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The Shinto Religion Mod


Gun Mage
Mar 28, 2005
The Gateway to the West
UPDATED: 5/25/08

Updated to Version 4.0 for BTS

Download Page

For the vanilla version, download here

-SR has released a German language version of the text file in post 69, here

shinto1.jpg shinto2.jpg shinto3.jpg

-CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.7 (5/06/06)--

-Mod updated for BTS 3.13
-Added movies for founding of Shinto, and for construction of the shrine.
-The shrine now uses the Torii model from the BTS "Road to War" scenario.

--CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.5 (4/15/06)--

-Fixed a bug with the Shamanism tech not showing up in the tech tree.
-Added stratagy text (the "Sid's Tips") for all the added buildings, the missionary, and tech.

--CHANGES FROM VERSION 3.0 (3/03/06)--

-Files updated to work with patch v1.61.

-Added some more comments to the python files, so people can see the exact changes I made to them.
-When searching for my changes for combining mods, search for "SHINTO" to find the changes in the XML and Python.

--CHANGES FROM VERSION 2.0 (2/02/06)--

-Switched the "built shrine" movie from the Buddist one to the Confucian one (it "fits" the theme better)

-Altered the python code to not show any movie when Shinto is founded. (So no more Buddist movie. :) )

-Added a sound for whenever shinto is founded or any shinto buildings are constructed.

-Changed the 'Pedia entry for the Shinto religion, and added a quote for the Shamanism tech.

--CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.5 (1/06/06)--

Thanks to the the GameFont files provided by RogerBacon, I've fixed the bugs with the wrong icons showing up in some locations.


To install, place the Shinto Mod folder into the "Mods" folder of the Beyond the Sword directory.

To play the mod, first start the game as normal. Then choose the "Advanced" option on the main menu. And then choose "Load A Mod". The shinto mod should show up in the list of available mods.


This mod adds a new tech, Shamanism, which grants a religion named Shinto to the first person to discover it. Shinto is an 8th religion, which does not replace any of the religions from the vanilla game.

The mod also includes the religious buildings and missionary unit for Shinto. As well as sounds and religion movies.
A short, and i think better, Summary of Shintoism for the Pedia. ( New arranged text parts ;) )

-"Shinto is an ancient Japanese religion. Starting about 500 BCE (or earlier) it was originally "an amorphous mix of nature worship, fertility cults, divination techniques, hero worship, and shamanism." Its name was derived from the Chinese words "shin tao" ("The Way of the Gods") in the 8th Century CE.
At that time the Yamato dynasty consolidated its rule over most of Japan and divine origins were ascribed to the imperial family. Shinto established itself as an official religion of Japan, along with Buddhism.

Unlike most other religions, Shinto has no real founder, no written scriptures, no body of religious law, and only a very loosely-organized priesthood.
Shinto exists in four main forms or traditions, Kohorsehockeysu Shinto (The Shinto of the Imperial House), Jinja (Shrine) Shinto, Kyoha (Sectarian) Shinto (aka Shuha Shinto) and Minzoku (Folk) Shinto.

These four forms are closely linked. Shinto is a tolerant religion which accepts the validity of other religions. It is common for a believer to pay respects to other religions, their practices and objects of worship."-

Copyright © 1995 to 2005 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Latest update on 2005-AUG-13
Author: B.A. Robinson


And if you need a good quote for the "Shamanism" in the Pedia. Try :

-"Be charitable to all beings, love is the representative of God."-
-- Ko-ji-ki, Hachiman Kasuga of the Shinto tradition, circa 500 AD

Dual said:

In adding the Shinto icons to the GameFont.tga file, a couple of the origional icons got scrambled around. I'm not sure why, and I don't know how to fix it properly.

The two icons I've found to be incorrect after the partial fix I did are:
1. The "great person" icon in the civilopedia entries has been replaced by the "castle" defense icon.
2. The "rioting angry face" (which is supposed to show up under the city when unhappiness is too high) has been replaced by the "health" icon.

I took the two tori gate icons from your GameFont.tga and GameFont_75.tga files added them in to mine. I don't have these two bugs you have. The only problem I have is that the Shinto symbol doesn't show up on a city bar when the city gets Shintoism. It does seem to be leaving a space for it though. I get the symbols everywhere else in the game (inside the city screen and in the civlopedia)

Is there some file that needs to be changed somewhere to have 8 religions?

Roger Bacon
It sounds like you didn't edit the alpha channel on the GameFont.tga and GameFont_75.tga files.

If you bring up the alpha channel seperatly from the RGB color channels you will see a black screen with white shapes of all the icons on it. The black makes any images under it invisible in-game, while any images under the white color will appear in-game.

Oh, and if your gamefont.tga files are still working without any bugs after you add the alpha channel changes, I'd be very grateful if you attached the files to this thread. They would help a lot. :D
Dual said:
It sounds like you didn't edit the alpha channel on the GameFont.tga and GameFont_75.tga files.

Well, I've been struggling with the demo copy of PhotoShop for about an hour and I still haven't figgured out how to load an alpha channel. As you might have guessed, I don't do a lot of photo editing.

Do you know how I might load and copy the alpha channel?

Roger Bacon
Well, I downloaded DXTbmp and it does show the alpha channel. It looks like the one I had was somehow screwed up. Anyway, I tried copying and pasting the alpha of the tori gate to the alpha of my file and then importing that alpha to my tga file but it didn't work. I guess I didnt' align the image perfectly or something because Civ crashes on loading now.

I'll give up for tonight. I've spent enough hours on this. Image editing, even cut and paste, is really not my forte.

Roger Bacon
hi daul!

first of all that is one nice religion!

i wonder if you can asist me - can you help me merge two pyton files? yours and amod im creating?
i dont know which modification you made to the maininterface.py...
maybe even you could write me here what did you change and where?
I returned your PM Keldath, because I saw that first. :D

But I'll repost it here again incase other people have the same question.

I didn't actually modify those python files myself, because I'm still in the process of learning how it all works. Another person who posts on these forums, named Depx, changed it for me.

But this is what he said he changed:

"This gives room for more than 10 religions on that screen. If you want to edit it Find I * 20 and 18, 18. Those are in the file twice each.

One set is for the gold boxes, other for the religion icons themselves. the I * 20 is space between each, original number was 34.

18, 18 was 24, 24 and is the size of each icon/gold box."

I hope that helps you. If you have trouble with it you might try contacting Depx.
great! thanks daul!

i acctually thought it would be that but i wasnt sure cause i didnt see the logic behind that - making smaller numbers wont make a smaller room..? but i know now where to change :) oh man i wish someone could explain up all those evil python files!!!

Simply adding the tech entry into the CIV4TechInfos.xml file should make the new tech show up on the tech tree.

What's probably happening, if you are adding my tech to your own mod, is that Shamanism is showing up underneath one of the other origional techs.

In the CIV4TechInfos.xml file, each tech has a set of coordinates which determines where it will show up on the tech tree. The xml tags look like this:


You wil notice in my mod that I've shuffled several of the techs around to new positions to make room for Shamanism by editing those grid numbers.
Looks great. Mind if I use this for my Sengoku scenario?
Dual said:
Oh, and if your gamefont.tga files are still working without any bugs after you add the alpha channel changes, I'd be very grateful if you attached the files to this thread. They would help a lot. :D

I've attached them to this post. Everything works fine and I don't have the problem you have with the changed icons for grat people or unhappiness. However, you'll have to modify this a bit because I use another mod that replaces some of the religions with other. I guess you should be able to cope the original ones into this file and it should come out ok.

Roger Bacon


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