• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

The Six-Months War; Take Two

WTB [Chinese Laborers] PST with price :p
Looking good so far, Lizard. I quite like your updates and your updating style- don't let the nay-sayers get you down.

If this game actually continues, I'd like to join. Don't know as what, though- we'll see. :)
Looking good so far, Lizard. I quite like your updates and your updating style- don't let the nay-sayers get you down.

If this game actually continues, I'd like to join. Don't know as what, though- we'll see. :)

Naysayers! Where? Shalt be the last time they say nay!

The Western Front
Paris, France, 1916

This year was more successful for the French, then the last, to say the least. The French began the year by launching multiple attacks across German held territory in the north, recapturing the key town of Amiens, and pushing into German-held Belgium, taking the towns of Ypres, Mouscron and Tournai, but encountered heavy resistance by the Germans at Ath. In fact, the whole of the German line seemed to be heavily fortified in the "Bismark Line" similar to the Meade Line in North America. The French pushed where they could, but not without heavy losses. The French artillery kept up an almost continues bombardment on the German lines, but the fortified trenches kept casualties surprisingly low.

That being said, the Germans themselves, didn't go on the offensive really anywhere. The French reclaimed swathes of territory lost to the Germans last year, but very few offensive actions occurred otherwise.

(-21 French Divisions, -5 French Cavalry Brigades, -11 French Artillery Brigades, -20 French Manpower, -19 German Divisions, -3 German Cavalry Brigades, -11 German Artillery Brigades, -1 French Fighter Squadron, -1 German Fighter Squadron)

The Eastern Front
Konigsberg, The German Empire, 1916

Konigsberg became the focus of the Eastern Front once again this year. While the year was still indeed new, the German's began another advance to relieve the city of Koningsberg. This time, however, they were equipped for the challenges ahead. The Battle of Konigsberg finally gave relief to the long besieged city- the populace being held as heroes to the German people. The victory was a major morale boost to the German people.

The Battle of Konigsberg

Spoiler :

The Battle began in the brisk Eastern European January cold, early one morning, as the German 5th army came within a few miles of the city. Several German ships off the coast of the city began bombarding the city, and the Russians besieging the city. The Russians, awaking from their sleep, began to hide in their hastily built trenches.

Taking advantage of this, the German air force came in, in force. The Zeppelin and Fighter groups began shooting and bombing the Russians already hiding from the German ships. The Russians, with no air force of their own, began seeing their dire situation, as the casualties mounted. The German 5th Army then began to advance into the Russian trenches, fighting the Russians in hand to hand combat. The obviously superbly trained German soldiers soon broke the Russians, at limited loss to themselves- with more then a little help from their air support.

(-3 German Divisions, -2 German Artillery Brigades, -10 German Manpower -7 Russian Divisions, -1 Russian Cavalry Brigade, -4 Russian Artillery Brigades)

But this was not the only place the Russian's began experiencing losses.The Austro-Hungarians, now being led by German officers began to push the Russians out of lost territory, even pushing up through Latvia. The Austrians, with support from the Germans, began to actually outnumber their Russian opponents- also beating them in soldier quality, and even more importantly- air support.

The Spring offensives saw the Austro-Hungarians take back much land gained by the Russians in Galicia, fighting them off at Drochobyca, Bolechow, taking the railroad junction at Stry, leaving the Russian armies in the North and South cut off from each other, and severely cutting their supply routes.

The Russians counter-attacked, and managed to push the Austro-Hungarians back, by early summer. However, mid summer also brought Austro-Hungary a new weapon; Bombers. These bombers came shipped to Austria's ports from China. The Austrians, using their relatively weak navy punched a hole in the weakened British blockade large enough for the Chinese traders to make it through to the Croatian coast.
The bombers were unloaded, and were shipped to the front almost instantly.

This shipment coincided with the Austrian summer offensives- pushing back into Galicia with the objective being Stry. The Austrians once more waded through Russian resistance, and attacked the Stry once more in late July.

The Second Battle of Stry
Spoiler :

The first day, Austrian troops entered the area, and struck Russian defenses throughout the area, but the Russians had dug in, and repulsed the Austrian advances, sweeping the ground the Austrians were advancing on with Artillery and machine-gun fire. The Austrian artillery, while helpful, did little damage to the entrenched Russian troops.

The Austrians instead, gave their new planes a try. The next day, a few dozen bombers took off, escorted by several Austro-Hungarian planes. The bombers began bombing the town, killing many of the Russian soldiers, who lacked air support of any kind.

After continuous joint artillery and aerial bombardment, many of the Russian defenders either surrendered, or lay dieing in their trenches. Those who were able to resist were quickly over run by the mass number of Austrian troops.

(-4 Austrian Divisions, -1 Austrian Cavalry Brigades, -3 Austrian Artillery Brigades, -6 Austrian Manpower, -8 Russian Divisions, -2 Russian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Russian Artillery Brigades)

Despite the initial victory, the Austrians also managed to completely destroy the railroad junction they were hoping to obtain, in the bombardment. The Russians in the area retreated back across Galicia, attempting to hold their gains. Various fighting throughout the Eastern part of the Empire occurred throughout the late summer and fall, with neither side gaining much land. The war up north in Prussia however, come fall, was different.

The Russians, still reeling at their defeat at Konigsberg, decided to counter attack in the south. Taking various troops from their defenses across the Vistula, the Russians pushed into Prussia, and over the German held Vistula river. From their, the Russians attempted to push out into the Baltic, effectively splitting Prussia off from the rest of Germany, but to little effect- with German pressure from all sides, the Russian armies halted to rest and resupply by the winter.

(-24 German Divisions,-2 German Cavalry Brigades, -5 German Artillery Brigades, -20 German Manpower, -26 Austrian Divisions, -2 Austrian Cavalry Brigades, -6 Austrian Artillery Brigades, -40 Austrian Manpower, -1 Austrian Stability, -66 Russian Divisions, -2 Russian Cavalry Brigades, -10 Russian Artillery Brigades, -50 Russian Manpower, -1 Russian Stability)

The Italian September Revolution
Rome, The Italian Empire, 1916

During the winter, the Italian government, under the reign of Victor Emmanuel III, signed a peace treaty with the Entente- namely England, in the face of naval landings throughout his country. Expecting a relatively fair peace, The United Kingdom's Treaty of Rome, stripped Italy of almost half of its yearly income, allowed the United Kingdom safe passage through Italian territory, and more or less made Italy the United Kingdom's vassal.

