Let's talk Michelle.
World-Wide Economic Boost
Berlin, The German Empire, 1919
Post war economies began redeveloping in the past few years. National economies, torn apart by war, or in the ensuing treaties began to experience trade resume, and industry kick back in. Britain is finally recovering from the loss of half of her Empire, while Italy, Germany and Japan are all finally experiencing the benefits from their gains. In fact, Italy is also experiencing colonial growth.
Belgium, completely wrecked by the war has also began gaining a lot of industry back, as it rebuilds, and it's population grows back to normal. Spain's various governmental programs ensures it with some money, as does Portugal's.
Germany, Cuba and the Confederate State's reconstruction efforts began to cause economic benefits as well, while Ireland began to increase its industry. The Ottoman Empire, with increased trade through the Balkan League has also experienced a similar economic bump. Bulgaria, originally spiraling down to anarchy began receiving large amounts of foreign support last year, and this year it seems to be on the right track once more.
The United States, and other members of the Pan-American alliance also began to receive benefits from their alliance. China, drawing on resources received from their recaptured Manchurian region is even gaining money. The trade routes established by the Congress of Nations has also led to increased income for member nations.
Portugal's Socialist Problems
Lisbon, Portugal, 1919
While Spain's socialist groups were quickly dispersed with the establishment of the Estuardian government, Portugal's problems with the Socialists only seemed to be getting worse, and worse. Foreign aid seems to of been given once again to the Lisbon Commune, causing mass riots in Lisbon, as the group began staging protests.
Portuguese military crackdowns ensued, while the Socialists attempted to battle them in the streets of Lisbon. Despite the foreign support, the Socialists make up a relatively small portion of Portugal's population, with public support wavering more and more, as the years go by.
(-1 Portuguese Stability)
Napoleonic Promises
Paris, France, 1919
Since the loss of the Great War, and their subsequent empire, the French people have partaken in a day of mourning every June 18th. Mourning the loss of the war, the loss of many young men, but most importantly, mourning the loss of French national pride. The main ceremony was held under the Arc de Triumph, with French flags being flown upside down, as a sign of distress. Several important French politicians sat behind the solemn faced Napoleon IV, with many Spanish officials in attendance, as a sign of friendship and respect.
The speech Napoleon gave, however was a bit different then the usual one. The last several speeches, Napoleon's speech was nothing short of him blaming the loss on Socialists, with even a bit of anti-semitism mixed in. Following that, La Marseillaise would be solemnly played, while the French flag would be lowered, and the crowd would disperse in silence.
Yet, this year, the feeling was a bit more jubilant. Napoleon's speech cited the Shihuang Trophy victories, and Spanish support, among other things. He claimed that France should mourn no longer, and rather look forward to a new , successful age.
Followed by that, the French military began parading, in front of the podium where Napoleon and the Spanish and French officials sat, while flights from the new Bordeaux-19' made rounds above the Arc. Followed by that, a blaring version of La Marseillaise was played, and the crowd was dispersed.
(+1 French Stability)
Estado Novo
Madrid, The Spanish Republic, 1919
The new Spanish government under Estuardo wasted not time in changing Spain into a functioning 20th century power. Spanish power has waned throughout the 1800's, and into the 1900s. Finally, with the rise of Spanish Fascism, a stronger, centralised government was put into place. Estuardo's first order of business was governmental reform, setting up various governmental advisories, and companies.
The various companies quickly began converting Spain's industry, building cars, and dams, increasing both Oil and Iron production, among other things. The boom to the Spanish industry quickly raised Spain's economy.
Meanwhile, on the public front, the Fascists wasted no time in establishing themselves as Spain's one true party, outlawing all other political organizations. Spanish citizens quickly swore an oath of loyalty to the new government, while schools began teaching that Fascism is the doctrine of the 20th century, replacing liberalism, and democracy. All Spanish students quickly learned about their duty to the nation, while films and music dedicated to Estuardo's greatness quickly gained popularity amongst the Spanish people, especially the youth.
Infrastructure projects became common place, giving people jobs, and increasing Spain's industry. Spain's standard's of living began raising exponentially, as wages began being monitored by the government, with businesses falling under governmental control.
Reforms throughout Spain are expected to continue throughout the next few years, while support for Estuardo continues to grow.

Generalissimo Estuardo in Madrid
(+3 Spanish Stability, +5 Spanish EP)
Britain Rebuilds
Delhi, The British Empire, 1919
After the Great War left much of Britain's empire gone, or in shambles, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George set about raising the Empire's (or whats left of it) spirits. His first order of business was ensuring that the Royal Crown colony of India stayed British. Many nationalistic movements, began to erupt in region, after the British loss in the Great War. Many native Indians were being treated as second class citizens in their own nation.
George quickly began education reform in the colony, offering free, but mandatory schooling for all citizens the area. On top of that, he began building a new, state-of-the-art university in Delhi. The building, and reforms are expected to be done by 1922. A similar reform, and university has also been put in place in Australia, and is expected to be completed in 1922 also.
In the colonies on the Arabian Peninsula, George sent several new British divisions, and began construction of a military base, named after King George V. The base is both a way for British soldiers to stay fit and ready, in case of conflict, and a show of force on the Arabian peninsula, allowing the Saudi Arabian's to see that the British don't plan on leaving anytime soon.
Back on the home islands, the British automobile industry got a boost, when the British government began offering capital to anyone willing to make, or sell automobiles. The new effort was put in place immediately, and early effects are already being seen, as traffic jams between cars, and carriages in London becoming more and more common place.
(+2 British Stability, +3 British EP)
Rebellion's In The Ukraine
Kiev, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1919
With the Russian Civil War raging up north, the oppressed Ukrainians continue their rebellion, in the face of Austrian's policy of Germanization. The Ukrainians began using guns left in the region by the Imperial Russian army last year. This year, the Austrian military entered the region in force, in an attempt to quell the rebellion.
The Austrian's began systematically killing the rebels, through a long, tedious process. The Austrian would surround a town, that may be harboring these rebels. From their, the town is given several hours to surrender the rebels to the besieging army. If the town complies, the rebels are promptly executed in town square, and the town put under military control.
If the town declines, it is attacked, and destroyed by the Austrians. Needless to say, the Austrian military has had it's hand full the last several months, seeing that many towns claim they are harboring no rebels at all! Entire communities have began to unite, and fight off the Austrians, to varying degrees of success.
A similar process is being used down in Austrian-controlled Serbia, where entire regiments of the now defunct Serbian military have taken up arms against the hated Austrians.
Aside from that, Germanization has continued to make headway across the Empire, with many corp regions assimilating better then expected. This cultural unification has brought about increased trade, and political unity.
(-4 Austrian Divisions, +2 Austrian EP)