From the future change-log:
 Unique Unit Name generator: (
Now every Naval unit & some Land Units (this feature can easily be extended to other types of unit…
will have an Unique Historical Name from the start, this includes:
• Starting units: From example, the first Spanish Ship would be named Nina, Pinta or Santa Maria…
• The Name generator function analyses if the player is in revolution, it’s the 1st turn, etc. and returns names according to those condtions.
• New Units created on cities.
• New Units created by events.
• New Units bought in Europe.
• REF units: both, ships and land units.
(Search for: ##DOANE: Unit Unique name generator)
 Unique Unit Name generator for Worldbuilder: (
Now every Naval unit created in the Worldbuilder (it can be extended to other types of unit…
will have an Unique Historical Name. This has been done in consonance with the previous feature.
3 Methods have been implemented for this Name Generator, the method to use can be selected in file:
• Vanilla method: units created in WorldBuilder will have standard names.
• 1st DoaNE Unique Unit Name generator method
• 2nd DoaNE Unique Unit Name generator method
Both 1 & 2 will rename the units created in WorldBuilder giving the same results, the difference between both methods is in the way they have been implemented.
And the most important thing, all this will work with all maps, scenarios, etc. so this is not only a change for a scenario.
- Realistic Map generation with Scripts (though it will work with any other map script if it uses the map generator python file - it's Tested)...
From the future change-log:
 DOANE Improved Feature Placement: Desert Logic (CvMapGeneratorUtil)
This fixes a stupid behavior of map generator in Civ Col: deserts placed near Jungles, Forest, etc.
Now the placement follows a logic: it checks if there are deserts adjacent to the plot where the map generator would add the feature and adjust that placement according to that.
By default Jungles are not allowed next to Deserts. Forest have a heavy restriction if there are a certain number of deserts in the vicinity and Light Forest have a minor restriction.
This has been done to show a natural gradient of vegetation between “arid” and “humid” zones.
The variables which control the placement can be changed via “DoaNE globals”.
And the most important thing, all this will work with all maps, scripts, scenarios, etc. This is a change to the core of map generator model, not only to a single map...