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The Three Kingdoms

This scenario is...

  • Incredible!

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • Great!

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Good.

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters


Civ3 Scenario Creator
Dec 27, 2002
Sacramento, CA
The Three Kingdoms 217-285 1.4 by Sarevok

The Rise of Wei 196-285 1.3 by Sarevok
The Allied Coalition 190-200 1.3 by Sarevok
The Northern Campaigns 227-285 1.0 by Sarevok
The Rise of Jin 263-285 1.0 by Sarevok

"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been."

The Three Kingdoms:

It is the year 217. China is in utter chaos after the fall of the Han and at this point native warlords fought for control of the land until now there are only three kingdoms surviving: Cao Cao's Wei, Liu Bei's Shu, and Sun Quan's Wu.

The Kingdom of Wei dominates the central plains of China, and occupy the former Han capital Luoyang. Cao Cao (Mengde) also has "Protection" over the emperor of the han when in reality using him for his purpouses. Becasue of the occupation of the capital districts, Wei has the largest army, best technology, and the best factories. Wei's problem is that their army is not nearly as good as the other 2 kingdoms despite its overwhelming size. Wei's sheer numbers forces the others to accept that they can only guess where their army units are as they are too vast to learn about their specific locations. In addition, Wei heavy cavalry are an elite force to fight in this war, and if unleashed will reign terror on their enemies. Wei is locked in a permanent war against Shu, and now awaits their assault into Hanzhong.

The Kingdom of Wu rules the Southland or the area's below the Chang Jiang river, giving Sun Quan (Zhongmou) and Wu an immense advantage in terrain from all invasions. Their naval commanders are veteran and skilled in defending the great river. Wei has the smallest army of the other 2 kingdoms, but they cannot be underestimated as their forces are well trained. Wu's strategists are also very cunning at setting up false defection ploys, which won them several battles, so their spies cannot be found within enemy ranks due to their skill. Wu's naval advantage is also due to its Fire Barges, which allow them to burn enemy fleets on the rivers. Wu is neutral concerning Wei and Shu, and may choose their side should they want one.

The Kingdom of Shu rules the Riverlands region around Chengdu, and its people support their ruler Liu Bei (Xuande) absolutely in his quest to restore the Han dynasty. Because of his people's unwavering support, Starting Riots in Shu cities is pointless. Shu has warriors that are said to be "Worth 1,000 warriors" and has the help of Zhuge Liang (Kongming), who's strategic might and special invention, the Arbalest will prove invaluable to Shu. Shu at this point sees Wei as the "Traitor to the Han", and so is in a locked war against them and even now are planning an invasion of Hanzhong.

Who will prevail? Cao Cao's Wei, Sun Quan's Wu, or Liu Bei's Shu?

All of the scenario's are for Conquests.

The Rise of Wei:

The Allied Coalition:

The Northern Campaigns:

The Rise of Jin:

The Three Kingdoms:
Scroll down for the Downloads

To read the book online, go to www.threekingdoms.com, The scenario starts around chapter 67 after the Battle of Hefei



Place the folder TTK in the scenarios folder for Conquests, and place the scenario in the Scenario's folder (Not in the TTK folder though). Then start up C3C, go to Civ-Content, look down the list and then choose your kingdom. Loading time is very quick for this scenario unlike my previous scenario's "The Old Empires" or "The Great War". On my weak computer that has 0.7gz I can load it in a few short moments. Enjoy!

NOTE: Concerning the poll having only good options, that is because some people in the world like to vote bad ratings without playing the scenario or even bothering to download it either for fun or for personal reasons. In order to have an accurate judgement of opinion, there are only good options in the poll. Those that believe the scenario is not good will have to post that they are dissatisfied. The poll is there to see how many people do like the scneario and to what degree do they like it.


Creator: Sarevok

Map Creator: Eastern Knight
Scenario Creator: Sarevok

Leaderhead Creation: SpincruS
Units_32 File: Zulu9812
Unit Graphics: embryodead

BETA Testing: Rocoteh, SpincruS

Special Thanks:

Rocoteh - For BETA testing feedback and for giving me encouragement to finish this project.

SpincruS - For providing me with the excellent leaderheads that make this scenario even more authentic.

TTK Art and Text files:
The main file only needs to be downloaded once. It contains all of the text files and the graphics for the scenario. Should more graphics or edits to the text be made, they will be placed below the 1.0 Download link. The 1.0 Download is 2.4 MB

TTK 1.0 Art and Text files:

This is the scenario download. Later versions of the scenario will replace this download when they arrive. The download is 55k

TTK 1.4:

Below is a DL counter, I ask that you click this every time you download the main scenario file.

