The Party

I am the Future

Oi Oi Oi !!!
May 13, 2005
Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy
Political Role Play

English Socialism

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

The Goals and Ideas of IngSoc

Ingsoc exsists for the purpose of Expanding the Nation of *Oceania.

*Oceania is the surpreame nation and all other nations deserve to be removed.

The Party is all knowing.

Because the party is all knowing it is trusted with the care of all people.

The worst of all crimes is that of thought.

Thought Crimes

The party holds the right to eliminate the people if they seem to be a threat.

Any one who seems strange is probably commiting thought crime.

If a member thinks someone else of thought crime should tell the thought police imidiatley.

Anyone who turns in a member of the upper party for thought crime will take over their position.

Thought police hold extreme authority and have the right to remove any member of the upper party if necesary.

Big Brother is the only one allowed to overturn a thought Crime.

If a upper party member is removed they are allowed to stay as members of the party.

Ordinary party member can not be acused of thought crime.

Their will be 3 thought police who will be appointed by the Upper Party.

The Party and Foreign Policy

The party considers all other countries to be evil and corrupt.

Since other nations are evil, it is our job to destroy them. Through war if necesasary.

communication with all inferrior nations is unnecesary.

Oceania though the most deserveing nation in the world must have freinds, so for every nation we are at war with we must have one allie.

No city will be raised. The work force produced from that city is necesary.

Party Members

All citizens of *Oceania are broken up into 4 groups.
Outer Party Members
Inner Party Members
Big Brother​

Proles are CivFanatics Members not registered in the Citizens registry. Proles are to be considered dangerous, and though discouaged party members are allowed to comunicate with them

A Oridanry Party Members is any one registered in the citizens registry.

Their are four upper party members. The Upper Party members comunicate between Big Brother and the Other members.

The upper party members agree on a Big Brother between them. Big Brother with the help of the upper party will decide on the affaris of the Party. Big Brother is Big Brother till the end of the demogame.


Leagues are sub groups of the party.

If a Leagues wants to be connected with the pary it's title must be"The Party: -insert-" it also must include the entire section of this post on INGSOC.

Legues should also not be surprised if The Party asks them for favors.

INGSOC and Religion

The Party will have not have free religion.

Since a lack of religion is not an option the party wishes to have compleate controll over are religion in *Oceania and all parts of the world. Therefore Theocracy will be the goal religious civic.

INGSOC and the Economy

The Party wishes to control the entire economy. For the party knows what is best for the people of *Oceania.

Because of it's views on Economy, the party wishes for the goverment to be Beuracracy and State Property.

The Ministries of the Party

Minitrue or the Ministry of Truth controlls the press of the Party. They also are devoted to advanceing NewSpeak.

Minipax or the Ministry of Peace is in charge of the war and the strategies that the Party will support.

Miniluv or the Ministry of Love consists of the thought police. Their goal is to deal with those acused of thought crime.

Miniplenty or the Ministry of Pleanty is in charge of the resources that the party will seak out.

Joining one of the Ministies

All members are asked to join a Ministry.

Once in a ministry it is asked that you put the name of the ministry in your signature.

A list of Ministries that are looking for members is in the next post.

All members of the upper party are required to join a open party. The Upper Party Members are set as the head of the Ministry they are in.
NewSpeak within The Party

NewSpeak is the official language of *Oceania.

NewSpeak is a branch off of English that is constantly eliminateing words.

NewSpeak is unique by being the only language to have a decreasing vocabulary.

Why have the word great when you could have plusgood of ro really good things double plus good. Bad can easily be replaced with ungood. It is things like this that allow Newspeak to remove words daily.

See Wikki

Other Party Goals

The party wishes to be the major political party of the demogame.

The Party primary objective is to create a state within the nation known as Oceania.

THe above goal is only to be persude if Oceania is not the name of our country.

The Party wishes to be the party controlling the majority of people in the goverment.

Roll Playing within the Party

As should be obvious by now this is not just a Roleplaying thread.

The Party tries to be both a fun place for the citizens to roleplay, but it also intends on being a real political force.

If you wish to have a better idea of the Party Read the Book HERE

*Will be changed to the name of our Country

Party News


-Check out our site:

-We are at war with Eurasia. We have allways been at war with Eurasia. We must destroy them.

-The Game has STARTED, Our first city founded.

Ministries (open)

-MiniPax (Nuclear Kid, Illini Rule, Mmmm Butter)
-MiniTrue (I am the Future, RoboPig)
-MiniPlenty (Chopper Head, victor895, Koondrad)
-MiniLuv (Dr. Yoshi, Armed Maniac, -OPEN-)


1984 and Wikki
1984 Summary
The Book
NewSpeak Dictionary

Big Brother
I am the Future​

Inner Party

Mmmm Butter
The Condor​

Thought Police

Dr. Yoshi
Armed Maniac

Active Members
I am the Future
Illini Rule
Armed Maniac
Chopper Head
Mmmm Butter
The Condor
Dr. Yoshi
Nuclear Kid​

The Principles of NewSpeak
The Official Party Language

In NewSpeak, adding words is discouraged, instead we decrease words. Why? Well what's the point of having a word like great when you can have plusgood? or amazing when there is doubleplusgood? what about bad, it can be replaced by minusgood, right? There are many words like this, but NewSpeak replaces them with better words, so that the language is a lean, mean literary machine.

plus= the next level of the word
un= The opposite of the word
double= twice, double plus is twice more
Encouraged Words

*will be completed later
Illini, robo you are both in. Illini I need to know what Ministry you would like to be a part of.

Also I would like to nominate Robo and myself for the upper party.
Not many members but, I would like to start the discussion on how many Upper Level Party Members and Thought police are necesary for the party to work. Elections to be held at a undisclosed date.
Armed_Maniac said:
I'll join for Minluv
MiniLuv is not one of the open parties yet. it consist only of the thought police which have to be picked by the upper party.
I am the Future said:
MiniLuv is not one of the open parties yet. it consist only of the thought police which have to be picked by the upper party.

Ooops, sorry... i was kinda short on time when i read it so I probably missed that... I'm still short on time (launch break), so i'll get back to this later...
RoboPig said:
Future, edit the second post to include ordinary members please.
So Editied, It is not a compleate list however. For that got o the citizen Registry.

In order to encurage new membership, I am bumping this thread to the top of the forum, remember I still need a lot more applications for the uupper party. And this is primarily a role playing thread with political ties.
i second my nomination to upper party! Future, its propoganda time! enlist n00bs at all costs! i will contact you!
ya Ill Join
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