Poverty's Pub Guild
We are a guild of reason and moral judgment. We're just a bunch of average Joe's looking out for the neighborhood, rather then a few elitist who are looking to hold the high power. We are by no means a political faction, nor will force anyone to vote a certain way, but at times we do throw our general support to a political leader or faction. At the moment our political agenda is not clear, but it will reflect all of which you will further read.
To visit the actual pub please go here. This thread is for guild discussion only.
To better our society and create a tight-knit neighborhood.
To increase any social events and role play.
To ensure that government officials do not become corrupt or bear a one track mind.
To ensure that all decisions are made with reason and intellect.
However, most importantly, To Establish a place for social gathering.
Gaining Membership
Membership is open to all, however can be subject to the other members discretion. Since all decisions made by the guild are democratic in nature, there is no one leader or higher power. Once you join the guild, you have just as much a say as everyone else. Guild members may also choose to be hidden (their involvement will be kept hidden to the public) at their request. To gain membership simply post in this forum.
Once membership is gained guild members have an equal say as everyone else. There are know real requirements to maintain membership, however from time to time guild members will be called upon by others to do certain tasks, and where these tasks are not required, they do prove your allegiance to the guild. Remember we run based on a certain trust and friendship, and this comes before anything. A guild member can only be kicked out of the guild for breaking any of the tenets, or by an 80% majority vote, at which point his membership is suspended, but never fully revoked. Reinstatement of membership can occur by a 67% vote after one full week of suspension. (Reinstatement votes can be carried out once a week there after.)
1) No guild member may do anything to damage another guild member in any way.
2) No guild member may bring shame to the guild's name.
3) Although the guild member must value the importance of our nation, he must put his guild first, however must have the courage to speak up when he truly believes the guild is wrong.
4) No guild member may do anything to damage the reputation or well being of the guild.