The Six-Months War; Take Two


World-Wide Economic Boost
Berlin, The German Empire, 1919

Post war economies began redeveloping in the past few years. National economies, torn apart by war, or in the ensuing treaties began to experience trade resume, and industry kick back in. Britain is finally recovering from the loss of half of her Empire, while Italy, Germany and Japan are all finally experiencing the benefits from their gains. In fact, Italy is also experiencing colonial growth.

Belgium, completely wrecked by the war has also began gaining a lot of industry back, as it rebuilds, and it's population grows back to normal. Spain's various governmental programs ensures it with some money, as does Portugal's.

Germany, Cuba and the Confederate State's reconstruction efforts began to cause economic benefits as well, while Ireland began to increase its industry. The Ottoman Empire, with increased trade through the Balkan League has also experienced a similar economic bump. Bulgaria, originally spiraling down to anarchy began receiving large amounts of foreign support last year, and this year it seems to be on the right track once more.

The United States, and other members of the Pan-American alliance also began to receive benefits from their alliance. China, drawing on resources received from their recaptured Manchurian region is even gaining money. The trade routes established by the Congress of Nations has also led to increased income for member nations.

Portugal's Socialist Problems
Lisbon, Portugal, 1919

While Spain's socialist groups were quickly dispersed with the establishment of the Estuardian government, Portugal's problems with the Socialists only seemed to be getting worse, and worse. Foreign aid seems to of been given once again to the Lisbon Commune, causing mass riots in Lisbon, as the group began staging protests.

Portuguese military crackdowns ensued, while the Socialists attempted to battle them in the streets of Lisbon. Despite the foreign support, the Socialists make up a relatively small portion of Portugal's population, with public support wavering more and more, as the years go by.

(-1 Portuguese Stability)

Napoleonic Promises
Paris, France, 1919

Since the loss of the Great War, and their subsequent empire, the French people have partaken in a day of mourning every June 18th. Mourning the loss of the war, the loss of many young men, but most importantly, mourning the loss of French national pride. The main ceremony was held under the Arc de Triumph, with French flags being flown upside down, as a sign of distress. Several important French politicians sat behind the solemn faced Napoleon IV, with many Spanish officials in attendance, as a sign of friendship and respect.

The speech Napoleon gave, however was a bit different then the usual one. The last several speeches, Napoleon's speech was nothing short of him blaming the loss on Socialists, with even a bit of anti-semitism mixed in. Following that, La Marseillaise would be solemnly played, while the French flag would be lowered, and the crowd would disperse in silence.

Yet, this year, the feeling was a bit more jubilant. Napoleon's speech cited the Shihuang Trophy victories, and Spanish support, among other things. He claimed that France should mourn no longer, and rather look forward to a new , successful age.
Followed by that, the French military began parading, in front of the podium where Napoleon and the Spanish and French officials sat, while flights from the new Bordeaux-19' made rounds above the Arc. Followed by that, a blaring version of La Marseillaise was played, and the crowd was dispersed.

(+1 French Stability)

Estado Novo
Madrid, The Spanish Republic, 1919

The new Spanish government under Estuardo wasted not time in changing Spain into a functioning 20th century power. Spanish power has waned throughout the 1800's, and into the 1900s. Finally, with the rise of Spanish Fascism, a stronger, centralised government was put into place. Estuardo's first order of business was governmental reform, setting up various governmental advisories, and companies.

The various companies quickly began converting Spain's industry, building cars, and dams, increasing both Oil and Iron production, among other things. The boom to the Spanish industry quickly raised Spain's economy.

Meanwhile, on the public front, the Fascists wasted no time in establishing themselves as Spain's one true party, outlawing all other political organizations. Spanish citizens quickly swore an oath of loyalty to the new government, while schools began teaching that Fascism is the doctrine of the 20th century, replacing liberalism, and democracy. All Spanish students quickly learned about their duty to the nation, while films and music dedicated to Estuardo's greatness quickly gained popularity amongst the Spanish people, especially the youth.

Infrastructure projects became common place, giving people jobs, and increasing Spain's industry. Spain's standard's of living began raising exponentially, as wages began being monitored by the government, with businesses falling under governmental control.

Reforms throughout Spain are expected to continue throughout the next few years, while support for Estuardo continues to grow.


Generalissimo Estuardo in Madrid

(+3 Spanish Stability, +5 Spanish EP)

Britain Rebuilds
Delhi, The British Empire, 1919

After the Great War left much of Britain's empire gone, or in shambles, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George set about raising the Empire's (or whats left of it) spirits. His first order of business was ensuring that the Royal Crown colony of India stayed British. Many nationalistic movements, began to erupt in region, after the British loss in the Great War. Many native Indians were being treated as second class citizens in their own nation.

