The Opium War 1840-1895


Space Time Keeper
Feb 17, 2005
THE OPIUM WAR 1840-1895


The Opium War Movie Directed by: Jin Xie 1997 China
See movie trailor at
notice: just copy this link and open a new page for watching (don't click)

Scenario Creator: Stargate
Map Creator : GeneralMeng map

The History:
The 19th century , China Manchu Qing Empire, tea exports were no longer offset by silver bullion but opium, balance of trade rapidly developed in favour of the English East India Company. China hard-earned silver began to flow out in quantities, causing severe deflation in the economy. The Manchu Qing, who did not want to see the resulting loss of tax revenue,responded by imposing a total ban on the opium trade. This triggered the invasion of British gunship in 1840 againts the Manchu Qing armed force proved to be no match. Then others country follow British to attack the weak and corrupted Manchu Qing Empire.

First Opium War :
British attack china 1840-1842 and take Hong Kong island. China treaty ports open to western power.
Second Opium War :
British and French and attack China 1856-1860 and open more treaty ports in China. Russia attack China and take all the city north of Amur liver above Manchuria and Turkestan 1858-1860.
Taiping Rebellion :
Barbarians attack China and take the city of Nanjing 1851-1864. The rebellion been crushed with the aid of western troops.
Sino-French War :
French attack Annam 1883-1885 and take all of Annam city to became French Indochina.China help but failed.
Sino-Japanese War :
Japan attack Korea 1894-1895 and take all of Korea city to became Japan new state , China Taiwan island and Ryuku island.

The Scenario :
This game is a short and fast loading game.
The game have 7 civs and start where Great power at war with East Asia.

Great Power civs:
British Empire
French Empire
Russia Empire
Japan Empire

East Asia civs:
Manchu Qing Empire ( China )
Korea Kingdom
Annam Kingdom ( Vietnam , Cambodia and Loas )

Taiping Rebellion

The game have 55 turns and count in years start at 1840 till 1895.
Only Imperialism Gov can build Forbidden Palace and its corruption rate is rampant.
British allied with French.
China allied with Korea and Annam.
China have curragh is means fishing boat when British fleet arrive at 1840 because Manchu abandon former Ming dynasty tech.
Siam Kingdom are allied with British. ( not historic )
Portugis is consider allied with British or French if Macao captured. ( not historic )
Spain are not in take part of The Opium War.
Settlers can't be build.
China Riders can't trigger Golden Age.
East Asia civs start at early of middle ages.
Great Power civs start at the end of middle ages.

Best play civ is : China
Recommmended play civs is : British , French , Russia , Japan.
For expert player civs is : Korea , Annam.

Will British , French , Russia and Japan success their conquest on East Asia ?
Or China , Korea and Annam can kick the invader out of thier home land?

NOTE: This scenario is consider alternative game and not historic accurate.

Recommended CPU 1.0 Ghz above and RAM 256Mb above.

How To Install:
1. Choose ( and (TOW v2.0 to download.

2. Choose the 2 huge files (Test IV Time v1.0 , Test IV Time v1.0 ) and (T4T v1.1 Test IV Time to download.

3. Unziped ( to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

4. Unziped the (Test IV Time v1.0 ) and (Test IV Time v1.0 ) huge file to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

5. Unziped (T4T v1.1 to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

6. Unziped (TOW v2.0 to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

1.Scenario creator Stargate
2.Map creator from GeneralMeng map of Russia-Japanese War. Thanks.
3.Thanks to all member and guest who had view , play or give suggestion of my scenario.

TOW1.1 upgrade feature:
Some leaders name have change.
Great power troops have veteran status.
Date problem solve and now it will end at 1895.
Rider cost 50 shield to balance others player.
Rider can't upgrade to cavalry.( balance )
More Russia troops at north west of China.
More mines at great power for fast production.
Fortress north of China ( The Great Wall ) remake.
Man-O-War British Ship no enslave feature and ship reduce.
Also some others technical and bug fix.

TOW2.0 upgrade feature:
Using Test IV Time big files for tech, map, unit, goverment, religion, etc.
French change leader name
Every civ have his own bonus skill
Annam have War Elephant uu
Korea have Hwacha uu
China have Chokonu uu
British have Redcoat uu
Asia Pikeman, Asia Archer, Asia Musketman, Asia Horseman, Asia Swordman added.
Junk added in China, Annam and Korea as fishing boats.
Wonder follow era
Less resouces for china
French island have extra land for conquest from sea
Korea are easy to conquest (flat land)
Each country have it own religion.
Rider can upgrade to cavalry now.
Tech for each civ redifine.
More added units for Europe powers.

TOW1.0-Removed after 130 Downloads
TOW1.1-Removed after 841 Downloads.

The biq file is now at version 2.0 , later version will update soon. ;)

please give me some good suggestion about this scenario , Thanks.

The TOW v2.0 patch (733KB) download here!


