The only way to get a big score?


Sep 20, 2006

Is Domination the only way to get a big score?

I've got 70K, 60K etc. on Noble with Domination, but haven't come anywhere near it with any other victories. Mind you, that's because my Domination victories come with I get Cavalry in the late 1500s and early 1600s.

BTW: Warlords - BTS not available for the Mac :(

How many cities and how big they are, are big factor in score and also your difficult level and what time you win are quite significant.
Right. That's why Domination is so effective.

Get tons of cities, grow them all large (or they come large after you capture them), win early - BINGO. Huge score.

I got an AP diplo win ~1000AD which got me >100,000. So no domination isnt the only way to get a high score. (Yes i know that is BTS specific but you can get high score on warlords as well)
I completed the Earth map as Louis XIV yesterday (marathon speed). I planned to go to war with the other European civs there and so conquered all of Europe (from Scandinavia to Spain, to Egypt, to Russia. After the war my would-be score stood at 95k (about 350 AD). Eventually it became a space race in 1580 AD. Score lowered all the way to 32k.
This is a huge map so continuing grabbing land became very time consuming and I couldn't find the motivation to continue expanding.
Maybe next time. :)
Needless the say, domination on Earth map is quite a challenge. Next game will be pangea standard size, hopefully domination this time. :)
It depends a lot on difficulty.

I'm finally comfortable in consistenly winning an Immortal Earth Diplomatic victory.

Playing as Frederick and getting rid of romans and greeks very early means room for six or seven cities by 1AD. Culture bombing a couple of cities that Cyrus puts out, and actively trading technology for even small amounts of gold means everyone is +4 happy with my trade negotiations, and I usually always keep the research slider at 90% or higher.

Representation from the Pyramids is a must. Building the occasional missionary is very nice, but you can also heavily invest in them which is a *huge* help later on maintaining 100% research if you have an early great prophet build his special building in a religious founded city.

High score: 128,218 Diplo Victory Immortal Earth by 1505AD. Didn't even touch North America, heavily colonized South Africa and one barbarian city in South America
By process of elimination,

Diplomatic Relations = 0% score
Culture = 0% score
Wonders = 10% score
Techs = 20% score
Opponents killed = 0% score

So diplo, cultural, space, and razing-conquest victories are not going to get you very far.

Land = 20% score
Population = 50% score

It's heavily weighted towards domination.
By process of elimination,

Diplomatic Relations = 0% score
Culture = 0% score
Wonders = 10% score
Techs = 20% score
Opponents killed = 0% score

So diplo, cultural, space, and razing-conquest victories are not going to get you very far.

Land = 20% score
Population = 50% score

It's heavily weighted towards domination.

I am surprized finish date is not listed
if you really care, i keep this handly link to the scoring formula because the topic comes up often. that post is really old, before the vanilla 1.61 patch, but i have no reason to think that the theory behind it has changed.

well dang. there used to be links to fancy graphics of the formula in that post. where did they go? waaaaaaah. it's not very helpful now. it shows the weighting for some parts, but the formula for how to mix it all together is gone /sigh.

the adjustors for difficulty are:
Spoiler :
(at least back then) are (or were):

Chieftain : 0.6
Warlord : 0.8
Noble : 1.0
Prince : 1.2
Monarch : 1.4
Emperor : 1.6
Immortal : 1.8
Deity : 2.0
to compare:
It depends a lot on difficulty.

High score: 128,218 Diplo Victory Immortal Earth by 1505AD. Didn't even touch North America, heavily colonized South Africa and one barbarian city in South America

bizarrely enough, my highest score by FAR is on warlord *giggle*. one of my first BtS games, i won a very early AP victory. after the religion spread to the heathen i didn't have OB with, i held the victory vote as soon as it popped up. bingo, i won. my score was around 4 times higher than any i'd previously seen. makes sense, i very rarely go for dom and often play cultural or OCC which by nature is going to get me a low score. i love being last in score and seeing "WFYABTA" simultaneously. i understand why it happens but it makes me giggle anyway. wake up and smell the beakers, i don't know chemistry and you're running around with SAMs :crazyeye:!

when i lose on deity (which i only ever attempt as OCC), i get ranked as Ethelred the Unready, not as Dan Quayle. so apparently i'm a good loser. ps that "i only ever attempt" phrase applies to deity level itself, i don't actually attempt to lose ;).