George quickly began education reform in the colony, offering free, but mandatory schooling for all citizens the area. On top of that, he began building a new, state-of-the-art university in Delhi. The building, and reforms are expected to be done by 1922. A similar reform, and university has also been put in place in Australia, and is expected to be completed in 1922 also.

In the colonies on the Arabian Peninsula, George sent several new British divisions, and began construction of a military base, named after King George V. The base is both a way for British soldiers to stay fit and ready, in case of conflict, and a show of force on the Arabian peninsula, allowing the Saudi Arabian's to see that the British don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Back on the home islands, the British automobile industry got a boost, when the British government began offering capital to anyone willing to make, or sell automobiles. The new effort was put in place immediately, and early effects are already being seen, as traffic jams between cars, and carriages in London becoming more and more common place.

(+2 British Stability, +3 British EP)

Rebellion's In The Ukraine
Kiev, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1919

With the Russian Civil War raging up north, the oppressed Ukrainians continue their rebellion, in the face of Austrian's policy of Germanization. The Ukrainians began using guns left in the region by the Imperial Russian army last year. This year, the Austrian military entered the region in force, in an attempt to quell the rebellion.

The Austrian's began systematically killing the rebels, through a long, tedious process. The Austrian would surround a town, that may be harboring these rebels. From their, the town is given several hours to surrender the rebels to the besieging army. If the town complies, the rebels are promptly executed in town square, and the town put under military control.

If the town declines, it is attacked, and destroyed by the Austrians. Needless to say, the Austrian military has had it's hand full the last several months, seeing that many towns claim they are harboring no rebels at all! Entire communities have began to unite, and fight off the Austrians, to varying degrees of success.

A similar process is being used down in Austrian-controlled Serbia, where entire regiments of the now defunct Serbian military have taken up arms against the hated Austrians.

Aside from that, Germanization has continued to make headway across the Empire, with many corp regions assimilating better then expected. This cultural unification has brought about increased trade, and political unity.

(-4 Austrian Divisions, +2 Austrian EP)
The Congress of Nations Year In Review
Lisbon, Portugal, 1919

The Congress of Nations set about, once more improving trade this year. Setting up trade routes from the Portuguese held colony at Macau, all the way to Stockholm, the Congress promised free, protected trade. But all they got was harsh criticism from the national community. One of the promises made by the Congress, was that they would protect the trade routes at all costs. Causing many nations to threaten the congress, fearing Congressional Warships would encroach in territorial waters they shouldn't be allowed to be in. Following that, the Congress stated that they were misheard.

The successes of the Congress this year were few, but assuredly will have large effects in the future. The creation of a treasury, and subsequent Secretary of the Treasury will most definitely help aid the Congress in their future goals.

The Russian Civil War
St. Petersburg, The German Empire, 1919

Almost as soon as the Russian Civil War broke out, several nations promised to send aid to the Monarchist faction, fighting against the socialist forces of the Russian Union, and the Bolshevik party. The largest of these advocates for intervention was Germany, followed by Spain, Italy, Ireland, Sweden and the Netherlands. The German government quickly designated the multi-national force as the "Condor Legion", and was to be led by the German Great War hero, Paul von Hindenburg.

The operations was slated to start in late April, allowing the Russians to run their own course for several months. The Bolsheviks wasted no time in enlisting the help of the Russian Union, citing a common enemy as a reason. Many Russians, not wishing to bow to German oppression soon flocked to take up arms against the Monarchists and the invaders. The Monarchists even felt the effect, losing quite a bit of support, for turning to foreign powers, in what many thought should only be a Russian affair.
Many even began to question whether or not Grand Duke Michael had a legitimate claim to the throne. The new Bolshevik forces under Lenin quickly began to attack Monarchist holdings, using Worker's Militia's, and remnants of the Imperial army to take out Monarchist held ports, which Lenin saw was essential to keep foreign involvement to a minimum.

Many regions quickly folded to the Soviet night attacks, while workers revolts throughout the nation throwing off the monarchists. Intense pressure on Monarchist held Moscow quickly led to the cities garrison to fold under pressure. Many towns that did not initially surrender to the Soviets were burned down, scaring many other populaces into throwing support to the Soviet cause.

By the time the German-led forces invaded in April, most of the Monarchist forces were pushed East, save for a few hold outs in the South, and off of the Sea of Azov.
The Condor Legion began operations in Russia on April 7th. The first action taken, was by Dutch and Italian contingents moving across the border, from Belarus, into Russia, heading towards St. Petersburg. German Xiaolong H-I's, along with fighter support began to bomb the Soviet defenses in the region, destroying factories, bridges and the like. German and Dutch artillery also began hammering the region.

After roughly a week of bombardment, the Dutch-Italian-German units began to move north, to take St. Petersburg. Despite the destruction the bombers caused, the extra week gave Soviet forces enough time to organize a steady defense. The Italian troops, who made up a bulk of the regional troops began taking heavy casualties in the face of the Russians, many of whom were no more then armed farmers, and factory workers.

