The World Becomes Ours: Pre-Thread


Jul 28, 2014
Sign-ups due by Sunday, September 26th.


The Qeng Xo Empire completed its conquest of the known world almost three hundred years ago. The first Imperial century saw a peace between nations never thought possible, and the trade of goods, people and ideas brought the three continents closer together than ever before. Peace begins to grate, though, when its held by the edge of a blade. This golden age ended after less than a century when a string of incompetent emperors lead to the decline of imperial legitimacy as governors and local leaders began to accrue their own power independent of the Empire. Peoples from across the three continents gathered around self-labeled kings and warlords promising independence and a return to the days of old when the only men they bent their knees to were of their own blood. They waited for any sign, some chance to break free and claim what they so eagerly sought, and the chance did indeed come to them. In the year 297 of the Imperial calendar, the capital city of the Qeng Xo Empire was destroyed by some unknown calamity, killing the Emperor, his council, much of the Empire’s central bureaucracy, and the elite core of the Imperial army. Nobles and peasants, nationalists and fanatics, priests and generals, rose up across the three continents, ready to claim this new uncertain world for their own.


Hi, I’m Decamper. Some of you might know me from around here, NES, or running a game over on the Frontier. I’m still pretty new to all of this, much less running games, but some people seemed to like the last one, so I figure I’ll give another one a shot. The last game ran for 17 updates, so hopefully that means this one will have a good chance of not dying in a month.

The Game

As you might gather from the little blurb up there, The World Becomes Ours is a game will be set in a low/non magical fantasy world during the end of a transcontinental empire. The technology level is roughly comparable to OTL’s 13th century. While the Empire made use of hand cannons and larger siege cannons to great effect, the battlefield is still dominated by archers, crossbowmen, sword and pike infantry and lancers. Players will control factions that rise up amid the crumbling Empire, whether they be royal blood lines that had been lying in waiting, warlords eager to grab whatever they can by force, Imperial governors set on restoring the Empire or founding their own, religious leaders set on building their holy theocracies, or anything else you can think of (within reason). Magic does not exist in this world, but religion is as strong as ever.
Spoiler blank map :

Spoiler climate map :

Dark Bluish-Green: Tundra
Light Bluish-Green: Taiga
Light Green: Continental
Dark Green: Tropical
Orange: Semi-Arid
Yellow: Arid
Blue: Alpine

For reference, the southern continent is roughly the size of Australia.

I need to give a shout out to SouthernKing, as much of the signup procedure I stole from Kashmir.

Sign up and Faction Building

To create a faction, fill out the below form as detailed or as barebones as you wish, as long as write something for each section. Also, you can make as many factions as you want (within reason)! When the game eventually starts, you will have priority for joining factions you made yourself, but you may join any open faction. The plan is to have the map completely filled when the game starts, either with factions you folk make, or I make myself. Do try to work with other players to make your factions/religions/peoples mesh, if not I may barge in and fix things to the best of my incompetent ability.

Country Name / Player
Colour: Choose the colour of your territory.
Government/Ruler: Basically whatever government you want, as long as it fits within the time period and setting (no communist wizards please). If you have a defined leader, put him/her here as well. Special: If you chose an Imperial governor, you will have access to better equipment and initial troops, but will have a mess of instability to deal with, as well as being hated by most NPCs.
Religion: Go crazy, whatever you want. As I said before, try to work with other players. Note: The Imperial Pantheon basically just absorbed all local gods, so if you don’t want to outline a religion, you’re faction will follow the generic Pantheon.
Values: What do your people value? Strength? Charity? Marmots?
Sample Names: Sample names for people in your country. At least 3 per gender, but more would be lovely.
History: Who are your people? What do they look like? Who is your leader? Did they join the Empire peacefully, or fight against it? Anything you want, as always, try to work with other players.
Claims and Capital City: What territory you claim as your main territory, and where your capital city is. The larger your initial territory is the worse initial stability you will have. If you can, please give me a map. I reserve the right to change your territory to match other players, have better borders, not be ridiculous, etc.
Neighbours: Not necessary, but would be a great help, and give you a bit of an advantage. Describe what the people and countries neighbouring your own are like. By default, neighbouring countries will be roughly modeled off of the nearest player faction in terms of religion, race and culture.
Spoiler example claims map :

This is the size of a country that will have fairly high stability. Much smaller will have very high stability, and much larger will start to have issues with instability.


