The Six-Months War; Take Two


Let's talk Michelle.
Nov 23, 2008
Pennsylvania U.S.A.

Introduction: The American Civil War is truly an interesting conflict. Some call it the first modern war, others call it the last war of its era, and some place it somewhere in between. Ironclads made their appearance, new weapons, new tactics, and so much more.

The truly interesting thought though is the "what would happen". The Southern States had a much greater chance than the Thirteen Colonies in winning their independence. If France or Britain was willing to recognize them, the South most likely would have won.

This Nes addresses this though. What if the South had gained its independence with British and French Recognition? Taking this, with an Alternate History, written by Harry Turtledove, we place this new time line into another era-the dawn of World War I.

Story: It's 1914. Austria, has just declared war on Serbia. Serbia has called upon it's ally Russia to help fend off the Austrians. Austria, in turns looks to her allies, The Germans, Americans and Italians. Russia does the same, looking to France, England, the Commonwealth, and the Confederates. As these nations deliberate on their course of action; to support their allies, or to stay neutral, they too look to their colonies and allies for support. Japan and China, sit, eager for the Europeans to turn their backs on the Far East, at least for awhile. So, it is up to you, to lead your nation to war, if events call for it, or, turn the other cheek. Whatever you do, your actions will shape the world for years to come.

Players – anybody can join, provided that you send orders and that they are on time. All powers are available by application; that is, provide me with a brief CV in the thread, telling me about success/failure in NESes, strengths as a player, that sort of thing.

Stories – you can write them, and I recommend and appreciate you doing so if you feel like it or if you have nothing better you want to do, or if you get bitten by a writing bug, or whatever. They may have an effect on the course of the NES, and I’ll incorporate them into the update if I can.

Updates: The question "When is the update" will never be answered. On the first post, the deadline for orders and the approximate time for the update will be there.

Nations: Go ahead, pick a nation, any nation really. I will not at this time allow rebellions, though if one springs up, go ahead and take it. If you're not exactly experienced, try to stay away from the big nations-Germany, The United States, Great Britain, Japan, Russia, Austria, France, The Confederate States, and China.

Nation Name
Status (if any)
Government Type, And Leader
Capital City
Stability: 12
Economic Power: 20/0/0
Research: none
Manpower: 500 (+20)
Restrictions: (102,524/150,000)
Army: (100,000) 10 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (2,500) 5 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: (24) 24 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 1

Nation Name, And Status

Every nation, obviously has a name, most of which you'll already be familiar with. However, underneath of each name may be a certain title, or status, be in Protectorare, Dominion, Occupied, etc. all of which mean different things depending on the nation which you're being affiliated with.


The government of your nation is important for a variety of reasons. Holding elections, having regime change and your government in general will effect the rise and fall of stability and economy in your nation. For democratic nations, you must hold elections every few turns, or the people will become unhappy. With that, the politicans elected must act on the platforms they've promised the people; that's why they were elected! Playing in character makes the game a lot better, and interesting.


Economic Power: (Total Points Generated a Turn)/(spent on economic growth)/(banked)

Instead of the previous workings of Industrial Capacity, we now have Economic Power, which represents all elements of the economy, not just industry. Economic power (or points, whichever you prefer) is spent on all other elements of your nation: economy, stability, military, and projects.

You can generically increase your economic power by spending +1 of your original economy, where if your economy is 5, and you want a level of six, spend 6 EP on it. However, this can eventually become draining, and frankly boring. One can then initiate projects (see below) to speed up production.


Stability is similar to A Brave New World 2 and Imperial Glory. The NES will have the same stability stat going from 0 to 12, representing the situation within your nation. The main change is that the stability will be determined 100% by your actions.


Manpower represents the amount of able-bodied people in your nation that could take up arms against an enemy. Manpower is one of the few things that directly effect your restrictions. (see Restrictions.)

All army units (not navy or airforce) can be demobilized for their full manpower cost, though the ep cost is never recoverable.


New to each military branch's units list, their will be a number, representing the total amoung of enlisted soldiers to that particular branch. All the soldier's totals are added up to give you your nations military size. Each nation, however has restrictions as to how many soldiers it can comfortably support. Any amount of soldiers up to the restriction limit is fine, but once you pass your nation's restriction limit, various things may occur, be it stability loss, a fall in the economy, etc.

You can raise your restrictions, through growth, mobilization, and projects.

Designing Your Military

As is available below, all unique units (i.e., not generics like Infantry or Artillery) have their own stats and can be customized by players. You can develop new ships, vehicles, codes, or planes based on the technology which exists at the time (No laser death rays please in World War 2). To do this You need only pay 20 EP in a single turn to commission your design for a new weapon, though some designs may cost less. For easier units to create, I could accept anywhere from 10 EP up. Ask.

Requests for designs MUST come with details. What are your units strengths? What are your weaknesses? If you don't specify, I'm going to assume that it's mediocre. Take the time to truly design your designs.

Your designs can be shared with as many people as you like and you can even build and sell off the weapons you design to other countries (maybe even make a profit!).

You may also trade designs, and certain types of units (i.e. ships, planes, etc.) at your own discretion. Designs will allow a nation to build whatever unit it is, as they wish. At the same time, if you ever wish to buy a unit it, then rework the design, so you get the designs, and build whenever you wish, you must pay 5 EP, and lose a type of that unit. I.e.

"Germany gives France 30 of its new Kaiser Planes. The French wish to rework the planes, so that they have the designs also. The French pay 5 EP, and lost one of the planes, leaving them with the designs, and 29 Kaiser Planes."

With that, and with the absense of a tech tree, by the usual definition, one may question how military/tech is to advance. Through designs. If your design is relying on tech not yet widely known or not within reach, then I may have you pay extra for the research. But I'd discuss the total with the player.

Military and Mobilization

Mobilization and total war is a key element of modern warfare. Therefore I introduce a revised version of mobilization. If you wish to declare mobilization in the course of a major conflict the following things happen:

1. You can no longer spend your economy on stability efforts or projects. Anything non-military related really.
2. You will increase your output of both planes, ships, and infantry, for the same cost. Instead of 1 Infantry Division, taking 1 EP, and 10 MP, you would get 2 Infantry Divisions, for 1 EP, and 20 MP.
3. Restrictions grow substantially, depending on your nation's infrastructure (which is based off of building projects, and stories.)
4. Reduces the cost of designing new weapons from 20 EP to 10 EP.
5. Your economy would get a slight boost, but eventually (after a few years) will begin to fall.
6. Your people will at first support the war effort, then slowly begin detesting it. The lack of domestic production doesn't help either!
7. Constant mobilization, and demobilization to get the benefits will lead to economic stagnation, if not collapse.

Land Unit Pricing

Infantry Brigade: 1 EP and 10 manpower, for 1 Division

Marine Brigade: 2 EP and 10 Manpower, for 1 division.

Cavalry Brigade: 1 EP and 5 manpower, for 5 brigades.

Artillery Brigade: 1 EP and 5 manpower, for 2 Brigades.

Armored Car Brigade: 1 EP and 5 manpower for 1 Brigade.

Special Forces Brigades: A warning, if you use these like regular infantry, they will die in truckloads, also the more you make the less effective they are. 1 EP and 1 manpower for 1 brigade.

Naval Unit Pricing

Destroyer: 1 EP and 1 Manpower, for 3 ships. These vessels can travel on the ocean and on medium to large rivers and lakes.

Light Cruiser: 1 EP and 1 Manpower, for 2 ships. These vessels can travel on the ocean and on large rivers and lakes.

Armored Cruiser: 1 EP and 1 Manpower for 1 ship. These vessels can travel on the largest lakes and rivers and on the ocean.

Dreadnought: 4 EP and 2 Manpower for 1 ship. These vessels can travel only upon the open seas.

Submarines: 1 EP and 1 Manpower for 4 ships. These vessels can travel medium range, they cannot travel too long distances, and must often come up to resurface and to go back to ports for resupply. However, they are deadly weapons, and many a merchant ship will remain at the bottom due to these.

Air Unit Pricing

Zeppelin Squadron: 1 EP and 1 Manpower for 6. They can only be used for air to ground activity. This unit can bomb cities and enemy positions, yet they are sitting ducks when fighter planes come after them

Fighter Squadron: 1 EP and 1 Manpower for 24. These are the first planes of a traditional sort. They are mostly good for scouting, and not so much for bombing, depending on your air quality, and decent for air-air combat.

Projects vs. Policies

Projects are the equivalent to wonders in this NES. You may devise any sort of Great Project you please, as long as it fits with your nation and capabilities. Simply inform me of the project and your intended goals for it, and I will give you a price.

A policy would be a government law you enact that doesn’t always require spending. This can be something like the USA giving women sufferage, which would not require ep. In contrast, the Confederate States might determine to begin opening extermination camps for their blacks, and it would require ep for the trucks, camps, and poison gas. It will therefore be kept track of in stats. Policies can help in a variety of ways but are not always needed, so don’t go overboard.

Your Nations Map Color

Each nation has a specific map color, though political situations may alter that color. If one nation is highly influenced by another, it will take on a color similar to the influencing nation. If a nation is occupied, it will take on a similar color to the occupying nation. Likewise, if a nation is, say, becoming communist, it will turn red.

Orders, Tips, and Updates

If a question is asked in which the answer is clearly in the above ruleset, I will not answer it and will ignore you until you figure it out.

Orders in on time will always help you.

While stories or elaborate economic growth programs are no longer needed for a nation’s success, I’m not discouraging them. If you do programs, projects, and so forth and tell good stories, there may very well be rewards for your efforts.

If anything is not clear or confusing above, please let me know and I will strive to fix it. If you have questions which are not clearly answered here, I will be more than willing to add a section on this page to prevent future confusion.

Thank You

Eq for the ruleset, several (hundred) ideas, among other things.
Dachs for providing an easy to follow guide
And a big thanks to Amon Savag, DarthNader.
Spoiler :

Subsurface-Class Submarines
Spoiler :

Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP; 2 Ships
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations Able To Use: The United Kingdom
Weapon: 3
Armor: 1
Speed: 3
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 70

An improvement on the normal Submarine, with higher speed and better weapons, then the average submarine.

Battle Ships
Spoiler :

Kaiser-Class Dreadnought
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1916
Developed By: Germany
Nations Able To Use: The German Empire, The Japanese Empire, The Dutch Empire, Brazil, Chile, The United States of America, The Kingdom of Italy, The Ottoman Empire
Weapon: 4
Armor: 4
Speed: 2
Reliability: 4
Technical: 2
Crew: 1200

An improvement on the normal Dreadnought. While the core of it is a dreadnought- using turbines, diesel engines, etc. it will have eight 15-inch guns on four gun turrets along the ship. The range of the guns will be signifigantly better then that of normal dreadnoughts. It also contains several secondary guns with a quicker then usual firing rate, fur use in close up battle against smaller ships. Though still weak against air attack, the ship will have several small anti-aircraft guns on it. It contains several torpedo tubes under the ship also.
The armor plating is slightly thicker, but the design is to mostly emphasive fire power and gun range over speed.