These very factory workers and farmers then proceeded to destroy anything that may of been to value to the invaders. Railroads, farms, and factories were all burned or destroyed, as the People's Army was slowly pushed back by the Condor Legion. Seeing slow going ahead, the Imperial Warker Corp, supplemented by 12 German-Irish divisions pushed north from the South, adjacent to the attacking Italian-German-Dutch troops.

The Warkers caught the Russians by surprise, and caused a steady retreat northwards. Meanwhile, a Soviet counter-attack was held off by a group of Irish Warkers, and ex-IRA members. The Soviets began using guerrilla tactics against the Condors, something the Irish soldiers new plenty about. Hindenburg strategically placed Irish brigades along his flanks, while the Warker Corp pushed north.

The Battle of St. Petersburg

Spoiler :
Imperial German troops first entered the city in early July. The Soviet military attempted to halt the advance by setting up road-blocks throughout the city, while stationing their navy in port, to use their guns against the invaders. Before long, the German's began getting hammered hard by the Soviet artillery. General Hindenburg took a chance, and pulled his, and several Irish Warkers to the front, to blast through the Soviet defenses.

Many of the defenders no more then common men, with little or no training quickly folded at the sight of the massive machines of war. However, deeper in the city, many Soviets took to rooftops, and windows, to snipe off the advancing Germans.

Irish General Brian Prease sent his divisions into the city, to fight the Soviets on their own terms, fighting from building to building, or sniping from windows. The Irish Warker brigade moved in soon afterwards, before Hindenburg halted all Warker advances.
German troops ultimately made the final push, however, and after another week of intense fighting the German flag was planted in Palace Square. Resistance continued for another week, however, with remnants of the People's army being rooted out by Irish soldiers, and German Stoßtruppen. The city was declared to be fully in the hands of the German military on July 29th.


Destroyed Irish Hindenburg Warker

The Italians and Dutch units never got to see the city, instead, they were quickly shifted up north to Karelia.

(-1 Dutch Division, -7 Italian Divisions, -2 Italian Cavalry Brigades, -2 Italian Artillery Brigades, -1 Irish Division, -6 Irish Warkers, -3 German Divisions, -31 German Warkers, -2 German Artillery Brigades, -16 Soviet Divisions, -300 Soviet Manpower, -5 Monarchist Divisions, -200 Monarchist Manpower)

The Spanish Foreign Legion
Sochi, The Republic of Spain, 1919

Meanwhile, down south, a Spanish army began landing in the Monarchist held port of Novorossiysk. The region had been under intense pressure from the Soviets since the start of the year. The remaining Monarchist forces were running out of supplies, before the Spanish could reach them.

Landing in port, the Spanish air force, and zeppelins were quickly unloaded from their ships, before Spanish officials realize that their were no operable airfields in the region. The Spanish Corp of Engineers quickly got to work building one, while, several Spanish divisions began pushing the Soviets back, with the help of the Monarchists. Luckily for the Spanish, and the Monarchists, the a bulk of the Soviet military was fighting the advance of the Condor Legion up north, and the Japanese-Monarchist forces to the East. After the initial breakthrough, the Spanish met little resistance in taking the rest of Transcaucasia.

Local groups of Cossacks, armed by the Spanish began revolting against the Soviets, and joining in arms with the Spanish, and ironically, the Monarchists. By the time St. Petersburg was falling in the North, the Spanish got their airfield up and working, and began operating against the remaining Soviet forces in the region. Cossack and Monarchist forces, with Spanish support began moving quickly against the remaining regional Soviets, pushing them to Astrakhan.

Seemingly coinciding with St. Petersburg fall, Astrakhan fell to the Spanish-Cossack forces only July 28th, securing the region from the rest of Russia. The Spanish then began pushing south, into Azerbaijan. Much like the Cossacks up north, the people of the region began to revolt against the Soviets. However, Soviet forces in the region held firm, around a "Baku perimeter" not wishing for the regions mass oil supplies to fall into Spanish hands.

(-2 Spanish Divisions, -2 Spanish Artillery Brigades, -3 Spanish Warkers, -1 Spanish Cavalry Brigade, -11 Monarchist Divisions, -16 Soviet Divisions)

Japanese Intervention in the East
Kovran, The Russian Empire, 1919

The East was something differently entirely. The Japanese Emperor Taishō, saw the rise of socialism as a direct threat to his domain. Promising the Russian Monarchists support, Taishō landed 20 some divisions on the Russian East coast, after a beachhead at Okhotsk was established. This army was supported by Japan's new IS1M fighters, a few cavalry brigades, and a few more artillery brigades. The Japanese commanders quickly made it abundantly clear that they are not fighting for the Russians, moreover with them. With that, they set about securing the eastern half of Russia, a region more sympathetic to the Monarchist cause.