Q. When will the real game start?
A. Dunno. Next week, hopefully. Whenever I get the rules hammered out, which will be displayed in the post below as I finalise them.

Q. What are the rules?
A. They will be put up in the below post as I finalise them. The economic rules will be fairly simple, based mostly upon some older NESes that I like the look of. Military rules may be a bit more complicated, as I hope to have a unit creation system somewhat similar to EQ's Capto Iugulum, though a bit simpler.

Q. The map sucks.
A. Not a question, but I agree! I don't do maps well, so this one is based off a civ5 map I liked, hence the wonky climates. Deal with it.

Q. How low fantasy?
A. No magic, no fantasy creatures, only humans.

Q. What kind of cultures can I make? Just Chinese?
A. Anything you want. The Empire was sort of Mongolian/Chinese, but anything and everything else is fine. Just try to work with other players near you.

Q. X is claiming over my territory!
A. Stop being children and work it out between you two, or I'll fix it however I like. Which likely won't be how either of you would like.

Q. I want to yell at you.
A. PMing always works, if a bit slow. I might be on iot chat from time to time. If you use skype, my handle is decampergame, but I might miss your message.

Q. When was X conquered by the Empire?
A. Here you go.

Spoiler RULESwip :

Kingdom of Marmots Decamper
Absolute Monarchy: King of Dung VII
- Nobles: highly influential
- Merchants: moderately influential
- Qeng Xo minority: uninfluential but large in numbers
Religion: Church of Filth (70%)
- Cult of Stink (25%)
- Kind of Cuteism (5%)
Stability: 6 (being awful, not enough food to steal, War of the Dude with a Gun (30%))
Economy: 25 (+56) (-40)
Trade Power: 6 (5%)
Trade Value: 9
- Army 4
- Seafaring 2
- Agriculture 7
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 4
- Culture 3
Army: 10 levy infantry, 2 light infantry, 2 levy crossbows
Navy: 3 cogs, 1 galley

Note: Numbers are horribly off.

Government, Factions and Religion
Government, factions and religion are all descriptive, and do not directly affect your harder stats. The leader of your government may be an individual, or a small group, depending on your government type. Depending on the country, there may be various factions that may hold some influence over the government or the country’s population. They could either help you, or stir up more trouble. The first religion listed is your state religion, followed by the larger minority religions. Depending on stability or the influence of factions, religions may become violent towards one another. In general, the Imperial Pantheon doesn’t have much of any issue with other religions, but native religions are more hostile towards the Imperial Pantheon.

Stability, Issues, Will-to-Fight
Ranges from 0 to 10, and displays how content your population is with your government. It can be decreased by all manner of things, and can generally only be raised by actions taken by the players. The level of stability modifies your income, with stability rates above 5 increasing your income, and stability below 5 decrease your income, do to your people either working harder or hoarding goods/avoiding taxes. The possibility of Bad Things happening increases as stability drops.

Stability 10-8 - People are content, and will willingly pay taxes and do what you wish of them.
Stability 7-5 - People are not overly satisfied with their rulers. They will pay taxes accordingly, but they could be easily pushed into violence.
Stability 4-1 - Your government has lost the support of the majority of its population. If not emerged yet, resistance movements will become a frequent occurrence. Multiple factions may attempt to overthrow your government. If unchecked, full scale civil war will break out.
Stability 0 - Your government has collapsed, rebel brigades and warlords fight over the remains of your once proud nation. You lose, try again next time, but not so sucky.

Issues are the current events that your population or factions worry about, and can be a useful indicator of an approaching issue or of how to raise stability. Will-to-Fight displays what percentage of your population supports a given war effort. If it drops below 50%, you will risk stability loss. Will-to-Fight will be discussed further in the war section, but the general rule of thumb is to get Will-to-Fight as high as possible to start with, and begin thinking about ending a conflict if it nears 50%.

