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The Six-Months War; Take Two

Anticipating update eagerly :D

France Stands Alone In The West
Paris, France, 1915

After a first year of being pushed back, and pushed back, France has finally found the nerve to stand and face her Germany invaders. With the Italians retreating, for the most part, back home, to fight off the British invasions, the second Front in France closed, allowing large portions of the French military to be drawn up north to face the Germans.

Germany began the year by defeating Belgium. Belgium, who had relied on British support fell when the British pulled out, not wishing to fight for a dying ally. The Belgian government, and large parts of the remaining military, however did manage to get a ride back to the Congo, where they wait in exile. The French, however, fully expected this defeat, and instead of reinforcing her Belgian allies, pushed the Quadruple Alliance in the South.

In fact, minus the Italian armies, the Germany armies in the south fell back, the French taking over the region, and using the mountainous terrain as an advantage. The German 4th Army, in the face of overwhelming French numbers, instead pulled back, through Italy, around the Alps, and back to the front, in the first few months of the war. France reclaimed much of her southern territory, albeit with a few losses. Instead, she attempted to push the Germany back across the Rhine, and was met with stronger resistance. So, the French, as did the Germans, bunkered down, either side not wishing to relieve the failure at the Rhine the year before.

But, the large push by the French 3rd army in the south, left a vacuum of troops in the North, allowing the Germans to push through the French 1st Army defenses (of course with large losses) and capture several of the Channel ports. The victorious German's continued on, in a rather ingenious move, to take Paris. But heavy French resistance was unexpected, and pushed the German pincers back, both sides taking large numbers of casualties. Aside from the initial German take over of Belgium, and the channel, the fighting the rest of the year stayed mostly in the trenches, artillery usually favoring the victor, something the French had plenty of.

The year ended with a broad German defeat, at the hands of the French 2nd army, pushing them back several miles towards the Rhine, before they could entrench themselves for the winter.

(-22 German Divisions, -9 German Cavalry Brigades, -13 German Artillery Brigades, -1 German Armoured Car Brigade, -20 French Divisions, -11 French Cavalry Brigades, -10 French Artillery Brigades, -3 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Cavalry Brigade, -3 Belgian Divisions, -1 Belgian Cavalry Division, -5 Belgian Militia Brigades)

The Eastern Front Still At A Grinding Standstill
Konigsberg, Germany, 1915

As the Entente seems to be gaining the upper hand in the Balkans, the Easter front continues to be little more then a meat grinder- just a place for mothers to send their suns to die for evasive glory in the Central and Eastern parts of the Empire. Last year, it was Russia against Germany and Austria, and it continues to be as such, only this time Russia has Romania helping it out. The city of Konigsberg made it through the first year of its siege, and will continue to hold out- something to be said considering the Russian interest in destroying the German city.

It made it through the long winter with help from German supply ships braving the icy Baltic, and the Russian navy, to deliver supplies to the city. The Russians began the year by attempting to squeeze the life out of the town, moving in more forces and artillery, even going so far as to call the Russian navy out of their safe ports, to destroy any trade ships that may attempt to resupply Konigsberg, in the spring. The defenders stayed strong those, as news of a German push to relieve the city helped bring morale back up. In fact, those rumors are very true. To the west, German armies began pushing against the Russian troops stationed in Prussia in an attempt to save the city before it falls. The Imperial troops, poorly equipped, and trained folded beneath the might of the German soldiers, and began to fall back towards Kongisberg. As Russian conscripts and pure manpower began to fill in the lines the Russians finally stopped retreating, and turned to face their attackers. The Germans tired themselves, and decided, before the cold winters of Eastern Europe set in, that it was time to solitify their hold on the land they've gained back. The Russians pushed to the south though, to the Vistula, as sort of a counter-balance to the German advances up north.

The Germans, while successful up north, experienced very little fighting in newly 'liberated' Poland- both sides apparently waiting for an attack that didn't come. The Russians of course put pressure on the area, the Germans retreating to the Western banks of the Vistula, but the Russians advanced no further. This of course gave both armies an entire year to set around, and do nothing but build up trenches and fortifications, causing any attack without immense superiority in numbers (something Russia may find) suicidal. The Austrians to the South however, weren't having such luck.

In fact, Austria is becoming more and more of a weak link to the Germans- unable to hold of Russian, and now Romanian assaults in the East of the country. They are out manned, and certainly outgunned. While the Romanian military aid was only token (it's main focus is of course Bulgaria) it had the desired moral effect, and help the Russians secure more area in the Eastern part of the Empire. This of course goes without saying that the Austrians tried to prevent the Russian advance, however political and social unrest back at home prevented mass conscription, for fear of revolt by one of Austro-Hungary's many peoples.

Much like last year, the front stays stagnant, the only major advances being made in Austria, and in Prussia, of course with massive losses. The year winds down the the German army tired, the Russian army tired, and discontent, and the Austrians becoming increasingly more pathetic.

(-21 German Divisions, -3 German Cavalry Brigades, -5 German Artillery Brigades, -12 German Manpower, -85 Russian Divisions, -1 Russian Cavalry Brigades, -10 Russian Artillery Brigades, -45 Russian Manpower, -1 Russian Stability, -45 Austrian Divisions, -5 Austrian Cavalry Brigades, -7 Austrian Artillery Brigades, -3 Armoured Car Divisions, -15 Austrian Manpower, -1 Austrian Fighter Squadron, -1 Austrian Stability)

The Entente found Sympathy In The Balkans
Constantinople, The Ottoman Empire, 1915

The sick man of Europe seems to be getting better. At least, this is what it seems when this Spring they declared allegiance to the Entente and began an attack against Bulgaria, already preoccupied with fight Serbia. Not only did the Ottoman's join in, but long time Russian sympathizer, Romania declared war upon Bulgaria and Austria too, joining in on the Ottoman attack.

It is a strange alliance to say the least, but seemingly necessary to unify the dying empire, especially with the Entente on the defensive in what seems to be every front. The Ottoman's began their march from Ottoman held Europe, towards the Bulgarian capital at Sofia. Yet, they met little resistance in the hostile territory save for a few local militia units. The Bulgarian army was in the North East, preparing for another assault against Serbia, and was taken aback by this surprise invasion.

About the same time, the Romanians were invading from the North East, capturing the entire provinces of Rusa, and Varna within days, and moving south to meet up with the Ottoman army. The two very different forces met each other, and pushed towards Sofia, once more hitting little resistance, until they marched onto the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv. Plovdiv seemed to be the key to Sofia, and the Bulgarian army quickly occupied the town, though only hours before the Otto-Romanian forces were in the area.

