The Second Women's All Star Championship


Sep 5, 2007
Welcome to season 2 of the Civ Women's All Star Championship.
Season 1 can be viewed here

Once again we will play a game noble difficulty, a standard size map, and standard game speed. However, this time the option "fewer religions" will stay off.

We are playing as a new leader this time:

and here's our starting location:
4000 BC: The Mayan's under the guidance of Lady Xoc, settle near some flax, begun building a monument, and try to figure out how to catch the nearby crabs.


3720 BC: A Mayan villager invents a device for catching crabs. The townsfolk put the monument on hold to build a boat so they can test the invention at sea.

3240 BC: After some trial and error, Mayan fishermen catch their first crab! Lady Xoc orders them to catch more so that she can hold a feast in the middle of the village.

3000 BC: Lady Xoc begins recruiting some vilagers to settle the land to the west, and the Mayans make contact with another civilization.


2520 BC: Lady Xoc begins using criminals as slave labor

2280 BC: The Mayans found a new city to the west of Mutal.

2040 BC: Lady Xoc is crowned Queen of the Maya. She signs open borders with the Assyrian empire.

1760 BC: The Mayans invent the wheel. The have also mapped out the entire Assyrian "Empire." :smug:

1560 BC: South of Assyrian territory, the Mayans discover an English scout.

They immediately sign open borders.

1520 BC: While looking for the English territory, the Mayans meet the Spanish

They sign open borders too.

1280: The Mayans train their first Holkan in Mutal.

975 BC: The Mayans settle a third city near a copper deposit.

875 BC: The Mayans begin making wine near Lakamha. They have also learned to grow flax and potatoes.

850 BC: The Mayans meet the Chinese and sign open borders.

825 BC: Euclid is born in Mutal. He becomes a great scientist.

700 BC: The Mayans meet the Celts. They do not sign open borders because Lady Xoc does not trust Boudica.

625 BC: Barbarians begin appearing in Mayan lands. However, they are easily dispatched.

500 BC: Slave laborers complete the Great Pyramids in Mutal.

225 BC: The Mayans meet the Berbers.

125 BC: The Mayans enter the Classical era. They will need to fight the Assyrians to expand any further.
Hurrah! :goodjob:
100 AD: Barbarians have sunk the crab fishermen near Mutal. Lady Xoc is forced to commission a navy to protect the fishing grounds.

150: Slave labor is proving to be inefficient. Xoc switches to an Agrarian model. The first Mayan boat destroys the barbarian galley. Miners discover an Iron deposit near Lakmha.

225: Queen Victoria has converted the Celts and the Chinese to Druidism. Lady Xoc's advisors predict the formation of a Druidic power bloc.

375: The Mayans have 5 cities. the Assyrians have 9.

400: Tin Hinan (now a Jewish leader) demands that the Mayans stop trading with druidic England. Not wanting to upset the power bloc too soon, the Mayans refuse. Meanwhile, the Mayan army continues to grow. Their neighbors, the Assyrians, lead the scoreboard with 375 points.

450: The Mayans stop trading with the Berbers at the behest of Queen Victoria. Then they declare war on the Assyrians.

560: The Assyrians are amassing units near Chichen Itza

600 AD: The Assyrians approach Chichen Itza with 2 swordsmen and 2 siege rams (Assyrian UU, like a battering ram but immune to flanking and first strikes)

640: The invasion of Lakamha begins with casualties on both sides.

660: The Assyrians lose most of their entire invasion force. Their siege rams retreat.

680: While the Assyrians regroup, Mayan catapults begin bombarding Kahat.

720: Henry Ford builds Chichen Itza in the city of the same name.

820 AD: Mayan soldiers capture Kahat and sacrifice the Assyrian governor.

860: Assyrian forces try o liberate Kahat. They fail miserably.

900 Isabella requests assistance from the Mayans in her war against the Chinese. Xoc is unable to help because she needs all her resources to fight the Assyrians.

920: Mayan forces once again repel the Assyrians at Chichen Itza. Their commander is promoted to general and assigned to train soldiers in Lakamha.

960: Lady Xoc purchases maps from Tin Hinan that double the size of the known world. In return, she teaches the Berber leader astronomy.
Probably, but I have no idea. Ask the HR guys.

980: The Chinese force the Mayans to stop trading with the Spanish. Mayan Swordsmen capture Ekallatum, the Pesedjet holy city. Lady Xoc converts to Pesedjet and demands that her people worship her as a goddess.

1040: The Assyrians send an invasion force to recapture their lost cities.

1180: The first Mayan caravel is built in Mutal. Lady Xoc hopes to use it to find new lands incase the war with Queen Shammuramat goes badly.

