The Nations of the World at Peace
Moscow, The Russian Republic, 1918
Following another year of fighting, between the remaining Entente powers (Imperial Russia, Serbia, Montenegro,Romania, and the Confederate States) and the Quadruple Alliance + the associated powers, peace has finally come to hand. The newly christened Russian Republic began peace talks with the Ottoman Empire, Germany, Austria-Hungary, China, and the United States early this year. The Republic itself was in no condition to continue fighting the powers of the Quadruple Alliance, with Serbia, Romania, and Montenegro all seemingly falling to the way side.
The Ottoman and Chinese terms were simple- China gains back Manchuria, land lost to Russia following the signing over several "unfair" (or so says the Chinese) treaties, in the past. The Ottomans too gain the land captured by their armies, in the advances of last year, land classically Russian.
The Germans and the Austrians received compensation in terms of land, money, and ships. Germany and Austria both gained large sums of Russian money, and received large portions of the Russian navy, to refit, and and use as their own.
The treaty also established the Kingdom of Belarus, the Duchy of Estonia (to be a German protectorate) and the state of Crimea, whose people are in the process of choosing their government.
The German and Austrians also gained land to be directly administrated by the empires, with Germany gaining significant portions of the Baltic coast, and regions around Estonia, with Austria claiming the whole of the Ukraine, after long debates with it's old allies in the year prior.
The Russian colony at Alyeska (Alaska, as the west calls it) who broke free of their oppressors last year, were also fearing outright annexation by the United States government. The Alyeskians soon won out in the argument, allowing for their freedom. However, many were on the understanding that it would get at least some of its south coast back, but the United States kept it. And so, the new Republic struggles to feed its people, and are completely reliant on the United States for cross-border trade.
The Russian Republic (who had already done so) recognized Alyeska, Finland, and now Estonia, Crimea and Belarus as independent states, much to the dismay of the Russian people.
Serbia, Romania and Montenegro didn't get off easily either. Serbia was outright annexed by the Austrians, with Montenegro and Romania forced to accept peace at current borders. They then were forced to pay the Austrians large sums of money, something the fragile Montenegrin and Romanian economies could hardly handle.
In fact, the small nation of Montenegro saw it losing half of it's land, and population to the Austrians. The Austrians quickly began dealing with trouble from the captured lands, most notably Serbia and the Ukraine. The Serbian people were beaten in the war, but many didn't expect to become a part of the Empire they hated so much. Remnants of the Serbian army rose up, and began firing at the occupying Austrian troops, angering the Austrian government greatly.
As divisions poured into Serbia, the people of the Ukraine also rose up. After initially being promised their freedom, many Ukrainians were appalled when they were forced to join in the Austrian empire. Despite the initial Austrian military presence, many of people of the region rose up, using weapons found in abandoned Russian military bases. The process of Germanization that the Austrians started left many of t heir new lands incredibly unhappy.
Germany too experienced some difficulties in their recently captured regions, but began promising full citizenship and rights to any citizens who obeyed their new Germanic rulers, many of whom quickly did.
(+The Duchy of Estonia, +The Kingdom of Belarus, +Crimea, -1,200 Russian Manpower, -25 Montenegrin Manpower, -100 Romanian Manpower, +200 German Manpower, +425 Austrian Manpower, -5 Russian EP, -2 Montenegrin EP, -1 Romanian EP, -1 Austrian Stability, -1 German Stability)
Celebrations Throughout Europe
Berlin, The German Empire, 1918
As the Great War finally came to an end this winter, Kaiser Wilhelm set about planning grand celebrations throughout Germany, this year. An entire holiday was set aside for the occassion, allowing for the people to take to the streets, and celebrate the glory that has become the German Empire. The holiday culminated with a massive military parade through Berlin's streets, with a banquet being held in the Kaiser's palace. Activities, and the like were held throughout the rest of Germany, for the average citizen, exemplifying the German navy's high-seas victory, the unbeaten German army, and an expanded colonial empire.
Belgium too held celebrations, as their government finally moved back into Brussels, after being exiled to the Congo for most of the war. Several speeches were made in public areas, citing Belgian courage, and fighting fervor, while statues of Belgian soldiers began being molded.
Portugal attempted to hold a ceremony in which the king of Spain, attended. The ceremony was held on the border of the nations, where just two years before, the Spanish and Portuguese armies struggled. The President of Portugal, Bernardino Mercado, had decided to close the trench system, and fill them in to represent the new found peace between the two nations. The Spanish King Alfonso XIII decided, perhaps unwisely to show up too, despite the recent riots that had rocked Madrid.
As Alfonso made it to the ceremonial stand, where he was to take his place, to give a speech on the new found Iberian peace, a spectator pulled out a gun, and shot the King. Before long, this nationalist, Antonio Montojo, was apprehended by Spanish military forces and promptly executed. King Alfonso was bed ridden, while more rioters took to the streets of Spain.
France also had a somber year, mourning the loss of their empire. While the German's were out an about, celebrating, France observed a day of mourning, with the French flag being flown half-staff, with Emperor Napoleon IV giving a speech at the Arc de Triumph, vowing to reinstate the French Empire anyway he can.
