The Brotherhood and Anarchy have both sent us messages within a few hours of each other asking for deals. It seems their deal for the Republic did not go as planned. These messages also involve Kuche. Rather than have the discussion split into three embassies, I figured we could have it here. Here are the messages:
From the Brotherhood:
From Anarchy:
I think we should aim to keep these two at each other's throats, maybe even ally with one. We need to send a message to Kuche with Anarchy's messages attached, and ask them for their opinion. Something like this:
It couldn't hurt to tell Anarchy of our similar deal with the Brotherhood that fell through.
From the Brotherhood:
Spoiler :
Dear leaders of the Eagles and the Küche,
we have learned that the two of you are in a cooperation now that forbids any dealings with a third party. Nevertheless we want to make a very attractive proposal. Please think about it carefully and then give us your answer.
We offer:
Both of you can have
Republic in an impromptu trade, meaning starting this turn (should take max 1 turn with send-accept), and
Literature, which will be sent once you have finished Map Making
in one package.
We want:
Map Making + Ceremonial Burial + Warrior Code + 14 gpt.
It does not matter, who of you pays what, but in total something like this.
You let us be part of your trade loop, with prospects of further tech exchanges during AA/MA. (For the German speakers among you, let me quote a famous poem of Friedrich Schiller's: "Ich sei, gewährt mir die Bitte, in Eurem Bunde der Dritte!" -- Calis should be able to explain, what it means...)
A decent price (say 50% gpt) for your first middle-age techs (You are both scientific, aren't you?).
A guaranteed peace deal for let's say 50 turns.
You may wonder, what all this is about, therefore let me be open: we know that our continent is two key technologies ahead of your continent: Literature and Republic, and that we would very likely have no difficulty pulling even further ahead over your continent, if we enter an alliance with the Anarchos, similar to the one you have started. However, this "cold war like block philosophy" (NATO vs East-Block) is not exactly our taste. We have become seafaring for a reason, but if half the world is not trading with us, it's no fun. The game would be much too predictable, and therefore we offer this quite unusual deal. - Some of you have already learnt that we even could consider to arrange a peaceful game until the end, but that is another story.
The benefits for both sides are obvious: you will get Republic some 20 turns earlier and don't have to fear falling behind in growth, research and production, while our tribe will be able to benefit from further trade relations and hope for a peaceful coexistence with the nations on your continent.
We will now wait for your answer and use our timeouts if necessary, but please do try to respond as soon as possible. The sooner we make our deal, the sooner we can execute the trade.
With best Regards, Sir Lanzelot, Knight of the Round Table
From Anarchy:
Spoiler :
Dear Eagles,
we want to be honest to you. We dislike the Knights' way of communicating. At first we did not want to deal with you as the Knights are our "natural" partner and ally in this game.
But it is impossible to cooperate with the Knights; sure we can make deals with them, even an alliance is possible. But the Knights aren't looking for a fair contract, the communication is exhausting and we doubt they are writing the truth.
So we cannot have the ally we want to, and we do not like the idea of the Knights winning this game. So we want to make a proposal to you and your neighbour:
We want you as our allies in a 3 vs 1 against the Knights. We do need a long term NAP (non-aggression pact), because we are afraid, that if you are on our continent with your troops we are the natural aim of your forces. We do know, that our chances are slim, being alone on our continent, but knowing that the Knights are isolated is worth it.
We would like you to manage communication with the "Küche", because we do not have contact right now.
Oh, right... about being honest: we are still in contact with the Knights, and we do have different oppinions in the team. There are some Anarchists still hoping for an alliance with the Knights but some others who can not imagine that alliance.
I'm making this request, because I can't stand the fact that we worked only into one direction until now. I do have the permission of several active team members to contact you, so it isn't a solo attempt to contact you.
I'm looking forward to good communication and hoping for even more.
Sincerely Yours
Be carefull!
Dear Eagles,
our negotiations about an alliance with the Knights have reached a crucial point, we would warn you about them and their deals: Independently of any future alliance, the Knights and us signed a contract that would give us the republic as soon as it has been researched and them our middle age bonus tech.
Right at the moment they have researched the republic, they suddenly demand more than the payment that had already been agreed. They're indirectly threatening to keep the republic for themselves if we do not give in.
As it is clear that the Knights have recently intensified negotiations with your continent, we hope that you will be very carefull in dealing with people who do not live up to their contracts.
A voice of the free people
I think we should aim to keep these two at each other's throats, maybe even ally with one. We need to send a message to Kuche with Anarchy's messages attached, and ask them for their opinion. Something like this:
To our friends in the Kitchen:
You have no doubt received a message from the Brotherhood asking for a deal with both of us. We have also received similar messages from Anarchy, who we met a short time ago, and we are passing them on to you. It appears their deal for the republic has not been followed through on:
Stick 'em here.
We are at the moment trying to process this turn of events, and would like to know your opinion on them. We are inclined to believe Anarchy's version of the events, and we do not like the Brotherhood's offer in its current form, but we would like to have these teams fighting each other if possible. [EDIT] We would also like to know when you expect to complete the Republic.
Sincerely, The Eagles.
It couldn't hurt to tell Anarchy of our similar deal with the Brotherhood that fell through.