The Philosophers of the Legion Faction


Lord of Utopia
Jan 30, 2007
GC, illinois

(props goto my fiance Jessica for this logo, shes super creative)

The Philosophers of the Legion Faction is based on the right that only the enlightened and truely brave may rule the lands. We seek expansion of our minds and logic, while crushing those of inferior intellect beneath our clubs. Our nations Way is the right Way, and all those across the world will hear, even if we have to use force to make them listen.

Our leaderhead is Alexander, his traits are Philisophical and Aggressive.

Shattered - The Enlightened One
Churchill 25 - Follower of the Way of the Fist
Ballazic - Follower of the Way of the People
Brain X - Philosopher
Bamf226 - Philosopher
Badhron - Philosopher
eddy34567 - Philosopher
The Blastoid - Follower of the Way of the Horizon Seeker
Rad_The_merchant - Philosopher
Squarg - Philosopher
Rex - Follower of the Way of Pure Order
Chazfox - Philosopher
lostcause - Philosopher
Jack D'eagle - Philosopher
genSpook - Philosopher
xlh971 - Philosopher
Seymoo - Philosopher
Joncnunn - Philosopher
Yakami - Philosopher
w00ter - Philosopher

The Enlightened One rules with the wisdom of countless ages. It is with this wisdom that he/she shall lead us into the legends of history.

The Enlightened One is elected from the current philosophers in the faction. An election within the faction will commence to decide who shall be the Enlightened One. Anyone within the faction may nominate themselves or others for election.

Faction Positions
The Enlightened One has control of both faction policy and direction, as well as all Great People.
The Enlightened One appoints his trust, and major duties to the Followers of the Way.The Followers will be chosen strictly by the Enlightened One. There are four Ways to which the followers will be selected for. They go as follows.

Way of the People: The Follower taking this path has control over the capital city and the surrounding lands. That follower seeks what to have the city produce, as well allocating citizens to work the land of our cities. He shall also be in charge of dealing directly with the citizens by announcing faction decisions. [EDIT] Another sphere of control of this way is being our faction emmisary. Should we be elected, this Way shall deal with diplomacy between our faction and the others.

Way of the Fist: The follower taking this path has dominance over all our military might. He has the right to train our soldiers in whatever method need be, whether its to better navigate the hills, or better fight archers, amoung others. It is through this followers adherence to the Way that we will make our enemies armies tremble in fear.

Way of Pure Order: The follower taking this path shall have dominance over the law and order of our great nation. It shall be this followers privelege to write up our nations laws and to be the final word in the judicial realm. He shall run the Public Forum, where all breakers of the law shall find themselves.

Way of the Horizen Seeker: The follower of this path shall be in control of our exploratory forces. His mandate is to expand our knowledge of the percieved end of the world, and what lies beyond it.(With this said, any warrior or military unit chosen by the Way of the Fist follower to explore, is passed to the Horizen Seekers control) This follower is also given the right to negotiate and deal with foreign entities, effectively becoming a foreign diplomat.

The followers can be replaced at any time by the Enlightened One.
In event of the death of The Enlightened One, one of the Followers will be chosen by faction election to be the new leader.

All are welcome in the Philosophers of the Legion. Once joined, said patrons shall be known herewith as philosphers. They shall have the privelege of joining the Followers and The Enlightened One in discussion and alteration, of our faction. All ideas made by philosophers shall be taken more seriously amoung our numbers than those by a non faction member. The Followers have the right to appoint Apprentices. These Apprentices represent the philosophers amoung us who help enlighten and guide the Way the Follower has taken. Their job is to help their supporting Follower in any ways they need help. Apprentices will most likely be appointed to Follower status over philosophers.

Faction Vision
We exist, and we realize it. There is much to know about this world, but so much is still left unseen. We must explore far and wide, both in the world and our minds, so we can achieve a higher meaning the other tribes can only clamour for. It is our understanding of existance that gives us the Right of supremacy. It is by our nations thinkers and lovers, that we shall seize the passion of victory, and spread our influence wide. We can not idle by and watch as the rest of the world grows old on its own ignorance. We must stand up for justice and logic, and crush those who seek to defy our nations glory. For truely, to have understanding, but not the will to spread it, is the greatest crime imaginable.

This is all still a rough outline. Please feel free to critique as you see fit. Also note that this is not set in stone, and if anyone ends up joining, we can discuss all grievences you might have.


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haha, looks like I'm going to be running an individual faction :lol:
^bumpity bump bump^
i think i might join this faction
Bamf226, you are in. :) Please ask me any questions you feel need answered.

Now, we have a few people involved now with the faction, so I have some questions for you guys. Are there any changes you would like to make? Such as the leaderhead, the faction style, etc. I created this faction for the people, not for myself, so I wont block any good ideas my fellow Philosophers might have that would improve the faction.
I would like to see maybe a way that is specific to espionage and foreign policy. A. Understanding the world a guess that ties with the exploratory way, but also in developing international relations, espionage, alliance, etc etc. B. Understanding, getting info, networking with other factions.
The Horizen Walker is the Way that controls foriegn policy. As for espianoge, a good suggestion, but what Way should control it? In response to your other sentence:
A. you hit this on the nail my friend, to understand the world means to accept it as is and to deal with all in it in the manners we see fit
B. YES! you understand it well. The key to success is being informed, and listening to not just our faction, but to all the words of the public and other faction members. Coaltions will not be uncommon I would think, as two factions are more powerful than one.
Ok I understand better, Should espionage fall under the way of the horizon seeker. Because eventually we will discover the whole world. Perhap that way should change its role more to focus on discovery of whats going on in other countrys.

Perhaps the way of the people could take on the challenge of taking to other factions forming collitions.

Also are we subscribing ourselves to certain ways. Or is this a way to describe the differnt functions we want to give our faction?
When I envisioned this faction, I particularly had in mind an age evolution. This means the faction shall change and be altered according to the time period we are in. The Way could change completely if need be.

Coalitions I believe should be controlled by either the leader, or the faction as a whole. This is up to the faction of course.

I use the system of the Ways because it allows each member of a way to write up what they want to do in the game, instead of the leader having complete control.

I plan on holding inner elections for the Enlightened One soon.
So I must ask, what do my fellow Philosophers want from the faction? Positions you might want and other ideas are good examples
Congratulations, your faction has been invited to the Prime Election Debate. The Prime Election Debate is now being hosted by the Poverty's Pub Guild. It is a place for the running factions to further voice their beliefs as well as citizens to get answers.

Please read the rules in the first post before participating.

I would like to join this faction
looks like were growing
Yes, we grow bigger everyday! Soon, we shall use our wisdom to rise to power, and the world will be a brighter place with our guidance.

Now, people are talking about getting the game started, so its about time we organize. :)
Some things that need done:
1. Elect a leader
2. Choose a Way to follow
3. Buy some doughnuts
4. Discuss civ platform

Now, I dont want to rush anybody, but it seems like people are wanting to get the ball rolling, so we need to keep pace.
I would like to nominate Shattered as our enlightened one. He has shown leadership to get us to were we are and I belief in order to continue with that momentum that he has started we need him to be our leader.
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