First off, we'd like to welcome our friend, TheOverseer714. He must be in town to gather information on dock and pier building techniques. While you're here TO, be sure to visit "The Molly". The finest tavern in Western Hibernia. The best food and the prettiest girls, both local and from distant shores. And tell Molly, the bartender, I said to give you a free night's room upstairs.
Now down to busiess. As you can see from the city screen below, we're building a Worker. The Mayor agrees with this move as we not only need to keep the population from getting too large too soon, we also need to build us a road to the Capital city of Tara. Word is, we'll get our share of Incense when this happens. Can't wait fer that!
But we'd like to move one of our citizens working the fields. The one working the Bonus Grasslands can be moved to the wheat fields (as shown in the picture below). This will help us recooperate from building the Worker, in 1 turn as opposed to four. Becuse our city limits will expand in 1 turn, we will be able to work the Gold Mountain. This will not only give us a shield, but 4 Commerce, which will help make up for the lost Commerce due to the switch.
After the Worker is complete, we'd like the President to look at building a Settler. If the numbers work out, that's what we'd like to do, as building the road to the Capital will take a while.