Turn 0
This start may be very deceiving to some amateurs. While the food at the start looks, great, this is NOT what we want with Imp/Ind leaders. This is actually a disaster for 2 reasons.
#1 We only have 2 hills here in our BFC. This totally cripples our industrial trait.
#2 Our Imp bonus only helps settlers with HAMMER bonus, NOT food bonus.
So again, this is the worst sort of start for our traits. And just to rub more sault into the wounds, those 2 hills are not even plains-hills. Good grief.
Time for HoF players to hit the re-roll button. But I believe in starting with what you get, so even though we wont like it, we are going to stick through this. A win here will be much more satisfying wont it?
Turns 0-10
Nothing much to say, I started on a workboat first, despite not being financial, and despite everyone else would be going after a worker for the corn tiles. Im also going to get a lot of flack by the monarch players for postponing the irrigated corn for quite a while.. But this is my game
Here is the start of turn #11, about to pop this hut. Though I was tempted to wait another 6 turns.
Turns 10-20
Alright, now some people will really think Im on crack for getting 2 workboats out now, despite the high IRRIGATED corn tiles. But its my decision.
My barb, survived the animals, and has scouted the north, I see some edges of other landmasses that should be interesting to check out (to say the least).
Turns 20-30
Alright, turn #30 and we havent even completed the basic lighthouse before the Great Lighthouse yet. And at only 18 turns left before we can start!
Well, what can I say, the spot is just not a production monster. However, I do have a lot of tricks up my sleeve, just wait. One worker is already out the door, and I was on my way to move my warrior back into the capital for happy control. Im going to do some master whips, we already have slavery swapped to. So initial looks again can be very, deceiving.
Turns 30-40
We met Wang Kon. Or he met us to be more accurate.
Deal faithfully with Korea and we will deal faithfully with you. Betray us and your life will be both short and full of excitement
Oh really? Well then! We best be not betraying him. Especially since I made that promise I wouldnt crank out Pratts and DoW on anyone. I got enough disadvantages so far I dont need any more
By the way, some bad news. Island/Cont spot next to my capital, seems to already have a barb city planted down. So sick, I cant even now drop a simple worker there in the HOPES of trying to mine that hill that my capital could use to get its production-deficit tiles from terrible to just poor status. This start is being fairly cruel to us, and we didnt even get many forests to begin with either.
Note: And as can be seen we STILL havent even started researching Agriculture yet.
Turns 40-50
Ran a few whip exploit tricks, etc. I even started researching agriculture!
On turn 45, Catherine the backstabbing-bribable lunatic greeted us. Rut-roh
Then on the very next turn we get another -1 relations even with Mr. Kon. Just great
But at the very least, at the end of this set I put the last hammer into the GL. Of course, I had to go crazy on the whip here, and getting that hefty wonder penalty but what more else can I do in this spot? I think I did it pretty ok considering
Note: Agriculture was researched so that I could move onto animal husbandry. I still havent even ATTEMPED to get that corn farmed yet, haha.
Turns 50-60
Good news and bad news.
Good news is after AH was researched, we got horses in the fat cross, which with our poor production REALLY helps out a lot. I actually was expecting horses to pop there due to the very suspicious missing forest on the grassland tile. This was also part of my decision to go for AH, at that stage.
And for the corn critics, I did farm over ONE corn tile after my worker had NOTHING else better to do, haha. But Im not even using my city to grow that tile so it doesnt quite matter yet
A study of the last shot shows the bad news
I have tech-whore and culture-vic master Ramesses II here. Egypt can be quite a pain because of their new strategies in BtS. And since I promised no pratt damage, I wont be able to stop anything for a very, very long time. Grrr.
Other info, seems he owns the holy Jewdiasm city, and Kon is under Hindu for now. Strangely, I have +1 diplo for years of peace to Ramesses, despite I havent even known him for ONE turn yet! How is that possible? And of course, the GUI so conveniently hides the fact that deity games start with HIDDEN -1 modifiers anyway with relations.
