripts, scenarios, etc. This is a change to the core of map generator model, not only to a single map...



  • Jungles 1.jpg
    Jungles 1.jpg
    159 KB · Views: 639
Updated the repository with my last contribution before the vacations.

Only needed to update the manual (PDF), I will do it in some hours.

Please, take a look at the fur trapper since it's not working. If you give +x fur yield to any unit it will not work properly, I don't know why.

And also answer to my Sweden LH question, not sure what you want (?). Anyway I plan to create other different changing the model a bit.
The Scottish leaderhead is in "Art_resources\Leaderheads\SCOT_K_William_I\". But it needs some work yet,
Check this
I uploaded the last changes and created a new repository with the art source files (check your emails). Therefore all the art source files have been removed from Doane Workspace.

Take a look at [BUG LIST] DoaNE bugs and the other threads I created, I think the next version should be focused on polishing all the previous features and current bugs.

I have added some new features up to now, and most of the XML work I already did only requires some of the XML tags I suggested to make it work. So There will be also many new things like units, buildings, goody huts, events, etc. for the next version but no major changes in game concepts.

Probably, any graphical modification (like the civilopedia fix and changes in Unit & Bonuses pages) could also be done for the next version. The we can easily work with a solid base for this:

- Adding commercial company

- Improve the exploration

- Improve economy

Also, what about create a new Civilopedia section with all the new DoaNE concepts? I could make the texts without any problem and any python code but it would be great if you help me with that (I have too many things to do right now). For ex:

-Seeds and plantations
-Inmigration in Europe / Recruiment
-Ships in Europe
-Commercial contracts
-Trading with natives

Currently I see you added some info about these things in different places but I'm talking about centralizing the info, so you can take a look there and see how the concepts of the mod are working without needing to read "little infos" in different places.
Give it a thought.

Take care.
Here again, testing the last changes in game.

I also have a suggestion about seaways: Why they can not be created in any point of the map?
It could be useful to send ships directly to some port or creating trade routes (with multiple seaways).
Let me collect some ideas and I will present you my suggestion.
Started to improve some AI decisions and expose some hidden and important variables to XML. I will try to make the game easier to balance without having to compile a new DLL because of a core variable change which could be easily exposed to XML...

Some variables like how many turns an immigrant will last in the docks before being removed will now be easily moddable for any user, for ex. I have read many posts in the forum and most have some suggestions, bugs reports or complains especially about these "little" things. And specially these little things are what made a great mod.

There still are 3 or 4 major bugs which we should fix (apart from multiplayer), but if I'm able to implement the AI improvements I plan along with your last additions, goals and fixes the mod should work like a charm. Completely stable and ready to implement more advanced features.

I personally prefer to wait before adding new ships or units even if I have them ready... I would want to add the bCanSailtoEurope Tag, goody tags, buildings, etc. and left most of their use for future releases.

PD: About the previous post, I'm working with the return to home and unload mod by Kailric so the player can easily send the ship to a city without using seaways.

Anyway this is provisional, I think we should consider how seaways system will be in the future if we want to create a Working Trade Route System...
Started to implement a capture unit combat system which will allow to capture ships or land units... even ships waiting in a city if you capture it (!). Fully customizable with some options.

M07, I need some help here since some functions I want to use and are not exposed to python yet. Check your PM.
Started to implement a capture unit combat system which will allow to capture ships or land units... even ships waiting in a city if you capture it (!). Fully customizable with some options.

I have implemented "capturing of land units" and "capturing of ships" for TAC already. (DLL based)
Maybe you want to take a look. :dunno:
I have implemented "capturing of land units" and "capturing of ships" for TAC already. (DLL based)
Maybe you want to take a look.
I already did it in python along other changes.
Too late, but anyway it was intentional. There are also other mods which implement this in BTS.

I have not taken a look at the TAC DLL yet but probably it will not be useful for me except the aware that Doane uses some concepts (ammunition, cannons, crew, etc.) that completely changes how the captured unit has to be processed.
Indeed it is harder with the crew concept. I will implement a new method :
void CvUnit::captureShip(CvUnit* pAttacker);
I think the method name is enough explicit. :)
The state of unit, as I wrote you in the MP, will be useful to know when a ship will be captured.
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