Councilor & Merlot Noble
Dear Citizens of the World…
On behalf of The Council, I am pleased to present
this world’s first International Newspaper…
The RoundTable
We hope you enjoy!
On behalf of The Council, I am pleased to present
this world’s first International Newspaper…
The RoundTable
We hope you enjoy!

Spoiler :
"The RoundTable is published at the sole discretion of advisor to the council, General_W. All opinions are his alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or positions of The Council government. Heck, even the 'facts' in this paper are viewed through his personal lens and may or may not accurately reflect the real or perceived actual state of world and/or game affairs. This paper may frequently contain what is known as 'sarcasm' and should be taken as it is intended – in fun. Hate mail may be sent to General_W via PM if you wish. General_W reserves the right to laugh uproariously at any hate mail he receives. This paper is not designed to provide up-to-date news, cure any diseases, provide well balanced opinion, or relieve inflammation of the foot. The Council hereby absolves itself from any responsibility from any actions the reader does or does not take based on this 'news' paper."