However, large groups of the people in the area felt uncomfortable fighting with the Japanese, many of them being veterans of the Great War, or even the Russo-Japanese War. The Soviets used this to their advantage, convincing swathes of people to join "In the good fight" against the Monarchists, and their Japanese allies.
Yet, the Monarchists still held the power in the east. Attacking Soviet towns, railways, and units wherever they could. The Japanese IS1Ms flew support, over the coordinated Monarchist-Japanese attacks. Secluded Soviet support towns were captured, and destroyed by the Monarchists. Major hold outs throughout the area continue to be a sight of constant battle. By the end of the Summer, most of Russia east of the Yenisey and the Angara rivers was monarchist hands. Significant Soviet holdouts in Bayket and Tura were quickly surrounded by Monarchist and Japanese forces, and as the winter comes, the surrounded regions face an uncertain future.

(-4 Japanese Divisions, -1 Japanese Artillery Brigade, -5 Monarchist Divisions, -13 Soviet Divisions)

The Southern Push
Voronezh, The Soviet Union, 1919

As German units celebrated victory in Palace Square, in St. Petersburg, a new advance was being made down south, alongside the Austrian border. Sweden promised to send support to the Condor legion, support that came mid-summer. The original plan Hindenburg wrote up, was for the Swedes to make a push for the then Monarchist controlled Moscow region, setting up a corridor, which would allow Condor Legion forces to push into Central Russia.

However, by the time the Swedes made it to the region, and the operation was given the go-ahead, Moscow was firmly in Soviet hands. Rather then liberating the city, the German's instead had a German-Swede army push through the remained of the Ukraine, with the goal of capturing as much land as possible.

Swedish troops led the assault, with Lion Battalion's fronting the armies. The Lion Battalions were used in a similar respect to Germany's Stoßtruppen, over running Soviet held defenses and towns quickly, to prevent a bogged down trench warfare. Speed was the name of the game, on the Ukrainian plains, something the Lion Battalions and their support units practiced perfectly. Many times, the poorly prepared and ill-equipped Soviet forces were taken completely by surprise, with entire towns taken without a fight.

The German's supported the Swede's flanks, fighting off several vicious Soviet counter-attacks. Yet, the initially easy push into the Ukraine slowly got more difficult for the forces, as Soviet units began to organize themselves, and counter-attack, and counter attack, with more and more fervor then before. The short-term goal of Swedish General Westerberg, was the key Soviet city of Voronezh, miles from the Austrian border.

Yet, the Soviets seemed intent upon staying in the city. A perimeter of Soviet forts, and entrenchments were made around the city. The terrain made it difficult for German and Swedish attacks to be made without massive casualties. By the time the region was encircled, the harsh Russian winter set in, biding the Soviet's much needed time. Continues trench raids, by the Swedish Lion Battalion troops, however, gave the Soviet's little time to rest.

As a bulk of the Swedish Condor Legion contingent sat outside of the Voronezhian perimeter, waiting for the Spring thaw, the German army attempted to continue on, facing sturdier resistance, with limited success.

While all this was happening various Swedish special forces units were in operation throughout Eastern and Central Russia, helping Monarchist supporters.


Swedish Lion troops on a Trench Raid

(-2 Swedish Divisions, -1 Swedish Artillery Brigades, -1 Swedish Armored Car Brigade, -3 German Divisions, -2 German Artillery Brigades, -10 Soviet Divisions)
The Berlin-Windhoek Railway
Luxor, The Kingdom of Italy, 1919

This year, the German engineers working on the Berlin-Windhoek railway began to make headway into Italian Egypt. Pushing through the dry Sahara, the project seemed to hit speed bump, after speed bump, with many workers dieing from heat exhaustion, lack of supplies, and of course, the harsh terrain.

However, the real stinging blow, came when Egyptian nationalists began attacking the German workers while they were working, many of whom were unarmed. The workers were killed, or in some cases taken prisoner to be held as ransom.

The nationalists began to gain support after the Kingdom of Italy refused to grant them any sort of autonomy after their annexation in the Great War. The Egyptians, wishing to be an Italian protectorate, at the least, if not a full fledged independent state, began to take up arms against the Italian's this winter, and saw the German railway as a prime, easy target. Small strikes and attacks on Italian settlers occured throughout the nation during the summer also.

Yet, the Railway continued to be built, despite constant harassment. Currently, it is only a few miles away from Suez, but constant attacks from the Egyptians may necessitate some form of armed protection of the railroad.

(-1 Italian Stability, -20 Italian Manpower, -20 German Manpower)

Border Conflicts in Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia, 1919

Soon after the Great War front in Iberia closed, many displaced Spanish refugees moved into into Spain's increasingly large colonial empire. Large amounts moved to the newly acquired colony of Sierra Leone, lured by Spanish officials promising them cheap land. Among the refugees were war veterans, and Catholic Missionaries.