The Italian people were flabbergasted to say the least. The Italian military had been relatively successful throughout their African campaigns, and clearly outnumbered the British military on the Italian peninsula. Aside from that, the Italian people hated the highly unreasonable conditions the Entente pushed upon them. They weren't beaten, regardless of what the king thought.

Great Britain included no clause about Italian divisions giving up arms. A blunder to say the least, something many Italian generals took note of instantly. So, when the French and British military detachments sent to reclaim lost colonial territory arrived to relieve the Italian troops defending the areas, they were astounded at the large Italian military presence in the area.

Meanwhile, as British troops marched through Central Italy, to the north, they were met by divisions of Italian troops, angrily glaring at the 'victors', spurring on a "Independence" movement among the Italians, against their British 'rulers'.
This movements culminated, when, on September 1st, an assassin shot and killed Victor Emmanuel III, and his son Umberto. With no direct heir apparent, Italian generals took control of the situation, and the government, declaring the treaty of Rome null, and taking control of all British held ports, and roadways, with few shots fired.

With most of the British military up north around Trieste, fighting the Austrians, the Italian troops saw there opportunity, linking up with the Germany 4th army, who had been defending and attacking the British forces since the beginning of the year, and pushed into the region. With the German/Italian armies on one side, and the Austrian military on the other side, and all large naval contingents elsewhere, the British force had no choice but to be surrendered and dispersed throughout Austria and Italy.
The Italian military then found an heir, the count of Savoy, Victor Emmanuel IV, to take the old kings place.

A British force, landing in Genoa was also unaware of this 'revolution' and ended up taking over parts North Western Italy, during the fall. Though, they will surely be out-numbered in the next year.

(-6 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Cavalry Brigade,-5 Italian Artillery Brigade, -10 Italian Manpower, -4 Austrian Divisions, -3 Austrian Artillery Brigades, -15 British Divisions, -10 British Cavalry Brigades, -10 British Artillery Brigades, -2 Italian Armoured Cruisers, -1 Italian Destroyer, -1 Austrian Armoured Cruiser, -2 British Armoured Cruisers)
The Balkans
Cetinje, Montenegro, 1916

On January 5th, Bulgaria signed a peace treaty with The Ottoman Empire, Serbia and Romania, effectively ending Bulgaria's participation in the war. The Ottomans sat, content on their gains, while Romania attempted to push further into Austro-Hungary.
The Serbs to, rejoiced at not having to fight a two front war, and moved all available divisions back north to the Austrian front, pushing the outgunned Austrians out of most of Serbia. The Romanians, acting in conjuncture with the Serbs also managed to push into Transylvania, but the Transylvanian Alps seemed to prove more of an opponent then the Austrians themselves, and halted the Romanians advance by the fall.

Montenegro, sensing victory, and wanting a part in the peace talks also declared war on Austria this Spring, and moved troops into Bosnia, facing few Austrian defenders. But, this seemed to be the most the tiny Balkan nation could contribute this year. Montenegro seemed to set its hopes on war with a crumbling Austrian Empire, not a victorious one.

(-9 Austrian Divisions, -1 Austrian Cavalry Brigade, -2 Austrian Artillery Brigades, -5 Austrian Manpower, -4 Serbian Divisions, -3 Serbian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Serbian Artillery Brigades, -5 Serbian Manpower, -3 Romanian Divisions, -2 Romanian Cavalry Brigades, -1 Romanian Artillery Brigade, -2 Montenegro Divisions, -1 Montenegro Artillery Brigades)

The Scandinavian Wars of Unification Continued
Stockholm, Sweden, 1915

Last year, the Swedish government began what it called 'Scandinavian Unification'. The whole process involved the Swedish annexation of, first, Denmark, and ultimately Norway and possibly Finland.

With the sneak attack of the Danish navy at Copenhagen, and the ensuing landings throughout the Baltic Islands, and Jutland, Denmark certainly began this year on the defensive- their only rays of hope being Norway's declaration of war against the imperialistic Swedes, and the German promise of blockade.

After the battle of Veilje, the Swedish force took the long winter as a rest, and planned to renew their offensives in the coming spring months. Politically, however, things were getting just as violent as the years previous events- Sweden began to receive aid and support from the Entente- namely Great Britain.

For reasons most strategists could not understand, Britain stretched its already strapped navy even farther- promising naval support for Sweden, in the Baltic; Germany's 'Mare Nostrum'. Germany too- keeping good on its word to Denmark for a naval blockade of Sweden encountered both Swedish and British ships throughout the early months of the war, the former of which began attempting to dual with the German navy usually coming on top.

Meanwhile, Swedish forces dug themselves in, both in Jutland, and on their side of the Norwegian border. Little action was taken for the first few months, winter campaigns in Scandinavia being a bad idea on any Generals 'to-do' list, but come Spring, the Swedes attempted to initiated operation Dragon Mouth. But, without secured naval supremacy in the region any landing of that sort would be a bad idea to say the least.
So the Swedes instead focused their attention on Jutland- throwing their men into the fray against the Danes, in fierce combat across the Peninsula. Although the Danish troops fought hard, ultimately, the Swedish army gained the upper hand. The remaining Danish forces on the Peninsula attempted an evacuation to Norway, or Iceland, and were fairly successful from retreating out of Arhus from the sea- but they lost some ships the trip there.

Later, in the early summer, the Norwegian military, now supplemented with several Danish divisions pushed into Sweden, to the Vänern Lake. Swedish defense was admirable- but the size of the attacking Norwegian/Danish armies overwhelmed them.
Danish rebels began appearing throughout Jutland, and found surprising support from some of Sweden's home populace, who were opposed to Sweden's wars of imperialism. Norway on the other hand, experienced several groups of Scandinavian Unification supporters begin to appear up north, fighting with local Norwegian soldiers.

(-5 Danish Divisions, -3 Danish Cavalry Brigades, -2 Danish Artillery Brigades, -5 Norwegian Divisions, -2 Norwegian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Norwegian Artillery Brigades, -11 Swedish Divisions, -1 Swedish Cavalry Brigades, -3 Swedish Artillery Brigades, -1 Swedish Armoured Car Brigade)

The Siege of Britain, and Sweden
The Orkney Islands, The United Kingdom, 1916

The North Sea was firmly in the hands of the Kaiserliche Marine, at the end of 1915, after their smashing of the British home fleet at the Battle of the Orkney Islands, and the decisive loss of a large part of the North American fleet. The Germans and Americans lost no time attempting to fortify their stranglehold on Great Britain itself. Even as the British recalled a bulk of their navy, the Germans and Americans clearly held the advantage after the British navy experienced such massive losses the year before.