California-Class Battlecruiser
Spoiler :

Cost: 4 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1917
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Weapon: 3
Armor: 3
Speed: 4
Reliability: 4
Technical: 3
Crew: 500

A ship, laying between a cruiser and a dreadnought, capable of out-running and out-maneuvering most current capital ships (as of 1917). It's armanent is still quite a force, on par with that of large capital ships, with 8, 15 inch guns, 16 secondary 6 inch guns, 2 anti-aircracft guns (a first), and several torpedo tubes. It's hull has been slighlty reinforced to rpotect it from submarine attack. However it is still fairly susceptible to the large cannons of Dreadnoughts, or Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, if in range.

Littorio-Class Battleship
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1918
Developed By: The Kingdom of Italy
Nations Able To Use: The Kingdom of Italy
Weapon: 5
Armor: 4
Speed: 1
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 1200

A battleship, much like the Dreadnought, sacrificing speed for fire-power, and hull strength. Carries several triple 16' naval guns, supposedly the first ship ever to do so. It's hull is very strong, and was built to match any dreadnought out on the seas.

New Jersey-Class Dreadnoughts
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Weapon: 6
Armor: 4
Speed: 1
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 1200

A beefed up Dreadnought, created by the United States Navy. With an armanent of several 18' Guns, it is one of the deadliest ships afloat.

Nelson-Class Battleship
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations Able To Use: The United Kingdom
Weapon: 3
Armor: 4
Speed: 2
Reliability: 4
Technical: 3
Crew: 1000

What many believe is England's attempt at rivalling the Kaiser-Class Dreadnought. With a main armanent of 16' guns, along with dozens of support weapons, it is one of the strongest ships in use by the Royal Navy.

Aircraft Carriers
Spoiler :

Lexington-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 7 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Defenses: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Capacity: 90 planes
Technical: 2
Crew: 2,200

The world's first Aircraft Carrier. It can carry roughly 90 fighters (or 70-75 bombers), but is relatively defenseless, save for a few machine guns, and light cannons.
Africa Based

Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy: Zewditu I
Capital: Addis Ababa
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 2/0/3
Manpower: 511 (+19)
Restrictions: (100,000/150,000)
Army: (100,000) 1 Infantry Divisions, 16 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Constitutional Republic: Daniel E. Howard/ Liberal PM
Capital: Monrovia
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 6/0/6
Manpower: 86 (+4)
Restriction: (70,500/80,000)
Army: (65,000) 5 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: (5,500) 3 Armoured Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Dominion of South Africa
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Parliamentary Democracy: Louis Botha
Capital: Cape Town
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 13/0/0
Research: (10 Industrial)(10 Army)
Manpower: 251 (+9)
Restrictions: (178,000/250,000)
Army: (140,000) 9 Infantry Divisions,4 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Navy: (38,000) 1 Dreadnought, 10 Armored Cruisers, 24 Light Cruisers, 30 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 5
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Transvaal Republic
Republic: Andries Graaf
Capital: Pretoria
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 5/0/0
Manpower: 168 (+7)
Restriction: (60,000/70,000)
Army: (60,000) 5 Infantry Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Asia Based

Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy: Habibullah Khan
Capital: Kabul
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 5/0/5
Manpower: 597 (+8)
Restrictions: (190,000/200,000)
Army: (190,000) 18 Infantry Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 1
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Dominion of the United Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Ugyen
Capital: Thimphu
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 4/1/0
Manpower: 32 (+2)
Restrictions: (10,000/10,000)
Army: (10,000) 1 Infantry Division
Army Quality: 2
Navy: N/A.
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Chinese Empire/Banana Lee
Absolute Monarchy: Puyi
Capital: Beijing
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 36/0/1
Manpower: 48,931(+200)
Restrictions: (2,774,728/3,000,000)
Army: (2,750,000) 195 Infantry Divisions, 95 Cavalry Brigades, 65 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Navy: (24,500) 8 Dreadnought, 5 Armored Cruisers, 5 Light Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 80 Submarines
Navy Quality: 8
Air Force: (228) 48 Fighters, 30 Xiaolong H-I
Air Force Quality: 6
Projects: Communication Network (Done), Scientific Production Project (32/X), Shihuang Trophy Project, (7/X)

Dominion of Japan
Absolute Monarchy: Nguyen Anh
Capital: Hanoi
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 7/0
Research: none
Manpower: 1379 (+40)
Restrictions: (216,000/1,000,000)
Army: (210,000) 17 Infantry Divisions, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (6,000) 2 Armored Cruisers, 3 Light Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Japanese Empire/Kentharu
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Taishō
Capital: Tokyo
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 50/0
Research: (22 Naval)(10 Industrial)(8 Aeronautics)
Manpower: 4,217/2,513 (+49)
Restrictions: (1,671,812/1,900,000)
Army: (1,580,000) 100 Infantry Divisions, 9 Cavalry Brigades, 83 Artillery Brigades, 12 Marine Divisions,
Army Quality: 6
Navy: (91,700) 6 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 26 Dreadnoughts, 11 Armored Cruisers, 29 Light Cruisers, 59 Destroyers, 70 Submarines
Navy Quality: 8
Air Force: (112) 40 ISIM Fighters, 72 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 5
Possessions: +17
Spoiler :

The Philippines
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 4
Manpower: 800

Stability: 3
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 130

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 5
Manpower: 1,200

Stability: 3
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 350

Also in Control of: The Soloman Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuata, Fiji, Sakhalin, The Aleutian Islands, Polynesia (+3 EP, +33 MP)

Dominion of the United Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah
Capital: Kathmandu
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 3/0/1
Manpower: 25 (+2)
Restrictions: (25,000/30,000)
Army: (25,000)2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 2
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Absolute Monarchy: Ahmad Shah Qajar
Capital: Tehran
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 16/0/1
Research: (1 Industrial)
Manpower: 779 (+33)
Restrictions: (584,600/800,000)
Army: (405,000) 34 Infantry Divisions, 18 Cavalry Brigades, 26 Artillery Brigades, 3 Armored Car Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: (29,600) 19 Armored Cruisers, 20 Light Cruisers, 12 Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Protectorate of the Ottoman Empire
Emirate: Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani
Capital: Doha
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 4/0/2
Manpower: 22 (+1)
Restrictions: (36,500/39,000)
Army: (35,000) 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: (1,500) 3 Destroyers
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Saudi Arabia
Absolute Monarchy: Ibn
Capital: Riyadh
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 6/0/4
Manpower: 200 (+5)
Restrictions: (122,024/200,000)
Army: (105,000) 9 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (17,000) 17 Armored Cruisers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: (24) 24 Fighters
Air Force Quality: N/A

Absolute Monarchy: Vajiravudh
Capital: Bangkok
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 16/0/12
Research: none
Manpower: 825 (+33)
Restrictions: (860,050/900,000)
Army: (850,000) 71 Infantry Divisions, 15 Cavalry Brigades, 13 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (10,050) 1 Dreadnoughts, 2 Armored Cruisers, 6 Light Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Europe Based

Spoiler :

The Principality of Albania
Dominion of Italy
Absolute Monarchy: Prince William
Capital: Durrës
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 2/0
Manpower: 177 (+7)
Restrictions: (17,500/35,000)
Army: (15,000) 1 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: (1,000) 5 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Austro-Hungarian Empire/Amon Savag
Absolute Monarchy: Franz Joseph I
Capital: Vienna
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 40/0/38
Research: (5 Army)
Manpower: 5,090 (+42)
Military Restriction: (1,469,100/2,500,000)
Army: (1,405,000) 123 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigades, 33 Artillery Brigades, 7 Armored Car Divisions
Army Quality: 8
Navy: (38,000) 16 Dreadnoughts, 1 Armored Cruisers, 12 Light Cruisers, 20 Destroyers, 16 Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: (300) 6 Zeppelins, 45 Xiaolong H-I
Air Force Quality: 1

Belgium/Lord of Elves
Constitutional Monarchy: Albert I
Capital: Brussels
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 15/0/16
Research: (1 Naval)
Manpower: 667/21 (+21)
Restrictions: (414,000/400,000)
Army: (390,000) 35 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (24,000) 10 Armored Cruisers, 13 Light Cruisers, 3 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A
Possesions: +5
Spoiler :

The Belgian Congo
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 5
Manpower: 21

Absolute Monarchy: Ferdinand I
Capital: Sofia
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 2/0
Manpower: 55 (+15)
Restrictions: (20,000/30,000)
Army: (20,000) 2 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None.
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Socialist Republic: Viktor Azarov
Capital: Simferopol
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 4/0/4
Manpower: 215 (+15)
Restrictions: (58,000/120,000)
Army: (55,000) 5 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy:(3,000) 3 Armoured Cruisers
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Constitutional Monarchy: Christian X/Liberal PM
Capital: Copenhagen
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 9/0/6
Manpower: 216 (+10)
Restrictions: (75,500/100,000)
Army: (70,000) 5 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 3 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (5,500) 1 Armored Cruisers, 7 Light Cruisers, 2 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A
Possesions: +2 EP
Spoiler :

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 8
Garrison: 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade, 2 Light Cruisers

Stability: 8
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 1
Garrison: 1 Light Cruiser

The Danish Virgin Islands
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 2
Garrison: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 Light Cruiser, 2 Destroyers

The Dutch Empire/Captain Kevin
Constitutional Republic: Pieter Cort van der Linden
Capital: Amsterdam
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 30/0/25
Research: (7 Industrial)(2 Scientific)
Manpower: 5,124/4,555 (+70)
Restrictions: (242,078/500,000)
Army: (215,000) 17 Infantry Divisions, 5 Cavalry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (27,000)1 Dreadnought, 12 Armored Cruisers, 10 Light Cruisers, 18 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 4
Air Force: (78) 6 Zeppelins, 48 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 1
Project: Wilhelminas Pride (Completed!)
Possessions: +14 EP
Spoiler :

The Dutch Antilles
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 4

The Dutch East Indies
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 11
Manpower: 4,551

German Protectorate
Absolute Monarchy: King Andrus I
Capital: Tallinn
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 5/0/0
Manpower: 213 (+13)
Restrictions: (45,000/130,000)
Army: (45,000) 4 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 3
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Republic of Finland
Republic: Paavo Vanhanen
Capital: Helsinki
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 243 (+17)
Restrictions: (80,000/100,000)
Army: (80,000) 7 Infantry Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Third French Empire
Constitutional Monarchy: Napoleon IV/Liberal PM
Capital: Paris
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 40/27/2
Manpower: 1,035(+45)
Restrictions: (908,798/3,150,000)
Army: (865,000) 70 Infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 30 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (43,750) 12 Dreadnoughts, 15 Armored Cruisers, 7 Light Cruisers, 25 Destroyers, 15 Submarines
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: (48) 40 Bordeaux 19', 8 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 3
Possessions: +8
Spoiler :

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 326
Garrison: 5 Infantry Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades

French West Africa
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 5
Manpower: 439
Garrison: 7 Infantry Divisions, 3 Artillery Brigades, 8 Fighters

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 271
Garrison: 4 Infantry Divisions, 3 Artillery Brigades, 4 Bordeaux 19'