I am surprized finish date is not listed

date a big fat part of it. DaveMcW was going "by process of elimination" and he was listing things that don't count, not everything that does or how much.
found another one. in this thread from january 2006, apparently
There are four components: population, land, tech, wonders. The contribution to game score is the percent of each that you control times a multiplier: 4000 for population, 2000 for land, 2000 for tech, and 1000 for wonders.

In the final score calculation, each component is divided by an exponential function of the maximum possible. The maximum possible is shown in NDCSPURS's picture: max possible population is 854, max possible land is 1038, etc.

At 2050, the exponent is 1, so when time runs out final score = game score. If you're at turn t and there are T total turns in the game, the exponent is t/T. You would divide your population by the maximum population raised to the t/T power and multiply by 4000 to get the contribution of population to the game score. So in NCDSPURS's picture

population is 331/854, so the contribution of population to the final score is 4000*331/(854^(t/T)). So as t gets closer to T, the divisor gets larger, and the score gets smaller.

(I left out a few details, but that's the gist of it.)

So that's why early finishes score higher. Your score decays exponentially with the turn number.

t does not start at 0 for games other than the ancient era.

so of course ;) DaveMcW was right about what's weighted and what's not considered.
Great stuff Mad Candy, that's exactly what I was looking for, hope to see You soon promoted to forum admin :goodjob:
I previously had been a hard core builder, and I would get scores that would barely touch 10k. After playing a few maps at being a warmonger and going for my first domination win, I picked up 54k on warlord.

The game is HEAVILY weighted for domination. Thanks for going through the formulas! It's very interesting!
forum admin? i'm running for CFC diplo victory according to some folks :crazyeye: *giggle*. i'd never get it, i run up countless "-3 You have gone off-topic in our thread!" modifiers.

oh freaky. i just looked again at the post i originally linked in my post #11 here, and the fancy graphics of the formulas do show up! spiffy!

could be my computer was haunted, but i'll preserve it for posterity just in case.
Spoiler :

i couldn't fit it all on one screen. above this is the text:

initialScore : Seems to be based on the possible score at the end of the first turn with the units/techs supplied. Typically this is as follows for a game starting in the Ancient era:
pop = 1
land = 21
tech = 6
wonders = 0

credit to
this excellent post that went freaky on me earlier, but since he gets the credit i'll link it again :)

the odd thing is that i find this all interesting but i really don't care what the scoring system thinks about my games. i have my own rating system, bonus points for whether i giggled, had to have fun of course, bigtime points for if i did something for the first time, or something i'd never done before, or got izzy to convert away from a religion she founded to my own, that sort of thing *giggle*. but i do like when i lose and i'm not dan quayle, that amuses me.
I 've beat the 100k mark with Space Race 2 or 3 times in BTS. My high score is about 140-150k. It was Marathon speed and the race ended in 1757. I also had a lot of land (45% or sth).
I'm going for my all time high score in my current 17 civ Huge Terra game. I turned off domination, and am taking over Civs one by one. I think I'll win by conquest at some point. It's about 1450 and I've now got 7 vassals, with a score of 75K if I was to win now. I hope to push that up as I take over the other 9 Civs.

I think I need to get better at early war. I've been playing the game for a while when I get a chance and the best I've done is a domination win for 54,000. (Insert laughing) It would be nice to crack 100k. One thing is that the game takes a long time to play since I tend to overanalyse whatever I'm doing and it slows me down to act!
I think I need to get better at early war. I've been playing the game for a while when I get a chance and the best I've done is a domination win for 54,000. (Insert laughing) It would be nice to crack 100k. One thing is that the game takes a long time to play since I tend to overanalyse whatever I'm doing and it slows me down to act!

54K is nothing to sneeze at. I've never got near to 100K. I think my highest ever is about 77K.

score maximises at standard map. Turning domination off will not get your score higher i think given that finish dates is a huge factor in score. My highests is roughly 200K on emperor as romans.
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