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The Test of Time 1003


Apr 1, 2010
Wales, UK
The Test of Time
Test your mettle against the ages of time.

Add the “Test of Time” folder to the mod folder found here:-
C:\Users\****\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods
*** Mac user may very***

Known Issues

Settler Population cost resets to vanilla values on a reload.
Currently only supports English version of the game. Am willing to accept translations from people to include with the mod.

Included Mods
  • 8 Ages of War
  • MOAR Units
  • Additional Buildings
  • The Sloth the Tortoise and The Snail
  • Detailed Worlds
  • Wondrous Wonders

Version 1001

55 new buildings with new modifiers associated to them.
  • These New buildings affect everything from gold, culture to bonus combat strength.
  • Serval New buildings also will assist with housing and growth
2 new districts
  • Merchant Quarter - Available in Early Empire, and holds many of the new buildings.
  • The Commercial Hub is now a Financial district
  • The Souq, unique to Egypt, and replaces the Merchant Quarter.
46 new Technologies 6 new Civics
  • Reworked Tech Tree to have two paths to research from. The top of the tree is set for more passive inward building of ones empire vs the bottom part of the tree is geared towards those wish the fight and conquer.
  • Boost for each new Tech is tied to new Great Scientists, 16 in all with of course the great modern Scientist of all Neil Degrasse Tyson.
  • 6 new civics as also brings the civic tree in line with the theory of the tech. Top for inward building and bottom for outward. New Policies to go along with the new civics, from plus food in all cities to bonus combat vs city states.
New Game speeds
  • 4 new game speeds with a tier system for the tech/civic tree. Each tier of the tree gets more costly instead of by era.
Reworked Resources and Improvements
  • Resources that require a mine should now only spawn on hills, and no more Ivory on Tundra, or Niter in a Floodplain
  • Unique Improvements have been updated so they cannot be built next to each other, thus help limit the spam. Looking at you Tomyris!
Includes MOAR Units plus Extras
  • Many new units for each Civ.
  • New Basic Naval Units
  • Updated Upgrade paths
  • New Starting Settler, Nomadic Settler. This unit can never be built, and has more sight and movement than the normal settler.
General New Rules
  • Adjusted cost of Great people and projects to fit in line with the new pace of the game
  • Adjusted cost of units and buildings to balance out the new buildings to insure GPT is a challenge to manage
  • Updated Crater Lake and Dead Sea to add more food to make them more viable settling spot.
  • Updated the range of the slinger and machine gunner to range 2
  • Adjusted the embarkment place for builders and settler to fit in with the new tech tree.
  • Adjusted city growth mechanic to feel more in line with history. Growth is slower, untill the industrial revolution, thus district choosing for each city is more important
  • Adjusted War Weariness for more likely war throughout each era.
New Icons
  • All new Techs and Civics have their own custom Icons to add personal flavor and eye candy!
  • Both Districts have Custom Icons.
  • Building Icons - In Progress.
  • Unit Icons - In Progress.
Current Team Members
  • Horem - SQL/XML Coder
  • Hajee - SQL/XML Coder
  • Dirtyface - Artist
Open position - LUA Coder.