The result was the destruction of Bulgarian forces at the battle of Plovdiv, in the heat of the Summer.

The Battle of Plovdiv
Spoiler :

The two massive armies met outside of the town, in several farms. The Bulgarian troops, several divisions in all, knowing the terrain though heavily outnumbered, bunked down in trenches and fox-holes, in the midst of several wheat fields, where the Ottomans and Romanians could not see them. The Ottoman's walked forward, falling into a Bulgarian trap, where Bulgarians opened fire on them, killing them by the hundreds with Machine gun fire. The Ottomans fell back shaken and disorganized, and attempted to reform for another attack. Meanwhile, the Romanians were busy moving a bulk of their artillery, and several divisions around the back of the Bulgarian held fields. In order to hide the movement the Romanian general once again attempting to attack the Bulgarians, but only to a large loss to himself. The flanking force met light resistance, most of it coming from several Bulgarian occupied hills in the area, though these folded under intense pressure from Ottoman artillery, already in place.

It wasn't until a coordinated Otto-Romanian bombardment that the Bulgarians were routed out, and began to run back to the city. Ottoman and Romanian cavalry saved the day here, following up the retreating Bulgarians, and killing/capturing many, though not without heavy loss to themselves. With the apparently superbly trained Ottoman soldiers leading, the forces occupied the city, and after some limited urbanized fighting, the city was theirs, securing their access to this important railroad junction.

As the Bulgarians routed back to Sofia, the Otto-Romanian army, now in control of a bulk of Bulgarian territory sat content on their gains, eyeing up the Bulgarian capital. While the armies work was done- the navy was not. Though the Quadruple Alliance's presence in the Black Sea was limited- the only warships in the area are that of Bulgaria- the Ottomans, Russians and Romanians went on a search for the small navy. Most of its ships were scuttled when Burgas was captured, but most of its fleet escaped- many believed in an attempt to meet up with the Italian fleet in the Mediterranean.

Ottoman, Russian, and even Romanian ships, at various points attempted to track these Bulgarian ships across the Black Sea. It wasn't until they hit the Straits of Dardanelle that the Bulgarians stopped, pondering what to do next.
But before too long, the Ottoman and Russian fleet was upon them. Rather then fight, they simply surrendered; the sailors being taken as prisoners, and the Russian's and Ottoman's splitting the remaining fleet, leaving the Black Sea in complete control of the Entente, and its allies.

(-17 Bulgarian Divisions, -4 Bulgarian Cavalry Brigades, -4 Bulgarian Artillery Brigades, -10 Bulgarian Militia, +20 Bulgarian Militia, -5 Ottoman Divisions, -1 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades, -2 Ottoman Artillery Brigades, -7 Romanian Divisions, -2 Romanian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Romanian Artillery Brigades, -5 Bulgarian Light Cruisers, -1 Bulgarian Destroyer, +5 Ottoman Light Cruisers, +5 Russian Light Cruisers, +2 Ottoman Destroyers, +2 Russian Destroyers)

Serbia on the Offensive?
Belgrade, Serbia, 1914

Meanwhile, as the Bulgarians were getting battered by joint Romanian-Ottoman forces, and the Austrian's were still reeling from Russian counter-offenses, the Serbians took the opportunity to launch several attacks into Bulgarian and Austrian held Serbia. What they found is, instead of entrenched hostile troops, empty battlefields, and deserted villages. In the wake of the failure at Plovdiv the occupying Bulgarians rushed back to help defend Sofia from the Ottomans. Leaving the border between the two nations relatively undefended as well. The Serbians took their chance, and moved in to Western Bulgaria, and after light resistance on a broad front, settled down, entrenching themselves. While this isn't exactly what many nations would call a grand military victory, it did much to reinstate Serbian spirits for yet another year of war.

The situation was much of the same to the north, but the Austrians put up more of a fight, and pushed the Serbs back several times. The Austrian's currently control part of Northern Serbia, though not as much as they did this time last year. Serbia gets ready for another year of offensives.

(-3 Serbian Divisions, -1 Serbian Cavalry Brigade, -2 Bulgarian Divisions, -1 Bulgarian Artillery Brigade, -2 Austrian Divisions, -1 Austrian Cavalry Brigade)

Naval Confronations in the North Sea
Orkney Islands, The United Kingdom, 1915

Germany finally took a gamble, and attack the British Home Fleet in late Spring. After some intense espionage, and planning, the German fleet set sail for the Orkney islands, where a large portion of the Home Fleet amassed itself in hopes of bottlenecking the German's in the North Sea. In the early hours of dawn, the Kriegsmarine began bombarding the fleet using Germany's new Kaiser-class Dreadnought. The range of the ship suprassing that of other Dreadnoughts, and took the British fleet completely by suprise. And after a morning of some intense fighting, the British Home-Fleet lay crippled.

The Battle of the Orkney Islands
Spoiler :

The Kaiser-Class Battleships recently built by the German's began to open fire on the British fleet, sleeping in harbor. The British quickly manned their battle-stations, and attempted to hit the Germans. But they were vastly out numbered. The British navy was spread our across the world, in force, leaving the Home Fleet small, and unable to securely protect the British coast. The German's soon moved closer in, tearing the small fleet apart. The British struggled to return fire, and attempted to call up other Home Fleet reinforcements, but relief was far off.

Finally, in a devastationg blow, the German's sent in Submarines to pick off the survivors of the initial attack. In just under 3 hours, the British Home Fleet lay in shambles.

With that, the British quickly began recalling their dreadnoughts from such seemingly unnescessary things as the heavy blockade of Iberia. The German's however did not sit around and revel in their victory. The German Atlantic Fleet headed towards North America, while the newly amassed North Sea and Nordenham fleets began counter to hunt for both Belgian and British fleets in the Channel and North Sea, but failed to find any large concentration of British or Belgian ships.

(-1 German Dreadnought, -2 German Armoured Cruisers, -9 German Light Cruiser, -9 German Destroyers, -4 German Submarines, -3 British Dreadnoughts, -9 British Armoured Cruisers, -5 British Light Cruisers, -13 British Destroyers, -2 Belgian Light Cruisers, -2 Belgian Destroyers)

Naval Actions in the Baltic
Petrograd, The Russian Empire, 1915

Despite German victories in the North Sea, the Kriegsmarine was now weaker in the Baltic, allowing for Russia to safely challenge the German Baltic Fleet. Their was no large confrontation- the Russian's still certain that the German's had superior ship numbers. In fact both sides were roughly equal. Rather, small partrol square offs, usually ended in a Russian victory. The Germans however, refused to let this show, and actually increased patrolling to frighten off the Russians.

