The "OMG! Look what happened in DoC!" Thread

I have no idea. I just remember building La Mezquita and when looking at GP birth rate it said:

Mobile Artillery: 86%
Great Prophet: 11%
Great Scientist: 3%

And I thought it was just an interface glitch until, boom, there was a mobile artillery!
Is La Mezquita your only source of GPP in the city?
I'm pretty sure that it was.
But I looked up its XML and it gives Great Scientist points. The thing with this bug is that as far as I can tell, all of it is governed by the XML and parts of the DLL I didn't touch, so it's hard to imagine a place for me to cause this.

Did you install a module or a modmod and then continued this save?
No, I didn't.
I guess I'll have to wait for more cases like this then.
That's a good idea, but I've looked for "UNIT_" in the entire building XML with no results.
You know, it takes a great scientist to build that kind of weapon in the middle ages. Perhaps the scientist just blew themself up in the processs of building it.
You should make a story revolving around you conquering the world as the Moors, with a spawned Mobile Artillery. :ar15::ar15::ar15:
I probably should. I am working on a Thailand game at the moment, though, but that would make for a crazy AAR.
There's something wrong with them that doesn't have anything to do with proper game mechanics.
What do you think it can be wrong?

First off, I was playing as the Tamils and the barbs had a riflemen in Parsa on the ancient era.

Then, I was playing as the Byzantines and Argentina didn't spawn.

Now this. :crazyeye: :crazyeye:

Actually don't nerf them. Super Moors would make a good meme on the Internet.
Guess redoing the Moors moves up on the priorities list then ...

As for Argentina, they would not spawn if if the controlling civilization was stable (not sure how this works now).
The Moors need major nerfing.

Leoreth deliberately set them up like this to make the Arabian tech UHV more interesting. Moorish development of humanism and rights of man also in the High Middle Ages also have a historical base. Furthermore, the lightsabers used in 'Star Wars' are actually weapons uncovered in a Moroccan archeological digsite dating from the seventh century AD.
There's something wrong with them that doesn't have anything to do with proper game mechanics.

Are you sure there isn't a misspelled/forgotten tag somewhere? That caused the bug with Baibars having the wrong diplomusic.
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