1230: Christianity reaches the Mayan capital. Xoc converts to win the favor of Queen Isabella.

1280: After a failed attack by the Mayans against the Assyrian capital, Ekallatum comes under siege again.

1330: The Mayans capture Calhu. They are now only one bottleneck away from taking the capital, Assur.


1420: The Mayans develop currency, which they hope to use to improve their struggling economy.

1430: The Mayan empire begins a golden age with the construction of Ah Cacao in Mutal. A gesture of Mercy by the Assyrian forces allows the Mayans to end the war while they are still winning. They have gained three cities since the declared war on the Assyrians. However, if they were to continue the war, the Assyrian's superior weaponry would overwhelm them.

1460: Lady Xoc delcares war on Queen Victoria from a safe distance so that she can gain the support of Tin Hinan.

1530: After a period of social stagnation, Lady Xoc forced to hold democratic elections, though she still wields enough influence to control the outcome. Tin Hinan Make peace with Victoria, leaving Xoc holding the bag.

1560: The Assyrians declare war on the Mayans for no obvious reason. They didn't even notice the Mayan spies near their capital. The people give Lady Xoc emergency powers.

1580: Golden age begins

1590: The Mayans enter the Medieval era after stealing technology from the Assyrians.

1620: With the discover of steel working, the Mayans finally stand a chance against the Assyrian heavy footmen.

1650: Lady Xoc trades with Queen Isabella for Elephants. She hopes they will be an effective counter against heavy horsemen.

1675: Queen Isabella, Lady Xoc's best trading partner, capitulates to Wu Zetian, who refuses to speak to Xoc.

1685: The first Mayan war elephants enter service with mixed results.

1755: Ekallatum is a drain on the Mayan economy, so Lady Xoc decides to let the Assyrians capture it, then recapture it herself and burn it to the ground.

1765: At the end of the election, the votes are so close that the courts have to determine the winner. Xoc chooses not to interfere.

1780: Lady Xoc recaptures Ekallatum but is not able to raze it because there are too many followers of Pesedjet on her soil. She is forced to protect the city.

1790: Queen Victoria capitulates to Tin Hinan.

1804: A Mayan warlord trains several units of pikemen for the military. The Siege of Assur begins.

1810: A volcano erupts near Uxmal

1814: The siege of Assur becomes an invasion.

1816: Mayan forces capture Assur.

1828: The Chinese and Spanish are at war with the Celts.

1838: Eugene of Savoy leads the invasion of Shekhna the city is seized without much difficulty.

1840: The Mayans learn how to use the compass, and begin exploring the surrounding oceans.

1846: Zhu Chongzhi, a Chinese immigrant living in Chichen Itza, teaches the Mayans how to build and use a printing press with movable type. Assyrian soldiers prepare to invade Assur, but Lady Xoc persuades Shammuramat to capitulate. Shammuramat also converts to swordpoint.


Basically the Mayans need to increase their population and the size of their army.

1850: Xoc signs a defensive pact with Tin Hinan. Hopefully if Boudica declares war she will have to fight on two fronts.

1852: Boudica is at war with the Spanishand request help from the Maya. Xoc will not wage a war of aggression until the defensive pact expires. A mayan caravel discover what appears to be an island to the east.

1854: The island is inhabited.

1864: The Mayans discover gunpowder and enter the renaissance era.

1870: Xoc finally joins to the war against Boudica.

1882: Mayan sailors spot gems on the island, but they will need bigger boats to colonize it.
1890: Celtic shipwrights know how to build galleons. Xoc decides to steal the blueprints. The mayans discover a second island on the other side of the world.

1896: Lady Xoc equips her foot soldiers with muskets.

1902: Xoc adopts Free Religion

1903: Before Lady Xoc can steal the Celtic blueprints, Mayan engineers design their own galleon. Lady Xoc begins its construction ins Uxmal.

1905: The Galleon is completed! It's not as elegant as the Celtic design, but it serves its purpose, Mayan settlers board the ship and set sail for the north end of the Eastern Island.

1909: The Mayans found a colony on the island:

1917: Mayan Bombards begin attacking the Celtic City of Santiago

1918: Mayan geologists discover coal and natural gas deposits within their borders. They also discover an oil deposit north of their territory. The Mayan army captures Santiago with overwhelming firepower. A few of the Celtic soldiers carry muskets, but most of them use more primitive weaponry. The Mayan troops, on the other hand, all have muskets and bombards, with the exception of a few elephants that are mainly used for cannon fodder.

1922: Celtic troops capture an Assyrian city. Xoc leaves the Assyrians to fend for themselves while she continues her invasion of Celtica.

1924: Mayan musketmen capture the Zapotec village on the south side of the island.
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