(+1 German Stability, +1 French Stability, -1 Spanish Stability)
Starvation in Bulgaria
Sofia, The Kingdom of Bulgaria, 1918
Since Bulgaria surrendered to the Ottomans and Romanians in 1915, the Bulgarian people have struggled to recover from the war. With farmlands ravaged by the Entente's armies, factories destroyed, and able-bodied men few and hard to find, the nation lay in relative ruin, unable to begin the healing process, as started in other war torn nations.
The biggest hit lay in the food industry. Many of Bulgaria's farms have been experiencing crop failures. This lack of food has led to the death of many of Bulgaria's remaining citizenry. The Bulgarian government has been unable to provide a solution to the impoverished, beaten people, citing the nations debt, despite financial aid by the Ottoman Empire. As rioters began taking to the streets and town across the nation, the dwindling Bulgarian military, struggled to maintain order throughout the land.
The people have begun turning to a new, socialist group "The Bulgarian People's Party" much to the aristocracy's displeasure. This socialist movement has begun to even make headway into the military, many units refusing to fight against the rioters in the nation.
Hunger has become a problem in many of the participants of the Great War, namely Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, Russia, France, Italy, Spain, Finland, and Cuba. Despite this, none of the nations come even close to Bulgaria, many of them already on the road to recovery.
(-1 Bulgarian Stability, -10 Bulgarian Manpower, -1 Bulgarian Division, -2 Bulgarian EP)
A New Balkan League
Constantinople, The Ottoman Empire, 1918
As the Great War drew to an end, the various nations of the Balkan's found themselves weak, and devastated from war (or in Serbia's case, annexed!). The nation of Bulgaria was succumbing to socialism, while Romania sat very alone and weak, in the face of Austrian expansion. The Ottoman Empire, apparently shifting it's tune in the region began extending a helping hand to devasted nations, slightly easing the tensions between the two cultures.
Whether out of the hope for regional peace, or a more protected northern border, the Ottoman Empire proposed a new version of the Balkan League, which, in just a few years prior was formed against the Ottomans. The new league is to ensure the protection of it's members against aggressor states, encourages trade, etc.
Bulgaria, eager for any help or reassurance it could get quickly signed up, while Romania begrudgingly signed up a week later. The Greeks, also signed up, fearing that it would be "left out", and surrounded by allied, and potentially hostile nations. Offers for Montenegro and Albania to join were politely declined, with Montenegro not wishing to upset the Austrians, and the Albanians too politically unstable to really do anything else.
While on paper this seemed like a good plan, the Greeks, in allying with their classical enemy, the Ottomans, was a mistake, at least to the Greek people, many of whom took to the streets rioting in the days following the signing. Distasteful responses were met throughout Bulgaria and Romania (more so in the latter), but nothing too concerning to the officials in the nations.
The Bulgarian people are (slowly albeit) warming towards their neighbors to the south, as are the Romanians. The Greeks are attempting, but with the nation in relative revolt, the future of a Balkan League with Greece seems uncertain.
(-2 Greek Stability, -1 Romanian Stability)
The Congress of Nation's Stir Up Controversy
Lisbon, Portugal, 1918
The Congress of Nations, started by Switzerland, Portugal and Sweden, during the opening years of the Great War has recently been reinvigorated, with the ending of the war. One of the prime laws of the Congress was that no nations involved in a war may join, leaving Switzerland as the sole nation in the Congress.
However, last year, with the signing of the treaties of Copenhagen and Barcelona, Sweden and Portugal both rejoined the union, much to Switzerland's satisfaction. Belgium too, at peace since the signing of the Treaty of Brussels, joined in the Congress.
The Congress then began setting about their business, quickly passing resolutions of Free Trade between the nations involved, and the city where the Congress will convene, that being Lisbon. Sweden too, has been busy attempting to start up a Congressional defense force, with some progress being made.
But, the league has fallen under criticism by many world leaders, the most prevalent of which was Teddy Roosevelt. The main criticism is really over the point of such a league, many seeing no point in such "second rate nations" banning together, in a world of Empires. With no power supporting the Congress, many expect it to implode upon itself in the coming years. But, thus far, the Congress has been seen working fairly efficiently, with many smaller states looking on with interest, at the prospect of joining the Congress.
Ireland Fixes Itself Up
Dublin, The Republic of Ireland, 1918
The Republic of Ireland has recently begun initiating several reforms with the help of both America, and Germany. First and foremost on the list of these reforms has been the revamp of the Irish military. The Irish military, or the IRA, has long been an effective fighting force, fighting off the English during the Irish War of Independence. Yet, now that Ireland is a fulfledged nation, many question it's ability to conventionally defend the new republic.
Then Liam McCourt, IRA General, turned Irish President. He promised the Irish people, but more over, the Irish military, several reforms that would turn the Irish army into a first class fighting force. The IRA quickly began training under both American and German military advisors, being trained in the latest styles of warfare.
McCourt also made a deal with the German Empire, buying the designs of the new German Hindenberg Light Warker. Ireland's factories quickly began churning out a brigade of these Warkers to suplement the growing armed forces.
The Irish industry too began to grow, along with said reforms, it's industry building Warkers and weapons to support the military. The Irish agricultural industry also grew substantially, with Ireland taking in more money then expected, with much of Europe experiencing food shortages after the war.
Using the extra capital gained from the increased agricultural industry, McCourt then began investing into Ireland's as of now, limited industry.
These reforms are expected to continue throughout the decade, with all of Ireland fully supporting McCourt, who is to run for re-election next year.