These people promptly spread throughout the region, coming into minor conflict with the English and native peoples already settled there. Many English colonists quickly jumped ship back to the home islands, with the rest slowly assimilating into Spanish society. Catholic Missionaries began setting up camp on the banks of the Mano river, next to the independent state of Liberia.

The Liberian people did not take kindly to the imperialistic land swap, many of them fearing the instability that may came from these massive land acquisitions made by Germany, Italy and Spain. In the year previous, several dozen Liberians crossed the border, to scare off settlers, who seemed to be encroaching upon their land. The Spanish revolution, and the establishment of the Estuardian government however, left most of Spain's concerns elsewhere, apparently, encouraging such acts to continue.
So, this year, several dozen Liberians once more left their nation's borders, and crossed over into Spanish Sierra Leone. This group then moved into one of the Spanish settlers hastily assembled "shanty" towns, and attempted to burn it down. Luckily, for the Spanish villagers, local watchmen spotted the group, and chased them back across the river. However, further inspection found 3 Spanish women (one of them being a Spanish nun), raped and murdered, a few miles away from the scene.

Similar cases of these cross-border excursions seem to be happening everywhere, heightening tensions between the colonists, and their Liberian counterparts. The limited amount of Spanish colonial soldiers moved to the border towns, to protect the Spanish citizenry, while the Liberian army moved in on the other side of the river, perhaps in an attempt to stop the border crossings from occurring. Their has been no response from the Spanish government yet, but many of Spain's citizens have already made it abundantly clear that Spain is not a power to be trifled with.

(-1 Liberian Stability)

Upheaval in Abyssinia
Addis Ababa, Abyssinia, 1919

Following the victory over the Entente in the Great War, the African kingdom of Abyssinia gained large portions of land that was part of the British Sudan. However, assimilation has been slow by the mixed population of these lands. Many Sudanese unhappy under British rule, have made in abundantly clear that they would also be unhappy under Abyssinian rule.

This spring, these people began an armed revolt against, what they saw to be another imperial power. Abyssinian troops moved quickly into the region, where they fought a guerrilla style battle against the Abyssinian troops. In order to counter what they perceived as being cowardly tactics, the Abyssinians began murdering entire villages.

The only effect these slaughters seemed to have, was to encourage more of the region's people to revolt. Back east, however, public opinion began turning against the Abyssinian monarchy. The grievances of the people were many, topping the list was the collaboration with the Italian military years earlier, and the slaughter of the populaces in the west. Citizens began to rise up against the government, hoping to replace their despotic ruler.

This revolution, however wasn't as well planned as many thought. The initial stages were crushed by the Abyssinian military. Before long though, these Eastern rebels began mounting a equally effective guerrilla campaign against the government. The Abyssinian military, unwilling to slaughter their own populations was at a loss as to what to do next.

So the guerillas took action, targeting smaller military installations, and communications networks throughout the nation. Several small scale bombings occured throughout the nation too, namely destroying railroad tracks. The largests of these however, occured in Djibouti, where two French merchant ships were attacked in port, destroying the first trade between the two nations since the end of the war.
Violent outbreaks like this lasted throughout the year, with attacks on remaining European settlers becoming more and more common.

(-4 Abyssinian Divisions, -75 Abyssinian Manpower)

News from the Arabian Peninsula
Manama, The Spanish Republic, 1919

As Spanish interest in Africa began getting spurred up, once more, Spanish interest in the Arabian peninsula has also become evident. Last winter, Spanish and Arabian officials met in Madrid, and made a deal, allowing the Spanish Republic land on the Arabian coast (including the newly bought island, Bahrain) in exchange for several as of yet unknown deals.

Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire offered the Arabian rebels an olive branch, promising them no punishment if they peacefully rejoined the empire. The Arabian nationalists of course, refused the offer. The Ottoman Empire then began moving troops to the region, to maintain order. Several groups of the Arab nationalists did not take kindly to this show of force, and began attacking Ottoman troops, only to disperse into the desert when outnumbered. Yet, the Ottoman's, using their air force began spotting the groups of these insurgents, hiding in rocky outcroppings, fields, etc.

Once they were spotted soldiers would be dispatched immediately. With beefed border security with Arabia (who many thought were supplying the rebels), constant raiding on camps, and amnesty offered to the rebels, support for the Arab revolt slowly died down.

The Arab Revolt in British territory too, came to blows, this year, and British soldiers began patrolling the region, and hunting down the Arabs. Yet, many Arabs were unwilling to simply bow to their European masters once more. Fighting throughout the region led to many deaths this year, but with the establishment of the King George V military base around Dubai, the reach of the British military has indeed been felt here.
The Saudi Arabians, meanwhile, have been experiencing various successes throughout the last few years. The establishment of the Saudi National Air Force, the expansion of the navy, and the influx of foreign military advisers greatly spread Arabia's military power in the region, making it truly a force to be reckoned with.