All attempts of the Russian fleet breaking out from the Baltic war thwarted though, both by the Kriegsmarine, and the Russian admiralty- even if they beat the Baltic fleet, they still had to get through the North Sea, and Atlantic! The only major thing historians have taken from these confronations is the benefit of superior air support- in this case, Germany's air support. The fighters provided relatively effective against attacking Russian ships from the skies, something many admirals hope to emulate in the coming years.

(-1 German Dreadnought, -2 German Armoured Cruisers, -7 German Light Cruiser, -13 German Destroyers, -1 Russian Dreadnought, -3 Russian Armoured Cruisers, -1 Russian Light Cruisers, -10 Russian Destroyers)

The Italian Front
Rome, Italy, 1915

After the loss of most of Central Italy last year, the Italian pulled a majority of their troops from the western from down south, easing the pressure of France, who can now focus on Germany. Britain however, decided to keep it's invasion up this turn, landing more men, and making more headway into Italy. The Italians decided that defending Rome would once again be their focal point, and did a good job in doing so. The British, not wishing to extract heavy losses, moved on, attempting to cut Italy in half. They did it. They pushed through to the Adriatic, keeping constantly supplied by the British control of the Mediterreanean. All the Italians could do is fight them every step of the way, taking massive losses themselves. The Italian navy, was once again stuck in the Adriatic, with the British blockade getting tighter.

But, with the loss at the Orkney Islands, it is expected that the British blockade may be a bit looser in the coming year. Of course, that is assuming someone can wrestle control of Gibralter from them.

(-14 Italian Divisions, -4 Italian Cavalry Divisions, -7 Italian Artillery Divisions, -10 British Divisions, -4 British Cavalry Brigades, -4 British Artillery Brigades, -4 British Marine Divisions)

The Iberian Front
Lisbon, Portugal, 1915

Meanwhile, as the British were making headway in the Italian peninsula, they were doing much of the same in Iberia. Despite initial stagnation, in the war between Iberia and Portugal, Great Britain amassed a large fleet, and set sail to the Peninsula, much like their forefathers did a hundred years prior.

The British landed, and headed north, later in the year capturing several of Spain's key Atlantic ports. That was not it however. They also landed large detachments of Marines in Gibralter, securing their Mediterreanean trade at least for this year. These losses have had many people in Spain asking if the war was really worth it. The people facing starvation, and military defeat began looking to socialist leaders for help, something they happily gave. As the socialists gained more power, public opinion against the King, and his war began to turn. All King Alfonso can do at this point is urge his people at all is not lost, and continue pushing them against their Iberian neighbors, and British enemies.

The Portuguese however, took this war as a duty, ironically, defending peace in Iberia. Despite the original public out cry, as what they saw was an unnescessary declaration of war against Spain, rousing speeches from President Manuel de Arriaga have spurred public fervor up against the Spanish. However, Portuguese offensives were limited, many of them content to simply man the elaborate trench system the Portuguese government allowed to be built this year.

Despite the British landings, the war in Iberia was decidedly quiet the final months of the war, though things are expected to flare up next year.

(-5 Portuguese Divisions, -4 Portuguese Cavalry Brigades, -4 Portuguese Artillery Brigades, -11 Spanish Divisions, -3 Spanish Cavalry Brigades, -6 Spanish Artillery Brigades, -5 British Divisions, -3 British Artillery Brigades, -1 British Marine Divisions)
The War of Scandinavian Unification
Copenhagen, Sweden, 1915

As Europe turns itself upside down over The Great War, no one noticed the storm brewing in Sweden the past year or so. Gustav V has begun to spread a new idea in his people's minds; Scandinavian unification. It is to be done under his reign, or so he says. But they must take it one step at a time- the first obstacle standing in their way being Denmark. A surprise attack was launched against the Danish navy outside of Copenhagen. The Danish navy, still in dock and unprepared, ended with most of it being captured by the superior Swedish forces.

With the Danish navy out of the Baltic, it made it safe for Swedish forces to land is Sjaelland, and Lolland. Once again, the Danish forces were out numbered and not prepared, especially compared to the fanatical Swedish soldiers they were facing. Both islands soon fell, the first of which held Copenhagen. Luckily the Danish government retreated back to Iceland before the Swedish army could capture them. Despite this, the armies continued onto Fyn, then Jutland.

Landing around Abenra, they pushed north until Ebjerg. The rest of the Danish army in Europe, however, seemed poised to strike back fro Arhus, which they did, fighting off Swedish forces sweeping up the coast at the battle of Veilje.

The Battle of Veilje
Spoiler :
On a rainy day in the summer months, the Swedish army continued to hug the Danish Baltic coast, heading north in hopes of capturing Arhus before Fall. However, in the wake of the monster defeats throughout Sjaelland and Lolland, the Danish army rallied at the city of Veilje, directly in the pathway of the rampaging Swedish forces.

The Danish general had his men entrench themselves outside of the city, firing mortars at the oncoming Swedes. The Swedish soldiers, not expecting such resistance had to pull back and reform their lines. The Danes, however, were soon on them with their cavalry, pushing the Swedes back even further. The Danes advanced, and after another day or so of fighting, the Swedes were thrown into disarray by one great artillery bombardment; in the style of those used by the members of the Great War.
Following this several hour long bombardment, the Danish cavalry swooped in, causing the Swedes to route. It was a limited victory for the Danes. The Swedes has been pushed back, but it was not war ending.

But this was one victory in a war full of losses. To counter-balance this win, the Swedes simply attacked stronger and harder in other places. The Danes were in shambles, and could be sure no great power in Europe will look up from their Great War, to help out the Danes. The Swedish armies are set to continue this war come Spring. Despite these victories, many Swedish people fail to see the point in this war, and Gustav has lost some of his people's support. At the same time, his ideas are encouraging to many Swedish nationalists, and he has in fact taken on almost a God-like stance among his people.