The Germans mined the English channel- something many British trade and warships found out quickly. An estimated force of about 100 American submarines began to appear on Britain's east coast, and south coast, sinking shipping left and right, and picking off British warships. The Germans managed to put roughly half as many subs to the north between the Danish Faroe Islands, and the British Orkney islands.
Even the limited Irish navy was out and about- their submarine roaming the Irish sea, attacking English shipping. Meanwhile, the captured and refitted Irish destroyer, dubbed "Elizabeth's Bum" by Liam McCourmet, as with the Emerald Chariot often would trap English ships- many of whom would chase the Irish ship, only to find it being supported by the Emerald Chariot.

Needless to say Britain was effectively cut off from the rest of the Entente. The mines, and constant submarine harassment took its toll on the British navy, and the British merchant marine. Brief ship battles would occur between the German fleet, and the British- but regardless of the battle results, the German and American grip on the area on seemed to be getting tighter.

Especially after the German declaration of blockade against the Swedish- several Swedish attempts to actually break out were met, and promptly destroyed, after a stand off with German ships. This economic strangling provided hurtful to both the United Kingdom, and ultimately the Russians, who themselves attempted to break out once more, to no avail; but no one was more effected then the Swedish, so reliant on foreign trade. Within months,the lack of Swedish preparation became evident as its people slowly starved.

Many Russians too, so reliant on British food shipments also felt the pain of the blockade, as did the people of Great Britain, who had become so reliant on its vast empire to supply the home islands.

The Russians themselves had enough trouble fighting the German fleet, with its air support in the Eastern Baltic. The Russian admiralty, again sending ships out, in an attempt to get to the Pacific, were beaten back by the Germans.
Germania Rules the Waves. At least for now.

(-4 British Dreadnoughts, -15 British Destroyers, -7 British Armored Cruisers, -100 British MP, -10 British EP, -2 German Dreadnoughts, -8 German Destroyers, -7 German German Light Cruisers, -9 German Submarines, -1 German Fighter Squadron -13 American Submarines, -5 Irish Manpower, +1 Irish Armored Cruiser, -1 Swedish Dreadnought, -7 Swedish Destroyers, -2 Swedish Armoured Cruisers, -5 Swedish Light Cruisers, -4 Swedish Submarines, -150 Swedish MP, -5 Swedish EP, -1 Swedish Stability, -2 Danish Destroyers, -1 Danish Light Cruiser, -100 Danish MP, -3 Danish EP, -2 Norwegian Destroyers, -3 Norwegian Light Cruisers, -1 Russian Dreadnought, -5 Russian Destroyers, -2 Russian Armored Cruisers, -100 Russian MP, -4 Russian EP)

The Iberian War
Madrid, Spain, 1916

Spain seems to of lucked out this year. With British interests elsewhere, and Portugal content staying on the defensive, Spain simply pushed into British held Iberia, recapturing Leon and the port of Gijon. At the same time, a simultaneous push was made at the British held area of Gibraltar. The British though, were hard to dislodge, so, few gains were made.

The British retreated towards the coast before settling down, with no further orders coming from London. Portugal sat, waiting for a Spanish attack that didn't come. Instead, Spain, now free of the blockade shipped several divisions to Africa, in the hope of carving out another Empire. The only potential problem being Britain's continued control over Gibraltar. Instead, attempting to rush past the British fortifications, the Spaniards landed forces in Morocco, and began operating against French Algeria.

The only significant naval action was the bombardment of Spanish ships, both military and trade, docked in Barcelona's port, by Portuguese submarines.

(-11 Spanish Divisions, -4 Spanish Cavalry Brigades, -7 Spanish Artillery Brigades, -2 Spanish Destroyers, -1 Spanish EP, -20 Spanish MP, -5 British Divisions, -3 British Artillery Brigades, -3 Portuguese Divisions, -1 Portuguese Cavalry Brigades, -3 Portuguese Artillery Brigades)
The Canadian Question
Toronto, Canada, 1916

This winter, the Canadian prime minister, sick of the string of military defeats dealt by the Americans, and from the apparent fact that the Dominion's British allies really just don't care about Canada's well being, (or so says Sir Robert Borden) the Canadians made a separate peace with the United States, and at a later date declared its secession from the Commonwealth, something the British obviously would not take lightly.

So, Canada experienced a major conflict of interests. A large majority of the Canadian people wholeheartedly disagreed with Borden's decision. What really stirred the people, however, was Borden's attempted attack on British held Labrador, and Newfoundland. The only people who actually supported the assault were the people of Quebec, and they were in direct conflict with the rest of Canada. Needless to say, the attack never happened.

The British meanwhile, seemed to have their own plans however- attempting to arrest Borden, using special forces teams. These stealth teams, however, found a very different situation when they got to Canada- the Canadian people had already arrested Broden, and had him sitting in a cell somewhere in Toronto.

But that was not good enough- many Canadians simply declared themselves part of the British Empire once again, with entire swaths of Canadian land declaring allegiance to the old country. The rest of Canada sat confused as to what was really going on, as did much of the world. The Canadian government, now headed by a man named James Griffith, is in talks with the English government at Prime Minister Broden's apparent insanity, the war, and Canada status as a dominion. For now, the Canadian government and people, regardless of affiliation, does however still consider its peace with the United States of America active, and don't seem willing to move on that issue, despite constant British harassment by the British delegation over the subject.

(-3 Canadian Stability)

The War In America
Cambridge, The United States of America, 1916

The Confederacy was on the defensive. That much was obvious. But as the year opened with yet another offensive in Delmarva, it became increasingly clear that the war in the America's was turning into a United States victory.

The battle grounds outside of Cambridge are, arguably, among the most bloodied fields of the war. Two large scale battles were fought in the area, along with countless other skirmishes. The town itself was destroyed, the people long gone, nothing but casualties of war. The Confederacy held the line here because it had to- otherwise the coast of Virginia would be open for invasion, much as it had been so many years before.

Attack after attack, the United States failed to dislodge the Confederates. The Americans instead made it a year goal, to capture all of Delmarva- something the Confederates would die trying to defend.

The Third Battle of Cambridge
Spoiler :

The Union once again attempted to take Cambridge. Fearing another great loss, as it experienced twice before, the Union went about the attack in a fairly unconventional way. They dedicated several dozen Zeppelins, and fighters to the area, and bombarded the Confederate Delmarva lines for several days.

The Confederates attempted to counter with their own small air force, but the United States fighters fought them off. The Zeppelins took their toll on the Confederate troops down bellow. After a rough week of bombardment, the guns fell silent, and the bombs stopped dropping. The fields were filled with craters, the trenches had no movement.

