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The Rome thread

manio curio

Nov 7, 2021
Hi all, I finished playing with Rome. As a DoC version I used a git update made by @Leoreth in early December. I had a blast, I got the 3 historical victory conditions plus what I would call the 4th victory condition: be the sole master of Rome, which means have +20 of stability at the 290AD checkpoint thus preventing Byzantium's spawn. Plus I built the Colosseum and Aqua Appia in Rome. Saves and pics are attached.


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I have played a few games with Rome and it seems like ballistae and not really that useful besides very rare cases and therefore I don't build them at all. It becomes a little bit of a bummer not to use one of the unique units, therefore why not replacing it with something else? We started the discussion in the 'Suggestions and requests' thread, but I thought to continue here in the 'Rome thread', it seems more convenient.

I took some of the initial feedback and I came up with a new unique unit for Rome: comitatensis.
unit to replace: heavy swordsman
bonus: two movement points to represent its mobility in plugging the several holes in the roman frontier and a garrison promotion given their mainly defensive duties.
a little bit of history: introduced by either Diocletian or Constantine as part of the new military of Rome. Usually stationed a bit removed from the frontier and called upon need when large incursions made it far into Roman land. The equipment changed from the classic legionnaire, no more gladius but longer sword (spatha), oval shield replaced the square scutum and a bow was provided as well.

The only real option is a late antiquity unit since the previous period is 'covered' by the legion which can perform all the necessary tasks of conquest and city defense. The comitatensis historically only covered 200 years of Roman history (being generous) but in my opinion the user would benefit from it in their quest to defend Rome from the swarms of barbarians, plus let's remember turns equate fewer years as the game goes on, therefore I believe a good number of comitatenses would be produced during a game. I agree it is not that of an iconic Roman unit especially given its short historical lifetime, but a very good upgrade from the ballista.

Alternatively a second unique building instead of a ballista: castrum, it would replace the barrack and provide +5 experience points.
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