The best game I ever had was one I played with the persians in a Vanilla version of Tet Turkhan's world map. In their initial position the persians had no iron, so I coudn't make immortals, but I managed to beat the Indians to an iron deposit on Tibet. Then I started to build immortals and didn't stopped until chivalry. I started taking Babylon at first, that fell very quickly. Next I captured Egypt and the remains of babylon at the arabic peninsula. Next I defeated the greeks and from there all of Europe. I used a GL to rush a FP at Sparta (wich was near the location of Budapest in the cities version of TET Turkhan map and is a VERY GOOD site for a core city) and so had an Empire going from Europe to the Indus River (I had been Friendly with Gandhi all the game) and all of North africa, with a great income, happy cityzens and huge production (I coud build one tank per turn in Sparta and in two or three turns on most european cityes. I also had colonized Brazil to get rubber, because all of the South eastern asian supplies were in the hands of the indians and the chinese.
Well, all the game I had been friend with both India and China and had MPP with them, but in the late industrial age i was preparing to wage war to one of them, and i was aiming for China, becaut it had been provoking me for a while and was annoyed towards me, so I was surrounding China with my fleets
and moving my tanks to their north west border. I was planing to make them declare war at me so gandhi would join me and possibly make a ROP agreement, so I could attack China from the south.
Here comes the bad part of this: MY PC DIED. Some sort of virus killed the hard disk and I lost my saves. The worst part is that it hurted me more to have lost my game that to have lost my computer and to spend a lot of money to rebuild it.
Never found that map again (I don't remember where I downloaded it from)