Your economy is represented by good ol’ Economic Points (EP). The first number is your banked EP, the second is your income, the last is your upkeep. You may only spend your banked EP. Your income is decided by the Black Box that is your development and trade (see below for more). Upkeep is decided by your military and the development levels of agriculture, industry and infrastructure added together.

Trade Power is the relative power you have invested in controlling the world’s trade routes. The percentage is the actual amount of control you have over global trade. You can improve your Trade Power by increasing the development level of infrastructure and seafaring, as well as by active measures such as using ships or troops to control trade routes, or capturing areas that are important to regional trade. Experiment with whatever backhanded methods you can think of to improve your control over trade.

Trade Value, on the other hand, is how much value your faction is adding to global trade value. While you will always receive EP equal to your Trade Value (unless you are blockaded), having a higher Trade Power will let you take advantage of the full global trade system.

Development is essentially your tech level, but also the effectiveness and experience your faction has in a field. Development are generally increased through projects, military conquest, or simply the passage of time. Development can be decreased by military defeats (or conquests, if you annex a large undeveloped territory) or intentional downgrading to avoid upkeep costs (note: decreasing development will likely piss off your population or specific factions). The development fields are:

Gunnery - How experienced your faction is with gunpowder. Only Imperial factions begin with development in Gunnery. Other factions must conquer an Imperial faction to gain Gunnery development. Allows the training of Firepower units.
Army - How advanced and experienced your land forces are. Most commonly increased through military campaigns, but may be increased by creative projects. You generally have a better chance of increasing army development when fighting against more advanced opponents.
Seafaring - How advanced and experienced your naval forces are, as well as the effectiveness of your maritime traders. Contributes to trade power and trade value. May be increased through naval combat or projects such as ports. Allows you to develop more advanced ships.
Agriculture - How developed your food production is. Contributes to your economy, and his tied to Infrastructure development. Contributes to trade value.
Industry - How developed your production and industry is. Contributes to your economy, and is tied to infrastructure, but less so than agriculture. Contributes to trade value.
Infrastructure - How developed your roadways and infrastructure is. Contributes to your economy, and is mostly used to increase the effectiveness of agriculture, and to a lesser extent Industry. Contributes to trade power and trade value.
Culture - How developed your faction is artistically, philosophically, etc. While it contributes slightly to economy, and more so to trade value, though less than other fields, it mostly represents a less material stat than the other development fields. Can help with stability, or will-to-fight (either increasing your own or decreasing your opponents).

Projects are large projects that have a single set EP cost that can be paid over multiple turns. They can range anywhere from expansive highways to a massive statue of your cat, and will generally have a positive effect on your development, trade, or stability, though it might not be immediately apparent. If you wish to undertake a project, PM me with your idea, and I’ll put a price in your stats after the next update assuming I approve of the project.

The first and most important aspect of war in this game will be Will-to-Fight, representing your populace’s support of any current war. Once a war begins, a Will-to-Fight percentage will appear in your stability issues section. Will-to-Fight will be most affected by what the reason for war is, and therefore you should put some thought into why you are going to war, and what you will tell your people and the world. This doesn’t mean land grabs aren’t impossible, if your people are poor and starving they would be all over stealing some farmland, but you’ll need to use some political savy in most other cases. Of course, having a legitimate reason for a war will raise your initial Will-to-Fight, with defensive wars likely being the only ones to warrant a full 100% Will-to-Fight. As wars drag on and more soldiers die, the percentage will drop, with only very key victories having a chance of raising it. Once it dips below 50%, you will risk having stability-hitting revolts or rising brigandry, or possibly even coups if your stability is low enough. As you approach 0%, your military itself will start refusing to fight. Breaking treaties will usually result in a higher Will-to-Fight for your opponents.

Combat will take into account the terrain, length of supply lines, who is defending/attacking, strategy outlined in orders, and the stats of the units in combat. If you need to know more about the particular terrain of an area on the map, PM me. When writing combat orders, the more information the better, generally. Your generals will try to follow your orders to the best of their abilities, but will react in whatever way they feel most appropriate if the enemy counters your plans. If you don’t include any orders regarding the placement of defensive troops, that’ll once again be ‘automated’ by your generals, which once again may not be optimal. You will almost always be better off doing things yourself than leaving it up to me, as I have all the rest of the game to think about.