Also controls; Kerguelen Islands, Crozet Islands

The German Empire/Agent89
Protector of Ruthenia
Protector of Estonia
Absolute Monarchy: Kaiser Wilhelm II
Capital: Berlin
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 66/0/20
Research: none
Manpower: 7,715/1,744 (+78)
Restrictions: (1,939,270/4,500,000)
Army: (1,822,960) 132 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigades, 95 Artillery Brigades, 4 Armored Car Brigades, 5 Marines, 569 Hindenburg Light Warkers, 150 Leopard Tank Carriers
Army Quality: 9
Navy: (115,800) 3 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 46 Dreadnoughts, 14 Armored Cruisers, 26 Light Cruisers, 71 Destroyers, 74 Submarines
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: (510)18 Zeppelins, 60 Fighters, 60 Xiaolong H-I
Air Force Quality: 2
Projects: Berlin-Windhoek Railway (33/X)
Possession: +21 EP
Spoiler :

German Nigeria
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 250

German East Africa
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 5
Manpower: 620

German Central Africa
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 341

Stability: 7
Economic Power: 4
Manpower: 357

Stability: 7
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 92

German Southwest Africa
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 4
Manpower: 21

German New Guinea
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 63

Also controls; The Marshall Islands, Caroline Islands, German Samoa, Pemba, Zanzibar, Reunion, Comoros Islands, German Suez Canal Zone (+3 EP, +10 MP)

Constitutional Monarchy: Constantine I/Reactionary PM
Capital: Athens
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 13/0/8
Manpower: 336 (+14)
Restrictions: (264,000/300,000)
Army: (240,000) 18 Infantry Divisions, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: (24,000) 14 Armored Cruisers, 10 Light Cruisers, 10 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Irish Republic/commander gorma
Republic: Liam McCourt
Capital: Dublin
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 6/0
Manpower: 439 (+2)
Restrictions: (61,805/90,000)
Army: (60,255) 6 Divisions, 51 Hindenburg Light Warkers, 2 Special Forces Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Navy: (1,550) 1 Armoured Cruiser, 1 Destoyer, 1 Submarine
Naval Quality: 6
Air Force: None.
Air Force Quality: None.
Projects: Defenses (1/7)

Kingdom of Italy/ZeletDude
Constitutional Monarchy: Victor Emmanuel IV
Capital: Rome
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 32/0/4
Research: none
Manpower: 905/1481 (+40)
Restrictions: (681,366/2,500,000)
Army: (625,000) 53 Infantry Divisions, 19 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Special Forces Units
Army Quality: 4
Navy: (56,150) 3 Littorio-Class Battleships, 12 Dreadnoughts, 17 Armored Cruisers, 15 Light Cruisers, 31 Destroyers, 11 Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: (216) 24 Zeppelins, 96 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 1
Projects: Algiers-Cairo Railroad (3/10)
Possessions: (+9 EP)
Spoiler :

Stability: 8
Economic Power: 4
Manpower: 131

Stability: 1
Economic Power: -2
Manpower: 821

Stability: 3
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 75

Stability: 1
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 423

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 31

Also Controls: The Italian Suez Canal Zone (+1 EP)

Constitutional Monarchy: Duchess Charlotte/Conservative PM
Capital: Luxembourg
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 7/0/2
Manpower: 33(+2)
Restrictions: (20,000/25,000)
Army: (20,000) 2 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: 3
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Kingdom of Montenegro
Absolute Monarchy: Nicholas I
Capital: Cetinje
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 34 (+3)
Restrictions: (35,000/40,000)
Army: (35,000) 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Constitutional Monarchy: Haakon VII/Conservative PM
Capital: Olso
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 9/0/9
Manpower: 279 (+11)
Restrictions: (275,500/300,000)
Army: (265,000) 24 Infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (10,500) 3 Armored Cruisers, 12 Light Cruisers, 3 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Ottoman Empire/Dreadnought
Protector of Qatar
Absolute Monarchy: Mehmed V
Capital: Istanbul
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 25/0/0
Manpower: 3,156 (+36)
Restrictions: (619,320/1,205,000)
Army: (575,000) 45 Infantry Divisions, 11 Cavalry Brigades, 12 Artillery Brigades, 2 Armoured Car Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Navy: (44,200) 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 7 Dreadnoughts, 20 Armored Cruisers, 30 Light Cruisers, 2 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 6
Air Force: (120) 120 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 4
Project: Constantinople-Mecca Railway (Completed!)

Republic: Teófilo Braga
Capital: Lisbon
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 17/3/23
Research: (1 Naval)
Manpower: 677/102 (+27)
Restrictions: (451,392/800,000)
Army: (410,360) 33 Infantry Divisions, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades, 60 M-1 Congressional Warkers
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (40,900) 18 Armored Cruisers, 30 Light Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 8 Submarines
Navy Quality: 4
Air Force: (132) 12 Zeppelins, 72 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 3
Posessions: +9 EP
Spoiler :

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 14
Garrison: 1 Infantry Division

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 27
Garrison: 1 Infantry Division

Portuguese Guinea
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 21

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 10
Garrison: 1 Division

Also in control of: Goa, Cabinda, The Azores, Madeira, São Tomé and Príncipe
(+2 EP, +30 MP)

Absolute Monarchy: Carol I
Capital: Bucharest
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 10/0
Manpower: 682 (+21)
Restrictions: (467,000/600,000)
Army: (445,000) 27 Infantry Divisions, 20 Cavalry Brigades, 15 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: (22,000) 11 Armored Cruisers, 13 Light Cruisers, 9 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Russian Monarchists
Absolute Monarchy: Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
Capital: Perm
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 2/0(m)
Research: (2 Army)
Manpower: 1,343 (+1)
Restrictions: (385,000/200,000)
Army: (385,000) 26 Infantry Divisions, 12 Cavalry Brigades, 13 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

German Protectorate
Absolute Monarchy: King Ivan I
Capital: Minsk
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 5/0/0
Manpower: 620 (+20)
Restrictions: (40,000/135,000)
Army: (40,000) 3 Infantry Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Soviet Russia/Justo
Socialist: Vladimir Lenin
Capital: Moscow
Stability: 1
Economic Power: X/X(m)
Research: (2 Army)
Manpower: 10,560 (+3)
Restrictions: (1,385,000/20,000)
Army: (1,135,000) 107 Infantry Divisions, 39 Cavalry Brigades, 24 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Military Dictatorship: Generalissimo Nicholas Estuardo
Capital: Madrid
Stability: 10
Economic Power: 28/0
Research: none
Manpower: 2,688/613 (+96)
Restrictions: (955,665/1,050,000)
Army: (958,285) 66 Infantry Divisions, 35 Cavalry Brigades, 16 Artillery Brigades, 45 Hindenburg Light Warkers, 1 Iron Guard Battalion
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (37,200) 3 Dreadnoughts, 16 Armored Cruisers, 20 Light Cruisers, 16 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: (180) 12 Zeppelins, 48 Fighters, 72 Bordeaux 19'
Air Force Quality: 2
Possessions: +10 EP
Spoiler :

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 5
Manpower: 418

Seirra Leone
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 100

Spanish Guinea
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 37

Spanish Arabia
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 39

The Canary Islands
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 36

Sweden/ Heraclius49
Constitutional Monarchy: Gustaf V
Capital: Stockholm
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 11/0/8
Research: (4 Army)(7 Navy)
Manpower: 657 (+25)
Restrictions: (472,624/700,000)
Army: (439,180) 29 Infantry Divisions, 10 Cavalry Brigades, 16 Artillery Brigades, 3 Armored Car Brigades, 2 Special Forces Units, 2 Lion Troop Battalions, 30 M-1 Congressional Warkers
Army Quality: 6
Navy: (33,300) 1 Dreadnought, 10 Armored Cruisers, 21 Light Cruisers, 22 Destroyers, 16 Submarines
Navy Quality: 5
Air Force: (144) 6 Zeppelins, 24 Fighters, 15 Xiaolong H-1 Bombers
Air Force Quality: N/A
Project: Defenses (1/X), Excellence (3/X), Adolphus (6/X)

Confederation: Philipp Etter
Capital: Bern
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 9/2/0
Research: (2 Scientific Research)(1 Aeronautics Research)
Manpower: 384 (+16)
Restriction: (550,204/600,000)
Army: (550,000) 35 Infantry Divisions, 20 Cavalry Brigades, 20 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: (204) 144 Fighters, 12 Zeppelins
Air Force Quality: 3
Project: Bern Highway (COMPLETED)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain/ civver 764
Parliamentary Democracy: Herbert Henry Asquith
Capital: London
Stability: 10
Economic Power: 48/0/48
Research: (10 Gas)(8 Naval)(3 Aeronautics)
Manpower: 37,915/33,945 (+46)
Restrictions: (595,554/2,000,000)
Army: (500,000) 40 Infantry Divisions, 20 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 6
Navy: (95,500) 33 Dreadnoughts, 17 Armored Cruisers, 21 Light Cruisers, 70 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: (54) 6 Zeppelins, 24 Fighters,
Air Force Quality: 4
Possesions: +22 EP
Spoiler :

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 8
Manpower: 31,192

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 4
Manpower: 960

British East Africa
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 170

Stability: 3
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 211

British Nigeria
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 1,350

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 13

South Arabia
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 21

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 4

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 24

Also in Control of: Malta, The Mauritius, Socotra, The Maldives, The Cocos Islands, The Orkney Islands, Swaziland, Lesotho, Prince Edward Island, Bouvet Island (+2 EP, +70 MP)

North America Based
Spoiler :

The Republic of Alyeska
Protectorate of the United States of America
Federal Republic: Ivan Streckli
Capital: Naknek
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 3/0/1
Manpower: 18 (+.5)
Restrictions: (15,000/16,000)
Army: (15,000) 1 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force:
Air Force Quality: N/A

Dominion of Canada
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Parliamentary Democracy: James Griffith
Capital: Ottawa
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 11/0/11(m)
Research: (17 Army)(11 Aviation)
Manpower: 71 (+3)
Restrictions: (71,650/100,000)
Army: (40,000) 2 Infantry Divisions, 4 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 7
Navy: (31,500) 4 Dreadnoughts, 12 Armored Cruisers, 3 Light Cruisers, 26 Destroyers, 20 Submarines
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: (150) 6 Zeppelins, 120 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 4

Confederate States of America/Communisto
Presidential Republic: Daniel Blaine
Capital: Atlanta
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 22/7/0
Manpower: 282 (+20)
Restrictions: (200,000/210,000)
Army: (200,000) 20 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: 4
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Republic of Cuba/D'artagnan59
Republic: Diego Garcia
Capital: Havanna
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 6/2/0
Manpower: 171 (+17)
Restrictions: (67,000/80,000)
Army: (55,000) 5 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 2
Navy: (12,000) 2 Dreadnought, 10 Armoured Cruisers
Navy Quality: 3
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Dominican Republic
Republic: Francisco Henríquez y Carvajal
Capital: Santo Domingo
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 3/0/1
Manpower: 69 (+4)
Restrictions: (45,000/46,000)
Army: (35,000) 4 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Republic: Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 3/0
Manpower: 61 (+3)
Restrictions: (45,000/45,000)
Army: (45,000) 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Republic of Mexico
Republic: Manuel Torreblanca
Capital: Mexico City
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 3/3/0
Manpower: 372 (+9)
Restrictions: (96,500/200,000)
Army: (90,000) 9 Divisions
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (6,500) 6 Armoured Cruisers, 1 Destoyer
Naval Quality: 5
Air Force: None.
Air Force Quality: None.

