The way Great Works of art are displayed is terrible


Sep 26, 2010
These things are paintings and sculptures that the world will want to travel 1000's of miles to see. Why do we get a piddly little picture? We need large high rez images and an inspiring quote to go along with it.
Bigger images would impact the "Great works" UI even further. I honestly don't see an issue here, but to each his own!
It would only need to be large on the initial picture. And maybe if you click on the it once its placed.
I agree that you should be able to view great works of art full screen, but I don't see the absence of that as more than a trivial annoyance.
I liked the civ 5 initial presentation better - it felt 'classier'. Civ 6 initial presentation gives a bad PowerPoint vibe.
I liked the civ 5 initial presentation better - it felt 'classier'. Civ 6 initial presentation gives a bad PowerPoint vibe.

The great works page reminds me of a middle schooler's art history project, lol.
Slightly off topic, but I would also like to suggest (to any Devs that may haunt here) that the button that accesses the great work screen be available from the beginning of the game and not only after you've scored your first Great Work. I recently had a game where I was trying to figure out what kind of great work slots I had available and thought I was going crazy when I couldn't find the button.
They also need to make it clear what type of great work something is without tooltips
Writing and Music are clear, but Relics, Artifacts, Portraits, Landscapes, Religious Art, and Sculptures aren't always obvious which is which
I like that the artefacts and great works have thumbnail icons (much improved over Civ V, where artefacts weren't even given any visual representation whatsoever), but yeah, the Great Works screen is kind of slapdash at the moment, along with th Great People screen (that horizontal scrolling!) and a lot of the UI in general.

A much bigger version of the work of art would be very nice when you click to view it.
These things are paintings and sculptures that the world will want to travel 1000's of miles to see. Why do we get a piddly little picture? We need large high rez images and an inspiring quote to go along with it.

I presume you're aware of the gallery view button that displays/reads all the items in more detail? Personally that's enough for me...
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