DL Counter:

1.0 Downloaded 74 times
1.1 Downloaded 88 times
1.2 Downloaded 50 times
1.3 Downloaded 50 times


From a small look this defiently looks like a superb scenario:thumbsup:. This will be on my "to try out" list;)

btw isn't the poll a bit..ehm useless when you can only vote positive things?
I hope you do try it out, in my opinion its one of my best scenarios and is more user freindly as it loads very quickly and there is virtually no waiting time to speak of.

Concerning the poll, read my note in the 1st post a little after the minimap screen.
Great! I just had the chance to play it for 20 minutes, and I'm in the middle of it. It's superb! Typical Sarevok work man :)

But you know, there are some little bugs, which I PM'ed you about.
I got your message SpincruS, thanks :)

I DLed the file again, and I cant find any of the files missing in it. The scenario should work correctly if all of the files in the Art and text DL has just the TTK folder simply transfered without any disturbance to the Scenarios folder. PM me if that does not solve the issue.
I have now playtested as all three of the kingdoms for 40 minute periods for each one, and this is what I have found:

Wei is pretty easy, in fact... too easy to play as. for 1.1 im considering removing the "Medium Units" tech from their rosters and to make it impossible to load Warrior units on boats (more specifically armies). That will be a problem for Wu, so ill make a land bridge at the delta of the Chang jiang so they can go across land and to make sure no boats go in the pacific. Wei can research easily, and the Golden age removes their debt. Getting Wu to ally with Wei is also really easy and makes the situation too easy for Wei and hopeless for Shu. Wei production is good, but its easy for Wei to hit the 12 minimum research time.

Shu has it really bad, even allied with Wu. Im considering giving the "Medium infantry" tech to both Shu and Wu. Also, AI does not know how to transport troops in boats, so Wu's troops pass through Jingzhou all the way to Hanzhong to fight (way too long). The land bridge idea at the delta of the Chang jiang may be a good idea then as to allow Wu to directly attack Wei. The lack of medium infantry and the fact Wei has it dooms Shu to fight a defensive war in its moutain strongholds, which it did not do in 219 when they took Hanzhong. Giving Shu more troops in the general area couldnt hurt either. Techs are ok, they can research them though not at the minimum (12 turns) but in the area.

Wu is easier than Shu, but still hard. I alled with Shu, but didnt learn how the Hanzhong campaign went, save that no cities were taken in my 40 minute tryout. I attempted a landing at Hefei and lost the bulk of my marines and medium swordsmen doing it. Only my Fire Barges (Blitz ability, 4 moves, 12BB, 4ROF, Lethal Sea BB=Mass Murder) and Heavy Catapults firing across the river managed to take the fortress. Losses are too high, and the AI wouldnt have done such an operation. The river is completely dominated by Wu, which is accurate. The land bridge thing would go well for the aI attacking Wei wuickly and being an active threat. Wu however is too small however, and it cant research faster than the maximum (30 turns). Im tempted to lower the cost of all techs in order to make it worl out for a Wu player, or possibly give them a little greater production.

Proposed changes:

- Build a land bridge at the delta of the Chang Jiang and the Yellow rivers to prevent ships entering the pacific, and to allow Wei troops in Hebei and Wu troops in the south to enter the area "Between the rivers"
- To remove the tech "Medium Units" from Wei and give it to Wu and Shu.
- Lower Tech costs for The Three Kingdoms Age Techs and/or increase Wu's production power
- Give Shu 10-15 extra units in striking distance of Hanzhong

What do people think of my proposed changes?

(You get these kinds of things from me when I actually CAN play my scenario for a good amount of time without long waiting times) :) .
well, ill wait for a day before I do anything as audacious as that for a scenario that hasnt event existed for 5 hours yet.

Have your read my comments of the scenario Rocoteh? SpincruS?

Yes I read your comments.

With regard o Firaxis I did not mean that you should
send it now right now on the spot:)

Best Regards


To early for me to propose changes.

I want to playtest it more first.

Best Regards

My biggest complaint is you need to make the game multiplayer allowable. The problem with this scenario, just like a bunch of the other scenarios, is they are only single player. I would love to play this one with 2 other people. I don't know much about making these scenarios so I don't know if it's too hard to make it multiplayer, but I wish you would.
I couldn't find any rattan anywhere on the map. I managed to do well as the Shu though. I think its well balanced if the player is Shu. But you are right about the Wu and moving troops, except for taking and burning one city they never used their fleet.
Rattan is located south of Chengdu in the area known as "Nanzhong", which is just a little south of the sothern Shu Border. There are 10 sources on the map and all of them are at this location and guarded by "Nanman" Barbarian units and camps, yet roads do link them. The enemy troops you will have to fight become steadily more dangerous as you proceed further south for more Rattan. At first it is basic Nanman warriors and Rattan Spearmen to the point that at the last camp you will face Rattan Elephant units and Rattan Infantry.

1.1 will be released later, after the front page announcement for 1.0 is made I think. Regicide wont work right, but my suggestions that I made earlier work well.

How did you play as Shu MarcusSaurono?
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