Republic: Miguel Dario
Capital: Managua
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 3/0
Manpower: 54 (+1)
Restrictions: (25,000/25,000)
Army: (25,000) 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

The Republic of Quebec
Republic: Pierre Thomas Brown
Stability: 10
Economic Power: 6/0
Manpower: 135 (+5)
Restrictions: (50,000/120,000)
Army: (50,000) 5 Divisions, 1 Special Forces Unit
Army Quality: 4
Navy: N/A
Naval Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

United States of America/DarthNader
Protector of Aleyska
Presidential Republic: Theodore Roosevelt/Progressive Party
Capital: New York
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 54/0
Manpower: 7,889/326 (+84)
Restrictions: (1,220,724/7,500,000)
Army: (1,078,840) 80 Infantry Divisions, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 32 Artillery Brigades, 270 Warker Mod I, 180 Warker Mod II "Bison"s, 8 Marine Divisions
Army Quality: 6
Navy: (141,200) 46 Dreadnoughts, 7 Armored Cruisers, 32 Light Cruisers, 87 Destroyers, 98 Submarines, 10 California-Class Battlecruisers, 5 New Jersey-Class Dreadnought, 4 Lexington-Class Aircraft Carriers
Navy Quality: 7
Air Force: (684) 48 Zeppelin Squadron, 216 Fighters, 60 Curtiss P-1 Hawks, 24 Douglass LB-3s
Air Force Quality: 4
Project: Meade Line (X/X), (3/X) Omaha
Spoiler :

Stability: 5
Economic Power: -1
Manpower: 7

Puerto Rico
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 110

The Hawaiian Islands
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 15

The Bahamas
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 5

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 82

Lesser Antilles
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 107

Also in control of: The Falkland Islands, South Georgia, The Sandwich Islands (+1 MP)

South America Based
Spoiler :

Constitutional Republic: Earl Stanley Baldwin
Capital: Buenos Aires
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 30 (+3)
Restrictions: (42,0986/50,000)
Army: (35,000) 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (7,000) 1 Dreadnought, 2 Armored Cruisers, 5 Light Cruisers, 3 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: (96) 96 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 1

Republic: Ismael Montes
Capital: Sucre
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 3/0/3
Manpower: 176 (+4)
Restrictions: (45,000/50,000)
Army: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 3
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Republic: Delfirm Rodrigues
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Stability: 10
Economic Power: 23/0
Research: (2 Industrial Research)
Manpower: 2,730 (+12)
Restrictions: (703,796/650,000)
Army: (675,000) 44 Infantry Divisions, 41 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades, 4 Special Forces Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (28,400) 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 5 Dreadnoughts, 13 Armored Cruisers, 3 Light Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, 14 Submarines
Navy Quality: 4
Air Force: (396) 36 Zeppelins, 216 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 1
Project: Internal Building (Completed!) The Brás Project (32/80)

Republic: Pedro Canto
Capital: Santiago
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 21/0
Research: (13 Industrial)
Manpower: 812 (+17)
Restrictions: (295,724/600,000)
Army: (275,500) 23 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades, 2 Special Forces Units
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (20,700) 1 Dreadnought, 12 Armored Cruisers, 7 Light Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: (24) 24 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 1
Projects: Infrastructure (20/X)

Republic: José Vicente Concha
Capital: Bogota
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 9/0
Manpower: 520 (+9)
Restrictions: (309,000/150,000)
Army: (300,000) 24 Infantry Divisions, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 4
Navy: (9,000) 4 Dreadnoughts, 2 Armored Cruisers, 5 Light Cruisers, 1 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A
Projects: Panama Canal Expansion (4/8)

Republic: Leonidas Plaza
Capital: Quito
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 6/0/0
Manpower: 19 (+1)
Restrictions: (112,500/130,000)
Army: (105,000) 9 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Army Quality: 4
Navy: (7,500) 6 Armored Cruisers, 2 Light Cruisers, 1 Destroyer
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Republic: Olivier Cajon
Capital: Cayenne
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2/0
Manpower: 5 (+1)
Restrictions: (15,000/15,000)
Army: (15,000) 1 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: N/AIreland
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Republic: Eduardo Schaerer
Capital: Asunción
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 7/0
Manpower: 81 (+5)
Restrictions: (50,000 /50,000)
Army: (50,000) 4 Infantry Divisions, 2 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 2
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Republic: Ronald Tongo
Capital: Paramaribo
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 2/0
Manpower: 12 (+1)
Restrictions: (16,000/20,000)
Army: (15,000) 1 Infantry Divisions, 1 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (1,000) 2 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Republic: José Batlle y Ordóñez
Capital: Montevideo
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 4/3/6
Manpower: 102 (+2)
Restriction: (22,000/25,000)
Army: (20,000) 2 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (2,000) 2 Armored Cruisers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Military Dictatorship: Juan Vicente Gómez
Capital: Caracas
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 6/0/6
Manpower: 272 (+4)
Restriction: (178,500/30,000)
Army: (175,000) 15 Infantry Divisions, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (3,500) 1 Armored Cruisers, 3 Light Cruisers, 2 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Oceania Based Nations
Spoiler :

The Dominion of Australia
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Republic: Joseph Cook
Capital: Sydney
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 12/3/0
Research: none
Manpower: 542 (+20)
Restrictions: (72,648/350,000)
Army: (60,000) 4 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Brigades, 3Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 5
Navy: (12,600) 2 Dreadnoughts, 1 Armored Cruisers, 5 Light Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: (48) 48 Fighters
Air Force Quality: 1

The Dominion of New Zealand
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Republic: Liberal PM
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 15/0/1
Manpower: 117 (+4)
Restrictions: (123,500/140,000)
Army: (90,000) 6 Infantry Divisions, 6 Artillery Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (33,500) 16 Armored Cruisers, 17 Light Cruisers, 18 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A
The Entente- The United Kingdom, The Third French Empire, Russia, The Confederate States of America, the Mexican Empire, the Dominions of the United Kingdom Dissolved With the Signing of the Treaties of London, Paris, and Boston, in 1917
The Quadruple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, The United States of America Broken, as of 1918
The Commonwealth- The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Bhutan, Nepal
The Tokyo-London Defensive Alliance-Japan, The United Kingdom Broken, as of 1914
The East Asiatic Co-Prosperity Alliance-Japan, Siam, Indochina
The Treaty of Jinan-Germany, China, The United States of America
The Treaty of San Clemente- The United States of America, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, The Republic of Mexico(1917),Ecuador(1919), Chile(1919), Argentina(1919), Nicaragua(1919), Suriname(1919), Guiana(1919), Uruguay(1919), Paraguay(1919)
The Congress of Nations- Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium
The Ottoman-Bulgarian Alliance- The Kingdom of Bulgaria, The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman-German Alliance- The German Empire, The Ottoman Empire
The Italian-Montenegrin Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, The Kingdom of Montenegro
The Italian-Austrian Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, The Austro-Hungarian Empire
The Madrid-Berlin Pact The German Empire, Spain
The Italian-Swedish Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, Sweden

The Charter of the Congress of Nations, 1915 The Republic of Portugal, Manuel de Arriaga; Sweden, Gustav V; Switzerland, Arthur Hoffman; Belgium; 1918, Leopold I

Treaty of Copenhagen, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; Sweden, Gustav V; Denmark, Christian X; Norway, Haakon VII

Treaty of London, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The United Kingdom, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV

Treaty of Tokyo, 1917 The Empire of Japan, Taishō; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Siam, Vajiravudh; The Russian Empire, Nicholas II; The Third French Empire, Napoleon IV

Treaty of Boston, 1917 The United States of America, Theodore Roosevelt; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George

Treaty of Dublin, 1917 The Republic of Ireland, Liam McCourt; The German Empire, Wilhelm;

Treaty of London, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV; The Kingdom of Spain, Alfonso XIII

Treaty of Buenos Aires, 1917 Argentina previously La Plata, Earl Stanley Baldwin; Brazil, Venceslau Brás; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George

Treaty of Paris, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The Third French Empire, Napoleon IV; The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV

Treaty of Barcelona, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The Kingdom of Spain, Alfonso XIII; The The Republic of Portugal, Bernadino Mercado

Treaty of the Balkans, 1918 The Ottoman Empire, Mehmed V; The Kingdom of Greece, Constantine I; The Kingdom of Bulgaria, Ferdinand I; The Kingdom of Romania, Carol I

Treaty of Königsberg, 1918 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The Russian Union, Georgy Gref; The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph I; The Kingdom of Romania, Carol I; The Kingdom of Montenegro, Nicholas I

Treaty of Taranto, 1919 The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV; The Kingdom of Montenegro, Nicholas I; The Principality of Albania, Prince William I

Pact of Medina, 1919 The Ottoman Empire, Mehmed IV; Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud

Current Wars

Name: The Russian Civil War
When: 1918-
Who: The Russian Union VS. The Russian Monarchists VS. The Bolsheviks
Losses: TBA

Name: The Abyssinian Civil War
When: 1918-
Who: Abyssinian Nationalists Vs. Abyssinian Secessionists Vs. Sudanese Nationalists Vs. French Citizen's Army
Losses: TBA
Name: Lima War
When: 1914-1915
Who: Chile vs. Peru
Losses: 13,000 Chileans Lost; 24,000 Peruvians Lost
Description: Peru, always described as being relatively unstable had apparently planned a hostile take over of Chile. Chile, took the fight to Peru however, and launched a surprise invasion, quickly pushing back their under-powered Peruvian defenders. Fighting was intense though, throughout the jungle, and highly mountainous terrain, ultimately ending in mass amounts of Peruvians surrendering to the Chilean army. Peruvian president Benavides to Brazil was also exiled to Brazil. Peru was annexed.
Other: The conflict resulted in the whole of Peru becoming annexed, though, the Peruvian Liberation Army, or P.L.A, took hold throughout various parts of the old nation. It took another year before the rest of the country could be secured.

Name: The Wars of Scandinavian Unification
When: 1915-1917
Who: Norway, Denmark, (Germany) vs. Sweden (Great Britain)
Losses: 100,000 Danish, 25,000 Norwegian, 90,000 Swedish, 2,000 British, 1,000 German, thousands of civilian from blockade
Description: In Sweden, a odd slightly Fascist movement had been building up in the years leading to the war. The movement clung to the idea that all of Scandinavia should be united under one banner. The war began when a Swedish fleet entered into Copenhagen, and destroyed much of the Danish fleet. From their, and invasion of Jutland went forth, with fighting throughout the Peninsula. Norway declared its support for Denmark, after a diplomatic breakdown between the nations. After another year of fighting throughout the region, and Sweden playing Germany and Britain off against each other, the conflict ended in what is more or less a tie.
Other: Some scholars argue that this was as much a theater of the Great War, as Iberia, or North America. A separate war, but a theater nonetheless. While many Swedes were against the war from the outset, large portions of the original movement remains, with many people joining after the war, because of what they viewed as mistreatment by the British and Germans.