Places to find us

You can find us on Discord to chat about the mod or report bugs, play test Beta versions of the mod, or generaly pick our brains.
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  • Horem for the many Buildings, Districts and the endless brain racking of Modifiers and Building/District/Landmark ArtDefs. His will to start this project and build it in to something special .
  • DrityFace83 for the new Icons, which btw way came out wonderful as well as the many creative imput and design.
  • Hajee for the Tech and Civic tree design
  • Deliverator for the wonderful new units and the will to go through the artdefs to make them unique looking
  • Lord Olleus for the 8 Ages of War Mod.
  • Seven05 for updated map utility scripts.
  • Magil for Wondrous Wonders.
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Version History
  • Great Person Points increased, cumulative 50% per Era.
  • Increased max lake size from 9 to 14.
  • Included parts of AI+.
  • Tweaked AI Formations.
  • Tweaked AI City attack operations.
  • Base Amenity per city increased to 3.
  • Disabled increased Building Maintenace.
  • All maps will have extra Lone Mountains.
  • Population with no water reduced to 1.
  • Tweaked Building and Wonder costs.
  • Population next to Lake, River and Coast reduced by 1.
  • Aquaduct population minimum reduced to 4.
  • Amenity per population increased to 1 for 1.
  • Lakes within a City's border gain +2 food.
  • Merchant Quarter, Financial Square, Harbor and Neighbourhood districts provide 3% Growth.
  • Added River and District Food adjacency bonus and 10% Growth for Aquaduct and Bath.
  • Fixed Souq requiring population to build.
  • Fishing Boats increased by +1 food.
  • Included Russian Translation.
  • Changed food related buildings to have a base yield of food not gold.
  • Battering Ram changed to Siege Support can bombard at range 1 and no longer gives melee units the ability to attack walls at full strength.
  • Siege Tower now grants Melee units the ability to attack walls at full strength, Ignore Walls ability removed due to it been bugged and applies to all units and not just melee.
  • Keep Building added. Increased range(+1) for stationed units +10 Inner defense and +25 outer hit points.
  • Siege Units changed to Support Units.
  • Siege support unit are now very vulnerable to attack.
  • Ranged units City attack damage reduced by 25%.
  • Walls outer defense hitpoints doubled.
  • Siege unit Bombard increased by 15%.
  • Bastion policy moved to Craftmanship Civic.
  • Farms gain +2 Food with Agricultural Tools (was Crop Rotation).
  • Plantations and Pastures gain +1 Food with Crop Rotation.
  • Farms, Plantations, Pastures and Fishing Boats gain +1 food with Civil Engineering.
  • Fixed some broken texts.
  • Doctor, Hospice and Hospital moved to Aquaduct District.
  • Great Merchants from Classical, Medieval, Renaissance now require Merchant Quarter.
  • Regraded Warmonger points. Grades up by 3(3,6,9,12 ect) per Era starting in Classical.
  • Watchtower change to Guard Tower.
  • Guard Tower provides 25 Outer Hitpoints.
  • Tweaks to the Game Calender.
  • Fixed Cook Shop and Butcher Prereq's been wrong way around.
  • Increased upgrade costs by 10%.
  • Farmstead now provides +1 food for each adjacent Farm or Pasture.
  • Increased Farmstead food yield by +2.
  • Farmstead moved to Merchant Quarter.
  • Project GP Points reduced to 1/4 of Vanilla.
  • Updated Settler text.
  • Added Default Icon for Merchant Quarter Project.
  • Increased Unique Improvement Yields:-
  • +1 Faith for Sphinx, Mission, Colossal Head, Kurgan.
  • +1 Culture for Zigguratand Chateau.
  • +1 Production for Fort.
  • +1 Production and Gold for Roman Fort.
  • Chateau housing increased to 1.
  • Included Detail Worlds mod. (Since some of you are reporting issues)
  • Included Wondrous Wonders.
  • Tweaked Barbarians:-
  • Added Heavy Chariot and Heavy Cavalry classes to Cavalry Tribe.
  • Added Masonary as a Free Tech for Barbs.
  • Increased Barbarian tech rate to 70%.
  • Increased odds of Camp spawning by 50%.
  • Increased boldness to pillage and attack cites slightly.
  • Removed the Food reduction from Dungeon, Prison, Military Ground, Military Camp, Tournament Ground due to the AI
  • refusing to build these buildings due to the - too Food.
  • War Weariness halved.
  • Settler, Builder, Scout, Warrior, Trader cost increased by 20%
  • Cost of Settler Population increased upto 2.
  • Cost progression of Builder increased to 2.
  • Heavy Chariot and Spearman Prereq Tech's swaped.
  • Many units have had thier Prereq Techs changed to suit the new Techs.
  • Many Units have had thier Upgrade Paths changed.
  • Mechanical Infatry is now classed as Light Cavalry.
  • Starting Settler changed to Nomadic Settler.
  • Religous units costs increased by 120%.
  • All unit Costs increased by 30%.
  • Coal is revealed with Alchemy.
  • Oil is revealed with Biology.
  • Uranium is revealed with Theory of Relativity.
  • District Project costs increased to 125.
  • Great Person Points from projects have been halved.
  • Manhattan project moved to Atomic Theory.
  • Earth Satellite moved to Semiconductors.
  • Oil Well moved to Mass Transit.
  • Quarry moved to Wheel.
  • Added Tundra and Desert Farms, discovered with Civil Service.
  • All Unique improvements can no longer be built next to each other.
  • Base trade route gold yield reduced to 2 for Commercial and Harbor Districts.
  • Base trade route yield per district reduced to 1.
  • Commercial Hub moved to Civil Service.
  • Market, Bank and Stock Exchange gold yield reduced by 1.
  • Market moved to Charters.
  • Library and Univercity science yield reduced by 1.
  • Science per pop Reduced to 0.4.
  • Culture per pop reduced to 0.2.
  • Culture and Science city states first 2 bonuses reduced to 1.
  • Monumnet culture yield reduced to 1.
  • +2 Food to adjacent Oasis tiles.
  • Maintenance added to Warrior and Slinger.
  • Maintenace increased by 60%, rounded up.
  • Boosts reduced to 25%.
  • Growth Exponent increased to 4.
  • Growth Multiplier reduced to 2.
  • Growth Threshold increased to 30.
  • Housing removed from Palace.
  • New Tech and Civic Trees added.
  • Moar Units added. Adjusted for the New Techs.
  • Brireme, Trireme, Cog, Gunboat and Screw Frigate units added.
  • Merchant Quater and Souq Districts added.
  • Additional Buildings mod Added.
  • The Sloth, the Tortoise and The Snail mod added.
  • 8 Ages of War mod added.
  • New Icons for Techs and Civis added.
  • New Icons for Districts added.
  • New Project for Merchant Quarter added.
  • Resource Terrains redesigned.
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Mod Compatability

