The truth about racism - barely any coloring -all the more SHOCKING!!!


Sep 9, 2006
Forget the enemy. The bad. The primitive. The one you know - even if only in the way of tired cliche.
He is no good for much these days. But he is easy to oppose.

Instead - remember the friend. Your friend. And at best yourself. Because you are a racist. A bloody racist if I have ever seen one.
Or at least - I AM.

Here is proof.
Well I did NOT like that Bond turned Blonde, for that matter. But if it is a really good bond, as the first craig bond was, I may even warm up to a black bond. But sure as hell wouldn't like it at first. Truth is that I can also more easily identify with white people, I suppose. It just really makes a difference if a character goes from white to black I am in some way invested in. That is the racist in me, I guess.
Being black means being someone different. Someone from another realm than white. It really means being another kind of human. Hair color, color of eyes …. some of it may matter with regards to Bond, but people adapted and this is a very specific example. Changing the eye of any super heroe? Who cares? But making spider man black – oh the gods! IDENTITY CHANGE


I don't believe but know, that color is no inherent indicator of anything.
However, I also know that color IS an indicator of A LOT.

And that sways me, greatly. And this is will never stop until either colored people are on par with white people with regards to indicators we deem valuable, or until we stop considering color to be a trait of any significance whatsoever. The latter is regarded with disdain by advocates, but the former may take a long time.

Some may think – that wasn''t racist- They ( be it me talking about associated social trends or others about personal associations) reckon so because this was just about “familiarity” or somesuch.

Excuse me for the loud exclamation marks – but I felt them necessary. Because: if you differentiate bwtween races significantly more than between hair or eye color – you make use of racist thinking.

As do I. Because I am a racist. Because that is how we work.
It is about the image of a black man. That it DOES convey a person which is DIFFERENT. Not because of skin. But IN IT SELF: I swear to you – that is the truth. I am ready to argue and fight anyone thinking differently to the teeth – because I am SO sure to be right.

It is racism and nothing less. But in contrast to more clear-cut forms of racism, I don't think it is clear any more how to fight it. And see – this is where I think there might be a common ground to be had with a share of those deemed racist apologetics by certain left political circles.

Speaking individually, there are two main ways I got to know the “black race”:

HipHop/Rap videos and a bunch of absolute dumb wits (hello! There if you are reading) in a Mississippi village.
Not only that. I also got to know a very bright aspiring advocate and his doctor black father. But the latter was a single instance. The former was a broad wide mass of indicriminate hordes. And whatever I thougth, the former marked my associations.

Whatever talk – I AM A RACIST. And I don't see it changing whatever. It s beyond my control, it seems.

Recently, I watched the movie SELMA: A movie about MLK and his struggle. And OH! My heart blet SO MUCH! I had SUCH empathy! Those poor black people...
Such a stance has NOTHING to do with not being racist. It may as well be yieled upon a lost chicken in a chicken farm.
The black people as such only ever get respect, only ever are viewed as equals by wresting it from those in charge. Being civil, and nice? That just makes you better circus dogs.
In another century – all this may be different, on its very own. Naturally. But for now . Racism is virbant. Basically EVERYWHERE.

So a solution for NOW? A controversial one, a perhaps WRONG one.... But ONE suggestion. Team up with those hating on affirmative action and such, team up with all those hating on any relevance of race - ABOLISH RACE. In contrast to affimative acrion, you black people right now may get no benefit but unfair hardship, but your future black generations may very well have it all the easier.

What is right? Don't know. I just right now feel responsible for the spirit of spreading ideas and nothing more.
Yeah. I'd say you're a racist alright. But it's good that you recognize it in yourself, I think. In fact, that's a major plus. The people who claim not to be racist but really are, are in a difficult place.

But what's so hard about seeing the human being first and the skin colour, hair colour, gender, and age a long way behind in second place?
But everyone is black. There's no such thing as white people.
Nothing really. And everything. That you act like it was nothing to it makes you the exact target group of this thread. Because basically, my thesis is that racism penetrates most of us in a very deep and substantial way we may not even realize if we are not conscious of it.
You call me a "racist, alright", shame me independent of your intentions by the mere use of that word like the scum I apparently am, since I am a racist, after all.
What I am saying is that this is only the superficial veneer of racism, the kind which is used as a mere empty tool to navigate yourself within your social environment, used to score easy points while diverging from the substance. Whereas at the core of our perceptions racism is so alive, doesn't care about your ideology or political orientation, your "insights" or reasonings, but just works at every fiber of your perceptions based on a vast net of associations you were fed with since your inception.
The way I see it, I am just aware of those associations, whereas you are blissfully oblivious and as a consequence selfr-rightuiously call me a racist while you in a way are even more so one.
Well, thank you very much for that, Mr Seyton.

I can see how you might think that I think that. I fear, though, that I'm in a rather better position to judge what's going on in my own head.

If you have labelled yourself as racist, who am I to disagree with you? Or are you now claiming not to be a racist after all?

I REALLY wish you'd make up your mind what you think before you begin these threads. Rather than equivocating and objecting when someone agrees with you.

Or is that it? You're not seeking agreement but just like arguing for the sake of it?

Btw, where have your multi-coloured pencils gone?
So if you know you're racist, are you doing anything about it to counter that?
I do not understand this but can't stop allocating brain space to it
Is this another one of those drug-induced threads?
Wat 10 char
What are you talking about. I don't see having contradicted myself. I may have, still, of course. So please point out how.

And your "how dare you questioning my head"-rhetoric is really boring and idle.

OK. I have nothing to say. There. I've said it.
I'm not racist. I've made love to whites, Asians, blacks & even an Eskimo (Siberian).

People are confused. Racism is not your initial reaction. Everyone has an initial reaction (this guy's fat, this lady looks old, he's walking the gangster walk, this dude looks dorky, etc.), what matters is how you treat people regardless of your initial reaction. If you treat an old lady, a young black man, a young kid & your Pakistani neighbor all with equal respect & dignity you're not racist.

Privileged white people naval gazing about their lack of perfection doesn't help their fellow man. Just be cool homie, no need to be perfect.

In another few hundred years we'll all be total mutts anyway.
I'm not racist. I've made love to whites, Asians, blacks & even an Eskimo (Siberian).

"I'm not sexist. I've had sex with women."
In a weird way I suspect the OP of this is actually kind of brilliant. It shows his thinking brilliantly.
it aint racism to resist departures from your "heroes", if Bond became a woman...hmm... Actually I dont care much about the color or gender of Bond.
This is hilarious. It's like a drunk old klansman trying to reconcile that some black dude was nice to him.
"I'm not sexist. I've had sex with women."
Actually I am sexist. If I was bi (real, true 50-50 bi) I would only deal with men. Until I got over my women issues at least or realized that while men are more DTF they are just as annoying to have relationships with.

WHo knows, the grass is always greener.

As you know my opening was not 100% serious, the point is, people are people, don't sweat the differences & love thy neighbor.
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