The Water Supply, Fluoride is Lowering Your IQ

May 13, 2011
Told ya so. You people listen to nothing. And the gun controllers are trying to pass a bill to have county sheriffs search your house each year too.

Researchers from Harvard have found that a substance rampant in the nation’s water supply, fluoride, is lowering IQ and dumbing down the population. The researchers, who had their findings published in the prominent journal Environmental Health Perspectives, a federal government medical journal stemming from the U.S National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, concluded that ”our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children’s neurodevelopment”.

“In this study we found a significant dose-response relation between fluoride level in serum and children’s IQ…This is the 24th study that has found this association”.

Read more:
If they come to my house I'll fight.

Forget police drones flying over your house. How about police coming inside, once a year, to have a look around?

As Orwellian as that sounds, it isn’t hypothetical. The notion of police home inspections was introduced in a bill last week in Olympia.

They would have to kill me.
Gas prices have risen for 32 days straight, according to AAA.

That means that the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline has increased more than 13% over that period to $3.73.

It's hitting wallets right in the middle of winter, when people are already looking at large home heating bills

This is what he said he'd do and still a whole bunch of idiots voted for him.

I'll fight.
And still the US pays less for its gas than any other Western nation.

And consumes more per capita.

What exactly are you fighting, again?
Stop whining about gas prices. Throughout pretty much all of Europe the price is at 2€ a litre, which is basically like 10 dollars a gallon.
Anyway go ahead and fight, I wonder what you're seriously going to do. Impress me.
New proposal: Create a new forum or thread for silly rambling and false prophecies. It would keep OT from getting cluttered with this nonsense.
The city is making a major push to sweep the streets of dangerous, mentally ill New Yorkers — and has even compiled a most-wanted list, The Post has learned.

The measure follows a pair of high-profile subway-shove fatalities from December allegedly involving mentally ill individuals.

The city has already drawn up a list of 25 targets, sources said.

“After the Queens subway attack [of immigrant Sunando Sen], the [city] decided to take a proactive approach to track down the most dangerous mental-health patients that currently have mental-hygiene warrants” out for them, a law-enforcement source said.

Those warrants mean that the patients are not wanted for a crime but instead are being sought because they are not getting their court-ordered treatment.

They will come for you too. Unless you fight.
If you fight, they will come specifically for you.

Hide. It's your only hope.
I get the feeling that Mr. Cooper will end up in the news someday... and not for anything nice.
I give this thread 3/100, +/- 3 95% condfidence

I encourage you to read the study mistercooper.

I'm not entirely sold on -0.45 IQ (95% confidence interval -0.56 -.34, aka +/- 0.11) as being meaningful, or as the authors also put it
"The estimated decrease in average IQ associated with fluoride exposure based on our analysis may seem small and may be within the measurement error of IQ testing. However, as research on other neurotoxicants has shown, a shift to the left of IQ distributions in a population will have substantial impacts, especially among those in the high and low ranges of the IQ distribution (Bellinger 2007)."

also as usual the pseudojournalism is crappy since the leader author is at Harvard (NOT reasearcher(s)) and the coauthors are chinese, and it's not new findings; it's trying to weight together other studies, that are mainly chinese studies. Or as the title of the actual study is, "Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"

"In total, we identified 27 eligible epidemiological studies with high and reference exposures, end points of IQ scores, or related cognitive function measures with means and variances for the two exposure groups. Using random-effects models, we estimated the standardized mean difference between exposed and reference groups across all studies."

Also across the 27 they end up using (they looked at 34 studies, threw out 6 for not reporting full data, then threw out another 1 that was order of magnitude greater than other studies), the data ranges from a standardized weighted mean difference of -.95 to 0.07

that's not a meaningful result to me as IQ scores is a pretty bunk test and I highly doubt the IQ score can be reported more accurately than +/- 1, which indicates that all the studies in this study aren't even beyond the error range of IQ score tests (I cannot find an error range on IQ score test)

edit: in addition, many of the chinese studies have people exposed to the > 4 mg/L that is the regulatory limit of the US, with some being exposed to as much as -11.5 mg/L. If the chinese studies are looking at people like ~2-3 times higher than US regulatory limit that isn't really much to say.

"Drinking water may contain other neurotoxicants, such as arsenic, but exclusion of studies including arsenic and iodine as co-exposures in a sensitivity analysis resulted in a lower estimate, although the difference was not significant. The exposed groups had access to drinking water with fluoride concentrations up to 11.5 mg/L (Wang SX et al. 2007); thus, in many cases concentrations were above the levels recommended (0.7–1.2 mg/L; DHHS) or allowed in public drinking water (4.0 mg/L; U.S. EPA) in the United States (U.S. EPA 2011). "
tl;dr here is an alternate title of the report
"Study averages predominantly Chinese studies of people with exposure rates ~1-2.5 times greater than US regulatory limit find IQ changes of probably close to -0.5 +/- 0.2 95% confidence, within error range of IQ tests themselves"
Why not freedom?

The modern society is top heavy with eunuchs.

Edit: That is what this thread should be about. Where are your balls? My father's generation would not abide with it. They wouldn't have tolerated it for a second. Government knew its place. What is wrong with this generation. A bunch of women.
anyways, don't derail your own thread "mistercooper". The thread is supposed to be about fluoride and I addressed fluoride concerns!

now if someone wants to keep this thread interesting, I couldn't find a good quick number on error in individual IQ tests (just that the author self reports they are within the error), so that would be a neat thing to see Not the standard deviation of the population, but the error that a single measurement of IQ is the person's "Actual" IQ (regardless of the bogusness of IQ tests in general)
I mean actual IQ as in score on the test, not accuracy of the test to measure intelligence; IQ tests surely have some test-retest reliability in short periods of time

i.e. if I took 5 IQ tests right this second consecutively with no feeback on how I did on them and I got mean score of 100, would it be like 100 +/- 3 or 100 +/- 5 or 100 +/- 0.5

there has to be some study done, but my effort of googling "error in IQ tests" or something just has pop-culture links to people saying like the average IQ score is around a 100 with std deviation of 14 or something like that. (edit: and wikipedia has a comparison between version of the IQ tests KABC, WISC, and WJ, but not error of KABC II - KABC II retest or something; and not test bias or how you can practice IQ exams to get better)
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