Designing Units

Players may create their own military units by adding a set number of points to Attack, Maneuver and Armour. You may spend a number of points up to your appropriate military development level (army for land units, seafaring for naval units). Creating infantry units cost 5ep per point, while naval units cost 10ep per point. Unit designs may be funded over multiple turns.

If a faction possess gunnery development, they may add gunnery points up to the total gunnery development to a design, with each gunnery point costing 10ep for land units, and 15ep for naval units. Current handcannons are fairly short ranged, and gunners carry only a small amount of ammunition, and so are prepared to fight as regular infantry. Cannons are designed with only Gunnery development, and cost 15ep per point.

Infantry Units
Spoiler :
Unit: Attack: Maneuver: Armour: Firepower Initial Cost: Maintenance: Availability: Notes:
Levy Infantry 2 2 0 0 4 1 all levy
Light Infantry 4 4 1 0 9 4 all
Heavy Infantry 4 2 6 0 12 6 all
Handcannon Gunner 1 2 1 2 10 5 N/A Melee capable

Ranged Units
Spoiler :
Unit: Attack: Maneuver: Armor: Initial Cost: Maintenance: Availability: Notes:
Levy Crossbowmen 3 3 0 6 1 all
Archer 4 3 0 7 3 all
Crossbowmen 5 3 0 8 4 all

Cavalry Units
Spoiler :
Unit: Attack: Maneuver: Armor: Initial Cost: Maintenance: Availability: Notes:
Light Cavalry 6 9 1 16 8 all
Heavy Cavalry 8 5 5 18 9 all

Spoiler :
Unit: Firepower Initial Cost: Maintenance: Availability: Notes:
Imperial Cannon 2 16 8 N/A

Spoiler :
Ship: Attack: Maneuver: Armor: Firepower: Initial Cost: Maintenance: Availability: Notes:
Levy (Cog) 2 2 2 0 6 1 Levy
Cog 3 3 2 0 14 3
Galley 3 4 3 0 20 5
Gunboat 1 2 2 2 22 11 N/A
Spoiler Xidau :

The Grand Principality of Polavostronya Zappericus
Spoiler :

Elective Monarchy: Grand Boyar Kazimier Yekom Radziwill
  • Northerners. Highly influential, control food production
  • Islanders. Influential, control capital city
  • Southerners. Uninfluential, live on poor desert land
  • Vasikemkom Faith (80%)
  • Xidau Nomadic Religions (15%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (5%)
Stability: 7 (Heathens, wealth and power disparity between north and south, power of other principalities)
Economy: 35 (+64) (-12)
  • Principality of Kazar +1ep
  • Principality of Rusvogorod +1ep
  • Principality of Slavabrest +1ep
Trade Power: 7 (2%)
Trade Value: 11 (Metals, Mercenaries)
- Gunnery 0
- Army 10
- Seafaring 3
- Agriculture 3
- Industry 5
- Infrastructure 4
- Culture 3

Principality of Kazar (Vassal of Grand Principality of Polavostronya) NPC
Spoiler :

Elective Monarchy: Boyar Basel Khmelnytsky
  • Vasikemkom Faith (80%)
  • Xidau Nomadic Religions (15%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (5%)
Stability: 6 (Wealth Compared to Other Principalities)
Economy: (+33) (-8)
Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
Trade Value: 4
- Gunnery 0
- Army 10
- Seafaring 2
- Agriculture 2
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 2
- Culture 2

Principality of Rusvogorod (Vassal of Grand Principality of Polavostronya) NPC
Spoiler :

Elective Monarchy: Boyar Vladim Dnieper-Kovos
  • Vasikemkom Faith (90%)
  • Xidau Nomadic Religions (5%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (5%)
Stability: 7 (Power Compared to Grand Principality)
Economy: (+45) (-10)
Trade Power: 8 (2.3%)
Trade Value: 10
- Gunnery 0
- Army 8
- Seafaring 5
- Agriculture 5
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 4

