The Travels of Tel: Initiate of Stone


HoF Quattromaster
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Jan 1, 2005
Tel looked out upon the horizon and was amazed at the beauty before him and the life it gave. The plants they took fruit from, the seeds they gathered and the many other blessings each gave to other life so that they may survive. Even these forms of life withered and died, just as all animals did. Yet there was more that most didn’t see. Tel looked down at his feet and the ground upon which he stood. Soil, earth, and more importantly stone. No matter how many seasons pass, or how many generations of human life, the stone would always be there. He had always imagined the stories the stone could tell of the things it had witnessed. Up until recently that had just been passing thoughts he was embarrassed to mention.

The past few weeks he had been having these dreams where the stone itself was calling to him. He would wake up from these dreams to find his ear pressed to the stone upon which he rested. At first he ignored them, taking it as his imagination taking a hold on his dreams. Now, he wondered if there was more.

Off in the distance rose a great hill, with rock jutting up as if trying to strike the very heavens. In some of his dreams he had traveled to that hill and sought counsel with the stone. Tel looked around him at the confusion of the tribe, as they sought what to do about organizing this thing they called a city. He wasn’t for sure what exactly that was, but it didn’t really matter to him. They sought counsel amongst themselves and he would not be missed.

He went to his lodgings and packed what he would need. He knew not how long he would be gone, but that did not matter. He must learn if his dreams had a meaning, or if he had let his imaginations get the better of him.

As he walked towards the horizon, he wondered aloud, “What is it you wish me to hear?”

I will continue the travels of Tel as the game progresses.
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