The United States army began slowly trekking across the fields they just destroyed, many infantry men struggling over the holes. While, at first the Confederate units seemed to of been decimated, the survivors of the initial bombardment began shooting at the struggling United States troops.

These troops then, ducked down in the craters their own guns and zeppelins made, and began to return fire. It wasn't before long that a firefight broke out in the muddy, destroyed fields of Cambridge. The United States was slowly advancing though. Confederate reserves were sapped, and with units being needed elsewhere, reinforcements were few and far in between. After a long fight through the night; the only illumination coming from flares and small arms, the United States army made a final charge into the trenches. The Confederates, tired, and broken, surrendered in droves to the United States soldiers.

Finally, after 3 years, the Stars and Stripes flew over Cambridge, Maryland again. Or, at least what was left of it.

(-4 United States Divisions, -2 United States Cavalry Brigades, -1 United States Artillery Brigades, -1 United States Zeppelin Squadron, -11 Confederate States Divisions, -4 Confederate States Cavalry Brigades, -3 Confederate States Artillery Brigades, -1 Confederate States Fighter Squadron)

Delmarva was once again in the hands of the United States, not only opening the coast of Virginia to raiding, but also ending any threat of a Confederate army marching through Dover or even Philadelphia.

The United States took no time to revel in their victory though. Rather, an invasion force under the U.S. General Pershing began marching south from various points in Maryland, and Tennessee. This massive front was met with heavy Confederate resistance, on all fronts. The United States employed a new, devastating weapon on the battle field; Warkers.

These warkers were mobile cannon behemoths, rolling over Confederate trenches and soldiers alike. Tested in Wyoming for the last year, these Warkers were first deployed in the armies heading south in Virginia. The Confederates, in the hopes of ending the United States invasion, moved a bulk of their defense forces in Virginia to the north of the state.

The two great armies met once again at Fredericksburg, the site of the battle, roughly 50 years before, where the Union armies invading south crumbled before the Confederates.

The Second Battle of Fredericksburg
Spoiler :

The United States military began crossing the Rappahannock, only to be met by Confederate forces dug in throughout the area. Instead of waiting for the relatively ineffective artillery bombardment the Warkers were instead called to the front, rolling over Confederate defenses, followed by an infantry attack. Urban fighting occured in the city itself, as U.S. artillery and Warkers began hitting Confederate held buildings, while they relied on infantry to take out others.

This resulted in possibly the most of the losses taken at the battle. It took two days for the entire city to be cleared of Confederate forces, and in the fighting the city itself was destroyed. The Confederates kept falling back and falling back, but the Warkers, being deployed for the first time in battle, struck fear in the hearts of many of the Confederates.

The Warker's were stupidly deployed in the cities roads, in the hopes of creating road blocks, in an attempt to aid the infantry that were attempting to dislodge the Confederates. However, this usually left them in a precarious position, especially without the support of the infantry. After several days of fighting, the Confederate forces in the region were completely overwhelmed, resulting in a complete U.S. victory, and an open pathway to the Confederate capital of Richmond.

The Warkers themselves proved highly successful in the battle, when supported by infantry. Though, this did not come without the some problems, such as being a larger target for Confederate artillery. Several of these Warkers were lost in the fighting.

(-6 United States Divisions, -3 United States Artillery Brigades, -1 Warker Mod I Brigade, -9 Confederate Divisions, -4 Confederate Cavalry Brigades, -4 Confederate Artillery Brigades)

The victorious American armies continued south, capturing key railroads, and industrial areas. No longer then a week after the victory at Fredericksburg, the United States military marched through Richmond, finding it relatively abandoned and in ruin. The Confederate government relocated itself to Atlanta.

Meanwhile, the U.S. army stayed victorious elsewhere, moving down the Mississippi, facing only fleeting Confederate resistance.

(-7 United States Divisions, -3 United States Artillery Brigades, -1 Warker Mod I Brigade, -6 Confederate Divisions, -5 Confederate States Cavalry Divisions, -2 Confederate States Artillery Brigades)

Meanwhile, in the Southwest, Tasker Bliss, splitting off from General North's army, pushed across the Rio Grande, attacking the last bastion of Confederate strength, Texas. The Texans were fighting a losing war though. With large forces being sent to across the Mississippi, the Texans found themselves outnumbered, and outmatched, as Warkers were seen across the battlefields outside of San Antonio, and El Paso.

(-6 United States Divisions, -4 United States Artillery Brigades, -1 Warker Mod I Brigade, -9 Confederate Divisions, -4 Confederate Cavalry Brigades, -3 Confederate Artillery Brigades, -1 Imperial Mexican Division)

Up north, in Alaska, the Russian government called for several new divisions to be formed, much like in the previous year. The problem once again being Russian Alaska's incredibly small population. Roughly 100 soldiers actually showed up. The Russian forces in the area, cut off from the homeland, without adequate supplies, and without the needed support of the Canadian military, began surrendering to the United States troops, though, the rest managed to maintain large portions of the land.

(-1 United States Division, -2 Russian Divisions)

Naval Battles Throughout the Caribbean
Guantanamo Bay, Confederate States of America, 1916

After last years tactical victory of the joint American-led Quadruple Alliance navy, over the joint Entente naval forces at the battle of Guantanamo, the Americans once again set out to destroy both the Confederate and British fleets in the area.
The Confederates, after the loss have settled their fleet back in New Orleans, with the only military ships out and about, being those that help guard what's left of their trade. The British fleet continued to maintain a presence, albeit a less threatening one, off of the east coast.

The American Pacific navy, sent once again to the Gulf to work with the Atlantic forces to end any and all Entente military actions in the area found the waters surprisingly empty. The few Entente ships actually found by the Americans, or their allies, were either captured, or destroyed.

A British force sent to retake the Guiana, turned around, with news of American naval dominance, and began heading back to Great Britain.

(-2 Confederate Dreadnoughts, -1 Confederate Armoured Cruiser, -2 Confederate Light Cruisers, -5 Confederate Destroyers, -3 Confederate Submarines, -2 United States Dreadnought, -1 United States Armoured Cruiser, -2 United States Submarines, +1 United States Light Cruiser, +5 United States Destroyers, -2 British Dreadnoughts, -10 British Destroyers, -1 Venezuelan Destroyer, +3 Venezuelan Destroyers,)

The War Continues In South America
Paramaribo, Confederate Suriname, 1916

The Quadruple Alliance allies of Brazil and Venezuela continued their push into the Confederate colony of Suriname, and the French colony of Guiana, despite the loss at the battle of Wilhelmina in the year prior. The Venezuelan and Brazilian forces kept pushing into Confederate Suriname throughout the Spring, encountering token resistance from the newly reinforced Confederate colonial forces, and several French colonial brigades. The defenses, while noble, were ultimately ineffective. Several divisions from Brazil in the south moved north through southern French Guiana, while diversionary attacks were launched across the Fleuve Oyapok river in East. These troops, led by several Brazilian special forces units dubbed "Mountain-Men" crossed into French Guiana, quickly occupying the villages of St Georges de l'Oyapock, Ounary, Regina and Kaw by early May.