Principality of Slavabrest (Vassal of Grand Principality of Polavostronya) NPC
Spoiler :

Elective Monarchy: Boyar Józef Masłowski
  • Vasikemkom Faith (100%)
Stability: 7 (Heathens in Principalities)
Economy: (+37) (-9)
Trade Power: 5 (1.4%)
Trade Value: 6
- Gunnery 0
- Army 11
- Seafaring 2
- Agriculture 4
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 7

Fengpei NPC
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy:
  • Imperial Pantheon (80%)
  • Xidau Nomadic Religions (15%)
  • Vasikemkom Faith (5%)
    Stability: 8
    Economy: (+31) (-7)
    Trade Power: 7 (2%)
    Trade Value: 6
    - Gunnery 0
    - Army 4
    - Seafaring 4
    - Agriculture 3
    - Industry 1
    - Infrastructure 3
    - Culture 5

  • Zhong Xi NPC
    Spoiler :

    Absolute Monarchy:
    • Imperial Pantheon (80%)
    • Xidau Nomadic Religions (15%)
    • Vasikemkom Faith (5%)
      Stability: 8
      Economy: (+31) (-7)
      Trade Power: 7 (2%)
      Trade Value: 6
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 4
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 5

    • Kazah Horde NPC
      Spoiler :

      Nomadic Confederation
      • Xidau Nomadic Religions (60%)
      • Vasikemokom Faith (30%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: 11 (+21) (-7)
      Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 6
      - Seafaring 1
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 2

      Jiau Fei NPC
      Spoiler :

      Military Junta:
      • Imperial Pantheon (80%)
      • Vasikemokom Faith (10%)
      • Xidau Nomadic Religions (10%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+62) (-15)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 5
      - Gunnery 1
      - Army 8
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 6
      - Industry 5
      - Infrastructure 4
      - Culture 5

      Petrov Horde NPC
      Spoiler :

      Nomadic Confederacy:
      • Xidau Nomadic Religions (60%)
      • Vasikemokom Faith (30%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+21) (-7)
      Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 6
      - Seafaring 1
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 2

      Fenaeni NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Monarchy:
      • The Great Three (40%)
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (35%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (25%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+23) (-9)

      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 5
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 4
      - Industry 4
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Ukreshaen NPC
      Spoiler :

      Noble Republic:
      • Imperial Pantheon (60%)
      • Vasikemokom Faith (20%)
      • Xidau Nomadic Religions (10%)
      Stability: 8
      Economy: (+54) (-10)
      Trade Power: 9 (2.5%)
      Trade Value: 11
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 5
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 4
      - Culture 5

      Mesan Horde NPC
      Spoiler :

      Nomadic Monarchy:
      • Xidau Nomadic Religions 50%
      • Vasikemokom Faith (30%)
      • The Great Three (20%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+23) (-7)
      Trade Power: 2 (0.6%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 6
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 2

      Kainja NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Monarchy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (60%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (30%)
      • The Great Three (10%)
      Stability: 9
      Economy: (+19) (-6)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Panyoja NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (50%)
      • The Great Three (35%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (15%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+15) (-6)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Deschaen Mosher
      Spoiler :

      Military Junta: First Spear Aerik Sytai
      • Order of the Seven Spears. Highly influencial, acting government.
      • Bourgeois Farmers. Moderately influential, control agriculture.
      • Commoners. Slightly influencial, give legitamacy to the ruling Order.
      • The Great Three (45%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (40%)
      Stability: 6 (Order legitimacy, Religious disparity, Qeng Xo population)
      Economy: 48 (+95) (-21)
      Trade Power: 8 (2.3%)
      Trade Value: 20 (Food)
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 9
      - Seafaring 4
      - Agriculture 13
      - Industry 4
      - Infrastructure 4
      - Culture 5

      Banija NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (80%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (20%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+14) (-5)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Princedoms of Tha'mad Seon
      Spoiler :

