Maybe I'm missing something here, but this all just seems like rich people hiding their money to avoid taxes. To that I say: So what? What, am I supposed to outraged because some of the people involved are government officials?
Let me ask all of you calling for blood over this a question: Even if our illustrious leaders weren't hiding their money and paying all their taxes, would that really improve the lot of the common man? I don't think it would. I think we would all still be taking it up the you-know-where from the wealthy elite.
Again, maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm just not seeing why I'm supposed to be angry about this.
EDIT: Wrymouth is kinda right on this. That map shows that the US isn't implicated in this scandal, yet many nations that absolutely love to accuse the US of being corrupt are marked in red. Seems we now see why those nations don't like the US taking an active role in toppling corrupt regimes.