Gun Mage
UPDATED: 5/25/08
Updated to Version 4.0 for BTS
Download Page
For the vanilla version, download here
-SR has released a German language version of the text file in post 69, here

-CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.7 (5/06/06)--
-Mod updated for BTS 3.13
-Added movies for founding of Shinto, and for construction of the shrine.
-The shrine now uses the Torii model from the BTS "Road to War" scenario.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.5 (4/15/06)--
-Fixed a bug with the Shamanism tech not showing up in the tech tree.
-Added stratagy text (the "Sid's Tips") for all the added buildings, the missionary, and tech.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.0 (3/03/06)--
-Files updated to work with patch v1.61.
-Added some more comments to the python files, so people can see the exact changes I made to them.
-When searching for my changes for combining mods, search for "SHINTO" to find the changes in the XML and Python.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 2.0 (2/02/06)--
-Switched the "built shrine" movie from the Buddist one to the Confucian one (it "fits" the theme better)
-Altered the python code to not show any movie when Shinto is founded. (So no more Buddist movie.
-Added a sound for whenever shinto is founded or any shinto buildings are constructed.
-Changed the 'Pedia entry for the Shinto religion, and added a quote for the Shamanism tech.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.5 (1/06/06)--
Thanks to the the GameFont files provided by RogerBacon, I've fixed the bugs with the wrong icons showing up in some locations.
To install, place the Shinto Mod folder into the "Mods" folder of the Beyond the Sword directory.
To play the mod, first start the game as normal. Then choose the "Advanced" option on the main menu. And then choose "Load A Mod". The shinto mod should show up in the list of available mods.
This mod adds a new tech, Shamanism, which grants a religion named Shinto to the first person to discover it. Shinto is an 8th religion, which does not replace any of the religions from the vanilla game.
The mod also includes the religious buildings and missionary unit for Shinto. As well as sounds and religion movies.
Updated to Version 4.0 for BTS
Download Page
For the vanilla version, download here
-SR has released a German language version of the text file in post 69, here

-CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.7 (5/06/06)--
-Mod updated for BTS 3.13
-Added movies for founding of Shinto, and for construction of the shrine.
-The shrine now uses the Torii model from the BTS "Road to War" scenario.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.5 (4/15/06)--
-Fixed a bug with the Shamanism tech not showing up in the tech tree.
-Added stratagy text (the "Sid's Tips") for all the added buildings, the missionary, and tech.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.0 (3/03/06)--
-Files updated to work with patch v1.61.
-Added some more comments to the python files, so people can see the exact changes I made to them.
-When searching for my changes for combining mods, search for "SHINTO" to find the changes in the XML and Python.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 2.0 (2/02/06)--
-Switched the "built shrine" movie from the Buddist one to the Confucian one (it "fits" the theme better)
-Altered the python code to not show any movie when Shinto is founded. (So no more Buddist movie.

-Added a sound for whenever shinto is founded or any shinto buildings are constructed.
-Changed the 'Pedia entry for the Shinto religion, and added a quote for the Shamanism tech.
--CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.5 (1/06/06)--
Thanks to the the GameFont files provided by RogerBacon, I've fixed the bugs with the wrong icons showing up in some locations.
To install, place the Shinto Mod folder into the "Mods" folder of the Beyond the Sword directory.
To play the mod, first start the game as normal. Then choose the "Advanced" option on the main menu. And then choose "Load A Mod". The shinto mod should show up in the list of available mods.
This mod adds a new tech, Shamanism, which grants a religion named Shinto to the first person to discover it. Shinto is an 8th religion, which does not replace any of the religions from the vanilla game.
The mod also includes the religious buildings and missionary unit for Shinto. As well as sounds and religion movies.