The Sound of Drums - A British Hearts of Iron II AAR

Mar 30, 2002
Aberdeen, Scotland
The Sound of Drums - A British Hearts of Iron AAR

Greetings to the glorious people of the British Empire. To all, my Rome AAR is foundering due to a very faulty video card, so I need another to express my creative tendencies. I fully intend to work my way though every major HoI country in an AAR, and for this time I chose Britain as, well, I (and Subi) have covered Germany, Winner has focused on America and the skipper had himself as the Soviets, who I sorely wanted to play. In time, dear friends, in time!

Hearts of Iron, I confess, I have not played in some time, which makes it perfect for a return to my writing. It, and my own writing, are simple enough (particularly compared to my character focused Rome AAR) to do, and I enjoy bouncing against the participating players. In short, my patented Council of Doom is back, though in this case I proclaim it the Cabinet of Doom.

For those who join, I expect nothing short of the best - we will be fighting for King and country - and the desire to go down fighting. This is Britain, we fight on the continent, on the seas, the shores, the beaches…I’m fairly certain Churchill said something along those lines.

My choice of title should be obvious enough to anyone who knows me. Its other meaning is simply that this is 1936, and the Empire is fading, new superpowers are emerging and those in charge should hear the dull beats of the sound of drums…


The Sound of Drums

Chapter One: The Impossible Planet
Part One 1st January, 1936
Part Two 1st January - 7th March 1936
Part Three 7th March - 17th July 1936
Part Four 17th July - 7th December 1936
Part Five 7th December 1936 - 25th February 1937
Part Six 28th February -13th July 1937
Part Seven 21st July - 24th September 1937
Part Eight 21st July - 24th September 1937

Chapter Two: Gridlock
Part Nine 27th September 1937 - 25th February 1938
Part Ten 25th February - 13th March 1938
Part Eleven 13th March - 30th June 1938
Part Twelve 30th September 1938
Part Thirteen 30th June - 30th September 1938
Part Fourteen 30th September - 31st December 1938
Part Fifteen 1st January - 24th March 1939

Chapter Three: Doomsday
Part Sixteen 24th March - 1st July 1939
Part Seventeen 25th March - 1st September 1939
Part Eighteen 1st September - 14th September
Part Nineteen 15th September - 4th October
Part Twenty 5th October - 15th October 1939
Part Twenty-One 26th October 1939
Part Twenty-Two 15th - 30th October 1939
Part Twenty-Three 30th October - 1st December 1939
Part Twenty-Four 1st December 1939 - 1st January 1940
Part Twenty-Five 1st January - 23rd February 1940
Part Twenty-Six 4th January - 24th March 1940

Chapter Four: The Stolen Earth
Part Twenty-Seven 24th March - 2nd April 1940
Part Twenty-Eight 2nd April - 2nd May 1940
Part Twenty-Nine 2nd May - 8th May 1940
Part Thirty 8th May - 2nd June 1940
Part Thirty-One 2nd-5th June 1940
Part Thirty-Two 18th May - 8th June 1940
Part Thirty-Three 8th-12th June 1940
Part Thirty-Four 8th -11th June 1940
Part Thirty-Five 11th-14th June 1940

Chapter Five: Tooth and Claw
Part Thirty-Six 14th-20th June 1940
Part Thirty-Seven 21st-22nd June 1940
Part Thirty-Eight 20th-22nd June 1940
Part Thirty-Nine 23rd-30th June 1940
Part Forty 1st-12th July 1940
Part Forty-One 2nd-13th July 1940
Part Forty-Two 1st-13th July 1940
Part Forty-Three 13th-20th July 1940
Part Forty-Four 19th-30th July 1940
Part Forty-Five 24th July 1940
Part Forty-Six 14th July-1st August
Part Forty-Seven 1st-18th August 1940
Part Forty-Eight 1st-24th August 1940
Part Forty-Nine 21st June - 1st September, 1940

Chapter Six: The Long Game
Part Fifty 1st-16th September 1940
Part Fifty-One 19th September 1940
Part Fifty-Two 16th-23rd September 1940
Part Fifty-Three 23rd September - 4th October
Part Fifty-Four 5th-17th October 1940
Part Fifty-Five 15th-17th October 1940
Part Fifty-Six 17th October - 7th November 1940
Part Fifty-Seven 7th November - 1st December 1940

To the Last Man
Part One: To the Last Man
Part One: 15th October 1939 - 8th May 1940
Part Two: 8th May - 5th June 1940
Part Three: 5th June 1940
Part Four: 6th June - 20th July 1940
Part Five: 21st-28th July 1940
Last edited:
Cabinet of Doom

Spoiler Cabinet of Doom is recruiting! :

How to Join
Any member who has posted at least once in this thread will find themselves with an in-story character. At the very least, they will find themselves recruited into the 1st CFC Division, our most illustrious division!

A poster who wishes to take up a specific position: simply request it! UNIT is a good choice for those who want to gain major influence in the British Government. As it is simply designed to provide advice to the Prime Minister, your only job is to provide advice and offer support and alternative options. In fact, some posters have found themselves drafted into UNIT simply through the advice they are giving - sound or not!

More specific positions carry with them the weight of responsibility - and their opinions are given great weight. As an example, should the Chief of Staff suggest an attack into Libya to destroy the threat there, it will carry more weight than if a member of UNIT suggested it. On the other hand, should such an attack result in failure in Egypt through lack of resources, the Chief of Staff may be recommended to hand in a resignation.