Name: Italo-Albanian War
When: 1918
Who: The Kingdom of Italy, Montenegro vs. Albania
Losses: 4,000 Italians, 5,000 Montenegrin, 13,000 Albanians
Description: Albania, long lacking a stable government, came into conflict with Italy, after Italian ships stationed themselves off the Albanian coast. After a year of unsuccessful diplomacy, Albanian cannons fired at Italian ships, after they went too close to the Albanian coast. Italy soon declared war afterwords, bringing their Montenegrin allies into the battle. The war was fought fairly quickly, and was a very mobile war. The more experienced Italian troops clearly came out on top, as the whole of Albania was occupied before the year was up.
Other: Strong condemnations came from many nations in Europe, such as Germany. A more stable government was set up in Albania, the nation becoming a dominion of Italy.

Name: The Great War
When: 1914-1918
Who: The German Empire, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, The Kingdom of Italy, The United States of America, The Japanese Empire, Bulgaria, Abyssinia, The Ottoman Empire, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia,The Chinese Empire, Siam, Spain VS. The United Kingdom, The Third French Empire, The Empire of Mexico, Bhutan, Nepal, La Plata, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, The Confederate States of America, The Russian Empire, The Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Belgium, Portugal
Losses: Several Million on each side.
Description: The "War to End All Wars" was started when a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. It did not take long for the Austrian military to declare war on it's small Balkan neighbor. With that, Serbia called in Imperial Russia, it's long time ally, to help fend off the Austrians. The Austrians then called in the Germans, who called in the Italians, and the Americans, as per the Quadruple Alliance. Somehow, the question of Belgian neutrality was raised, and the United Kingdom and Belgium soon declared war on Germany, bringing in the rest of the Commonwealth, and France, and the Confederate states, both of whom were members of the Entente, the alternate European alliance.

The opening moves of the war were in Europe, as the Germany army steamrolled through Belgium, guarded by the then limited Belgian army, and a small British military detachment. The French attempted to push over the Rhine, but were engulfed and beaten back, in the wake of a duel German and Italian invasion. Italy herself was invaded, however, by a large British force. With the Italian military out of the area, the British troops quickly occupied much of Central Italy.

In the East, meanwhile, Austria advanced into Serbia, while Russia advanced into Austria. Germany, hoping to relieve some pressure their Austrian allies pushed over the Vistula river, into Russian held Poland. In North America, the Confederacy quickly went on the offensives, pushing north into Maryland, and onto the Delmarva peninsula.
The next year of the war, was just as bloody, as the fighting spread across every continent, save for Antarctica. The Ottoman Empire joined in, after being persuaded by the British. Romania soon followed too. Their main targets was Bulgaria, and after the decisive Bulgarian loss to the joint armies at Plovdiv, the Bulgarians were out, leaving the Quadruple Alliance's Balkan front weak, and susceptible to attack. The Germans and Russians continued to duke it out, throughout Poland, and up and down the Baltic coast.

The Italians struggled to fight off the British invasion force, and ensuing blockade, leading to the the Italian government surrendering to the British government. Despite what seemed to be the loss of a key member of the Quadruple Alliance, Germany, America and Austria quickly gained allies in Spain, and Venezuela, both of whom had ships sunk by the British the year before.

The Spanish were quick to react- pushing into French equatorial Africa, and attacking French positions throughout French North Africa. Portugal, fearing war being brought to the Iberian peninsula (somewhat Ironically) declared war on Spain, leading to yet another front.

1915 was also a year of naval stand offs, with the battle of Guantanamo checking the joint Confederate-British-Commonwealth fleet in the Caribbean Sea, and the battle of the Orkney Islands securing German naval dominance in the North Atlantic sea.
The war intensified in South and Central America, also, as Mexico began to revolt against the Empire of Mexico, and the Confederate States. Colombia aided the effort, pushing into Confederate held Nicaragua, while Brazil and Venezuela attacked La Plata, and European colonies in Northern South America. The Confederate states, too faced a long year, losing in both the west, and east, managing to only hold onto their gains made in the Delmarva peninsula in the year prior.

As 1916 came along, it was become increasingly obvious that the Quadruple Alliance was winning the war. The English and Commonwealth forces have been devasted throughout the world, while increasing numbers of nations began jumping onto the Quadruple Alliance bandwagon. France managed to push Germany out of its home territory, managing to even free a bit of Belgium. However, after years of fighting, both France and the United Kingdom, followed by Portugal bowed out of the war.

This untied German hands from the western front, allowing them to focus on the Eastern front, much to Russia's dismay. Following the previous years victorious in the region, Montenegro declared its allegiance to the Entente, and along with Serbia and Romania made one final push into Austrian land. However, Austria was more interested in beating Russia back. Using newly developed Chinese X-1 Xialong bombers, crushed a large portion of the Russian army during the Second Battle of Stry, and began slowly pushing the "Ivans" back across the border. Germany with her armies free from the Western front also began pushing the Russians back across the Vistula.

The final blow to the great Russian Bear came in 1917, when China and the Ottoman Empire (switching sides to fight an age old enemy) attacked, and took, Manchuria and the Caucasus Mountains respectively. The Russian Imperial Government collapsed, with a Russian provincial government quickly taking over. The provincial government quickly requested peace with all involved nations, with Romania, Serbia and Montenegro following suit.

The Confederate States meanwhile, continued to fight the United State's armies, with increased vigor, but as the United State's military advantage became more and more evident, and the Confederate's only great victory that at Houston, it became obvious that the Confederate State had to accept defeat, and surrendered in late Spring.
The War in the Pacific has become completely over shadowed by the European War. As soon as hostilities broke out, Japan declared war on Britain and her allies, quickly taking several outlying islands owned by the empire, in the first few weeks of the war. The Japanese also quickly took over Sakhalin island, Sarawak, and jointly attack British positions on the Malay peninsula. They signed separate peace treaties with the Entente, allowing for the Pacific War to end at an earlier date then the European War.

The official end of the war was on June 18th, 1918.

Other: The great conflict in recorded human history, up to this point. Ireland, Finland, Belarus, Crimea, Estonia, Cuba, Suriname, Guiana, Mexico, Alyeska, Indochina, and by extension the Transvaal Republic all gained state ship during this war, or soon thereafter. The British and French Empire's influence in world affairs began waning after being almost completely shut out from the Pacific, and the Americas.

The German and American navy's both ended up becoming the pre-eminant naval forces on the planet, while several other nations greatly expanded influence, and territory. Spain soon after became the worlds first Fascist state, for many reasons caused by this conflict. The Russian Civil War is also a direct consequence of this war.

-1914 The Great War begins, Battle of the Rhine, Battle of Cambridge, Battle of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Siege of Hermosillo, The Yellow Sea Engagement, Ottoman Reforms, Swiss Highway Begins Construction

-1915 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification Begin, Ireland Rebels, Mexico Rebels, The Great War Continues, The Battle of Plovdiv, The Battle of the Orkney Islands, The Battle of Veilje, The Battle of Sidi Bou, The Battle of Wilhelmina, The Second Battle of Cambridge, The Battle at Guantanamo, New Orleans assaulted via air.

-1916 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification Continue, The Great War Continues, Both Mexico and Ireland are recognized by the Quadruple Alliance, The Battle of Konigsberg, The Second Battle of Stry, The Third Battle of Cambridge, The Second Battle of Fredericksburg, East Timor is sold to the Dutch Empire, Swiss Highway Completed

-1917 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification End, The Great War continues, France and England, among others sign peace treaties, Finland, Cuba, Indochina and the Republic of Alaska become nations, the Battle for Houston, The Russian Revolution

-1918 The Great War Ends, The Russian Civil War Begins, Alesyka secures its independence, Spanish revolution, Italo-Albanian War, The Transvaal Republic gains its freedom, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction

-1919 The Condor Legion, Spain, and Japan get involved in the Russian Civil War. The Battle of St. Petersburg, Spanish-Liberian border conflicts, Quebec gains independance, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction, get's attacked by Egyptian Nationalists

-1920 The Russian Civil War continues, The Battle of Baku, Spanish-Liberian Trials, Cottonmouth Attacks Throughout The Confederacy, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction, The Dominican Republic Invades Haiti

-1921 Operation Caged Lion
Hall of Destroyed Nations (shamelessly ripped from Imago)

1. The Republic of Peru, NPC'd

The South American nation declared it's independence from Spain in 1821, and formally began running its own affairs in 1824. It spent the rest of the Century doing much of nothing. Participating in the Pacific War, was one notable thing, that really set the stage for it's tension with Chile. As the world erupted in war, in 1914, Chile invaded the small nation, claiming it had been planning an attack. With the rest of the world going down in flames, no one really noticed the war, and ensuing annexation by Chile. The short-lived Peruvian Liberation Army also kept the name going for a year, before a crack down by the Chilean military.

2. The Empire of Mexico, NPC'd

Taken by the French Empire in 1864, with the help of the Confederacy. It survived for the rest of the century as a French dominion/puppet state in what remained of Mexico. It's zenith was in 1914 when Imperial Mexican troops fought side by side with the Confederacy in defending against a United States invasion of the north. It's soldiers played an important part in the Siege of Hermosillio, and defended the city before overwhelming American numbers over ran them. From there, various rebellions sprang up throughout the Empire, and it began its steady decline. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the Empire of Mexico was abolished, with the Republic of Mexico taking its place.

3. The Kingdom of Serbia, NPC'd

Gaining it's freedom from the Ottoman Empire, in 1815, Serbia has long been stuck in the politics of the Balkans, being threatened by both the Ottomans and Austrians throughout it's short history. Serbia, always wishing to see a Slav superstate arise in the region, almost got its wish, had the Great War gone in the Entente's favor. The Great War, was started by Serbia, (or so the Quadruple Alliance claims) when Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne. With the Ottoman entry in the war, and with Bulgaria's, a Quadruple Alliance associated power, defeat, it looked as though Serbia might finally of beat off the Austrian forces in Serbia.

Rather, the war shifted, when France and England both made peace with Germany, allowing for Germany, and Austria to focus more soldiers on the Eastern and Balkan front. Before long, the Serbian allies of Romania and Montenegro surrendered, with Russia succumbing to revolution. Serbia was annexed by the Austrian empire in 1918.

War Strikes Europe!
Sarajevo, Austria-Hungry, 1914

After years of mounting tensions, bickering, etc. the war everyone has been waiting for has finally broken out between the major European powers. After the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, by what the Austrians claim was Serbian sponsored terrorism, The Empire of Austra-Hungary declared war on their southern neighbor. Serbia, not wishing to be utterly destroyed, asked for it's long-time ally Russia to throw support to the war. Russia agreed, causing Germany and the United States of America to declare war on Russia. Russia, not wishing to be over powered- called upon it's allies in the Entente; The British Empire, The French Empire, The Confederate States of America. They all of course soon followed suit, with Italy and Bulgaria soon coming in to aid the Quadruple alliance. Germany, who had designs on Belgium also caused some interesting diplomacy between the two nations. Germany, wishing to attack France asked for a right of passage through Belgian territory.

