The Rebirth of the Vampire Race (Fall from Heaven II: Shadow)


Jan 26, 2006
This is my second game story. My first one was written under a time constraint so I didn't put in as much work into it as I wanted. Hopefully this one will turn out better.

Map: Big and Small
Size: Standard
Climate: Temperate
Sealevel: Medium
Era: Ancient
Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Immortal

All other settings normal.
All victories enabled.

I will be playing the Evil Calabim under Alexis. There will be 5 other civs:
  • Capria (Bannor)
  • Varn Gosam (Malakim)
  • Ethne the White (Elohim)
  • Garrym Gyr (Luchuirp)
  • Arendel Phaedra (Ljosalfar)
Yup all Good civs.


I shall be the shadowy beacon of darkness in the land of light!​

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: Expansion
Chapter 3: Spiritual Awakening
Chapter 4: Message from the Deep
Chapter 5: Liberation of the Calabim
Well this aught to be interesting. Will keep an eye on this one, loved your Grigori storyline!

The Rebirth of the Vampire Race

[size=+1]by Nathal Lanstrom, Ljosalfar historian[/size]

[tab]It is said that Good cannot exist without Evil. Indeed, perhaps it was the will of the gods that Vampires did not die out during the Age of Ice. The end of the Age of Ice and the beginning of Rebirth brought about the wane of Erebus' most prominent Evil races. The savage Doviello did not survive the thawing of the tundras and the coming of spring signaled the end Svartalfar rule. But not so with the Vampires.

As there were no records of Vampires during the Age of Ice, it was believed that they had all died out from lack of sustenance. Information gleaned from Calabim refugees were the first clue that Vampires did indeed survive. However, during the Age of Ice such information was impossible to corroborate and was therefore largely ignored.

Ancient scrolls from the Age of Magic suggest that Vampires led a mostly parasitic way of life. They were usually solitary, occasionally gathering in small groups, and very rarely organized. This was no doubt a matter of survival, as most races during that age had the means to hunt down and combat Vampires who dared reveal themselves.

When word of Vampires began to spread during the Age of Rebirth, it was initially believed that they were living among the Calabim as parasites, as it was in the Age of Magic. No one could have imagined the truth.

First Contact

Year 0-25


[tab]Though there are no official records from the early years of the Age of Rebirth, archeological evidence suggests that the Calabim were a nomadic tribe during the initial years after the thaw. The earliest known record of the Calabim city of Prespur dates back to Year 3 of Rebirth. As such, most historians agree that Prespur must have been founded during that time.


Prespur was founded in a mountainous region near a river source. The area surrounding Prespur did not contain many commercially viable resources, but food was abundant and the terrain easily defensible. The Calabim economy in that period was based almost exlusively on Agriculture.

It was in Year 11 that our Queen Arendel Phaedra made direct contact with Alexis, Queen of the Calabim. During that era, the Calabim appeared as nothing more than another tribe of humans thriving with the retreat of the ice. Though Alexis' dark inclinations were apparent even then, Queen Arendel had yet to uncover her true nature.


Although the ice had thawed the land remained very hostile and numerous creatures still roamed the wilds. Consequently many Calabim, as well as Ljosalfar, died exploring and mapping the surrounding terrain. Hill Giants were particularly feared during that time, though they fortunately stayed away from settlements.


Spoiler Turn details :

Year 0 - The Nomadic Years

Hmmmm not the best starting spot. No commerce tiles.


Year 3 - The Founding of Prespur

Much better spot, on top of a plains/hill.


Since terrain resources that provide commerce is scarce, I'm gonna depend on Markets to drive my initial economy. Normally with the Philosophical trait I'd go for Elder Councils first, but the Calabim don't have access to those. I'm guessing nobody in Calabim society lives long enough to be an Elder :p


I'm gonna time the training of a Worker with the research of Agriculture.

Year 11 - Meeting the Ljosalfar


Year 19


Hill Giant sighted!

Year 25


Worker comes out next turn.
Coolio! Another EverNoob story! Will be following..


Year 26-72

[tab]The century that followed the founding of Prespur was a time of expansion for the Calabim, similarly for all civilizations. As Calabim Scouts began to explore the land, they encountered the Elohim in Year 44. Led by Ethne the White, the gentle Elohim reached out in peace to the Calabim. It is unknown if the Calabim were motived by genuine friendship, or they simply wanted access to Elohim lands, but in Year 72 an Open Borders treaty was signed between the two nations. On the other hand, diplomatic relations between the Calabim and the Ljosalfar were gradually deteriorating.