Better Trade Screen - Works
Production Queue - Works but allows mutliple building of National Wonders.
AI+ - Possible issue with AI growing Cities
AI Cleanup - Works
Unit Report Screen - Works
Detailed Worlds - Works
Half Unit and Building Cost - Will probably work, but will be very unbalanced.
TCS Omnibus - Works but may well be unbalanced.
Alert Guard - Untested.
City States - No Free Envoy - Untested.
Improved Combat - Untested.
Larger Worlds - Untested.

Incombatible with any mods that change or add to the Tech or Civic trees.
Incombatible with any mod that adds or changes Gamespeeds.
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compability with other mods?

...what mods are included in your mod?

Most mods wont be.
Any mod that affects the Tech and or Civic tree will not work.

The Moar Unit mod is part of this mod
8 Ages of War mod is added.

Horem added a list that includes everything in Mod.

Being a Modpack that affects most of everything in the base game it will be hard to mod to be compatible with this mod.

AI + works with the mod, however it is unknown how the AI will react to the new adds of this mod, since This mod was created with out the AI + mod in mind.
This looks pretty interesting, I tried it out with TCS omnibus, AI+, wonderous wonders, and improved combat. Everything seems to be working fine so far, so I don't think there are any incompatibilities :P
This looks pretty interesting, I tried it out with TCS omnibus, AI+, wonderous wonders, and improved combat. Everything seems to be working fine so far, so I don't think there are any incompatibilities :p

I am sure there are some, that might be working with this, like you listed. just didnt really test it out with other mods

I ask horem if he can update OP to list comfrimed mods that work
Just started a game. Some minor feedback...

Research trees look pretty interesting. I like how you've gone with bypasses instead of dead-end techs or single paths (e.g. astrology/herblore; masonry/mining). Does this still require all techs researched to advance into the next era?

Also really appreciate the sensible tile restrictions for certain resources.

One bug so far, or possibly a UI misrepresentation. As Japan, I'm looking to place a Merchant's Quarter and I'm getting this...

With Japan, I'd expect to be getting a +1 bonus per adjacent district, but it seems to be doubling that. River bonuses are correct, however. I haven't broken it down yet to see whether it's actually granting the double yield or if it's just a display error.


  • CivilizationVI-2016-12-07-17-06-09.jpg
    525.3 KB · Views: 12,664
Are you placing the Merchant's Quarter on the Hill nest to the holy site where it says plus 5? I believe +5 is correct. You get 1 gold just for the district. And 1 gold for the adjacent districts. So on that hill
+1 for placement
+2 for districts adjacent
+2 for being Japan.

Horem made the new districts he would need to confirm

As for the Tree it is kinda bypasses but in the end you research all. No dead end techs

There is a Top and bottom research line in each era. You can research Just the top line which is built for inward empire building or just the bottom which it outward empire building. But once you try to get the Industrial era you are forced to go back and research all the rest of the techs. This creates and post vs pre industrial world and allows the player and or AI to catch up. However those techs you bypassed are cheaper but the default game engine
Ah, maybe I'm misunderstanding Japan's bonus. And I didn't know you got +1 just for the district itself.

I thought that Japan was supposed to double the usual value... .5 per adjacent district x2 = 1
It doubles all adjacent bonus, +1 goes to +2 from 1 district, +2 to +4 from 2 districts. (hense the +5, River + City Center + Holy Site)
Wow, good work getting all of those changes to play nicely together. Good to know my mod works with it too, but you've created a recursive credit, you credit me for my mod and I credit you for the fact that my mod works in the first place :)
I didn't change it. Used the default District_Gold adjacency. I have however not adjusted Japans trait to account for the new district, this is might be what causing it to act funny (TBh though is should not give anything). Also I do not see in the trait Modifiers where it is limiting it to 1 for every 2 districts. I know thats how adjacenies work with districts, seems Japans trait does not have a requirement or limit. Its an Excluded Adjacency, whatever that means.

I really do not see anywhere were Japans ability is limited to 1 for every 2.
Wow, good work getting all of those changes to play nicely together. Good to know my mod works with it too, but you've created a recursive credit, you credit me for my mod and I credit you for the fact that my mod works in the first place :)
You were credited because I included your map utility scripts.
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