The no military strats

Nov 3, 2003
I been exploring the no military strat at emporer.

One thing i found for anyone that ever tries it is slaving your pay offs to Luxury trades or in the absence of those ROP agreements makes it easier to manage the AI if you got always renogotiate deals on.

What i mean is normally you do a little per a turn stroking of the AI. (ALWAYS HAVE A per a turn deal going that favors the AI even if its just 1 gp a turn.. and i always try to bump it enough to keep em polite.).

BUt i found that time intensive. Better when it becomes available is finding out how much the AI wants for a luxury or something and then just adding 5gp per a turn or 10gp per a turn or whatever to that that deal then the computer tells you when its over and you can renogotiate. It really doesnt have to be to much extra. I found a luxury trade at the offered value +5pp keeps em gracious with an RoP in effect. Equal trades seem to be enough with an RoP to keep polite but i go for gracious. For nations without extra resources i just negotiate a RoP then add on my peace donation to that (5 to 10gp). The computer is extremely respectful of RoP so if you at all keep them happy with you a RoP is practically a 20 turn guarentee of peace if they got no reason to be upset with you (you arnt milking em for alot of gp a turn). So as ive progresed ive learned to keep a RoP with every AI nation. Never has the computer betrayed it in my no army games.

Also one thing i figured out this last run through was strategic resources that you DONT have extra of are great things to give away.

Normally you think you cant trade saltpeter unless you have extra. But what do you care your not building an army. And i found 1 saltpeter given to a neighbor that needs em makes em a friend for 20 turns~

The tensest moments in no army games comes when your expanding and you control resources but your opponent wont make a road to you through his territory so you can give him the resource. Its really hard to keep people happy through this period but you can make it. once your all roaded up and you can give him the resource he might desire then its easy to keep him happy.

Also im pretty aggressive. You dont really need to stay weak. I been knifing through other nations culturally by just building on my edge between their cities.

The most dangerous nations to a no army nation is the ones with nothing. Dont forget to give em a few pp a turn cause even though they are loosing they seem to be the most likely to attack you even polite.

avoid non per a turn deals.
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