The Second Korean War (C3C only)


Mar 21, 2006
Terre Haute, IN
The Second Korean War: 2014

After years of abortive talks over the North Korean nuclear program, North Korea has successfully tested a nuclear weapon. "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-Il's ultimatum to the United States is simple: remove all military forces from the Korean Peninsula or Seoul will be consumed in a nuclear inferno.

President Lindsey Graham (only months in office after the death of President McCain little more than a year into his second term) instead opts to declare war on North Korea. The US is joined by its loyal allies, Great Britain, under Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Australia under the leadership of Peter Costello. South Korea, eager to defend itself and re-unite the frayed Korean Peninsula quickly joins the fray, and Japanese Prime Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki provides financial and logistical aid to the Western powers.

Not long after the declaration of war, the People's Liberation Army crosses the Yalu river into North Korea in order to secure the interests of the People's Republic.

Not many rule changes here, just the addition of the T-95, available to China, and the chemical shell, available to the PRC and North Korea.

The art files include leaderhead flags.

The next version (including a custom tech tree, units, buildings and Wonders, and a new civ -- France) is in the works.


The DMZ:

Diplomacy with South Korea:

Average, but there is a matter of force projection to consider . . .

:lol: Peter Costello as the PM of Australia... Don't you think Johnny Howard can survive another eight years? :D

Nah, that's cool. How large is the map? and how are the loading times?

just an idea, but what about placing the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea, and "barbarian" landmines? just a thought...

good job
LizardmenRule! said:
:lol: Peter Costello as the PM of Australia... Don't you think Johnny Howard can survive another eight years? :D

Nah, that's cool. How large is the map? and how are the loading times?

just an idea, but what about placing the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea, and "barbarian" landmines? just a thought...

good job

Yeah; I figured Howard already has four terms. I'm no expert on Australian politics, but I think he'd step down before then. Oh shoot; I forgot to cite the map. It's Japan by MaisseArsouye (180 X 180), and the flag leaderheads were made by Paasky.

It takes a few minutes to load. I didn't think to time it, but I'd say it was less than five (on a 3-year-old laptop). Interesting idea about the DMZ. I may implement something like that in the next version. As you can see in the picture, I just filled it with fortifications and units.
csa945 said:
Interesting idea about the DMZ. I may implement something like that in the next version. As you can see in the picture, I just filled it with fortifications and units.
Which is more realistic; add invisable, hiddennationality units for landmines...since barbs are mobile.
William GBTW said:
Need a tech icon or anyhing to help?

Well, I haven't really figured out what I'm going to do with the tech tree in version two of this one.

I'll probably have a track for China, one for the western countries, one for NK, one for Japan, and one for the Tigers.

I doubt I'll need anything for any techs other than those belonging to the Tigers. I could probably use a Taiwanese (ROC) flag for a Taiwanese Independence tech . . .

As far as the president, Lindsey Graham is, I believe, intending to be McCain's running mate (assuming he gets the nomination). And I had McCain die because I doubt that a carrier would be named after a sitting president.
csa945 said:
Yeah; I figured Howard already has four terms. I'm no expert on Australian politics, but I think he'd step down before then.
Yeah, he probably would.

William GBTW said:
Which is more realistic; add invisable, hiddennationality units for landmines...since barbs are mobile.
Not if you make the landmine unit immobile...
Dude Japan CAN'T defend itself: the treaty at the end of WWII forbade them to have a military, thats why we still occupy Japan today. They have police corps for homeland defence purposes (national guard) but no foreign armies to speak of.

oh and im some kinda exited about this scenario. if kim-jong-il is rorenry, he can have some minutemen and titans to keep him good company
Japan has a military, it was brought up in the Desert Storm, ask Storm Grunt if ya don't believe me.
My Great Uncle was a Lt. Colenel in Korea and Vietnam and said we would be make in Korea.
Cheezy the Wiz said:
Dude Japan CAN'T defend itself: the treaty at the end of WWII forbade them to have a military, thats why we still occupy Japan today. They have police corps for homeland defence purposes (national guard) but no foreign armies to speak of.

oh and im some kinda exited about this scenario. if kim-jong-il is rorenry, he can have some minutemen and titans to keep him good company

America has military bases in Japan but doesn't occup it by any means. And Japan indeed does have a military The Japaense Self Defense Forces is quite capable of depending itself.
Very interestin scenario. Definitely a must-play. President Lindsey Graham, eh?
csa945 said:
Yeah, Japan has the 21st largest military in the world, in terms of troop size.
It's even larger in terms of military spending - in the top five, IIRC.

The Self-Defense Forces may not formally be an "army", but they're more than capable of kicking the collective asses of most armies in the world.

The screenshots doesn't seem to work, but that might just be this silly computer acting up again.
LizardmenRule! said:
nah, the pics on threads i've seen today have all been down. so have the links to units and the like...
Thunderfall said until April 3rd we have to use the attachment. That's what I heard.
Ah. I noticed the screenshots were like that last night and when I tried to re-upload them it gave me a "Page Cannot be Displayed" error, so I figured something was wrong with the system.
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