(-13 Danish Divisions, -3 Danish Cavalry Brigades, -3 Danish Artillery Brigades, -1 Danish Armoured Cruiser, -6 Danish Light Cruisers, -2 Danish Destroyers, +6 Swedish Light Cruisers, +1 Swedish Destroyer, -1 Swedish Armoured Cruiser, -2 Swedish Destroyers, -7 Swedish Divisions, -4 Swedish Cavalry Brigades, -3 Swedish Artillery Brigades)

Ireland Rebels!
Dublin, The Irish Republic, 1915

In the face of a massive war, losses across several colonies, and naval battle loses, the people of the Emerald Isle have at last seen an oppurtunity to take up arms against their English overlords. The Rebels seemed to of found a stock of weapons, and a submarine (dubbed the Emerald Chariot) and began to harrass English soldiers stationed on the Island, causing some nasty conflicts throughout Dublin and the surrounding areas. The area was declared in full rebellion, when the Irish Republic Army, or, I.R.A., came out of the wood work, and claimed Dublin and the surrounding areas for themselves.

The action culminated with the sinking of a British cruiser off the cost, in which the Irish General, Liam McCourt declared them, rulers of the Irish Sea, a claim many English admirals would wish to contest. Along with the seizing of Dublin, the rebels found themselves capturing a British destroyer, a ship that will certainly help them in the coming conflict.

(+I.R.A, -1 British Light Cruiser, -1 British Destroyer, -2 British Divisions)

Fighting Begins in Africa
Bata, Rio Muni, 1915

With the fighting at a grinding standstill in Iberia, Spain has looked to France's colonies as a new front. Attacking through German West Africa, with help from Germany's limited colonial defense force, Spanish troops entered into French Equatorial Africa and after some sparse fighting pushed to the south down the coast. The German's meanwhile pushed East, severing communications from the North and Equatorial French African colonies. However, these forces have left most of German Equatorial Africa, or Cameroon, undefended, allowing for French colonial divisions from North Africa to push down, fighting only hurriedly conscripted German Colonial Defense Brigades. At the end of the year, French forces were in control of most German territory between French Central Africa, British Nigeria, and the Benue River.

(-2 Spanish Divisions, -2 German Divisions, +10 German Colonial Militia , -7 German Colonial Militia, -2 French Divisions, -1 French Cavalry Brigade)

Meanwhile, the French advanced into Togoland, undefended, and captured it without firing a shot. The German governor was then promptly executed for war crimes, and for abusing the native populace, or so the French have said. These attacks however, are leaving parts of the massive colonies owned by France and Germany undefended. Thus, colonial forces stationed in Spanish Morocco pushed to the North and South, through the sweltering heat and terrain, and captured the French territory after a minor struggle. This was at the tail end of the year, however, and it is not expected that the Spanish forces should get too comfortable on their gains.

(-1 Spanish Division, -1 French Cavalry Brigade)

The Italians too, always looking for territory to expand, noticed how thinly spread the French were, and sent several divisions into Tunisia in an attempt to secure the region. The Italians used propaganda to sway much of the Africans into thinking that they may gain freedom, if they support the Italians, something many Algerians and Tunisians happily took with stride, and began to rebel, and support the Italian advances. Despite this however, the French managed to take the fight to the Italians, at the battle of Sidi Bou.

(-2 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Cavalry Brigade, -1 Italian Artillery Brigade, +10 Italian-Algerian Brigades, -4 Italian-Algerian Brigades, -3 French Divisions, -1 French Artillery Brigade)

The Battle at Sidi Bou
Spoiler :
As Italian forces began to march into inland Tunisia, several Brigades of Algerian rebels began to join the ranks of the Italians. However, one of the defectors, for whatever reason (many believe it was a bribe) deserted the Italians, and headed straight for the French military outposts in the area, to let them know the Italian army's position, and size. The French divisions, though small in number, quickly regrouped, and enlisted several brigades of colonial forces to help them push the Italians back.

The battle was fought around the town of Sidi Bou Zid, in a arid mountainous rocky area in central Tunisia. The Italians, unaware of the French presence struggled through the rocky terrain, with help from their local Algerian Allys. The French however were preparing a trap that would engulf the Italian army. The French divisions, slowly surrounded the Italian units, many of them resting, and began an artillery bombardment. The Italians completely taken by surprise attempted to fight back, but then the French infantry made themselves apparent, and began mowing down the Italian troops. The Italians and Algerians retreated several miles, and dug in, but had to leave their artillery behind- which the French promptly took control of, and began using themselves! After another day of intense fighting, the Italians were dislodged, and many surrendered, being taken as POWs. The Algerians, knowing no such luck would await them, instead took to the mountains.

(-3 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Cavalry Brigade, -2 Italian Artillery Divisions, -4 Italian-Algerian Brigades, -1 French Division, -1 French Cavalry Brigade)

Despite this loss, the Italians managed to retain control of coastal Tunisia, but in smaller numbers. The Italians also made a push towards the Suez, and made it to the Nile, but events back on the Peninsula prevented further attack.

In East Africa, things are a bit different however, with Abyssinia entering the war in a surprise move- on the Quadruple Alliance's side no less, a front opened up around the Horn of Africa, with Abyssinian forces attacking the French colony at Djibouti, and facing little resistance. The colony fell roughly a week after the initial fighting.

(-2 Abyssinian Division, +5 French Colonial Militia, -5 French Colonial Militia)

Afterwords, an Abyssinian attack on the British colony at Somali-land also pulled he Italians in, in an attempted land grab.

(-1 Abyssinian Division, -1 Italian Division, +10 British Colonial Militia, -10 British Colonial Militia)

German East Africa was also abuzz with war fever, the colony harboring a large part of the German African colonial forces. With most of the Belgian military off fighting for their homelands defense, most of the Belgian Congo was left undefended. Using the lack of communication between the coastal areas of the Congo and the interior, the Germans surprise attacked, facing limited to no resistance up until they hit the Congo river, at which point they settled down for the year.

(-1 Belgian Division, -1 German Division)
Peruvians Readjust to their new life
Lima, Chile, 1915

After the short war, and ensuing take over, of Peru, many Peruvians (as shown by the formation of the P.L.A) feared for their future, and their countrymen. But in recent months, the President of Chile, Ramón Barros Luco made it clear that no Peruvian would be treated as a second class citizen under his presidency. Despite these promises, Peruvians were still fairly discontent with their new lifestyle, in their new nation. It wasn't actually until that President Luco made good on his promises that Peruvians began, though hesitantly at first, calling themselves Chileans.

