The Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes

I'd agree with that

The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race" and states that Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, any ancestry, any ethnicity.

so its possible for a Hispanic to be racist against other Hispanics

And a "white" to be racist against other "whites," which is so obvious it is practically axiomatic...said the Irishman. But what does this point of agreement actually add to the discussion at hand?

The current political climate features a very specific racist slant and is really Nationalists vs what they define as "illegals," with their definition of "illegals" actually consisting of anyone with a somewhat brown skin and/or an accent. They don't actually care where the person was born. They don't actually care what particular shade the skin is. They just want to claim the perceived superiority and privileges.

"WE get government jobs putting THEM in cages and treating THEM like animals. Yay US, and thanks Trump!!"
if tribes are races then a white person can be racist against other white people, but so far all I see are some Hispanic names attached to a group without evidence they wanted to discriminate against 'darker' Hispanics and not lighter ones.
I'd agree with that

The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race" and states that Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, any ancestry, any ethnicity.

so its possible for a Hispanic to be racist against other Hispanics

Does it define people directly from, or with direct heritage from, Spain, as Hispanic or European, out of curiosity?
Does it define people directly from, or with direct heritage from, Spain, as Hispanic or European, out of curiosity?

While the census does have an assortment of "definitions," it is primarily a self reference survey. If I refer to myself as "white," then for census purposes I'm going to count as "white." The census definition of white, BTW, lumps European, Middle Eastern, and North African origins together, much to the dismay of the typical D'umpist bigot.
While the census does have an assortment of "definitions," it is primarily a self reference survey. If I refer to myself as "white," then for census purposes I'm going to count as "white." The census definition of white, BTW, lumps European, Middle Eastern, and North African origins together, much to the dismay of the typical D'umpist bigot.

So, if it's self-referential, then people like Rachel Dolentz can enter "Black?"
So, if it's self-referential, then people like Rachel Dolentz can enter "Black?"

People like anyone can enter "black."

Among all the "definitions" there are no numbers anyway, so the vast majority of USians could legitimately claim most if not all of the choices. If I go back five generations then among my thirty-two ancestors I can certainly claim "white origins" since something like twenty-four of them would have been in Europe at the time, or I can claim "Native American" origins, or I can claim unknown origins that might be "Hispanic" and might be "Black" and for all I know might be space aliens or time travelers. Bottom line, the question is stupid.
Does it define people directly from, or with direct heritage from, Spain, as Hispanic or European, out of curiosity?
Yes but really it's self selection. There is no obvious race criteria and it's up to people to identify themselves as being hispanic rather than Black, White, Indian or whatever. That's how you end up with black, Portuguese-speaking Brazilians as Hispanic. But the forms do typically state something to the effect that explicitly includes people from Spain and of Spanish-speaking extraction, regardless of national or ethnic origin.
It's the current year, alright

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