The Belgium Waffle
Brussels, Belgium, 1914

King Albert I, the king of Belgium's response startled everyone- in wishing for peace he promised Kaiser Wilhelm's soldiers safe passage through his territory, which of course had France and England scared. But, after pressure from his allies, including having his nation occupied by both the Germans, the French and the British (of who, the British and Germans being at war with each other) promptly kicked, along with mass amounts of hilarity that would of ensued, the Germans out. Kaiser Wilhelm, is not someone you shun so easily, and so he declared war on Belgium. British and Belgian troops began digging in, and preparing for what most analysts see as being a quick, six-moths war.

First Offenses
Brussels, German-Occupied Belgium, 1914

While the Allies of the Entente struggle to get their militarys mobilized, nations such as the United States and Germany, who seem to of been preparing for this war for awhile quickly assaulted the allies before proper defenses could be brought up. Some intense Germany maneuvering not only caught the Belgians and the British off guard, but found the Belgians losing both Brussels and most of it's coast to the rampaging German armies. Very little sustained fighting had occurred between the Belgian military, and the Germans, most pockets of resistance were quickly destroyed by German artillery bombardments. As the British quickly rushed forces to the Continent, only a small slice of Belgium remained truly free. Belgium demolition squads, sabotaging the German advances every step of the way did prove to be a rather large annoyance to the Germans, but ultimately failed to be a decisive factor in the battle; one of the key reasons being that, by the time they were trained, equipped, etc. that the German's had already over ran a majority of the country. Belgian's did also attempt you use mustard gas, killing many German's in the process, but German retaliation against Belgian citizens stopped the Belgian military from using any more.

The Germans also pushed through Luxembourg, who had given them a right of passage, into France, heading straight for Paris, or so it seemed. In the South, another Italian army met up with a Germany one, and pushed into Southern France, sustaining few casualties. As the French struggled to mobilize, the only major counter-attack was across the Rhine, which the German's surrounded and destroyed at the battle of the Rhine. As the year died down, things began looking dire for France and for Belgium, as The United Kingdom attempted to poor more reserves into France to help support their dying allies.

(-6 Belgian Divisions, -2 Belgian Demolition Squads, -2 Cavalry Brigades, -1 Belgian Artillery Brigades, +5 Belgian Militia Divisions, -10 Belgian Manpower, -2 British Divisions, -1 British Artillery Division, -9 French Division, -7 French Artillery Brigade, -10 French Manpower, -5 German Divisions, -1 German Cavalry Brigade, -2 German Artillery Brigades, -6 Italian Divisions, -3 Italian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Italian Cavalry Brigades )

Battle of the Rhine
Westphalia, Germany, 1914
Spoiler :

As the German 2nd Army marched through Luxembourg, and into France meeting very little resistance along the way, the French attacked to the immediate South, attempting to push across the Rhine to take the fight to Germany. The problem with this is, the German 3rd Army was standing in its way. But instead of fight, as the French expected them to do, the 3rd Army retreated, sabotaging roads, etc. all the while slowly eating away at the French forces. The French, thinking that they had the Germans on the run, continued to push into Germany, and across the Rhine. Soon, however, they realized that the reality of their position is very different.

The Germany 2nd Army swept down from Luxembourg, and began assaulting the French army from the year. As soon as this happened, the German 3rd Army turned around and quickly counter attacked the turned French forces. Finding themselves heavily outnumbered, and surrounded, many chose to surrender, then to die for country. Several divisions in total were taken prisoner, with the remaining stragglers of the army heading back East to spread news of the defeat. This loss cleared all major forces the French could amass in so far, and left the German's firmly in control of the area.

(-13 French Divisions, -5 French Cavalry Brigades, -4 French Artillery Brigades, -3 German Divisions, -1 German Cavalry Brigade)

When In Rome
Rome, Italy, 1914

Britain, seeing Italy as the apparent weak link in the Triple Alliance began a naval blockade of the Italian coast, using several of its feared Dreadnought warships, supported by a few cruisers. The plan, would have worked, had the Italians not amassed their fleet in Sicily, in what seemed to be preparation for that very scenario. The result was a fairly equal naval stand off. The British navy, supported by France, maintained a strong presence on the Western Italian coast, but the Italian fleet defeated all allied attempts at entering the Adriatic, so the British fleet simply blockaded the Eastern Italian ports from the Ionian Sea. The Italian fleet, while large, wasn't strong enough to seriously challenge allied efforts in the area. The British too, attempted to hamper Italian trade, by giving its admirals orders to destroy any ship attempting to enter Italian ports.

Which had its desired effect- killing almost all Italian trade. The problem was more with how the British went about doing this- with orders from the admiralty, British ships began sinking all trade ships attempting to dock in Italian ports. This caused a major stir with the Spanish, who began sending warships to the area, to protect their trade interests, resulting in the sinking of two Spanish Destroyers. As Spanish public opinion radically shifted towards the Quadruple Alliance's cause, all England could do is reinforce the fact that the Spanish had been warned.

Now, with the bulk of the Italian military elsewhere, the British saw the possibility of ending the war- at least for the Italian's quickly. So the British launched the largest sea-borne invasion since the American landing at Vera Cruz almost 80 years before-hand, landing large portions of troops in Latina, after Italian defenses around Rome dissuaded England from what could of been an incredibly costly landing. After the British fleet steamed pass the guarding Italian fleet, causing a battle in itself, the British troops landed, and promptly took the town, whilst fighting off local militias. As the Italian Army scrambled fend off the invasion, the British marines made headway, albeit with heavier then expected losses. Though, a victory is a victory, something the allies needed badly after recent losses.

(-6 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Cavalry Brigade, -3 Italian Artillery Brigades, +10 Italian Militia Divisions, -4 Italian Militia Divisions, -15 Italian Manpower, -7 Italian EP, -8 British Divisions, -2 British Cavalry Brigades, -1 British Artillery Division, -1 British Marine Division, -2 Spanish Destroyers, -3 British Light Cruisers, -1 Italian Light Cruiser, -4 Italian Destroyers)

The War On the Eastern Front
Konigsberg, Germany, 1914

Germany meanwhile, experienced fewer successes elsewhere. While they had completely dominated the allies in the fields of France, the Steppes of the east were something else entirely. While the German soldiers was tough, well equipped and ready to fight, Russia had massive manpower reserves at their disposal. Something that really showed in the beginning months of the war. While the German's were off beating the French back, Russia slowly mobilized its forces, in preparation to attack Germany and Austria's eastern territories.

The attacks began quicker then most Austrian and German strategists could see, and Russia quickly began swallowing up bits of land in what is Eastern Prussia. The only major German defenses came around Konigsberg, which itself came under siege in the first few months of the conflict. The Austrian and German militaries, however, cooperated in an attempt to take Russian held Poland, and moved quickly down the Vistula, and took Warsaw. Many Poles saw the Austrian and German conquest as a liberation of sorts, and many took this invasion as a prime opportunity to throw off what, they saw, were Russian oppressors.

The Russians not wishing to end the year only gaining part of Eastern Prussia launched a massive assault into Austria, only gaining land by sheer mass of it's military (much of wish was no more then men who scavenged for weapons to fire on the battlefield). These human wave tactics only got the Russians so far, however, and that was with massive casualties. As it was, the fighting on the Eastern Front was not much more then a meat-grinder. All fighting occurred sporadically, across a wide area- something someone could hardly call a battle. The only thing that could come close is the siege of Konigsberg, which is in it's 3rd month.

(-9 German Divisions, -3 German Cavalry Brigades, -3 German Artillery Brigades, -15 German Manpower, -11 Austrian Divisions, -3 Austrian Cavalry Brigades, -4 Austrian Artillery Brigades, -20 Austrian Manpower, -24 Russian Divisions, -5 Russian Cavalry Brigades, -6 Russian Artillery Brigades, -60 Russian Manpower)

War in the Balkans
Belgrade, Serbia, 1914

Meanwhile, to the south, Austria-Hungry and it's ally Bulgaria took the fight to Serbia, the original catalyst to the conflict. Serbia, whose fears of being outnumbered were realized when the Austrian and Bulgarian militaries attacked Serbia from both sides, splitting the already small Serbian army. The only thing that seemed to stop the victorious Austrian armies from entering Belgrade were developments up north- namely the Russian invasion- which seemed to spare little Serbia for yet another year, seeing that Bulgaria did not wish to over extend itself.

As large portions of the Austrian military headed north, the Serbian military swept in, taking back what it could, and bracing for what is sure to be yet another bloody year.

(-4 Austrian Divisions, -1 Austrian Cavalry Brigade, -2 Austrian Artillery Brigade, -3 Bulgarian Divisions, -2 Bulgarian Cavalry Brigade, -8 Serbian Divisions, -2 Serbian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Serbian Artillery, -20 Serbian Manpower)

Pitched European Naval Battles- Yet To Happen
Berlin, Germany, 1914

The epic class between the navy's of the great powers that was expected has yet to happen. Though fighting has occurred in the north sea between the British fleet, and the German fleet, both sides seem hesitant about dedicating their navy to a sustained battle- of which a loss could be catastrophic. Rather, as the German fleet and joint British-French fleet harry each other in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea remains silent. The German fleet unleashed to keep the Russians at bay are at least three times the size of the Russian fleet stationed in the area, which has kept the Russian fleet in dock. With losses in the Pacific, and the deadlock in the North Sea, Russia's only remaining ports open remain on the Black Sea, which is a tender location.

(-7 British Destroyers, -1 French Light Cruiser, -8 French Destroyers, -5 German Submarines, -2 German Destroyers)

First 'Highway' In Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland, 1914

Swiss officials, wishing to spur up the Swiss economy started a massive building project, so called a 'highway'. This highway is supposed to be a relatively straight road, with a few curves, swooping across Switzerland's varied landscape. This of course to make automobile traffic easier, and along with it trade. Many Swiss people however, question how useful this will become, seeing as hardly any of them actually own cars. Yet, the Swiss president was adamant, and his vision may soon become a reality. The Swiss highway is expected to open up in the next few years. Switzerland continues to stay neutral in the European conflict raging all around them.
Ottoman Domestic Reforms Shock It's People;
Constantinople, The Ottoman Empire, 1914

For the first time in as long as anyone can really remember, the decaying Empire has finally heard the many pleas of it's people, for reform. Among the things on the Sultan's list for change were, Government reorganization (however minor), Agricultural Readjustment, Some Legal Issues, etc.

