The Reagans (the pulled movie)


Don't even get me started on those...

I'm glad they pulled this movie, they should do it more often.
Woodrow Wilson(progressive President) was a racist. Just read some of his comments.
Originally posted by cgannon64
Its probably a hell of a lot more accurate then the two made-for-TV movies that weren't pulled, Saving Jessica Lynch and The Elizabeth Smart Story.


Don't forget that one about Bush's response to 9/11. It was a real hoot, I understand.

But there would be nothing quite like sitting down to a movie about Reagan wth a nice big jar full of jelly beans.
Originally posted by Free Enterprise
Woodrow Wilson(progressive President) was a racist. Just read some of his comments.

First is was ok for Bush to do things because Clinton did them. Now its ok for Reagan do to things because Wilson did them? Seems backwards to me. Comparing one's self to the "big evil". Also, the 1960s is quite a different time period then the 1910s.
Rep. John Dingle on the issue:

"As someone who served with President Reagan, and in the interest of historical accuracy, please allow me to share with you some of my recollections of the Reagan years that I hope will make it into the final cut of the mini-series: $640 Pentagon toilets seats; ketchup as a vegetable; union busting; firing striking air traffic controllers; Iran-Contra; selling arms to terrorist nations; trading arms for hostages; retreating from terrorists in Beirut; lying to Congress; financing an illegal war in Nicaragua; visiting Bitburg cemetery; a cozy relationship with Saddam Hussein; shredding documents; Ed Meese; Fawn Hall; Oliver North; James Watt; apartheid apologia; the savings and loan scandal; voodoo economics; record budget deficits; double digit unemployment; farm bankruptcies; trade deficits; astrologers in the White House; Star Wars; and influence peddling."
Rep. Dingell concluded, "I hope you find these facts useful in accurately depicting President Reagan’s time in office."
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