T420 - swap civics to Caste/Pacifism, go through trade deals to hoover up any excess gold our fellow civs are producing, go through culture cities.
Culture cities first:
- Barcelona - why is it building a hospital with +6
It only has one turn left though, so I'll swap it to culture next.
- Madrid - only 15 pop. Needs growth. I cash rush a grocer, so I can cash rush a supermarket next turn for the +1
Once that's done, will go back to culture
- Rotterdam - cash rush a supermarket ahead of the Taoist Pagoda
Next step is to go over the

- Nijmegan, Vienna, Maastrict, and a few others get all their specialists converted to citizens to avoid popping anything other than a GA.
- Amsterdam was going to pop a GA in 10 turns. I hire enough artists so that the city barely has enough food to get buy and get it to 6.
Disbanded a lot of units, choosing those who were both obsolete and inexperienced. I take Maastrict off of producing military units in favor of health buildings and wealth. This may have been a mistake. Made a missionary to convert Aiguestortes.
T421 - still not enough

to buy a National Park, so I bump our culture down to 60% and sell some old techs around to get more. Send our workers North to build more forest preserves in Aiguestortes.
T422 - Buy a national park and a few more health buildings.
T425 - GA born in Amsterdam, and sent to Madrid.
T426 - Finished buying everything left to build. All cities are healthy except the one that was just poisoned. Back to 100%

, with +426

per turn. Culture bomb Madrid with our new Great Artist.
T428 - Gah! Another poisoning! I find an idle spy and send her to Jaoa for counter espionage.
T429 - GA born. Culture bomb Rotterdam. Discover we have been putting 0 espionage against Jaoa, and don't even have enough Espionage points to counterespionage
T430 - Counterespionage Jaoa. I'm pretty sure it's him since the cities hit are all more convenient to him than anyone else. I've put in a reminder for another counteresp 10 turns from now. Switched out to Environmentalism for the health, and surprised to see it only dropped our surplus by 2 gpt

Maybe the forest preserve bonus made up for the loss of trade routes?
Tech trade with Jaoa for flight and start building fighters to guard our culture cities.
T431 - a factory in Rotterdam is destroyed by spies.

I sell Divine Right to everyone to help in rushing jails in our culture cities.
I let a few cities start working some specialists again as they are too far out of the

race to matter.
T434 - Elizabeth and Louis make peace. I swing back to military on some of our cities. Louis is no worry as he has to fight through Portugal to reach us, and Elizabeth is far more likely to try and take back her lost cities than hit us, but the power imbalance is high. I move our stack to her border, within sight of London, upgrading as many of the units as I can afford, in hopes that would make her think twice. Also put a sentry upgraded knight in her borders to keep an eye on her. I now regret letting the military building lapse, but I was focusing on health and popping artists.
End of turnset:
I put us back to 70% culture to keep some gold coming in. Even so, victory is close.
I think we'll get 2-3 more GA's before the end as well.