The Brazilian forces soon moved to take over Cayenne and the surrounding areas, where they ran into thicker French resistance. Though the colonial militias were of lesser numbers they put up quite the resistance, before retreating from the colonial capital. The Brazilians however found that large portions of the French populace, had retreated along with the militia, to along the coast, as the rest of the nation fell the to the Brazilian military.

The Confederates, however had not been having much luck either. By the end of June, the rest of Suriname fell to the split forces of Venezuela and Brazil. The Confederate forces, rather then fight against overwhelming numbers retreated to the coast, and the capital Paramaribo. To the east, the French did much of the same, with the Confederate and French military establishing a small, holdout on the Caribbean coast. Even by November, the two militarys held out against repeated Brazilian and Venezuelan assaults. The refugees, and remaining troops, which may number as much as 14,000 wait for naval assistance to relieve them, but with supplies running short, and only the Venezuelan navy in sight, things began looking bleak for the Franco-Confederate forces.

(-3 French Brigades, -10 French Manpower, -1 Confederate States Division, -1 Confederate States Artillery Brigades, -10 Confederate Manpower, -2 Brazilian Divisions, -1 Brazilian Artillery Brigade, -1 Venezuelan Division)

Meanwhile, Colombia continued its push through the Confederate possession of Nicaragua completely "liberating" the region, promising it, its independence after the war is over. The Colombians continued their assault, into Mexico, and the British Mosquito Coast, facing almost no resistance.

(-1 Colombian Division. -1 Imperial Mexican Division, -4 Imperial Mexican Manpower, -10 Confederate Manpower)

In the South, Brazil continued its push through La Plata, this time focusing on the western areas, while withdrawing from Paraguay at the same time. The Argentinian troops continued to put up a hard resistance, defending towns such as Salta, and San Miguel de Tucuman to the last man. The Brazilians stopped their advance in face of mounting casualties, and the Andes. Instead, the Brazilians began pushing south, using their superior air force to bombard the Argentinians from above. The defenders of Bahia Blanca, surrendered to the Brazilians without a shot being fired, and after intense bombardment by the Brazilian air force, so did Punta Colorada.

The La Plata government reformed itself in Rio Gallegos, and began to attempt to support its failing war effort- but to little effect. Entire divisions began to surrender to the Brazilians, and after a few naval engagements around the Comodoro Rivadavia, so did parts of the navy.

(-11 La Plata Divisions, -5 La Plata Cavalry Brigades, -7 La Plata Artillery Brigades, -20 La Plata Manpower, -12 Brazilian Divisions, -1 Brazillian Cavalry Brigades, -6 Brazilian Artillery Brigades, -3 La Plata Armoured Cruisers,-2 La Plata Light Cruisers, -3 La Plata Destroyers, -2 Brazilian Armoured Cruisers, -3 Brazilian Light Cruisers, -1 Brazilian Destroyer, +2 Brazilian Destroyers)
The War In Africa
Oran, Spain, 1916

The war in Africa intensifies. As soon the year began, both Spain, France and Great Britain rushed more divisions into the Dark Continent, escalating the fighting on all fronts.

The Italian troops held their ground against the Entente brigades sent to reclaim lost land. With that, the Entente, namely France, set out to beat the Italian's back out of the lost regions.

In early April, the French began pushing back into Tunisia- the victory at Sidi Bou the year before fresh in both the Italian and French minds. However, the Italians seeing such a push, dug trenches, to the best of their ability, and sat, ready, and waiting for French attacks.

After the September Revolution, several more Italian divisions were shipped to Libya, reinforcing some of the gains made in Tunisia, and allowing the Italian army to push a bit further into French held Tunisia and Algeria, once again, with help from the locals. The real saving grace seemed to be the Italian artillery, taking a heavy toll on the French during every major engagement.

(-3 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Cavalry Brigade, -2 Italian Artillery Divisions, -1 Italian-Algerian Militia, +5 Italian-Algerian Milita, -5 French Divisions, -1 French Cavalry Brigade, -2 French Artillery Brigade)

Meanwhile to the east, the British landed a few divisions, in the hopes of pushing the Italians out of the nile, and hoping to at the same time, reinforce the Suez. The British seem to of landed at the right time, in Alexandria. The Italins were rebuilding their forces after the September Revolution, and were planning a cross-nile attack, hoping to eventually reach the Suez, or so it seems.

The British began pushing the Italians back, across the desert sands. But, as with any desert campaign, supplies are thin and hard to come by. The lack of British naval presence in the Mediterreanean also was noticed, as Italian ships once again began harrying British trade in the area. The British did manage to make some headway on the Mediterreanean coast, but this was not the case further into the interior. The Italians, instead, managed to hold onto a small sliver of the Nile, preventing British shipping from reach it's colonies deep within Africa.

(-4 Italian Divisions, -1 Italian Cavalry Brigade, -3 Italian Artillery Brigades, -7 British Divisions, -20 British MP, -1 British MP)

The Spanish, meanwhile, had an easier time, taking advantage of a pre-occupied Britan and France. Several divisions and brigades, fresh from Iberia landed in Morocco and began a push into French Algeria, coinciding with the Italian and French battles elsewhere. The Spanish took advantage of the lack of French military presence in Western Algeria, and began marching across the coast, taking village after village, the goal, ultimately being the port of Oran.

It wasn't before long, however, several French divisions marched into the port, and began digging fortificatinos to fight off any Spanish attack. What the French lacked, however, was artillery; the few brigades available were being shipped to the south. So, after a seige lasting from June to September, the Spanish heavy artillery came to bear on the city. The French forces had no choice, but to surrender the port to the Spanish.

(-3 Spanish Divisions, -1 Spanish Artillery Brigade, -2 French Divisions, -10 French MP)

The Spanish were also on the offensive, down south, continuing their assault on French Equitorial Africa. The French managed to push the Spanish back a bit though, with sporadic fighting occuring throughout the year. The French also managed to recapture some territory lost to the Germans in the year previous.

