Lord Parkin
aka emperor
Okay, I've got a bit of spare time at the moment, so that's why I'm going crazy with posting maps.
Some of them I don't have screenshots for yet, and if that's the case with this map I apologise - if someone else has a spare moment and could take the screenshot for me, that would be much appreciated.
Okay, Justinian, here's your map! [Note to readers: Justinian was the guy who originally requested this map.] Sorry about the long wait, but I think you'll agree that the map was worth it - I have spent hours making sure it mirrors absolutely along the invisible plus-shaped mirror. Just a few things to mention:
1. I have done the luxuries 4/4 as you requested, but this unbalanced the map just a little, so I added a couple of bonuses here and there to compensate. (For example, one player starts with Wine while the other starts with Ivory. As Ivory gives no food, I have put in one Wheat to make it more fair).
2. I have put the starting places in the centre of the map, not the top and bottom of the respective islands, because I felt it worked a little better that way. (If you don't like it, you can change the two starting places around).
3. I have not fixed the squares so that every single city is in the perfect starting position. I didn't think of it before I started, but counting out every single square on a map this size (140x140 - that's well over 10,000 squares) is just too big a job. However, most cities should fit in perfectly well.
BTW, there is also a 12 player version of this map, in which I have shifted most of the resources to make it more fair. You - the downloader - can take your pick as to either the 2 player or the 12 player version.
Enjoy, Justinian (and anyone else who wants to play this map)!

Okay, Justinian, here's your map! [Note to readers: Justinian was the guy who originally requested this map.] Sorry about the long wait, but I think you'll agree that the map was worth it - I have spent hours making sure it mirrors absolutely along the invisible plus-shaped mirror. Just a few things to mention:
1. I have done the luxuries 4/4 as you requested, but this unbalanced the map just a little, so I added a couple of bonuses here and there to compensate. (For example, one player starts with Wine while the other starts with Ivory. As Ivory gives no food, I have put in one Wheat to make it more fair).
2. I have put the starting places in the centre of the map, not the top and bottom of the respective islands, because I felt it worked a little better that way. (If you don't like it, you can change the two starting places around).
3. I have not fixed the squares so that every single city is in the perfect starting position. I didn't think of it before I started, but counting out every single square on a map this size (140x140 - that's well over 10,000 squares) is just too big a job. However, most cities should fit in perfectly well.
BTW, there is also a 12 player version of this map, in which I have shifted most of the resources to make it more fair. You - the downloader - can take your pick as to either the 2 player or the 12 player version.

Enjoy, Justinian (and anyone else who wants to play this map)!