Hmm, I guess we really do have our work cut-out for us here
Turns 60-70
Wow, what a sad irony. Look at this spot not too far away from my capital. Stone, in the fact cross, and pigs
and lots of mountains, including another happy resource. In fact, if I wasnt so obessesed over coastal I could move it 1-E and have 5 hills with all the resources and river in the fat cross!
If ONLY this had been our starting location, I could have had an absolute POWERHOUSE! Believe me, an absolute powerhouse
. Everything from IMP to IND trait could have been on max full-bore exploitation here. But alas.. That was just not to be.
Unfortunately that stone wont help us so much now
but its nice to think of all the possibilities that COULD HAVE HAPPENED just by a different starting location. Anyhow, at LEAST we did grab one nice wonder in the other spot, THANK YOU INDUSTRIOUS!
Turns 70-80
Well, another city to go up. One lousy happy resource, but a future happy resource is a future happy resource. I sorta mistimed some stuff here. My workboat I was using as a scout, I should have actually left it close to the city so I could get the clams up right from Turn #0 of its founding. But I had started this game a little tired, and by turn 80 my focus was starting to drop. As you know, this is never a good recipe but I simply cant get myself to stop until I LITERALY pass out, even if my playing starts to go insane.
Also, I was thrown a little off-track here. I wanted to go up north to settle a good spot, but that Mr. Kon suddenly lands a settler right near my capital at the northern path blocking me. He takes my spot I wanted! What
the hell. And he does this coming from where???
I can at least get through him by open-borders, but hes already messed up a big key spot for me. And now I really wish I hadnt made that promise about not attacking with Pratts. Because I would have had an easy remedy here, and let him land another settler or two in the north and then simply take those cities with Roman ease. I really need to stop bending over backwards for the critics. NEVER AGAIN!
Now Ill have to at least wait until much, much longer to fix this YET ANOTHER problem.
Turns 80-90
Alright, another city to settle. Its not in the spot I wanted, but at least Ill take this Fish source before Mr. Kon lands ANOTHER non-sense settler on MY terrain and messes my whole settling plans up even more.
Anyhow, the only place else to go now is on that island/continent spot to the north-west. I can at least get another city there for now, or is Wang going to screw that up on me too now?
Notes: Hmm, Catherine and Kon are Weehorn. And at this time Cat owns the holy city of Confu. Also, seems Temple of Artimis only went up now. THAT IS REALLY, REALLY late for deity. You see, another great shot I missed out on due to the starting location. !@#$@!!!
I guess EVERYONE has a lack of marble so far. I mean, even RAMESSES didnt get it a turn before 650 BC
Or maybe he just did
Oh, and as you can see, Im still getting plagued by BS city revolts. But at least I THINK I did the +2 health revolt event in the capital earlier. I dont have a screenshot of it, so I am not 100% sure without checking the logs.
Turns 90-100
No more messy business from Wang. So I got myself another decent spot here, Tuna City. Up north is yet another good food spot, which suits a drafting city just fine (if I can make it in time). Unfortunately my fully healed horse chariot pops a hut and ******ed warriors spring and slaughtered it. I brought another and again, a single stupid warrior attacks my full health chariot and I die again. So needless to say, I started cranking out quite a bit of chariots for this warrior nonsense.
I can understand barb spearmen
barbarian HA-uprising evens
even barbarian axe-men
But warriors? This is too silly I think
Notes: Despite Wang is in some sort of a war, his teching is actually becoming monstrous. The wars must be fake because I dont see any GG entering the game, and hes continuing to tech at a phenomenal rate as far as BtS is concerned. I am really doubting if I chose my current tech order right. I maybe should have beelined currency stronger but Im not too sure. Yeah, I probably should have
But this is only with ahead in-site. I was expecting to get a religion in the capital and then run Pacifism, but so far I have gotten badly screwed by not even getting the luxury of a heathen religion in my capital. So opening up that tech path was a waste now. What else is new
And it looks like I will be in serious trouble with the liberalism race
I DEFINITELY would have given Wang a REAL WAR on his hands if I unlocked my Pratts.