The Cabinet of Doom is very loosely based on the British government, however players may suggest the creation of new or unique ministries or position. The Ministry of Silly Walks, though utterly invaluable to any Cabinet of Doom, is hardly a real organisation. Except to Subi. Bless him.

King George VI

Government Administration
Prime Minister Kan’ Sharuminar
Deputy Prime Minister Position available
Chancellor of the Exchequer Yuri2356
Foreign Minister Peck of Arabia
Head of Intelligence IronMan2055 CBE
Head of the London Controlling Section (Position Available)
Secretary of Cocktails GinandTonic MBE

Trusted Teaboy Volum

Government Ministries
Ministry of Silly Walks Sir SuperbeaverInc
Governor-General of Singapore and the Malay States Aronnax MBE

Military Administration
Chief of the Defence Staff - Major General Sheep21 CBE
Chief of Army - Nodikus
First Lord of the Admiralty - Darth Pugwash
Chief of Air Force - e350tb

Unified Intelligence Taskforce
Brigadier Rabidveggie OBE
Lord Steviejay
Raisin Bran
Karmic Knight

Military Personnel
Land Commanders
General PrinceScamp OBE - Commander, Egyptian Army
General Riptide_Monzarc II Commander, First British Army
General Captain2 II Commander, Indian Command

Major-General ComradeDavo - Commander, 1st CFC Division, First British Army
Major General Jos Ballenbak - Commander, 8th Infantry Division, Egyptian Army
Major General Nonconformist - Commander, 6th Airborne Division, Unassigned
Brigadier-General GeneralMatt - Commander, 8th Rifleman Brigade
SirTommygun, To be assigned

Air Generals
Group Captain LordKestrel - Commander, Strategic Bomber Command

Grand Admiral Sir Kozmos, formally Cleric - Commander, Grand Armada
Grand Admiral Germanicus12 - Commander, First Armada
Captain Captain Carnage - Commander, HMS Coventry

First CFC Infantry Division
Spoiler :

Comrade Davo



Joe Harker
P.M. Petros
Friendly Fire
In short, I play the game and write the story but take advice from any reader who feels the need to offer advice. All is taken on-board, and I usually follow the democratic vote unless I feel you're being utterly stupid (like wanting to invade Haiti while Germany is conquering France and bombing Birmingham). I recommend Written by the Victors as a good reference.

The Council of Doom is simply there as a way for me to work out who's advice gets higher priority. PrinceScampy in that AAR is a good example - I gave no heed to his advice about ground invasions, but because he was our Air Minister and kept demanding air attacks, I actually used my air force in HoI more than I would have in a normal game. It turned out fantastic, and to his credit I now use planes more often in the game.
In that case I'll settle just for lurking since I don't know too much of HoI2 (never played it) so I'd most likely offer bad advice. :D
No such thing as bad advice in this - it makes good writing ;)

Edit: Besides, active involvement on your part could see a Balkan liberation, rather than hitting Normandy. Which is my main fun in these AAR's.
You can guess which position I want. :mischief:
I'm in for Chief of the Army.
Volenteering for Chief of the Air Force.
Fantastic, I've actually found, and joined an AAR before it's reached several pages and my comments are irrelevant (that's not strictly true, my comments are ALWAYS irrelevant)

Still since the positions are open I wouldn't mind signing up for Head of Government, or if that's a little ambitious- Chief of Staff, of if that too, is getting a little ahead of myself, Cheif of Navy (I've recently rediscovered it's importance). Who am I kidding, anywhere'll do!
I'm also going to be more liberal with my cabinet positions - the ones I currently have in post two there are just initial suggestions. If you wish to be the representative of Scotland, or ambassador of Canada, or even the frickin' King, then go for it. Individual Generals and Admirals are also requested. Only Head of Government will be out of bounds, as it's me. For life.

Update One will be done today, and will give us a general report on the state of things in the Empire.
Yay! A rather masterful reference in the title there. :mischief:

I'm up for something Navy related...Chief of the Navy or if that's going to Peck of Arabia I'll take Admiral. :)
well you caught me on a good week kan, I've been in Ottawa for three days and feel in a rather British Empire supporting mood :p

by the way I'm playing a game of Imperial Glory as Britian, don't know if it will help your AAR but this music seems to put me in a Battle mood

and it goes without saying I'll take that mentioned embassador from Canada position
Isn't there more glory in being HM the king of Great Britain (and France, de jure, of course), Emperor of India, head of the Commonwealth, defender of the faith etc? (maybe that's just me... always a sucker for the meaningless titles)

Still in regards to the situation at hand- I wouldn't mind opting for Chief of staff on the basis that it allows me to suggest schemes and tactics (of which at least some will be... ambitious- just to keep it interesting)- yet the position is vague enough for anyone higher up, or more specialised in expertise to easily overrule me!
Yay! A rather masterful reference in the title there. :mischief:

Good eye. I actually bought his laser screwdriver today, being the immature chap I am. My wishing to be Prime Minister of Great Britain has nothing to do with any grand schemes to conquer the world, I assure you.

I hereby request to be Captain of HMS Coventry.

I'll check we have the HMS Coventry, but of course.

Was in town today looking for Doomsday, but couldn't find it. Will be playing with the original Hearts of Iron, probably on normal difficulty given the awkwardness of handling the entire British Empire anyway.
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