The Two Kingdoms of Israel

Princeof Persia

Nov 16, 2010
Washington D.C.
Hello, all you Civfanatics. This is your loyal associate, Princeof Persia. I am here to start another story, the Two Kingdoms of Israel. I have as King of Anshan to do a Hebrew RFC, but he asked me back. Problem is, I can't download RFC, so I'm doing it on TETurkhan's Test of Time. I have a question. Should I do with Cities, or just starting Locations?
For me Teturkhans doesn't work so I can only guess. I suppose with cities is more of a challenge as the Hebrews. And challnges (if won) are nice to read.
Hello, all you Civfanatics. This is your loyal associate, Princeof Persia. I am here to start another story, the Two Kingdoms of Israel. I have as King of Anshan to do a Hebrew RFC, but he asked me back. Problem is, I can't download RFC, so I'm doing it on TETurkhan's Test of Time. I have a question. Should I do with Cities, or just starting Locations?

All the way man! I've played on this map a lot with both settings and I prefer with cities. It is more of a challenge. Israel starts with two cities and is surrounded by potential enemies, four to be exact: Greece, Persia, Arabia, and Egypt(Egypt is strange because its starting units start in Iraq). There is the potential to expand to the southeast but it's mostly just desert. So there's definitely a big challenge. You can't go wrong with starting with cities!
Conquer the homelands of all the nations that have subjugated Israel.

Egypt, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Arabia, Turkey(Central Asia, not modern Turkey), France, and Britain.
Mankind doesn't seems to get tired of pocket romans with the same story told over and over again so I think we will not get to tired of yet another RoC story.

I say Aye, Rhye! you want another ROC Story, or are you too tired of them...

I'm also vote for RoC Story, and agree with

Conquer the homelands of all the nations that have subjugated Israel.

Let the Jews to destroy Islam! Let Middle East and North Africa will be known as "Jewish World" instead of "Islamic".

PS (for Muslims) It's just a game...
editing the map by adding cities, and some other stuff

Wait a minute.
Is this not lead to over-accelerated technological progress? Rhye's mod designed to be as much "historically correct" as possible. I'm just not sure what would happen if cities will exist from very beginning. Besides, game to Israel is hard enough on its own
Although, you decide. It's your world. :)
All right, I finally found time in RL to play, so I'll try to post either tonight or tomorrow. The game will be a semi-anarchy game: I will accept commands, but not necessarily follow them. Here are ones I have recieved so far:
Conquer the homelands of all the nations that have subjugated Israel.
Egypt, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Arabia, Turkey(Central Asia, not modern Turkey), France, and Britain.
The Jews must colonise/conquer Florida in the New World first of all.
I will also accept rename unit commands, city name commands, and war commands.
Name a Great General after me, instead of a city. Use him to build an army.
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