      Princedom Federation: Headmaster Kharazam
      • Arms. Very influential, current College. Leader: Headmaster Kharazam.
      • Eyes. Very Influential, current Shadow College. Leader: Shadow Headmaster Khama
      • Farmers. Uninfluential, majority of population.
      • Local Religions (90%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
      Stability: 8 (Fear of breaking isolation, Neighbouring tribes)
      Economy: 23 (+59) (-11)
      Trade Power: 6 (1.7%)
      Trade Value: 19 (Luxury tropical goods)
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 3
      - Agriculture 5
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 6

      [bKaxija][/b] NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (50%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (35%)
      • The Great Three (15%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+15) (-6)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Ji Sin NPC
      Spoiler :

      Merchant Republic:
      • Imperial Pantheon (90%)
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (5%)
      • The Great Three (5%)
      Stability: 9
      Economy: (+33) (-6)
      Trade Power: 9 (2.5%)
      Trade Value: 8
      - Gunnery 1
      - Army 6
      - Seafaring 6
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 5

      Ticuja NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Despot:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (40%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (35%)
      • The Great Three (25%)
      Stability: 8
      Economy: (+16) (-5)
      Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 1
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Kamaxna NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (40%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (35%)
      • The Great Three (25%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+25) (-7)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 3
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Cainja NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (30%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (30%)
      • The Great Three (30%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+25) (-7)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 3
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Mala NPC
      Spoiler :

      Merchant Republic:
      • Imperial Pantheon (70%)
      • The Great Three (30%)
      Stability: 10
      Economy: (+32) (-5)
      Trade Power: 9 (2.5%)
      Trade Value: 8
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 2
      - Seafaring 6
      - Agriculture 1
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 7

      Tapireye NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Monarchy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (70%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (30%)
      Stability: 8
      Economy: (+16) (-5)
      Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 1
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Favante NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (80%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (20%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+15) (-6)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Muntaha NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (65%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (35%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+20) (-6)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 3
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Qeng Vanteha NPC
      Spoiler :

      Noble Republic:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (55%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (45%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+50) (-11)
      Trade Power: 7 (2%)
      Trade Value: 10
      - Gunnery 1
      - Army 6
      - Seafaring 4
      - Agriculture 5
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 4

      Surui NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (75%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (25%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+26) (-7)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 4
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 4

      Qeng Kubeo NPC
      Spoiler :

      Absolute Monarchy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (45%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (45%)
      • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (10%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+53) (-12)
      Trade Power: 7 (2%)
      Trade Value: 8
      - Gunnery 1
      - Army 7
      - Seafaring 3
      - Agriculture 5
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 4
      - Culture 3

      Waoxana NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Despotism:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (85%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
      • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (5%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+31) (-9)
      Trade Power: 2 (0.6%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 6
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 4
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Haoxa NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (80%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (15%)
      • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (5%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+15) (-6)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Pakuxi NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (70%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (20%)
      • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (10%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+20) (-6)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 3
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Mbyana NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Monarchy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (70%)
      • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (20%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+16) (-5)
      Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 1
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Buanya NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (70%)
      • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (25%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (5%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+15) (-6)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Tupinao NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Xidau Tribal Religions (60%)
      • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (30%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (15%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+20) (-6)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 3
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Empire of Qi Christos200
      Spoiler :

      Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Yangdi
      • Bureaucrats. Highly Influential, maintain all vital functions of the Empire
        • Eunuchs. Moderately influential, maintain powerful positions in the bureaucracy.
        • Commoners. Uninfluential, make up majority of population, but have little control.
          • Wang-Lingism / Kongxism (75%)
          • Imperial Pantheon (25%)
          Stability: 10
          Economy: (+54) (-11)
          Trade Power: 6 (1.7%)
          Trade Value: 9 (Tropical goods)
          - Gunnery 1
          - Army 7
          - Seafaring 3
          - Agriculture 4
          - Industry 4
          - Infrastructure 3
          - Culture 7
Spoiler Dofangdau :

The Republic of the Osporines Exhera
Spoiler :

Federal Republic: Cration Augmiren
  • Osporine Islanders. Highlyinfluential, main population.
  • Donfangdau Mainlanders. Moderately influential, work most farms.
  • Qeng Xo colonists. Slightly Influential.
  • Thuranity (80%)
  • The Great Three (10%)
  • Imperial Pantheon 10%
Stability: 7 (Ethnic divides and power division)
Economy: (+67) (-12)
Trade Power: 11 (3.1%)
Trade Value: 19 (marine goods, agricultural products)
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 8
- Agriculture 6
- Industry 3
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 5