(+1 Ottoman Stability, +1 Arabian Stability)
Caribbean Trade Closed
San Juan, The United States of America, 1919

This year, United States President Theodore Roosevelt, made a startling announcement- all trade from non-United States allied nations are not allowed in the waters of the newly captured American Caribbean territorial waters. By closing off trade, in such a manner, any trade ship that wished to make it to Dutch held islands in the South Carribean, or nations like Venezuela, would have to pass through Cuban, Haiti and Dominican territorial waters, causing massive trade lag.

(-1 Venezuelan EP, -1 Surinamese EP, -1 Guiana EP, -1 Dutch EP)

Socialist Crackdowns in North America
Salt Lake City, The United States of America, 1919

For the past several years members of the Lincoln party (Lincolnists), long time followers of Karl Marx, have begun getting harassed by the United States government. The group, founded by the disgraced American president, Abraham Lincoln has long been deemed a threat by the United States government. Yet, with the foundation of both the American Federal Bureau of Intelligence (The FBI) the United States government has finally received the means to hunt down prominent members of the organization.

This year, several high ranking members of the group has been jailed, with many more on the run, disorganizing the organization greatly. To the south, in the Confederacy, a similar organization founded by the oppressed black population also began practicing a similar form of socialism. The occupied Confederate state decided to nip the socialist in the bud, using trusted members of the famous "Negro Divisions" to infiltrate the black socialists. The socialists were then promptly jailed.

(+1 United States of America Stability, +1 Confederate States of America Stability)

Quebec's Freedom
Quebec, The Republic of Quebec, 1919

Last year, members from the Canadian government, Quebecois government, with representatives from the United States government all met, to discuss a plebiscite being held in Quebec, to determine the regions future. All three parties came to an agreement that a plebiscite was necessary in the region.

The vote was held this January, with Quebecois voting overwhelmingly for secession, at 81% of the regions population. All of Quebec began to celebrate it's new freedom almost instantaneously. The newly made Quebecois film InDependence became a massive hit across the Republic in the days following the declaration of Quebec's independence.

(+2 Quebecois Stability)

The Pan-American Alliance Expands
San Clemente, The United States of America, 1919

Following the establishment of the Pan-American Alliance, through the Treaty of San Clemente, the alliance's numbers have grown by over half, this year. Originally between The United States, Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil, the alliance has added the nations of Suriname, Guiana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador to its charter.

In fact, the only nations in North or South America yet to join are Quebec, Alyeska, Haiti, The Dominican Republic, The Confederate States of America, and Canada.

Universal Suffrage
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1919

This year, the Brazilian government, began to give blacks citizens, and women the right to vote in elections across the nation. Not only that, segregation was ended, with black citizens being given the ability to hold any job a white man could. These new policies made the citizens of Brazil very happy, making Brazil among the first nations on the planet to allow Universal Suffrage.

Italy too has begun giving women the right to vote for both members of parliament, and the Italian prime minister, while giving native people, throughout Italy's colonies representation also.

Many women's groups throughout the United States began to latch onto this idea, and have begun to hold peaceful rallies throughout the United States. Several minor protests were held in Chile, and Argentina also.

(+2 Brazilian Stability, +1 Italian Stability)

Shihuang Trophy, 1919
Beijing, The Chinese Empire, 1919

For the third time, the Chinese Empire hosted the Shihuang trophy in Beijing. While, without the American delegation as it had last year, the contests were no less amazing. This year, the contests had attendees from Venezuela, France, Saudi Arabia and Argentina.

The show itself began, when the Chinese Air Force began showing the power and range of there Xiaolong H-I bombers, bombing several fake "hostile fortifications" several miles out of Beijing.

The Argentinian air force, with ten planes then began to fly formations around the crowd, many of the pilots being veterans from the Great War. The French detachment, growing in size from two planes, to twelve also sent several planes to fight a fake dogfight with the Argentinians. Despite the healing tensions, the Chinese crowd was still very cold towards the French and Argentinian competitors, many of them waving American flags as the French pilots flew by, angering them greatly.
The Saudi Arabians, only sent two pilots, but were eager to get involved, flying with the Venezuelans twice.

The speed competition was once again won by the French, whose new Bordeaux-19' fighters proved to be perhaps the fastest planes in the world. The Armée de l'Air took the advances made last year, at the post-contest conference, and used them to create the new fighter, said to rival, if not beat, in terms of speed and maneuverability, Japan's IS1Ms.

The distance record is still held by China, whose planes still struggled to reach Dihua. Some are even thinking that the previous flight, last year is still a fluke.