(-1 Spanish Division, -1 Spanish Artillery Brigade, -2 French Divisions, -1 French Artillery Brigade, -5 French MP, -1 German Division, -5 German MP)

The Germans meanwhile, took the offensive in other places. Pouring out of East Africa, German troops began attacking Portuguese Mozambique. Suprised to find the colony defenseless, the German divisions pushed all the way down the coast, until they hit the Zambezi river, and fortified, against any possible counter attack.

(+5 Portuguese Mozambique Brigades, -2 Portuguese Monzambique Brigades, -20 Portuguese MP)

The Abyssinians began eying up the British held Sudan, that had been strapped of the extra divisions promised to it, by the fighting with the Italians off of the Nile. The Abyssinian troops began marching into the south of the region, with the campaign goal being Khartoum. The soldiers, doing their best to cross both the White and Blue Nile began pushing north to take the city. British resistance was suprisingly strong, but the Abyssinian advance continued, until, in the heat of the summer, the Abyssinian troops reached the outskirts of Khartoum, and began a seige that lasted the rest of the year. As December drew near, however, the British garrison sallied against the Abyssinians, but to little effect. The city was taken.

(-4 Abyssinian Divisions, -1 Abyssinian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Abyssinian Artillery Brigades, -6 British Divisions, -10 British MP)

The South Pacific
Sydney, Australia, 1916

The Japanese went on a head hunt this year, looking for the British and Commonwealth navy in the South Pacific. The Japanese navy, sailed off the coast of Australia, in force. The Japanese 1st and 2nd fleet under Admiral Yamahorsehockeya Gentaro began its search at the source; Sydney. The port, though full, carried few actual warships. The combined 1st and 2nd fleet began to bombard the coastal town, destroying many buildings, and ships alike.

From their, they began searching through various archipelgos, and islands. But the bulk of the British and Commonwealth fleet was not to be seen. Instead, they seem to over split up, hitting the Japanese where they could, and retreating when the odds were against them.

While it was a good plan, the forces eventually found themselves wildly outnumbered, and had to cease all major attacks.

(-3 British Dreadnoughts, -11 British Destroyers, -2 Japanese Dreadnoughts, -3 Japanese Armoured Cruisers, -4 Japanese Light Cruisers, -13 Japanese Destroyers, -1 Australian Armoured Cruiser, -2 Australian Destroyers, -3 New Zealander Armoured Cruisers, -1 New Zealander Light Cruiser, -3 New Zealander Destroyer)

Japan controlled the South Pacific Ocean. That much was clear. Australian and New Zealander attempts at landing in German controlled New Guinea were foiled.
Japan, however, stayed on the move. Enlisting the help of Siam, Japan attacked Singapore, and the rest of British Malaysia. A large force under the command of General Ichiro Tachibara, fresh from Kwangtung, landed in Siam, and headed south, aiming for Singapore. The Siamese forces also attacked down the Malay Peninsula. The British garrisons across the Peninsula quickly fell.

Forces from India began moving into Burma to fight off Siamese attacks into the region, but were quickly overwhelmed.

(-10 British Divisions, -20 British MP, -6 Japanese Divisions, -1 Japanese Artillery Brigade, -5 Siamese Divisions, -2 Siamese Artillery Divisions)

Throughout the Pacific, German islands occupied New Zealand in the year prior were taken by the Japanese Empire.

(-2 New Zealander Divisions, -1 Japanese Division)

Iberian Socialism?
Madrid, Spain, 1916

Socialism, has long been a dirty word in Europe. But has, in the wake of the Great War, begun to take a hold in Europe's lower classes. The first signs of Socialists becoming a major political power began to be seen in Spain, and to an extent Portugal. The people of Spain have long been unhappy with their declining influence in Europe, their corrupt government, and what they saw was a losing war.

The Madrid Commune, a Socialist group centered in Madrid, began gaining support in the face of the British invasion of Galicia. This group, being led by a charismatic AGUSTÍN Colordos began gaining support throughout both Madrid and Spain proper. Some of this support was transfered to the frontlines, in both the Portuguese and Spanish trenches. Smaller groups, such as the Lisbon Commune began appearing, threatening political hegemony on both sides of the conflict.

Socialism has also begun appearing in various parts of Europe, especially in Russian and England, two nations ravaged by the Great War. Austria and France seems to have their fair share also. These Socialists have begun viewing the Great War as a great opppurtunity, to strengthen their numbers, and tear down the corrupt governments that have led their people into the conflict in the first place. Thus, many rebel groups have begun clinging to these socialist ideals, in hopes of attracting the public.

The only reported meeting of Irish socialists was in a pub, in downtown Dublin. Spotted by several I.R.A. members, the pub was promptly burned down the same night.

Socialism in Russia has also been swept to the forefront, as many of these "Soviets" began assembling, throughout Russia (mainly in Petrograd). These groups have been so far lacking in strong leadership. But with the growing tensions between the Russian people, and the Russian government have been nothing but helpful to these socialists.

Rebellions and Strikes elsewhere
Dublin, The Republic of Ireland, 1916

Throughout most of the world, strikes and protests have begun, usually because of either the Great War itself, or the reprecussions the people are beginning to feel. Strikes throughout Germany and England ended up being dispersed before too long- both sides more eager to pay off the workers, then actually attempting to risk more strikes by fighting them off.

In Russia, the Finns, who have always hated their Russian masters finally have begun to rebel, and have tied up several Russian divisions in the process.

(-2 Russian Divisions)

Meanwhile, after a long history of abuse, many Russian citizens began voicing their true feelings about the Russian government- something the Tsar did not take lightly, further tearing the government from its people.

(-1 Russian Stability)

In South Africa, the Dutch Boers, or what remains of them have finally seen an oppurtunity arise that could guarantee their freedom. The Boers, hoping to gain support among the massives have begun to fight off South Africa's military in it's North Western area.

(-2 South African Divisions)

The Slavs in Austria-Hungary have also finally begun to rebel, in the hopes of supporting Montenegro's and Albania's attacks in the region.

(-2 Austrian Divisions)

Ireland meanwhile has been busy tieing up British hands on the Emerald Island. The Group led by Liam McCourmet has been busy kicking the British out of several areas of the island. Using sneak attacks, and night raids, he has successfully demoralized and beat up the British troops on the island. Declaring Ireland a republic, he successfully expelled the English from Dublin.

In this time, his army has grown substantially. It has been said that every able bodied male in Ireland has joined McCourmet's army, and by the growth of his forces, it wouldn't be suprising. Aided in large part by the joint German-American blockade of the islands, and the German arms shipments, this rebellion has become more of a war of independence, then anything.

