In love with Rei Ayanami
!!! v 1.5 ready for download (cf post 2) on the 24th of November 2006 !!!
Downloading, Installing & Version History
Help needed
Screenshots :
A Wonder : Royal Turnament
A resource : Sheep
A unit description : colonists
An improvement : juderia
A Portuguese troubadour scouting Muslim Al Andalus
Almohads ready to conquer Faro from the Almoravids
This scenario is about the fight between Christians and Muslims in medieval Spain, also called the Spanish crusades or the Reconquista (the reconquest as the Christians considered Muslims as invaders) between 1085 and 1492. However it also includes all the oppositions among Muslim states and among Christian states for leadership or to impose a certain approach of life and religion (fanatism or decadency and tolerance for instance).
As leader of the Almohads you can conquer the weak decadent states to reestablish fanatical Islam. You can also play the pirates who threaten all coasts. You can establish military orders (templars) or even national ones (Aviz, Calatrava,...) as Christians. You can ransom knights from the enemies, discover tactics and the advantages of gunpowder.
1 turn equals 2 years for half of the scenario then 1 turn per year for the other half which makes it a long scenario, usually full of surprises.
This scenario has been tested for quite some time and is definitely playable.
It is not perfectly complete yet but this will take some time. The pedia is largely done which should be of much help to choose among the many new units, improvements or wonders.
Nevertheless some mistakes, bugs, unbalances might still be in. Please mention them or any other remark you have so that the scenario can be improved.
SP simple version : 12 civilizations, of which 12 are playable :
Muslims :
- Almoravids
- Almohads
- Nasrids
- Pirates
Christians :
- Castilla
- Leon
- Navarra
- Portugal
- Aragon
- France
- Provence
Wild card :
- Valencia (el Cid)
France and Navarra are in locked alliance.
Almoravids are in locked war with Nasrids + Almohads.
These civs are not balanced one to another to respect history.
Special scenario features :
- very fast loading time and very short delay time in-between turns.
- Lots of flavor units, both naval and land ones ( Cogs, Chebecks, Camelry, many knights, crosbows, ...).
- special tech-tree over 3 ages, with special flavor-branches of the tech-tree (1 for the Muslims, 1 for the Christians).
- the importance of monasteries and warrior-colons to control, use the newly conquered lands.
- the economic importance of guilds and juderias but also the unhappiness they can cause.
- the economic importance of ransomable knights during the age of chivalry.
- lines of units upgrading. The scenario shows the evolution from horsemen to late knights, from Cogs to Galleass, from peasant levies to pikemen, from hand cannoneers to musketmen.
Credits : Lots of CFC people ! (if I forgot someone let me know).
- el Mencey for the map
Qummik for the tech-tree arrows.
- aaglo, Kinboat, Utahjazz, Dom Pedro II, Alminium for the units
- Rufus, Ukas, Arne, Mrtn (and the people who did some of the RAR mod gfx) for the graphics.
- Aeon, Yoda, Arne for testing
- lost of people (including some mentionned above) for support, advice...
- Thunderfall for CFC.
Downloading, Installing & Version History
Help needed
Screenshots :
A Wonder : Royal Turnament
A resource : Sheep
A unit description : colonists
An improvement : juderia
A Portuguese troubadour scouting Muslim Al Andalus
Almohads ready to conquer Faro from the Almoravids
This scenario is about the fight between Christians and Muslims in medieval Spain, also called the Spanish crusades or the Reconquista (the reconquest as the Christians considered Muslims as invaders) between 1085 and 1492. However it also includes all the oppositions among Muslim states and among Christian states for leadership or to impose a certain approach of life and religion (fanatism or decadency and tolerance for instance).
As leader of the Almohads you can conquer the weak decadent states to reestablish fanatical Islam. You can also play the pirates who threaten all coasts. You can establish military orders (templars) or even national ones (Aviz, Calatrava,...) as Christians. You can ransom knights from the enemies, discover tactics and the advantages of gunpowder.
1 turn equals 2 years for half of the scenario then 1 turn per year for the other half which makes it a long scenario, usually full of surprises.
This scenario has been tested for quite some time and is definitely playable.
It is not perfectly complete yet but this will take some time. The pedia is largely done which should be of much help to choose among the many new units, improvements or wonders.
Nevertheless some mistakes, bugs, unbalances might still be in. Please mention them or any other remark you have so that the scenario can be improved.
SP simple version : 12 civilizations, of which 12 are playable :
Muslims :
- Almoravids
- Almohads
- Nasrids
- Pirates
Christians :
- Castilla
- Leon
- Navarra
- Portugal
- Aragon
- France
- Provence
Wild card :
- Valencia (el Cid)
France and Navarra are in locked alliance.
Almoravids are in locked war with Nasrids + Almohads.
These civs are not balanced one to another to respect history.
Special scenario features :
- very fast loading time and very short delay time in-between turns.
- Lots of flavor units, both naval and land ones ( Cogs, Chebecks, Camelry, many knights, crosbows, ...).
- special tech-tree over 3 ages, with special flavor-branches of the tech-tree (1 for the Muslims, 1 for the Christians).
- the importance of monasteries and warrior-colons to control, use the newly conquered lands.
- the economic importance of guilds and juderias but also the unhappiness they can cause.
- the economic importance of ransomable knights during the age of chivalry.
- lines of units upgrading. The scenario shows the evolution from horsemen to late knights, from Cogs to Galleass, from peasant levies to pikemen, from hand cannoneers to musketmen.
Credits : Lots of CFC people ! (if I forgot someone let me know).
- el Mencey for the map
Qummik for the tech-tree arrows.
- aaglo, Kinboat, Utahjazz, Dom Pedro II, Alminium for the units
- Rufus, Ukas, Arne, Mrtn (and the people who did some of the RAR mod gfx) for the graphics.
- Aeon, Yoda, Arne for testing
- lost of people (including some mentionned above) for support, advice...
- Thunderfall for CFC.