The post-contest Conference was attended by aviation experts from all attending nations, and two from Denmark. Once again, it seems that speed was at the top of agenda. Though the French technicians refused to share the exact technology that their Bordeaux fighters used, they were happy to point many scientists in the right direction.


French and Chinese pilots in front of a new Bordeaux 19' Fighter

Japanese Nationalism
Manila, The Japanese Empire, 1919

This year, an attempted propaganda campaign was started by Japan, hoping to ease the tensions between it's various domains, the Philippines namely. The unification of the two island chains have been tense, at best, and and at worst, violent. Many Filipino nationalists hate their Japanese rulers, almost as much as they hated being under Spanish control.

The Japanese Empire, instead began attempting to demonize Europeans, while they began to downplay the role that race has in the dis unified Empire. To help the progress, greater representation has been given to outlying regions, such as Malay, and the Philippines, in the Japanese government. Regardless of the colonial holding's response, many Japanese citizens have begun to feel alienated, and angry, not wishing to be held in the same regard as the "lesser" people's of the Empire.

Meanwhile, internal improvements throughout the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines have begun this year, including railroad, and bridge construction, port construction, and really anyway to raise the standard of living in the areas.

(-1 Japanese Stability, +1 Japanese EP)

Persian Reforms
Tehran, Persia, 1919

Throughout Persia this year, domestic and governmental reforms have been put into place. The Persian government recently began building public schools, and universities throughout the land, while encouraging the start of private schools, and colleges. Academy's of arts, sciences and medicines began being built in major Persian cities.
Transportation between key cities in the rocky land has also become a priority, with massive road network improvements being built. Key cities such as Tehran, Mashad, Gonbad, and Tabriz for the first time in recent history, began experiencing trade boosts, and the road systems neared completion.

Finally, the long secluded villages and towns on the nation began gaining representation in the Persian government, something many found was long over due.

(+1 Persian Stability, +1 Persian EP)
World Map

Spoiler :


To: The United States
From: Venezuela, Colombia, Guiana, Suriname

Can you stop that.. er.. closing off of the Caribbean please?

To: Great Britain
From: India

We love the education reforms and such.. can we be a dominion please?

To: Japan
From: Siam, Indochina

Want to help some of our infrastructure also?

To: Spain
From: Liberia

We must apologize for that..

My usual critique will come in a bit, along with more NPC diplomacy. I'm still working on the stats.
Belgian Parliamentary Elections, 1919
Belgians of all shapes and sizes are asked to line up and give their votes for all parliamentary candidates in this year's election. So far, there are three candidates for Prime-Minister, and many, many different regional politicians hoping to get to represent their home-town and district. Also this year, are territorial elections for the Congo. Belgians living in the Congo are encouraged to vote for their regional leaders, from the Governor Assembly to the Governor-General! Below are a list of candidates for Prime Minister in this year's elections. Vive la Belguie!

Jacques Denantes - Recumbent Modernist Prime Minister

Herge Follenz - Incumbent Traditionalist Prime Ministerial Candidate

Odell Donque - Incumbent Liberal Prime Ministerial Candidate

Voting is to be held this week. God bless Belgium.

From: The Commonwealth of Belgium
To: Portugal
If you cannot control these raging socialists within your nation, we will be forced to consider the situation currently inside the Congress.
OOC: Good update :D

To: Germany
From: Italy

We apologize for the unrest in Egypt, and the damaging of your railway, we can repay what the rebels have destroyed.
Les Heralde Belgique

Stunning Landslide Victory for Odell Donque!
In a stupefying landslide victory, Odell Donque of the Liberal Party was victorious in this year's Prime Ministerial elections. Asking Michel Pontemps to stay on in the Ministerial Cabinet as Supreme Commander of Armed Forces this evening, Mr. Donque plans to roll back what he calls the, "unlawful actions of the Modernist Party", throughout the year. Starting with a review of Belgium's membership in the Congress of Nations, Mr. Donque has multiple motions to begin with in Parliament.

Modernist and Traditionalist Party leaders were unable to comment, however, former-Prime Minister Jacques DeNantes was quoted as being in disbelief towards his large loss in the elections, which political analysts chock up to the controversial and damaging actions of the Congress of Nations and their effect on Belgian politics, and the Belgian people's opinion of the once-lauded government, which even with its pro-Congress views, was quoted as disparaging Portugal's "Lisbon Commune". Whether Donque's motions will pass has yet to be seen, but on the two other sides of the isle, Donque's victory was quoted as being stunning and unbelievable.

More on the so-called "1919 Motion", later as the political situation progresses.

Your source for news throughout the Commonwealth -- Les Heralde Belgique, Est. 1896
OCC: Great update. I have a General with a name! Yay!
When will the stats be up?

To: Portugal
From: Sweden

If you wish we can help you with your socialist problem.

To: The people of Russia
From: Sweden

Resist the oppression of the Bolsheviks! They have ruined your villages and towns. They do not have your prosperity in mind. They will leave you in your poor state without hope.
OCC: Great update. I have a General with a name! Yay!
When will the stats be up?

