The Reign in Spain: Inquisition, Exploration, and Enlightenment

It doesn't matter to me what start is chosen. Can anyone recommend some literature for me to peruse that would enlighten me as to some of the historical elements of this struggle? Thanks!
Welcome happyturtle - let's get this baby going! :w00t:

Amended the front page, and highlighted changes in dark red (I'll paint them black later). We're going with start 'C' (even though I still liked 'B' that is now in the dustbin of history).

Roster order determined. Norvin_Green for the first 40 turns.

Can anyone recommend some literature for me to peruse that would enlighten me as to some of the historical elements of this struggle? Thanks!

I must confess that I got most of my inspiration from here.
SIP looks good here, can't imagine wanting to move away from the cows. Good amount of riverside and it looks like 3 FP in the fog?

Spain starts with fishing/mysticism iirc, so ag-> AH seems logical here, then maybe early TW/pottery depending on whether we find horses or not to deal with barbs.

Getting an early religion is usually pretty hard in my experience, but going for the Oracle for something like CoL/Monarchy might not be bad to help get some prophet pts going. Also having no scientist specialists allowed it'd be nice to get a tech with some trading value early.

I remember reading something about SH monuments not doubling in culture eventually, so manually building them in your culture cities ends up being preferred.

I don't go for culture very often, so if any of my thoughts are way off feel free to say so :crazyeye:
In place is good, though I could be convinced of the nice plains hill 2N1W which seems to have access to fresh water. It maintains cow+wheat and some of the floodplains, but may get more hills and thus production at the loss of the spices. Also 1NW might be an option. Although we may as well trust the map generator...

In any case, we seem to need agri, AH, mining first, then BW. Although we are Spain on a lake, in case we want to shoot for an early religion... But it's risky on emperor and of course there's only one religion we're really interested in.
I wouldn't go for an early religion, despite being Spain on a Lake. If we had seafood, then yes, but now, I'd rather have some worker techs first, so I agree with Nocho's techpath. Let's hope we have easy access to either horses or copper.

Settling: I'm not too sure the PH has fresh water. If it has, then it is certainly an option (though please move the settler through the Wheat and not through the hut to check it out).
Warrior should go 1S to see if we'd be missing out on something though.
Spoiler :

If we don't want to SIP I will move the settler to the PH (does have fresh water) and the warrior S (He would see more tiles that way, no?)
Maybe on 2nd thought better SIP. We know too little about the area north of that plains hill, for all we know it could be full of desert and peaks (and a lake it seems)... We can't move the warrior either to check that out. Losing 2 turns settling in that case would be a waste. At least in place we get guaranteed more grass, probably more FPs and at least 2 of the 3 tiles south of the spices in the BFC are riverside.
Move warrior first, then post back if he reveals anything worth mentioning.

Pros SIP: No settle delay, assured floodplains
Cons SIP: fewer assured hills

Pros PH: PH (duh), more hills, river presumably
Cons PH: one turn delay, less assured floodplains.

Personally I think I'd go for the PH if the warrior doesn't reveal anything, as I prefer rivers to lakes.

Edit: Crosspost with nocho;
Yeah good point, also, the river is not as important here as it is in OCC (levee doesn't mean that much). Still not a lot production to go around, though the Cap should be able to whip/build workers/settlers relatively easy.
Moving to the PH seems too risky to me. We're near flood plains so we could end up with a bunch of extra desert while giving up a great bureaucracy capital for a short term gain.
As all desert with a river running through it has to be a flood plain, we get 2 flood plains by moving to the Plains hill. We put the Wheat (Agriculture) and the Cow's (Animal Husbandry) in the BFC of the city. 3 hills to work, plus 2:hammers: from the city square. At a guess, we may pick up a 3rd resource in the 2nd ring, but not a 4th I'd say for sure.

I'm for Option B... Oh wait, that was discarded, move to the Plains hill, Levies are always good for the extra :hammers:, with a starting Plains hill on river that a base 3:hammers: city square.

Irrigated Wheat from get go, 2 spices in 3rd ring for trading Post Calender.
[Crosspost with Norvin] I agree with the suggestion of moving the Warrior and review. [/Crosspost]

I'm also happy to move to Plains Hill - if it look bad, move back. We're playing on Epic, so I don't think it'll be all over if we have to wait until our third turn to settle Madrid

I'm for Option B... Oh wait, that was discarded

Me too, but everyone seemed to want to make the game more difficult by selecting what looks like an 'average' start rather than going with a good one, and constricting our capabilities by forcing an unhelpful civic on us and further denying us access to another religion. So be it then.
Warrior > hill reveals blah

Spoiler :

It seems like the PH is wet due to a lake not a river. Will wait for some input and then post a plan later today and hope to get the set in tonight.

Cam_H - did you ever try the BAT mod? It has BUG and BULL but ethically flavored units and stuff like that. It would have been cool given the variant. Thanks for the Mel Brook's clip too!
I have no preference either way. I nearly always settle in place, but at epic speed, I don't think it matters much.
Sorry for the delay. I was unable to get on the internet this afternoon (weird weather in NJ today)to post a plan. So here goes, Ag-AH, settler N-NW to PH, settle there if on a river or see some more hills or goodies, worker>warrior>warrior. Initial scouting warrior to continue SE then SE before heading NE (unless drawn further south).
More than likely I won't be able to play a turnset for 2 days (Tuesday evening) unless I play tonight and without advice on where to settle. I will check back in later to see if everyone is ok with moving the settler. If so will post a pic with what it reveals.
A thought occurred to me earlier that in order to found Christianity that we more than likely need to build either SH or the Oracle (to generate GP points), correct? I realize we could beeline Theocracy but I'm assuming that isn't preferable.
I'm happy to trust you on the decision on what to do with Madrid. As per above, I'd move the Settler and get a better look, but unless it's great terrain, I'd be OK to live with the loss of the first couple of turns and move back to settle on the original tile provided we're not going to race Charlemagne and Saladin for the first religions.

(Again, provided we're not chasing Buddhism or Hinduism) I would think that we'd like to get our Worker technologies and Bronze Working out of the way before bee-lines, but slinging Theology with The Oracle shouldn't be an impossibility.
My preference would be the Oracle if we had to choose just one, but if the situation allows for early SH via chopping that works too.

Bulbing theology is probably the way to go, which is pretty easy to do considering it's the highest bulb priority after the early 4 religious techs (mono/PH/Poly/Medi).

We'll probably end up with a few great prophets before lib anyway, we'll have to decide what to do with them. They can be used to bulb philo/paper/edu/lib, but only after quite a few other techs so that's probably not an option.

I'm personally for settling in place but if more people want to move I don't think losing a turn or 2 will hurt.
Moved the settler and this is what we can see:

Spoiler :

As long as we're moving I'd go 1N and settle the PH and farm the FP's and this capital will be production central.
Yep - I'm happy enough with that. Lack of commerce is a bit of a worry, but we'll do a food count for cottages when we see what's in the north fog. Also leaves that area east of the Spices available for cottaging along the rivers provided it's fairly green ... or were we thinking of moving the capital in time and keeping Madrid as "production central"?
[Crosspost with Norvin]Me too, but everyone seemed to want to make the game more difficult by selecting what looks like an 'average' start rather than going with a good one, and constricting our capabilities by forcing an unhelpful civic on us and further denying us access to another religion. So be it then.

If we're not going to make our games atrociously difficult, why bother? :p Besides, it'll probably give you guys more to argue about.

Though, if you want, you can go ahead and post start B somewhere so I can play with it and tell you guys all about what you missed out on. :mischief:
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