The Spiritualists of Fanatica


Apr 7, 2002
Long Island, NY
In the time before time, when no men walked the Earth and the glory of Noshuret was not yet even a dream, the Spirits existed in isolation. There were many of these Spirits, but only a few stood out from the crowd. They were the Great Spirits, and they decided to create a planet and race to accompany them through time. Terra, the Earth Spiritess, made a ball of dirt with her hands and in so doing created the Earth. Pyra, her eldest son, punched holes in the ball with his stylus and created the mighty volcanoes, which spread molten rock across the planet and created the landscape. Aqua, his younger brother, shed a tear on the ball of rock and created the vast oceans, and the rain. Aria, the beautiful daughter of Terra, breathed on the planet and created the sky and the wind. When all this was done, the King of the Spirits, Alpha, created the men and the beasts which today wonder the Earth. He blessed one particular tribe of Men, the Fanaticans, with the knowledge of His Truth, and bid them that they carry His word around the world. And so it was that the first Temple of the Spirits was founded in Noshuret under the stewardship of the High Priests of the Alphian Order. They called to the people of Fanatica to come and worship, and be cleansed of their sins. They offered food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, and salvation and enlightenment to all. In the Temple they set up a series of 100 stained glass windows going all the way around the circular building depicting and explaining the entire pantheon of Spirits.

Great Spirits
Alpha: King of the Spirits. Father of the other Great Spirits. Made the Men and the Beasts. Represented by an old man with a long white beard in white robes carrying a lightning bolt.

Terra: Wife of Alpha. Mother of the other Great Spirits. Created the Earth. Represented in by a mother with long blonde hair and glowing eyes, or a fiercely protective mother wolf.

Pyra: Eldest son of Alpha and Terra. The Spirit of Fire and the Spirit of War. Represented by a young man with red hair in Legionaire's armor, carrying a flaming sword.

Aqua: Younger son of Alpha and Terra. Spirit of the Water. Represented by a teenager with soft blue eyes and wavy, shoulder-length hair, carrying a trident.

Aria: Daughter of Alpha and Terra. Spiritess of the Air and Spiritess of Wisdom. Represented by a beautiful young women with flowing white robes, long golden-blonde hair, blue eyes, and a glowing smile.

Lesser Spirits
Various deities, heroes, and messengers (angels) who do the work of the Spirits.
The mighty warrior McNultus enters the Temple of Noshuret and is awestruck...

McNultus: I knew from the wise Octavian X the majesty of the Spirits, but to see their works so displayed is wondrous indeed.
(looks at a stained glass window depicting Pyra) and to thee Pyra, I pledge my axe once again. If there is a need, I will not be slow to answer it.
Octavian, back from Gorina, walks into the great temple off Noshuret's Forum

Yes, it is truly great to see such a gathering of believers. Let us preach to the people of Fanatica of Spiritualism!
Icnoro walks in to the temple, looking interested

Hello, I come to declare my allegiance to this religion. I see it right, for it is the Truth. I shall serve it to the day I die.
I, Lord Jedi Master Zarn of the Jedi Council, ask for a common respect between Spiritualism and Jediism. I have nothing against the people that devout themselves to Spiritualism. So, I hope we can have a peaceful relationship.
I, Secondary Lord Jedi Master CivGeneral of the Jedi and my Wife, Mara Jade. Would like a common peaceful relationship between the Spiritualism and Jedism. I hope that a common freindship would last for years to come :).
Indeed, a core belief of Spiritualism is respect of all religions. After all, we are all Alpha's children, whether we decide to acknowledge Him or not. I welcome ye, Jedi. May our friendship overcome all differences of opinion.
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