To: Portugal
From: Sweden

If you wish we can help you with your socialist problem.

From: Portugal
We thank you, but we could not accept.
OOC:Great Update Lizard, hope mine can be that good!
To: Dominican Republic
From: CSA

As one of the only other non Pan-American nations in the region, we are wondering if you would like to partake in increased trade?
To: Condor Legion, Spanish, Japanese, Monarchists
From: Germany

We congratulate you all on the successes against the Communists in this last year.

To: Austria
From: Germany

This rebellion in Ukraine worries us, and we would like your assurance that it will be promptly put down, preferably in a less violent manner, lest we are forced to get involved.

To: Italy
From: Germany

These attacks on the Berlin-Windhoek are unacceptable, and we ask that Italy learn to control her subjects. We ask that we be refunded 5 EP for the damages done to the progress of the railway and our workers, as well as being able to send an armed guard to protect the railway. If these attacks are not stopped, we will view it as a purposeful attack on German interests.

To: Abyssinia
From: Germany

We hope that you are able to successfully take care of this civil war of yours. We are slightly worried that this fighting and rebellion could over-spill into Germany's African colonies, causing nationalistic rebellions in our lands. In order to end this civil war of yours, we give you this offer. You will have the support of German troops, who will be ordered to fight for you, if you condone to become a protectorate of Germany, so that we may avoid any similar situations in the future.

What goes on in Austria's none of Germany's business. Howsabout we get involved whenever miscreants get riled up within your borders? These riftrafts will be taken care of. You are assured of that.
To: Germany
From: Italy

Again we appologize you can expect the repayments in the next year. Also dealing with the armed guards we can allow this.
To: Germany
From: Italy

Again we appologize you can expect the repayments in the next year. Also dealing with the armed guards we can allow this.
OOC: And Germany continues to successfully bully its neighbors...

Great update.

From the United Kingdom of Great Britain

To: Quebec

We will recognized the plebiscite as legal and therefore recognize you as a sovereign nation. We hope this will not dampen our relationship and offer a hand of friendship. Surely your quarrel was with Canadian governorship and not the motherland itself. Will you accept to join the Commonwealth of Nations? The benefits are numerous.

To: Arabia

If we find any evidence of you supporting these revolts in our territory we will not hesitate to teach you a lesson.

To: Austria-Hungary

Your Germanization programs are disgusting.

To: Spain

Despite our recent history, we hope to mend our relationship. Britain offers a proposal of free trade between our great nations, as well as a five-year NAP. There is no reason for us to quarrel longer.

Your national language being English is a ridiculous practice, too.. Considering you have so many other cultures within your empire, and their languages should be respected too.

Your national language being English is a ridiculous practice, too.. Considering you have so many other cultures within your empire, and their languages should be respected too.
Difference being we don't kill people for not knowing English...
To England
From Spain

You shall do no such thing against Arabia.

To Quebec
From Spain

We recognize your independence free of English oppression
Odell Donque, surrounded by various aides of his staff, took the podium in front of the newly-renamed Parliament Belgica to the cheers of crowds of Belgian Liberals. It was a glorious day for the Party. Accepting the hand of former Prime Minister DeNantes in a gesture of friendship and respect, the torch of Prime Ministership was passed from DeNantes to Donque. More waving of flags and cheering followed. Odell could still hardly believe it. When he first thought of running, it was almost a joke, that he could challenge the Modernists. But much had changed in the past year. Much had changed in the past decade. The world moved at a faster pace, indeed.

"Citizens of the Commonwealth; Belgians. It is with great honor and gratitude that I accept the position of Prime Minister of the government of the Commonwealth of Belgium. I salute Mr. DeNantes, in his tactful leadership of Belgium immediately after the War, and am saddened that it did not continue afterwards. However, it is with a buoyant heart that I take up this weighty stand. I hope and pray that I am worthy of what you, friends and comrades, have bestowed upon me. Let Belgium thrive and grow!"

Aides of staff and the crowd both clapping and cheering, Donque bowed and descended from the podium. The voices of radio correspondents could be barely heard in the background of the clapping, repeating the words of his speech for all of the Commonwealth to hear.

Throughout the course of the evening, the streets of Brussels were filled with jubilant, still only half-believing, Liberal celebrators. Tomorrow, Parliament would convene on the many topics the new Prime Minister aimed to discuss, and though their success was uncertain, the Liberal Party, so downtrodden before and after the War, were glad to see one of their men on the stand.

As the evening drew to a close, and the streets again emptied, Odell Donque retired to the sanctity of his room, to reflect on what was only barely beginning. A new adventure for the man, and for Belgium. Reclining in his bed, darkness flittered over Donque's eyes. Night, and sleep, had come again.
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