The improvements themselves were the usual domestic reforms- new, better roads, railways, schools, etc. but, they are improvements nonetheless. Businesses began to grow for the first time in decades, and foreign investors began trading in Peru, which beforehand was regarded as being unstable. Overall, the conversion to peace has been a fairly successful one. Even the P.L.A. began loosing support, as many soldiers simply began accepting the new rule, and returned home. Military action against them also didn't help the situation very much, as Chilean Special Forces Brigades began sweeping through the jungles destroying camps, and killing key leaders of the P.L.A. It seems like a new age has dawned upon Peru, and this one seems to be better than the last.

(+1 Chile Stability, -2 Chile Special Forces Brigades, -1 Chile Division, +3 Chile EP, +50 Chile MP, -P.L.A)

The War Spreads to South America
Bogota, Colombia, 1915

The long time United States sympathizer, Colombia declared war on the Confederacy in surprise move. The Colombian military moved into Confederate Central America, facing little resistance. In fact, most of the Central American colony regarded the Colombians are liberators, and even fellow countrymen. The Confederate military's limited presence was pushed back to the coast, expecting reinforcements from New Orleans. Reinforcements that haven't come.

The expedition then pushed into Mexico. With the brunt of the Mexican army in the Confederate states, helping fight off United States attacks, the Colombian army made enough headway into the South of Mexico to inspire revolution to the many Mexican people given weapons in secret by the Colombians the previous year.

(-4 Colombian Divisions, -1 Colombian Artillery Brigade, -1 Colombian Cavalry Brigade, -2 Confederate Divisions , -1 Confederate Artillery Brigade, -3 Mexican Divisions, -1 Mexican Cavalry Brigade, -1 Mexican Artillery Brigade)

Meanwhile, as per the treaty of San Clemente, the nations of Venezuela and Brazil also declared war upon the nations of the Entente. Venezuela began mobilizing its forces to it's east, and Brazil to La Plata in it's south.

Venezuela's forces pushed through British Guiana, once again, relatively unopposed, hitting the borders of Confederate Suriname. The the South the Brazilian military pushed north, meeting up with Venezuelan forces as well. Before a few months after the initial invasion, British Guiana was no more. The joint Brazilian-Venezuelan forces began an invasion of the Confederate state's possession of Suriname. Here, with Confederate forces with some warning managed to gather up colonial police forces, and ship a few divisions across the Gulf, to stop the Venezuelans and Brazilians from advancing any further. These Confederate forces got support from French militia forces from French Guyana and caused the joint invasion to stall, defending the Wilhelmina mountains. Despite repeated Brazilian and Venezuelan attacks, their lack of coordination, and the Franco-Confederate defenses continually repelled the defenders. The 'defeat' of these forces occurred at the battle of Wilhelmina.

The Battle of Wilhelmina
Spoiler :
Confederate and French forces sat atop the rough mountains, hidden by the dense foliage of the rain forest. As both Venezuelan and Brazilian troops struggled up the mountain, artillery fire rained down from the peak of mount Juliana Top, the highest peak in the range. But, the troops made headway against the entrenched, hidden Franco-Confederate troops. Venezuelan General Vasquez moved up, leading his troops from the front, before a machine gun round ripped through his spine, killing him. With a lack of competent leadership, the soldiers continued to attempt to scale the mountain, to varying successes. But a Confederate bayonet charge down the mountain, caused the Venezuelans to turn tail and run, bringing various units of the Brazilian military with them.

Reeling from the loss of ground, as the casualties mounted, the Venezuelan and Brazilian generals deemed the battle at a stand still, and began a retreat from the area, attempting to meet up with . With this loss, the Confederacy retained control of Suriname, though were too weak to mount a counter offensive.

Though the fighting in the area is fairly small in scale compared to say, the Eastern Front, the fighting is brutal all the same.

Meanwhile, to the South, Brazil eyed up the British Dominion La Plata. La Plata, has, since the start of the war, been loyally supporting her Confederate allies in the war, sending up various parts of her navy, air force, and of course army. La Plata never expected her fairly silent neighbor to the north to come to the aid of The United States. Brazil did, making more enemies along the way.

Their invasion of La Plata began, not in La Plata, but rather, through Uruguay, their neighbor to the south. Brazilian troops began to move through the small nation, fighting, and crushing the small army, leaving President Ordóñez with nothing do, but encourage the remaining troops to fight on. The fighting itself only lasted a week or so, and before long Brazilian forces were entering northern La Plata, and attacking Buenos Aires almost right away. The city itself folded quickly, with most of La Plata's officials and military heading to the south of the country.

(-7 Venezuelan Divisions, -1 Venezuelan Cavalry Brigade, -2 Venezuelan Artillery Brigade, -15 Brazilian Division, -3 Brazilian Cavalry Brigades, -5 Brazilian Artillery, -1 British Division, -2 Confederate Divisions, -3 French Militia Brigades, +10 French Militia Brigades, -11 La Plata Divisions, -3 La Plata Cavalry Brigades, -3 La Plata Artillery, -1 Uruguayan Division, -1 Uruguayan Cavalry Brigade)

The East Coast War
Cambridge, The Confederate States of America, 1915
This year in North America began where the last one stood off. As the Meade line slowly crept cross country, it became apparently to Confederate war planners, that the only hope to push through the Union lines short of a mass charge would be through the Delmarva peninsula. The lines are much as they were last year, each side pouring more and more men into the grinder. The Second Battle of Cambridge ensured that the Confederates stayed in control in the south end of the Peninsula.

The Second Battle of Cambridge
Spoiler :

Once more, the fields of Cambridge ran with blood, this time in 1915. The Union, along with their push through Maryland and West Virginia, attempted to dislodge the Confederates from Delmarva. The Confederates knowing that loosing their hold on the Peninsula would allow for Union naval landings throughout Virginia instead, stood strong, evoking the spirit of Stonewall Jackson.

The Union began the battle, much in the fashion these trench battles were fought- with a lengthy artillery bombardment. The Confederates reacted accordingly- ducking down in there trenches until the worst of it was over. The Union began to advance across the very fields they just bombed- no easy task mind you. Expecting the Confederates to return fire, the Union was hesitant at first. But when no shots were heard down the line, the Union soldiers assumed the best, and continued their advance towards Confederate lines.

Waiting for the Union soldiers to get as close as humanly possible, General Wood, the Confederate commanding officer ordered for all Confederate guns available to open fire on the slowly advancing union soldiers. All at once, the union line fell under the barrage of artillery, machine guns, and small arms.