So far, the public opinion has been overwhelmingly positive. A larger yearly intake of food, and a few more national representatives have gone a long way, injecting the dying Empire with another shot of life. The farmlands throughout the Empire have been recultivated, with food shortages becoming a bit less common, but the system is not yet perfect. The main problem has always been irrigation, something Ottoman officals hope to fix eventually. Some people, many of them nobles, are not happy with the political reforms however. Though none have actually lost power, the influx of public opinion has shown them that many normal citizens view them in a mostly poor fashion, many wishing to see the old system reinstated. Something the Sultan very well may do, it seems- while the reforms have left some changes, they are certainly new enough to be revoked, should the need arise. Until then, however, common life in the Ottoman Empire seems to be on a slow, yet steady, slope up.

(+1 Stability in the Ottoman Empire)

Italian Subs Presence Felt on Egyptian Coast
Suez, Egypt, 1914

Despite what naval dominance Britian and her allies seem to hold over the world, Italian sumbarines have been spotted off of the Egyptian Coast, near the Suez Canal. The Submarines have been taking a toll on the British trade in the area, causing many sailors to question what the point of destroying other nation's ships are, if you can't protect your own. Needless to say, the U.K. is feeling a slight blow to it's tonage, but it's nothing too signifigant yet. Ships have simply just started sailing around Africa instead. This of course is making trade signifigantly lag, though, the Asian goods are still getting to Europe in due time. As events unfold else where, however, it may become imperative that this 'Suez Crisis' gets fixed as soon as possible.

(-3 British Economy)

War Erupts in the Far East!
Kyoto, Japan, 1914

Japan has been drawn into the war- albeit, on it's own terms. Whilst not directly allied with any of the Western nations that have begun to fight in Europe and America, they seem to of aligned themselves with the Quadruple Alliance, as they suddenly invaded Russian held Sakhalin. The reason for this assault was simple- Japan wanted to be recognized as a modern nation, free of the western powers, that as they view, took advantage of the state for so long. Among the prime culprits were the Russians.
The Russians, off fighting the German's and Austrian's in the West did not expect the attack to come from Japan, and rather had it's defense forces in the East re-routed to the area quickly. Though, it was too late. Sakhalin fell, after sparse fighting around Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky. The Russian fleet too, was just about making its way to the Pacific when news of the suprise attack reached it. It ignored it's original target- German held Pacific colonies, and headed straight for Japan. However, the Russian fleet was no match for the Japanese. After a small engagement off the coast of China, in the East China sea, the Japanese with their massive numerical advantage defeated the Russians, leaving their fleet to limp back into allied controlled Sydney for the remainder of the year, for repairs and supplies.

The Japanese fleet however had no love for the rest of the allies either. England, leaving her navy in European and American waters obviously did not forsee a new front opening up in the far east, leaving her and her allies shipping relatively undefended. The only ships that stood in the way were ships from England's dominons, namely Australia and New Zealand. The only major pitched battle in the Pacific thus far had been off the coast of Korea. All other naval actions were spread across several Pacific chains, and relatively minor.

(-1 Japanese Armoured Cruiser, -3 Japanese Light Cruisers, -1 Austrailian Armoured Cruiser, -3 Austrailian Destroyers, -2 New Zealand Light Cruisers, -2 New Zealand Destroyers)

Battle of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky.
Spoiler :
General Sasaki marched his massive force, of what eyewitnesses have totalled to be about almost 70 divisions north towards the Russian Island's capital. Very few shots were fired, and very little property was destroyed. The Russians had hardly any military presence on the island, save for a few retired cannons left over from the Russo-Japanese war, and a few hundred old veterans past their prime. They did their best to stall the invasion, but it was ultimately futile. The fighting lasted roughly a week, but it was sporadic, and spread throughout the outskirts of the city. What could of been a urban-bloodbath for the Japanese ended when Sasaki pulled his heavy guns up to the front of the line, blasting the Russian soldiers out of their various defensive positions . Before long, the local Russian authorities surrendered to the Japanese, along with the Russian military in the area. It was a clear Japanese victory within a month, General Sasaki was hailed as a hero across Japan, and made (at least for now) military governor of the island. The Japanese were fair to the prisoners, and promptly shipped them off to various worker camps around the Pacific for the remainder of Japan's involvement in the war. The Russian dead was around 200, with the Japanese taking around 1,300 prisoners of war. The Japanese dead were much lower, barely over 50 dead or wounded.

(+1 Japanese Manpower, -5 Russian Manpower)

The Yellow Sea Engagement
Spoiler :
The Russian fleet originally steaming towards Manchuria, to ensure naval dominance over China, incase they entered the war, immediatly changed course to Sakhalin, to lend support to the Russian soldiers defending there, at least until reinforcements could make it from Central Asia. The Russian Admiral Sidorov, anticipating the Japanese fleet to be much farther to the south, harrasing allied shipping in the East Indies, moved full speed towards his target, hoping to catch Japan off guard.

However, Japan had been on the look out for the Russian Pacific fleet, and quickly moved a bulk of its forces to the East China Sea, where the two navy's engaged. Admiral Morioka moved his destroyers forward with a large contingent of Dreadnoughts attempting to flank the Russians. Obviously out gunned, and out numbered, Sidorov began a tactical retreat. However, armoured Japanese cruisers began harrying the ships as they headed back south. The Russian dreadnoughts had no choice but to return fire, allowing for the Japanese fleet to catch up. This game of cat and mouse kept going for several hours, ultimately resulting the loss of the Russian dreadnought Muscovy, and a few supporting ships. Most of the crews were saved however, and Sidorov eventually managed to out sail the Japanese and headed south to Sydney, in hopes of regrouping with allied navys. The Japanese took to the streets in celebration, as what they saw, was a great victory. In reality, losses were relatively equal on both sides, with Japan loosing several minor ships, and quite a few good sailors. The victory was strategic though, and without Russian support from the sea coming anytime soon, as Admiral Sidorov sits in Sydney, much of the Russian East coast seems ripe for the picking.
(-1 Russian Dreadnought, -3 Russian Destroyers, -2 Armoured Japanese Cruisers, -6 Light Japanese Cruisers)

A conflict Arises in Latin America
Peruvian-Chilean border, 1914
Seemingly taking advantge of the world wide conflict around them, Peru had designs to take signifigant amounts of land owned by Chile, or so says the Chilean government. Peru who has known to be fairly aggressive and militaristic in the past has since rejected the claim, but it was too late. Chile, swaying public opinion against the Peruvian republic declared war on the fairly weak state. The Chilean army moved in, and without really any pitched-battles, it marched onto Lima, with entire units of the Peruvian army surrendering to the Chilean military. Before long, Chilean General Manolin exiled Peruvian President Benavides to Brazil. With the entire nation of Peru under Chilean control, many Peruvians are fine with their new leadership, seeing as how weak and corrupt their old government was, others, however are less content.
As Chile's military has been governing the local areas, small rebel movements have broken out throughout the jungles and mountains, many of whom are no more then left over regiments and units from the Peruvian army. As the year winds down, Peruvians are being given voting rights in Chilean elections, and the slow process of assimilation has begun. As said above their are detractors in the form of the P.L.A (Peruvian Liberation Army) but, they do not have enough base, as of now, to form an effective resistance. What the Chilean government does next may decide the future of the two nations.

(-Peru, -5 Chilean Divisions, -1 Chilean Cavalry Brigade, +20 Chilean Manpower +P.L.A)

Chinese Communication's Project
Beijing, China, 1914
The Chinese government, seemingly swept up with the westernization that his been hitting them has begun a very elaborate communications project, possibly the biggest in world history. The goal of the project is to spread lines of communications; trains, telegraphs, etc. through the farthest reaches of the massive empire. Many common citizens are delighted in the fact that the country is coming together for perhaps the first time in history. The new network is supposed to be done in roughly 10 years, though some experts are saying even less.

Baja-California, The Confederate States of America, 1914

In a suprise move, the American military under the command of General Reynold North, invaded the Confederate Far West, along the Pacific coast, driving down the relatively undefended area with mass forces and zeppelins, destroying really any Confederate/Mexican resistance they ran into. The forces used the mountains for coverage, and within months has most of Western Mexico under their control, including the Baja California penisula, and parts of the states of Chihuahua, and Sonora. The only thing that halted the rampaging Federal Armies was the city of Hermosillo. After signifigantly being reinforced by armies from both Mexico, and the Confederacy, the soldiers on both sides dug in Trenches for a long seige. After a few unnescessful attempts by the Federals to simply charge over the lines, with both sides taking massive casualties, the Federal army stopped their advance to rest the tired troops. Aside from massive territorial gains, this invasion is making many Mexicans question how safe they really are under Confederate control, many of whom have somehow found large cache's of guns, and are begining to take up arms against both the Confederacy, and what they view, as a sham of a Mexican government. If the war continues to go this way, it is obvious that the Great War in Mexico may be fought with 4 very different beligerants.

The Seige of Hermosillo
Spoiler :
As General North seemed prepared to take over most of Confederate Mexico, running into little resistance from the scattered, and relatively suprised Confederate forces, he ran into a blob of resistance at the Sonora state capital of Hermosillo. In the first few weeks, the town was garrisoned by a few divisions of Mexican troops, and one of Confederate troops. Being the first major point of resistance experienced by North, he had to pull his army back together, in order to make an attack of any strength. In the time it took to move his forces across the rugged terrain, the cities garrison had already been digging in, and recieving reinforcements by the truck load. It seems that the two armies stumbled into each other.

The Federal advantage, along with numbers, is certainly with technology. The Feds moved up their heavy seige guns, and railway guns, and began bombarding the city, with little regard to the civllian population. The Mexi-Confederate troops sustained massive casualties, and dug down in trenches directly outside the city. Confederate artillery was also drawn onto Federal troops, causing them to dig in, and leading to a deadlock outside the city. Soon, however, North managed to get his Zeppelin squadrons to the city, and they bombed the Mexi-Confederate troops from above. Seeing his change he ordered the Federal army to charge the Confederate defenses. After intense trench to trench fighting, the Federals were successful in some areas, and in others not. With a Confederate counter-offense, most of the federal army was beaten back. As the year winded down, both sides returned to their respective trenches, and awaited further orders, with the Confederates begging for more troops, and General North pulling his forces together, and surrounding the well defended city.

(-8 United States Divisions, -1 United States Cavalry Brigade, -1 United States Artillery Brigade, -6 Confederate States Divisions, -2 Confederate States Cavalry Brigades, -1 Confederate States Artillery Brigade, -3 Mexican Divisions, -1 Mexican Cavalry Brigade)

Canada's Blunder
Seattle, The United States of America, 1914
With successes in the South, America's enemy to the north, Canada may of well signed her death certificate, launching a massive board campaign across the American West, and East. The idea was that key American cities, such as Minneapolis, Seattle, etc. would fall easily to Canada, something American military advisors also forsaw. So, they moved large contingents of troops to the west, thoroughly outnumbering the Canadians in every battle. In fact, the Canadians were pushed back across the border so quickly, that America actually agained some land out west. Canadian troops suffered mass casualties, being outnumbered in such a manner, spread thin, and attacking fairly heavily fortified American towns. In the East, it was also very similar. A few Canadian divisions did manage to capture and hold onto a few parts of Northern New York, but were turned back by the numerically superior American military before they reached Albany. Any stragglers quickly surrounded when the United States Great Lakes navy attacked the St. Lawrence and Canadian held major ports on the lakes, destroying many Canadian ships in port. The Canadians attempt at defending against these attacks were usually pointless, with Americas better equipt and trained navy, usually besting their Northern counterparts.