It has often been speculated as to whether Ethne was aware of Alexis' true nature in those times. Some scholars argue that the Elohim knew but preferred to remain on good terms with Alexis, while others argue that had the Elohim known, they surely would kept the Calabim out of their borders. After careful review of the evidence, I have concluded that the Elohim were indeed unaware of Alexis' Vampire heritage, like the Ljosalfar back then.

In Year 67 the city of Nubia was founded downstream of the river north of Prespur. Situated in the middle of flood plains, Nubia's economy was also largely based on farming and Agriculture.


The great thaw brought with it an unprecedented surge of wildlife on Erebus. While this meant that food was very abundant for everyone, it also meant that wild animals were rampant in the countryside. Scouts and hunters were often attacked by wild beasts during their outings. Wolves were easily dealt with, but Bears were a completely different story. Bears were a significant problem for the Calabim, due to a number of Bear Dens situated near Prespur.



Spoiler Turn details :

Year 26 - Worker is done and is ordered to build farms.

Year 27 - Scouts ran into some wolves but managed to survive.

Year 29


Switched to Agriculture civic to maximize farm food output.

Year 31


Diplomacy is definitely not Alexis' strong point.

Year 36 - Our Scouts died in an encounter with Bears

Year 41


Farm construction is complete.


Reagents have been spotted north of Prespur.

Year 43


Workers have begun contruction of a road leading to the new city site.

Year 44 - Meeting the Elohim


Year 46 - Construction of a Settler has started.

Year 50


Researching Festivals next.

Yeat 60


An active Bear Den has been spotted just southeast of Prespur.

Year 67 - The Founding of Nubia


The city of Nubia is founded, north of Prespur.

Year 72



Can't wait to map out Elohim territory



Going to head for Mysticism for the God King civic and to open up religion.


Going to build a city near Cotton for the happiness.

Thanks for the encouragement ppl :)

Calabim + CoE = Fun!!!

CoE is always fun, though I'm kinda hitting the happiness limit pretty fast in this game. Not sure I can wait until CoE. I'm thinking more OO right now, I'm next to the ocean, and surrounded by desert. I really could use the water mana from the OO shrine to turn those deserts to plains.
What're your short term goals for now? Just expand and defend against the orc WAAAAAGH!s come your way? And any particular tech you're shooting for?

Pretty good write up so far. Keep it up!

Spiritual Awakening

Year 73-107


[IMG=right][/IMG][tab]This three decade period was marked by spiritual awakaning on Erebus. In Year 83 Queen Arendel followed the Way of the Forest and founded the Fellowship of Leaves, leading the Ljosalfar into a new era of spiritual enlightenment. At this point Alexis clearly recognized the power of religion, however she wished to twist it to her own ends. Perversely mirroring the spiritual awakening of the Ljosalfar, Alexis declared herself God Queen of the Calabim and that her subjects would henceforth worship her. By Year 105 Alexis' previously Despostic rule through sheer force had been replaced by a dictarship based on her 'divine right' over the Calabim.




Economic progress was also significant during this era. The Calabim constructed Markets in their cities in order to stimulate their growing economy as well as developped a Cotton trade. The latter was a particularly contentious issue for the Ljosalfar. In order to claim the Cotton fields, the Calabim constructed the setlement of Acaia in Year 92, by the Ljosalfar border southwest of Prespur. However the Ljosalfar has already laid claim to the Cotton fields despite having no inhabitants in the area. This sparked a heated border dispute and another conflict within an already strained relation between the Ljosalfar and the Calabim.

The diplomatic landscape was rendered even more complex in Year 93 with the encounter with the Bannor, led by Capria. Sensing Alexis' Evil character, Capria remained distand and cold toward the Calabim.


Spoiler Turn details :

Year 76


We've located Ljosalfar territory.

Year 83



Arendel has founded the Fellowship of Leaves.

Year 87


Now I'm definitely bulbing for OO.

Finished building Market in Nubia.

Year 91 - Barbarian Raids Begin


Barbarians are getting bold.

Year 92 - The Founding of Acaia


Acaia has been founded right next to the Cotton field. A Worker is on its way to build a Plantation.

Year 93 - Meeting Capria


Year 96 - Fended off Barbarian attack.

Year 101 - Finished training Worker.

Year 105 - God Queen Alexis



Going to research Fishing next to open up Message from the Deep for Octopus Overlords.


Switching to God King civic.

I'm also assigning a Bard specialist in Prespur. A Great Bard comes out in 17 turns (well 18 turns with anarchy from God King switch).