With the union lines decimated, the Confederates counter-attacked, letting out a whooping 'rebel yell' and chased the Union soldiers across their lines. This allowed an advance of all Confederate troops up the Peninsula, though, after awhile they entrenched. It was labelled as a great Confederate victory. The Union General Abrahms was later hung for 'Cowardice and Treason'.

(-8 United States Divisions, -2 United States Cavalry Brigades, -3 United States Artillery Brigades, -2 Confederate States Divisions, -1 Confederate States Cavalry Brigades)

But that seems to of been the only place the Confederates were pushed back. In fact, a majority of the gains that the Confederates had made the previous year were taken back by the United States military. Strong pushes throughout Maryland crushed most Confederate defenses, leaving them to run back to defend Richmond.

In fact, the Union soldiers seemed to of been pushing everywhere- as far West as West Virginia, the Union army was sending the Confederates packing. A main goal of the Union echoed that of Winfield Scott's 'Anaconda Plan' 60 years earlier, to split the Confederate states into two halves, and from their, divide and conquer. The resulting Mississippi campaign was highly successful on paper, but caused more problems then anything, the Confederates fighting a war of attrition, burned are farm land, and did their best to sabotage the Union advance south.

(-15 United States Divisions, -5 United States Cavalry Brigades, -10 United States Artillery Brigades, -16 Confederate States Divisions, -2 Confederate States Cavalry Brigades, -5 Confederate States Artillery Brigades)

New Orleans
New Orleans, The Confederate States of America

This year also started out with what is to be remembered as one of the lowest points of the war. Early in the Spring, the United States air force was tasked with one thing- decimating the Confederate Navy. Seeing the naval standstill in North American waters left a large chance that the United States navy itself could get defeated in a prolonged naval battle with the Entente.

Instead, a few dozen Zeppelins, and even more Fighter planes were dispatched from St. Louis, to knock out the Confederate fleet at New Orleans. Equipped with normal bombs, and fire bombs, and without the extra unnecessary weight of small arms, the force headed south. Early one March morning, as the rest of New Orleans was at church, the Zeppelins and Fighters swept down, bombing the port.

Some of the planes, lacking in accuracy accidentally hit the city itself, causing some intense fires to spread. The ships themselves were getting hit hard. The Zeppelins dropping their payloads on several Confederate battle cruisers. The Confederates were taken completely by surprise, to say the least. They attempted to shoot down the fighters with anti-aircraft guns. But, it wasn't too long until the fighters and zeppelins had to return to friendly areas.

(-3 Confederate Dreadnoughts, -5 Confederate Armored Cruisers, -3 Confederate Light Cruisers, -4 Confederate Destroyers, -5 Confederate MP, +1 Confederate Stability, -1 United States Stability, -1 United States Zeppelin Squadron, -1 United States Fighter Squadron)

The War Out West
Houston, The Confederate States of America, 1915

Soon after the attacks, 'New Orleans' became a battle cry for many Confederate forces, and the Confederate armies were thrown into a state of patriotic furor. But the position that the Confederacy found itself in, seemed to becoming more and more dire, as it's navy sits in ruins in New Orleans, the army attempted to regroup itself in wake of the losses in Maryland and Mississippi, Mexico on the verge of rebellion, and the Meade Line casting it's shadow on the Northern border, all the Confederacy could do is fight where it could.

The place being in the West. Confederate forces pushed from Texas all the way out to the Rio Grande. Despite Union advances in the region last year, a majority of the barren region was left undefended, something the Confederates too advantage of. Attacking small union garrisons throughout the West, the Confederates pushed into New Mexico, and Colorado, up until the hit the Meade Line, where they sat waiting for support.

(-4 United States Divisions, -4 United States Cavalry Brigades, -2 United States Artillery Brigade, -3 Confederate States Divisions, -4 Confederate States Cavalry Brigade, -1 Confederate States Artillery Brigades)

The War With Canada Drags On
Quebec, Canada, 1915

Despite the horrid losses last year, and statements from the British claiming they will receive no support, Canada attempted to land in United States held Quebec. The Canadians however, did not take into account the Union fortifications cross river, or the fact that the Union navy controlled the water ways, and suffered for it.
Out West, the Canadians pushed a bit, and actually made some headway before hitting hard concentrations of American troops.

(-3 Canadian Divisions, -2 United States Divisions)

The War In Mexico Continues
Hermosillo, The United States of America, 1915

General North, continued to push on the Mexo-Confederate held town of Hermosillo through-out the winter, and finally, the Confederate and Mexican troops left on their own accord. The success however, was not without losses. The time spent attempt to dislodge the Mexican and Confederate troops allowed for other forces to amass elsewhere, in preparation for a U.S. invasion.

North wanting to squeeze Texas off from the rest of the Confederacy continued on, following the Rio Grande down to the south, taking large portions of Chihuahua, and fighting more and more entrenched Confederate troops. As the losses mounted, it was starting to become clear that he would either need to reach the Gulf Coast, for supplies or head back to the Pacific. His saving grace, instead, came from the beginning of a Mexican revolt, against both their Confederate and French masters. With the Confederates and Imperial Mexican government running around, attempting to end these revolutionaries, North struck at Monterrey, his goal since the start of the conflict. Despite calls for a quick victory the ball ended in bloody street to street fighting, similar to what Zachary Taylor may of experienced 80 years previous. But eventually the United States army gained the upper hand, and pushed the Confederates and Mexicans out.

Afterwards, North sat content on his gains. Meanwhile, as the Mexican revolution raged on, the Americans began happily aiding the Mexican Revolutionaries, easing tensions between the two sides.

(-11 United States Divisions, -2 United States Cavalry Brigades, -4 United States Artillery Brigades, -3 Confederate Divisions, -4 Confederate States Cavalry Brigades, -2 Confederate States Artillery, -3 Mexican Divisions, -2 Mexican Artillery Brigades)

The Battle for the Caribbean Sea
Guantanamo Bay, The Confederate States of America, 1915

The German Atlantic Fleet, fresh off their smashing of the British Home Fleet, sailed across the Ocean, to meet up with large parts of the American fleet in New York. The American-German fleet in New York was set to meet up with the Pacific fleet in the Caribbean.

The American Pacific fleet had already met up with various ships of the Venezuelan and Colombian navy, and began heading towards Puerto Rico, where the two massive fleets were supposed to meet.