(-2 Irish Divisions, -1 Irish Artillery Brigade, -4 British Divisions)

Revolutionaries throughout the French Dominion of Mexico, and Confederate held Mexico finally garnered enough strength to march on the old capital, Mexico City, this spring. While this was no great military achievement- the Confederate forces that had been guarding the city were sent north- but it's effect was seen almost instantly, with all of Central Mexico declaring allegiance to the new Republic being led by Mexican revolutionary Felipe Costilla.

The revolutionary bands, still being equipted by the United States military, and Colombian military, spread throughout the area, fighting off Imperial Mexican adavances and even limited Confederate counter-assaults.

The Imperial Mexican government is very weak, and unstable currently. The newly christened United States of Mexico, while being supported by the United States of America and Colombia, has no apparent intent upon crusading against the Entente- instead, they seem to be more concerned with annexing the remaining parts of the Mexican Empire.

Venezuela and Colombia both eagerly recognized Mexico's independance, and as a token of goodwill, the former offered the fledgling nation a destroyer, as more of a gesture of peace and cooperation in the future.

(+The Republic of Mexico, -5 Imperial Mexican Divisions, -50 Imperial Mexican Manpower, -1 Imperial Mexican Stability, -50 Confederate Manpower, -1 Confederate Stability)

Quebec meanwhile has experienced several brigades of it's own Quebecois revolutionaries, in the chaos that ensued after the signing of peace with the U.S., and declaration of war against Great Britain. So far, all they have suceded in doing, is making matters far more complicated for the newly reinstated Canadian goverment.

(-1 Canadian Divison)
NPC Diplomacy

To: Brazil
From: La Plata

CC: The Quadruple Alliance, The Entente, Great Britain

We are willing to work out a peace deal, if you'd be willing to make an offer.

To: The United States of America
From: The Confederate States of America

Considering the losses on both sides, we would be interested in either a peace deal, or an armistice, if you would be interested.

To: Siam
From: World
CC: Great Britain

Our declaration of war was only against the nation of Great Britain at the urging of Japan. Despite this, we hope we will have a place at the peace table, when this is all over.

To: Sweden
From: Norway, Denmark

Please, cease hostilities now. This is a pointless imperialistic war!

To: World
From: The Republic of Mexico

Please, aid us in our fight against these tyrants!

To: The Entente
From: The Kingdom of Montenegro

We have decided to aid your cause.. hopefully you in turn will send troops or supplies to us?

To: Great Britain
From: India

We appreciate the help, and support you've given us over the years, but considering the circumstances, we would appreciate Dominion status. It would be of great aid to us, and allow us to take the fight to the enemy, without much of your help.

To: Portugal
From: Spain

We are very interested in peace, with you at least.

To: Russia
From: Austria

Surrender. You will be overwhelmed if you don't.

To: Brazil
From: Venezuela

We are interested in helping determine the future of the captured European colonies with you once the war is over.


World as of 1916
Spoiler :

Wars (very Rough, once again)
Spoiler :

Red- The Entente and associated forces
Blue- The Quadruple Alliance and associated forces
Light Green- The Scandinavian Alliance (Denmark, Norway)
Light Blue- Sweden


Please forgive me for the late update. I've had one hell of a week; a family death being one of the most prominent things keeping me from updating a bit earlier. I'm glad you are still all on board. Wars are never make updates any easier; especially not world wars. So here is to hoping that you'll all resolve your differences! Or, at least some of them.

I'm still working on the stats, and if they aren't up by tonight, they will be by tomorrow morning. Sorry, but I figured I had to put the update out there. Next update won't suck so much.


Civver's orders really helped me out by defining where his units should be at the end of the turn- i.e.

South Africa- 100 Divisions, 20 Artillery
Mexico- 23 Divisions, 20 Cavalry

I would very much appreciate if everyone could start doing this.

Economies for many nations will drop by a bit this year. Or maybe a lot. This is to represent really, a lack of world trade, the fact that factories are mostly producing war material, but without trade, their is no way to get the resources, etc. etc. stability will fall. Of course, the total will have its reasons, and if you ask, I can explain. But I wasn't going to include every little state change in the update. If you think their is a mistake, or you have a question, ask.

Point is, people aren't a fan of war for no reason. Unless you have a reasonable Cassus Belli for war, aside from "zofmgswh i want hiz landZ!' your people aren't going to be fans. If the war goes on long, with no end in sight, your people aren't going to be fans. Expect this to happen. It will eventually fix itself, but not right away.

I've said it before. Saying "Send 100 divisions to South America, and defend against attack" isn't helpful. Chances are, your orders aren't going to work the way you wanted them to. More specific your orders, the better. And maps are always a big help.

I hate to be a jerk, but the population of Russian Alaska, at its peak was 700 Russian citizens. I have no reason to believe that it grew substantially enough in 50 years, to give you the ability to raise 6+ divisions in the area.

Also, while it is great you want to get your fleet to the Pacific- you would need to get through the German controlled Baltic, through the German controlled North Sea, through the Contested Atlantic, across the quiet Indian ocean, through the hostile South Pacific, past Japan, and into Vladivostok. It's just not gonna happen.

Canada does not suck- I just don't quite understand what the hell is going on over there.. I can understand an armistice with America. But attacking Great Britain? WTH?

Seriously, that was not happening. I told Civver one hundred times, but maybe I didn't tell you. Your people would not allow that to happen. Period.

Aside from the fact that you still went forward with the invasion through Switzerland, after I, the moderator, told you it wasn't going to work, your invasion of South America didn't go through. I saved you your troops- but invading a hostile coast, through hostile waters half a world away, with such a large contingent of troops is a bad idea, anytime.

Also, you have NPC'd dominions. You can always tell me what you want to do with them.

@Everyone involved with the Italian peace
I'm sorry if you honestly thought that was gonna happen. Regardless if I had to NPC Zeletdude, the Italian people would not accept those conditions, unless completely beaten. Which they were far from. Zeletdude also came to this realization, and changed his orders around to reflect exactly what he wanted to happen.

Again, as I've said to others, seaborne invasions in this time frame didn't go over so well. Yes, their are exceptions, their are always exceptions. But again, a mass landing of troops on a hostile coast, in a hostile sea isn't going to happen.

Thank you! Feel free to join up anytime soon!

I shall respond as soon as I have the chance. I didn't forget about you!