China 1840 version 1.1
Daien said:
Sounds interesting! I'll try it!
Please let me know what you think. Thanks. :D

More projects will coming soon if my scenario respond is good.
From what i know, as soon as the barbs capture a city, don't they disappear? i doubt they can even make it to nanjing then in this case...
This is a good scenario - it stole away my evening yesterday! I must say I think this is the only game of Civ I've ever had where it got quicker as time went on. The whole thing is fast-moving and pretty simple to play.

I decided to play China and attempt to repel the imperialist European slime. This proved tricky, because the English and French landed with serious troops and caused a lot of problems from the word go (having first wiped out my small fishing fleet). Meanwhile, the Russians, who seemed to be less of an immediate threat to my core cities but who had perhaps more staying power in their region, took several of my cities to the northeast. There was very little I could do as the imperialists hacked apart my loyal troops; I could only wait until I had raised some more Riders to come to their defence. Meanwhile, Hong Xiuquan and his disciples were proving an annoyance in the centre of my lands, mainly by destroying roads and wrecking the infrastructure I needed to get troops to the areas of need quickly.

Over time, however, the sheer size of China told. For the first part of the game, my Riders were kept very busy dashing about repelling new invasions and trying to mop up remaining resistance from the old. The British and French fleets caused a lot of problems, zipping about and bombarding my troops. Eventually, however, the Europeans' smaller colonies in the area were unable to keep up the momentum, and my increasingly vast armies were able to retake the cities which had been captured. By the end of the game I had managed to wipe out the English and Russians completely - the French survived because they have a city on a single-tile island at the bottom of the map. The Japanese, in all these, had proved a bother, landing the occasional Cavalry regiment or even a Samurai, but they never looked likely to conquer anything of mine. My Korean allies seemed to fight them off well enough, although the Annam succumbed to the French. Lucky I conquered all their lands myself later...

This was certainly an interesting scenario. It's good to have the Rider, as this fast unit is capable of rushing across the whole of China in just a couple of turns, so it makes things easier for the Chinese player. Although it is a bit of a shame that there's not much tech progression. I progressed far enough to get Musket Men and Cannons, but my prime offensive unit never changed (and how annoyed I was to get to Military Tradition but find that I couldn't upgrade all my Riders after all!). I will certainly give this a go as the British and see how it looks from that side.

By the way, the scenario didn't seem to want to stop. I got to 1899 with no sign of an end!
ThomAnder said:
From what i know, as soon as the barbs capture a city, don't they disappear? i doubt they can even make it to nanjing then in this case...
Interesting question, barbarians "Taiping Rebellion" start at south of Nanjing city , they loot every city and improvement in their path.
I tested the game..barbarians likely will invade a city which if no unit in that city to defend it.
The civ3 game of barbarians behaviour is after they invade city and destroy the improvement of the city..they will disappear. Consider they have success in their objective.
Another solution is to make the Taiping Rebellion a 'civilization'( short term ) , then after they invade the Nanjing city, they can't disappear. They also can guard the city to prevend china from taking it back.
I know barbarians is not civilized, consider it a alternative option. May be it will add in next version of my scenario or just leave it like that better. :D
Plotinus said:
This is a good scenario - it stole away my evening yesterday! I must say I think this is the only game of Civ I've ever had where it got quicker as time went on. The whole thing is fast-moving and pretty simple to play...
Thanks for review my scenario , is good you like my scenario very well :) . I likes your game play because i very hope someone who can test my game and give me comments about it :goodjob: . I make it very interesting and fast to play because i found out many people don't like long loading game play. Also nobody ever make this scenario before so i go for a try of making it a success scenario.
This scenario is very important part of world history because:
1. The Opium is very dangerous drugs and can use as indirect bio-weapon to destroy another country wealth.
2. The first mass burning of Opium "drugs" in the world at that time by China.
3. The two great power at that time ( China in the east and British in the west ) met at war in the first time.
4. The sign of The Great Wall are obsolute because the enemies of China mainly attack from the China sea.

I will make another version of my scenario and it fix the problem that you had encounter. Thanks :D
The processor of your computer has to be 1.5 Ghz? :(
I have a processor of 1.15 Ghz! :)
That is not sufficient enough? :(

Waiting for your reply, dear friend Stargate! :mischief:

Greetings, Roland
Dutch Leader1 said:
The processor of your computer has to be 1.5 Ghz? :(
I have a processor of 1.15 Ghz! :)
That is not sufficient enough? :(
My friend Dutch Leader1, if your CPU 1.15Ghz that can play Civ3, sure can play this scenario :) is just suggestion CPU speed i CPU is 1.5Ghz, sorry for error message i put on this site...i will edited my site, thanks.
The Opium War have updated to version 2.0 with conjunction from Test IV Time file and follow alot of civfanatics request in this scenario.
cool, i'll play this one for sure!!!
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