Meanwhile, the Entente struggled to match the American movements, preparing a mixed fleet of ships from the Confederate, La Plata, Mexican, and British navy's. The two fleets, met off the coast of Guantanamo, in what was thought to be one of the biggest naval battles of the war, if not the century.

The Battle of Guantanamo
Spoiler :

The American led fleet totaled 1 Kaiser Class Dreadnought, 39 Dreadnoughts, 21 Armored Cruisers, 24 Light Cruisers, 34 Destroyers, 23 Submarines.

The Confederate led fleet wasn't much smaller, totalling in at 28 Dreadnoughts, 22 Armored Cruisers, 13 Light Cruisers, 40 Destroyers, 15 Submarines

The Confederate navy defended the shipyards of Guantanamo, encircling them against any possible American attack. The American fleet, using the superior range of the German Kaiser-Class battleship, began bombarding the Confederates at such a range the Confederates could not fire back.

However, the Confederate fleet began sailing towards the American formation, in which ship to ship fighting ensued, with each fleet drawing slowly closer and closer towards each other. But, as the fighting continued, it became obvious that the Americans with their superior dreadnoughts, were hurting the Confederates more then the Confederates were hurting them. But the defining moment of the battle came when a joint air attack between the Confederate and La Plata air force stationed in the area came down, and attacked the unsuspecting American and allied ships.
The fighters swooped down, dropping small bombs on the American formation, most of them going for the Kaiser-Class, stationed in the center of the formation. Through over whelming numbers, the aircraft ignored the Dreadnought's anti-aircraft fire, and sunk it to the bottom of the Caribbean.

The American fleet, pulled back. The Battle of Guantanamo was a tie. The Entente has since claimed it as a great victory- the shipping to and from the Caribbean sea being safe from a majority of Quadruple Alliance harassment. The Quadruple Alliance has since also claimed it a victory, seeing that they weakened the Confederate and British navy's in such a way, a complete blockade of the East Coast would be impossible, at least for the rest of the year. The battle was followed up by various submarine attacks by both sides on each others retreating fleet.

Ultimately though, the battle will be remembered for changing the way that naval battles are fought and won. Not by ship strength- but by air support. When it was all over, almost 75 ships lay destroyed, or damaged beyond repair.

(-2 United States Dreadnoughts, -4 United States Armored Cruisers, -5 American Light Cruisers, -7 American Destroyers, -3 United States Submarines, -1 German Kaiser-Class Battleship, -1 German Dreadnought, -1 German Armored Cruiser, -7 German Destroyers, -1 German Submarine, -4 Confederate Dreadnoughts, -5 Confederate Armoured Cruisers, -2 Confederate Light Cruisers, -9 Confederate Destroyers, -1 Confederate Submarine, -1 Confederate Fighter Squadron, -1 British Dreadnought, -1 British Armored Cruisers -2 British Light Cruisers, -7 British Destroyers, -1 Venezuelan Armored Cruiser, -1 Venezuelan Destroyer, -2 Colombian Destroyers, -1 Mexican Armored Cruiser, -1 Mexican Light Cruiser, -1 La Plata Light Cruiser, -2 La Plata Destroyers)

Mexico Rebels!
Merida, The Mexican Republic, 1915

In the wake of the constant Mexican and Confederate defeats up north, the people of Mexico- still under the rule of both the Confederacy and France- decided enough was enough, and began to rise up against their oppressors. Centered in Yucatan (which has always seemed to be a hotbed for Mexican revolutionaries) the rebel groups have spread out throughout the land, taking advantage of the lack of major military presence, with the war up north.

The United States has encouraged the revolutions, and aided the rebels, at every opportunity it could. Despite fairly amiable relations between the rebels, and the United States, many Mexicans are fearful about post-revolution United States control of the region, and have kept a look out on any signs of American interest in the land- none have been seen thus far.

(+The Mexican Revolutionaries, -2 Mexican Divisions, -1 Confederate Division)
The Alaskan Front
Sitka, The United States of America, 1915

The fighting in the far north continues as Russians and Canadians alike prepare to dislodge the American defenders residing on Alaska's coastline. But, the fighting did not begin there this year. Rather, it began in the icy waters of the North Pacific.
Japan sent naval forces to the northern Aleutian islands this Spring, carrying Imperial Japanese soldiers, to the Chain. The first few islands fell without a hitch, but the closer the Japanese fleet got to the mainland, the harder the Russians fought for the barren wasteland. The Japanese, ultimately outstretching their supplies in the icy North Pacific, decided to stay put with holding onto the West Aleutian islands, as winter comes, falling just short of the East Aleutians, and the Lake and Peninsula.
Meanwhile, fighting between the occupying American troops, and the remaining Russian and Canadian troops was almost non-existent. The weather, terrain, supplies, etc. kept the Russians from dislodging the Americans from their land. In fact, of the 5 divisions thought to be raised, only 2 showed up, but considering the incredibly small population of able-bodied Russians in the colony, that in itself was a miracle.

(-1 United States Division, -1 Japanese Division, -1 Russian Division, -1 Canadian Division)

Colonial Fighting Emerges in the South Pacific
Rabaul, German New Guinea, 1915

The German High Command decided that the German military has been too quiet in the Pacific theatre, thus far in the war, and began an assault on British territory at Papua. Two divisions or so marched across the border, and began to cross the Owen Stanley range, with some difficulty. This gave the Australian government a little bit of time to react, landing a small defense force to the south of the island. Ultimately though, it was to little effect, with the German troops pushing down into Papua, and after a short fight pushed the Australians out of the islands, so thereafter entrenching themselves to fend off any possible counterattacks.

But, Australia and New Zealand, couldn't just let the German's off that easily. They soon after captured German Samoa, and the outlying islands of the German New Guinea territory.

(-1 German Division, -1 Australian Division, -1 New Zealander Division)

Sarawak Falls
Kuching, The Japanese Empire, 1915

The lack of major British military units in the Pacific became evident this year, as Japan landed in Sarawak, with almost 60 divisions, in the Spring, and captured it, within two months, fighting only Colonial militia, who put up a noble, yet, ultimately futile defense.

The only British presence felt was in the naval category. The British navy, sent in force to the Pacific, after the surprise Japanese attack on Sakhalin in the previous year, was set to attack the Japanese home islands. But, the Japanese caught wind of the attack, as the British fleet rounded Indochina, and sent a force to counter the British fleet off of French Vietnam. But the British admiral was by no means dumb. Seeing that he was outgunned, he moved his fleet to Sydney, and began small scale raiding on Japanese South Pacific trade, and naval patrols.