Year 107


Cotton Plantation is completed

Message from the Deep

Year 108-127

[tab]The exact circumstances surrounding the origins of the Octopus Overlords cult is shrouded by myths and legends. However it has been verified that in Year 123 the Great Bard Furia became the first high priest of the Octopus Overlords. According to Cultist legend, Furia heard the Message from the Deep in his dreams. There has been speculation as to whether Furia was a human or a vampire bard. Following the adoption of the Overlords cult by Alexis, it would be reasonable to deduce that Furia was indeed a vampire. It could scarcely be imagined that Alexis, Queen of all Vampires, would adopt a cult originated by human 'cattle'.



On the other hand, the rest of Erebus was unified under elven religion of the Fellowship. Though not the mightiest of nations, the Ljosalfar were looked upon as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment by all other nations of Erebus. This spiritual difference between the Calabim and the rest of Erebus no doubt sowed the seeds for future conflicts.

Spoiler Turn details :

Year 108 - Fended off Barbarian attack.

Year 114


Gonna capture Kalocly when it reaches 2 population

Year 117 - The Founding of Morr'ta'nar


Claimed the Reagents, north of Nubia.

Year 118


That's weird, it's too early to cast that world spell...

Year 119


Researching Animal Husbandry for the Pastures for Cows.


Year 120


Everyone is converting to Fellowship of Leaves.


Just making sure I'm not gonna lose to a religious victory. Wouldn't want to cut it too close like last game :lol:

Year 123 - Message from the Deep


Furia the Great Bard hears the Message from the Deep in his dreams.



Year 127

Diplomacy and score update



Mind Stapling? Ewwww

Good story so far, again. I love your writing style.

Liberation of the Calabim

Year 128-150

[tab]The last two decades of Alexis' rule was a time of great turmoil for the Calabim. Already disgusted with Alexis' divine dictatorship over the Calabim, our enlightened Queen Arendel became incensed once she learned that the Calabim were in fact ruled by Vampires. Horrific tales of humans treated as little more than cattle for sustenance began to spread. Queen Arendel quickly began to gather all of Erebus under the banner of the Fellowship of Leaves with the intent of liberating the Calabim people from the Vampires.


When she learned of Queen Arendel's plans, Alexis' reaction was unexpected. Though the Vampires faced overwhelming odds, Alexis chose to lash out in rage at the Ljosalfar instead of fleeing. In Year 147 Alexis gathered a small force of Drowns and destroyed the Ljosalfar settlement of Eodd, killing all of the inhabitants.



The Drown are undead creatures created through unholy rituals of the Octopus Overlords cultists. According to rumors of the time, they were created by the drowning of live Calabim in the Temples of the Overlords. All nations of Erebus were shocked to learn of the existence of such unholy creatures, though fortunately this would be the last time that such creatures would ever be used.

The massacre at Eodd was a futile act of rage on Alexis' part, as it did little to stop the Fellowship from removing her from power. As worshippers of the Fellowship overran the Calabim borders, the Calabim people regained their hope that was lost so long ago and rose up against their Vampire masters.


Alexis and her Vampires were never seen again on Erebus. Though whether it is because they were all slain in the unheaval or hiding away somewhere we do not know...

The End

Spoiler Turn details :

Year 129

Signed an Open Borders agreement with Capria. We need all the friends we can get.

Year 135 - We've captured the barbarian city of Kalocly east of Prespur

Year 140 - We have our first Drown by upgrading from a Bloodpet

Year 146 - Dominance of the Fellowship




Revenge of the Fellowship :(

Year 147



Gathering what forces I can: 3 Drowns and 1 Bloodpet. I'm not gonna reach the Fellowship Holy city on time...

Year 148



Attack on the Ljosalfar city of Eodd




We raze the city, in the hopes of decreasing the number of Fellowship worshippers.

Year 149


Year 150


A religious defeat at turn 150 :eek:

Boy was that premature :crazyeye: Peacefully defeated at turn 150! I didn't expect a religious victory to be a threat for another 100 turns or so. I though the Luchuirp would go RoK and Bannor would go Order, which would have delayed it. Though now I see that everyone started on the same continent, so that's why Arendel was able to spread it to everyone. This is what I get for picking all Good civs. A quick and painless defeat.

Thanks for reading my short-story!
Well ,this was short.... :(

Maybe if you tried to finish Grigori one.... ( I would love to see how would Cassiel rationalize his own existance as the sole divine creature in the world after he slained the Mercurians and finded a way to liberate himself of his increasingly heavy burden of having a demon vassal just to slain him... ;) )
ouch! Better luck next time, I guess. Try playing as a good Civ- it may well prevent a defeat like this :lol: .

Also, is there (other than AoI) FFH for BTS? I looked at the download links and I'm not sure.
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