I'm confused, are you still playing? I haven't received any orders from you for the last turn or so.
To: Nations of the World
From: Italy

Italy would like to announce the war on the Italian peninsula is an Italian war for independence and we would like to keep it that way, we would like to ask that you stay out of this war if you do not need to get involved, we are just fighting our British occupiers we do not need to escalate this war, Thank you,
Signed His Majesty Vittorio Emanuele IV, King of the Italian Kingdom

To: France
From: Italy

We will withdraw from Tunisia if you recognize our new government and leader. And have peace with us.

To: Germany
From: Italy

We thank you for helping push away the British aggressors.

Btw; Good update Lizard,
TheLizardKing said:
Aside from the fact that you still went forward with the invasion through Switzerland, after I, the moderator, told you it wasn't going to work,
Uh, why wouldn't it work? I don't give a damn what the Swiss people think because their prime minister said it was ok. Officially I wasn't invading Switzerland and there's no way I can be legit penalized for that. What are the Swiss gonna do, throw rocks at us? They're population isn't even that big, there were plenty of areas where we could walk through unnoticed.

your invasion of South America didn't go through. I saved you your troops- but invading a hostile coast, through hostile waters half a world away, with such a large contingent of troops is a bad idea, anytime.
Even with several months to prepare?

@Siege of Britain: So all that navy I built up this turn, completely discounted? Not to mention my higher naval quality?

And what exactly happened in Central Europe? Did I just flat out lose completely?
From The Japanese Empire
To The United Kingdom of Great Britain

Surrender all of your paficic holdings and no more lives will be lost.

To The Dominion of Australia


To The Dominion of New Zeeland

From Chile
To The South American Warring Nations

We propose for Peace:

Brazil will pull out of La Plata.

La Plata will pay 6 EC of reparations for two years to Brazil.

La Plata will have a vote to determine if they wish to remain in the Commonwealth or become Independent.

Regardless of the vote La Plata will remove itself from the current world conflict.
Les Heralde Belgique

More bloodshed in Europe
Again we are reminded in the haunting pictures of Belgian soldiers fighting in the Fall of Brussels, and the newer photographs from the front lines in Europe, of the horror of war. Following more battles throughout Europe and Africa, more and more deaths are reported, and more and more men go off never to return. Prime Minister DeNantes made a special statement this week in remembrance of the Battle of Belgium's second anniversary, and those brave men and women that fell on the field during those harsh weeks. Attendance for the Remembrance Day, the second of its kind in the history of our nation, was at an all-time high this year. Many in the crowd furiously waved Belgian flags, and reserve troops were present to show their support, their rifles raised into the sky, chanting the phrase that has pervaded so many battlefields, "Vive la Belguie." All Belgian citizens of adult age are reminded that the Commonwealth Army is always accepting recruits, both military, and medicinal. Warriors, and healers, are needed on the field, even in time of peace for our nation. "There has never been a time of greater need for national security than today.", Prime Minister DeNantes and Supreme General Pontemps were quoted as saying at the end of the Remembrance vigil last evening.

Belgian chefs say finding supplies is hard, but life goes on
Belgium's love for the crepe, or as the English and Americans call it, pancake or waffle, is well known. Even in the darkness of the Great War, Belgian chefs still show their love for the country's favorite breakfast pastry, and waffles have become the staple-dish of Belgian reserve soldiers. Even the notoriety of the so-called "Belgian Waffle", cannot taint the good name of that delicious food, and those that can still enjoy their waffles.

In the Reserves

Shown here in excersizes, the well-oiled Commonwealth Army has a high satisfaction rate among the reserves, and every able-bodied man or woman serving has pleasant things to say about their experiences in the Army. Survey participants say the pay is good, comradery is unparalleled, and is of course good excersize.

Cherie Farrel in "How to Furnish your Home", page B6

OOC: I'm really sorry to hear that, TheLizardKing. That has to suck. Great update, glad to see it.
From The Japanese Empire
To The United Kingdom of Great Britain

Surrender all of your paficic holdings and no more lives will be lost.

To The Dominion of Australia


To The Dominion of New Zeeland



From: The United States of America
To: The Republic of Mexico

Hail allies and friends! Congratulations on your new-found independence. The Mexican people, with support from the Yankees and the Colombians, have thrown the yoke of French and Confederate oppression. This is beginning of a new golden era in the North American continent.

To: Great Britain

Return to our side of the Atlantic and we can assure you that your sailors will never see dry land again.

To: Canada

If you are again part of the British Empire, then we are at war again. Please notify us immediately regarding this whole, jumbled situation.

To: Russia

Again, Alaska is completely surrounded, its garrisons are surrendering due to lack of supplies and food, and the land has no value to you. This is the final time we will offer full surrender to you. Surrender now, and all of you get warm food, shelter, and peace for the remainder of the war.

To: Japan


To: The Confederate States of America

You have no hope in winning this war, let alone any battle you may have against us. Prepare to be crushed.
OOC: The population of Alaska would likely be the same as it was under America or slightly lower. 50 years is a long time. 10 Divisions was probably excessive but 2-3 full divisions shouldn't be impossible.

I haven't been trying to move my fleet from the Baltic or Black seas to the Pacific. Unless I've mixed the numbers up during one set of orders the Pacific fleet should be what remains from the first update. Unless I've missed something it was never totally destroyed and unless my math has been bad(more than possible) there should be no need for any Russian ship to move from one sea to another.

Otherwise great update. Onwards the Great War.
To: Spain, Germany
From: Portugal

We can only accept a peace offer with Spain if they are willing to end their war with Great Britain
AND Germany must be willing to return our lost colonies in Africa.
These terms make up the bare min. of what Portugal needs to have peace.
-Manuel De Arraiga
OOC: Great update, no need to worry about the delay. Also, are stats updated yet?

To: The World
From: Germany

Germany recognizes the independence of Ireland from Great Britain.

To: The Quad. Alliance
From: Germany

Germany congratulates everyone on their stunning successes this year.

To: Sweden, Denmark and Norway
From: Germany

We are not an unreasonable people, but we are very upset over your occupation of Denmark. As you have seen, this blockade has had horrible affects on your nation. Your people are starving, your economy is dropping, and most of your citizens aren't even in support of your war. Thus, we are willing to work out a peaceful solution to this conflict. Below is the terms for peace that we suggest be agreed to be the Swedes, or else our blockade will continue:

Treaty of Copenhagen

-Sweden signs peace with Denmark and Norway
-Sweden withdrawals all forces from Danish land
-Norway withdrawals all forces from Swedish land
-Sweden pays 5EP in reparations to Denmark for their unlawful invasion
-Sweden ends all affiliation with the Entente
-Sweden will allow German naval ships to dock at Swedish ports for the next 2 years
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