(-2 Japanese Divisions, +10 British Colonial Militia, -10 British Colonial Militia, -7 British Destroyers, -1 Japanese Armoured Cruiser, -2 Japanese Light Cruiser, -2 Japanese EP)

NPC Diplomacy

From: Denmark
To: Sweden

What do you want from us? We are willing to make peace- name your price.

From: Norway
To: Sweden

We completely condemn your attacks on Denmark- we don't trust you, and we are afraid that if you do not being peace talks with Denmark immediately, we must declare war.

From: The Colonies of Great Britain
To: Great Britain

Please protect us!

From: Austria
To: Germany

We are getting beat up. Ideas?

From: Bulgaria
To: The Quadruple Alliance

We may need to negotiate peace with the Entente if you don't start sending reinforcements!

From: The Mexican Revolutionaries
To: World

Help us!

From: The Irish Republic Army
To: Great Britain

Get the hell off our island

From: Uruguay
To: The Entente

Help would be nice.

Political Map
Spoiler :

War Map (very rough)
Spoiler :

Red- Entente + Friends
Blue- Quadruple Alliance + Friends
Green- Denmark
Bluish- Sweden


@Entente Players

Please start coordinating. Please. The reason the Quadruple Alliance keeps winning is a major lack of coordination on your part, or so I've seen.

@All players

When sending orders, I WANT NUMBERS. How many divisions are going to that front? How many ships are you putting into this blockade. If you are going to be lazy, and give me only a vague idea as to where you want your guys, and a vague number of them, then don't both to send orders! I am not spending hours looking back at old PM's to find out how many ships you originally used in your blockade, or about how many divisions you might have in an area. You tell me.

@All players

Before the angry posts begin again, I'd like to remind you that your losses are your losses. I took a lot of things into account. Yes, I am aware that, your men were supposed to attack and take a certain area. Generals make mistakes. Troops chicken out, supplies run out. Remember that your orders aren't always followed to a perfect T.

@All players

I would also like to thank those of you who stuck with this NES. Please forgive my lateness in the update. I assure you I spent the better part of my weekend sifting through orders, before some real life issues came up I had to deal with.

@All players

Stats are also up. But various parts of the front page have yet to be edited. I will post when they are.

You may now post.
From The Japanese Empire
To Britain and Russia.

Surrender now and let us end this bloodshed. You have no way to fight against us. Your armies have been beatean, your fleets have been sunk. Attempting to continue this fight is useless. If you bequeath all of your colonial holdings in the Pacific to the Japanese Empire then we will sign peace and release all the prisoners we have taken. If you do not, we will destroy you.

To France

Surrender Indochina to the Japanese Empire and many lives can be spared. If you do not however, we will be forced to invade.

ooc Can you put the maps in Spoilers please?
At this point methinks I will state my desire to switch to Siam. The waffle-boat ends here.
I have some ideas for Siam, and also can't seem to find Belgium's stats.
To: The Exiled Belgium Government
From: Germany

You have been defeated, but we will be kind enough to offer you a chance for peace, so that you may save your remaining African territories. If you recognize mainland Belgium as the rightful property of the German Empire, we will consent to peace at current borders in Africa.
From: Government of Belgium (Exile)
To: Germany
Your violation of our treaty, snubbing of our interest in a peaceful resolution, and violent slaughter of Belgians seeking only to protect that which you swore to give them leads us to believe you will have no discretion in this matter, and your reputation as a nation forever tarnished. As a signer of the Treaty of London, your demands are traitorous to that document's sanctity, and your war on our nation a sham.

Signed, Michel Pontemps, De-Facto Prime-Minister
To the remaining nations of the Quadruple Alliance
From his Highness, Mehmed V, and the Ottoman Empire

We hereby officially declare war on Austria-Hungary, Italy, Germany, and the United States of America.


To Serbia
From his Highness, Mehmed V, and the Ottoman Empire

Hold steady, help is on the way.


To Bulgaria
From his Highness, Mehmed V, and the Ottoman Empire

We are hereby willing to negotiate a very fair armistice to the fighting in the Balkans. All we request is that Bulgaria withdraw from the war, and temporarily disband a portion of its armed forces (3 divisions can remain in service as protection). This restriction will only last until the end of the general conflict. Additionally, we also request passage through your nation to Serbia and beyond. In return, we offer fair compensation for any damages we have inflicted on your people or countryside. We do not wish further conflict between us. What say you?


To Romania, Greece
From his Highness, Mehmed V, and the Ottoman Empire

Though we have had our differences in the past, we hope to extend a hand of friendship to each of you to mutually combat the threat of Austrian imperialism in the Balkans. We wish to keep the status quo, and we guarantee your safety and well-being throughout this conflict.​

If you wish to be Siam, you may be. But personally, I think Belgium may be more fun at this point. But it's up to you. Are you sure?

To: The Ottomans
From: Bulgaria

That is a very tempting offer. We may very well take it.. let us confer amongst ourselves first.

To: The Ottomans
From: Greece

We appreciate this. We don't feel our entry to the war will help anything- but it is good to know that the past is the past.

To: The Ottomans
From: Serbia

We appreciate the help! We will last.
I'm considering what I can really do with Belgium at this point. I'll get back to you shortly, LizardKing.
OCC: Good update Lizard King. I do not mind my losses. It just makes this NES more challenging and more interesting

To: Denmark
From Sweden

We wish you to evacuate the mainland Denmark. We are willing to leave you Iceland and Greenland. We will pay you 3 EP for this land.
To: Sweden
From: Denmark

Never! That's ridiculous! You attacked us, why should we give you our land?


Thank you. Your plan was good, the land portion is what sort of dragged behind. The Danes are reselient.
Mehmed V, along with his senior commanders, wrote the following dispatch from the Ottoman High Command in Constantinople, after a long and diligent review of the strategic situation of the globe...


To all besieged members of the Entente
From his Highness, Mehmed V, and the Ottoman Empire

I am sure I speak for the rest of the Entente when I say that help is on the way. This is truly a global conflict, one that will require our focus in several different theatres at once. Do not feel discouraged or assume you have been abandoned -- fight on! Peace with the Quadruple Alliance surrenders your freedom and liberty and will lead to your suffocation. Fight on, for we shall relieve you, even if we must sail thousands of miles across the stormiest of seas. Fight on!​
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