These Canadian failures, for the most part, only got worse when the Americans counter-attacked up through Maine, and all of Canadian held territory south of the St. Lawrence, leaving many Canadians fearful of American invasion, and upset over what they see as a failure on all almost all grounds. Many Quebecois especially are voicing their discontent at such failures. The only real success Canada experienced so far seems to be by mistake, rather then on purpose. The Canadian military sent a moderate sized army into Alaska, in what many believe was a hope to help out their Russian ally's, should the need arise.

American troops, landing in Sitka quickly overan the Russian defenders, of whom were mostly local policemen, and volunteers, and took over all major population centers of Russian Alaska. The Canadian military however prevented a complete take over, stationiong forces in the East and the North, sort of holding the American forces out of Canada and the rest of Alaska. Alaska's rugged terrain, and freezing climate made it impossible for any major offensive to take place as the year dragged out, and had many American troops hoping reinforcements will come before next year.

(-6 Canadian Divisions, -4 Canadian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Canadian Artillery Brigades, -3 Canadian Armoured Cruisers, 3 Canadian Light Cruisers, -4 Canadian Destroyers, -5 Canadian Sumbarines, -5 United States Divisions, -1 United States Cavalry Brigade, -1 United States Artillery Brigade, -1 Russian Division )

Naval Engagements Around North America
New York, The United States of America, 1914
Meanwhile, the British fleet encircled the key American cities of Baltimore, New York, Dover and Boston, and promptly began destroying all American shipping, hostile or not. In the process many nations, namely from South and Central America begun sending battleships with their trade fleets, causing a naval stand off, of sorts. When the American navy sallied from port at New York, they promptly beat off the combined British and Confederate fleet guarding New York harbor, allowing trade to flow freely to and from the East Coast. The problem is, the allied British, Canadian, Confederate and La Plata fleet amassing around the east coast was becoming too large for the American navy to effectively stop it, at least by itself. So the American navy, for the most part stayed in port, leaving New York City, and Philadelphia the only major port cities on the East coast.

The Pacific fleet, as it was, was sailing in Quadrople alliance waters. The Pacific itself seemed to be the Central Power's 'Mare Nostrum' of sorts, since the Japanese defeat of the Russian fleet, and the route of the Dominion fleets. That being said the blockade of the East Coast, simply led to increased trade to the West. This of course meaning that most of the shipping had to pass through the Gulf of Mexico, which was becoming a battle zone in itself.

The American Navy, not wishing to be out of the war sent its submarines out in force, to hunt for allied shipping, and of course warships. Many stray Mexican and La Plata warships fell to the sumbarines, and clearly control the Gulf, even going so far as to fire torpedos and other missiles at the Confederate ports of Guantanamo, and New Orleans, doing some damage to the docks.

(-1 United States Dreadnought, -1 United States Armored Cruisers, -3 United States Light Cruisers, -7 United States Destroyers, -4 United States Submarines, -1 British Dreadnought, -6 British Destroyers, -2 Confederate States Light Cruisers, -3 Confederate States Destroyers, -2 La Plata Destroyers)

Confederate Advances in the East, and West
Following General North's massive successes in the West (do in part to Confederate dis-organization) the Confederate army looked for any route to take the fight to the enemy, and apparently the only place they could do it was in the East. While their were only a few divisions on hand, the Confederates marched north, echoeing Robert E. Lee's campaigns so many years ago, into West Virgina, and Maryland. Take what they could, and using the Union's superior rail-lines against them, it wasn't too long until the Confederate army threatened Pennsylvania, one of the key American states. Local militias came out to stop the advance, but only to varying effect. It wasn't until the Confederates seemed to of stretched themeselves too thin, that they stopped, especially with reports of a massive Federal army sweeping down through New York and Pennsylvania, to crush the invasion.

The Confederates, however, wanting to follow up with their success landed a few divisions on the Delmarva Peninsula, and headed north. However, by this time in the year, sizable amounts of the Federal army was in the area, and heading south to stop the invasion. The Confederate forces, from Cambridge to Rehoboth started digging in trenches for the winter. The Federals moving south, did the same, with both sides shelling each other, for days on end. The Confederates, not wishing to expose Virginia's coast to a counter-invasion, and not wishing to lose an opportunity to stike Dover and Philadelphia kept sending divisions into the 'Delmarva meat grinder' as it was called. The only real battle was fought around Cambridge, and after no grounds had been gained by either side, the two armies settled down, suspiciously eyeing the other for any sudden attack.

Battle of Cambridge
Spoiler :

General William Straw, head of the Confederate forces in the area, attempted a break-out, bombarding the Federal lines non-stop for two days, then charging his men over the trenches, and into Federal lines. The problem is, as soon as his men left their holes, Federal machine-gun fire swept through the Confederate lines, killing hundreds of men as they ran through across the sparsley wooded area. Despite these losses, they managed to make it to the Federal Trenches where hand to hand combat ensued. The Federal's quickly managed to gain the upper hand, and promptly sent the Confederates scrambling back to their lines. A federal bombardment didn't help the demoralized, retreating Confederate troops much either.

The bombardment had taken it's toll on the Confederate forces in the areas, now, only half of their original strength.The Federals, seeing a moment of weakness began a charge through the woods, before the Confederates had a chance to turn their own guns on them. The only thing that saved the Confederate Western line that day was a charge by the Confederate cavalry on the attacking Union troops, led by a young Lieutinent named George S. Patton. The young officer seeing a chance to strike the federals while they are out of their trenches took it, and led the charge himself, into the scattered attacking Federal forces. Before long the Federals began a full retreat back to their lines, and began bombarding the area once more, killing the young Lieutinant in the process. The army of La Plata also so it's first action in the conflict. One of the Fighter Squadrons they deployed in the area became especially terrifying to United States soldiers, dropping bombs fairly accurately on American artillery positions throughout the battle.

(-3 Confederate States Divisions, -1 Confederate States Cavalry Brigade, -2 Confederate States Artillery Brigade, -4 United States Divisions, -1 United States Cavalry, -3 United States Artillery, -1 La Plata Division)

While the Confederates were having some successes in the East, to varying degrees, they experienced no such luck out west. The United States seemed to of been building a defensive line for some time out there, with forts, minefield etc. This line, dubbed the "Meade Line" was manned by United States soldiers day in and day out. The Confederates, aided by a contigent of La Plata infantry divisions, not expecting any major resistance simply bombarded and charged the line at various points. As soon as the Confederates showed themselves, to the line, machine guns opened up and decimated the ranks. The Confederates not wishing to take any more losses called off the attack, and regrouped, trying to think about what to do next.

(-4 Confederate States Divisions, -2 Confederate States Cavalry Brigades, -1 Confederate States Artillery Brigade, -3 United States Divisions, -1 United States Cavalry Brigades, -2 United States Artillery Brigades, -3 La Plata Divisions)

Berlin, Germany, 1914
Various spies of unknown origian have been caught in operation in the Berlin area in the past few months. These spies claim to be Belgian citizens- though, their accents certainly don't check out. These spies aren't your typical type is seems, however, they aren't pressing for military secrets, more over, seem to be interested in German technological advances. While the origin of the spies were never found- who cares really?, they were promptly executed. The only real result from this seems to be Germany slamming down a bit on censorship, and spreading a bit of war weariness through the German homefront.

Portuguese Reforms.
Lisbon, Portugal, 1914
If the Ottoman Empire is the sick man of Europe, Portugal is the quiet man. Situated quite comfortably on the Iberian Peninsula, the Portuguese Government has found a way to improve its nation's infrastructure as the rest of the world seems to fall into conflict. The government has begun sending out surveying teams throughout it's vast empire, to get an idea as to what each area needs in regards to new roads, railroads, and/or canals. While nothing has been set on the table, the Portuguese people seem to be content with their government, and in the hopes that such infrastructure reforms go through, have pledged support to their government.
(+1 Stability to Portugal)
NPC Diplomacy
To: Allies
From: Venezuela
You have sunken many of our ships for little reason. We aren't invovled in your war, leave us out of it!

To: Allies
From: Spain
CC: Central Powers
You sank our battleships!

To: Chile
From: P.L.A
CC: The World
We want our nation back. You unlawfully invaded us based on assumption! Peru will be free again!

To: Allies
From: Serbia
Help us please.

Spoiler :

Other notes;
If you have any questions about the stats, I'll be happy to answer them.

I am aware that the spelling his atrocious- it will be fixed. I had to get SOMETHING up, after a two week long wait. Things will be edits back and fourth for the next few days (spelling errors, etc.) so it will get better with time. The updates will also get better.
From The Empire of Japan
To The Entente

We demand the surrender of all holdings by Britain, France and Russia hand over all of their Pacific holdings to the Empire of Japan. In addition we demand that the city of Hong Kong be returned to China.

After decades of Western oppression the east shall rise up and be Free.

If Mexico is part of the Allies, why isn't it listed as being at war with anybody? I assume they are, since they were part of the guys that were clobbered in Hermosillo. Unrelated, I love Turtledove, and will be quite interested to see how this parallels with his imagination of the Great War...

EDIT: and minor thing, the update has the British invading Italy, but the map shows it as the French.

youte right, wrong map. Ill post the correct one tommorow morning. And dominions are represented by their empire. So since Mexico is a dominion of France, i just wrote The French Empire. Im currently on my Ipod, (haha) tis' the reason I cant edit it now.
I sure love iPod touches :) who needs a computer (ido) but it's cool!

From Italy

Italy recognizes japan as a modern nation we applaud you in your attack against the entente we hope our nations remain friendly

To: Germany
From: Italy

Can you send us a few more divisions to crush the French's invasion? Thank you
From Chile
To Peruvians, P.L.A.

Your corrupt government had plotted to invade Chile. Your armies were at the border. We took the steps necessary to prevent your ill advised invasion.

As Chile was the nation who answered the call to help fund your independence, send armies to fight for your independence, and then we could only watch as your government became increasingly aggressive and corrupt. We decided that this plot to invade us while the world's attention was elsewhere could not be stomached.

Since the defeat of Peru the average Peruvian is HAPPY Chile is now governing them. We pledge to integrate the Peruvians into Chilean life and to increase the miserable standard of living that their former government left them with. It will take time and there may be hardship, but we will improve your livelihoods.

The P.L.A. would shackle you once more with the same corruption which has robbed you blind all these years. We implore you to turn in anyone who is in the P.L.A. to local authorities so as to avoid bloodshed. We wish to let the P.L.A. members know that if they surrender their arms peacefully they will be allowed the same rights as any other Peruvian, which is to say Citizen of Chile.

This of course comes with a time limit, should you still be killing your countrymen by the end of the year we will not be lenient once we catch you. And we will catch you, make no mistake.
The United States of America hereby recognizes the current government in Peru. May the Peruvian people prosper under the Chilean banner.
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