Radaeh NPC
Spoiler :

Noble Republic:
  • Thuranity (70%)
  • The Great Three (20%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
Stability: 8
Economy: (+57) (-12)
Trade Power: 8 (2.3%)
Trade Value: 12
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 5
- Agriculture 6
- Industry 3
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 4

Batizar NPC
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy:
  • Thuranity (70%)
  • The Great Three (20%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
Stability: 8
Economy: (+53) (-12)
Trade Power: 7 (2%)
Trade Value: 10
- Gunnery 0
- Army 5
- Seafaring 4
- Agriculture 6
- Industry 3
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 3

Insatbar NPC
Spoiler :

Theocratic Monarchy:
  • Thuranity (95%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (5%)
Stability: 8
Economy: (+56) (-13)
Trade Power: 6 (1.7%)
Trade Value: 9
- Gunnery 0
- Army 5
- Seafaring 3
- Agriculture 6
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 4

Ghazjuk NPC
Spoiler :

Nomadic Monarchy:
  • Thuranity (50%)
  • Zaya (30%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (20%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+24) (-7)
Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
Trade Value: 3
- Gunnery 0
- Army 3
- Seafaring 2
- Agriculture 3
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 2
- Culture 3

Taqar NPC
Spoiler :

Nomadic Confederacy:
  • Zaya (50%)
  • Thuranity (30%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (20%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+13) (-3)
Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
Trade Value: 2
- Gunnery 0
- Army 3
- Seafaring 2
- Agriculture 1
- Industry 1
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 3

Bafra'gurk NPC
Spoiler :

Nomadic Despotism:
  • Zaya (40%)
  • Thuranity (35%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (25%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+20) (-6)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 6
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 2
- Industry 3
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 5

Percee NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Confederacy:
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (80%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits(10%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+16) (-8)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 5
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 3

Kwasga'a NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Confederacy:
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (65%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (20%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits(15%)
Stability: 7
Economy: (+19) (-10)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 7
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 4

Dofang Xin-Xo NPC
Spoiler :

Constitutional Monarchy:
  • Imperial Pantheon (70%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits (25%)
  • Traditional Nine Spirits
Stability: 8
Economy: (+76) (-15)
Trade Power: 9 (2.5%)
Trade Value: 16
- Gunnery 1
- Army 7
- Seafaring 5
- Agriculture 8
- Industry 3
- Infrastructure 4
- Culture 5

Mikquin NPC
Spoiler :

:Tribal Monarchy
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (50%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (30%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits(20%)
Economy: (+27) (-9)
Trade Power: 5 (1.4%)
Trade Value: 6
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 3
- Agriculture 5
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 2
- Culture 3

Hash'gal NPC
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy:
  • Zaya (50%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (30%)
  • Thuranity (20%)
Stability: 7
Economy: (+25) (-6)
Trade Power: 5 (1.4%)
Trade Value: 4
- Gunnery 0
- Army 3
- Seafaring 3
- Agriculture 2
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 2
- Culture 3

Innaki NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Despotism:
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (85%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits(10%)
  • Zaya (5%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+20) (-7)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 3
- Industry 3
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 3

Hisgish NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Confederacy:
Religion: [*]Traditional Nine Spirits (50%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits(30%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (20%)
  • )
Stability: 8
Economy: (+16) (-7)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 3
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 4
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 3

Yi-qi Onaabe NPC
Spoiler :

Administrative Republic:
  • Qeng Xo colonists. Highly influential, majority of government positions.
  • Dofangdau natives. Very influential, make up majority of population, occupy positions in government.
  • Planà Nine Spirits(40%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (35%)
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (25%)[
Stability: 7
Economy: (+63) (-13)
Trade Power: 9 (2.5%)
Trade Value: 14
- Gunnery 0
- Army 5
- Seafaring 5
- Agriculture 7
- Industry 2
- Infrastructure 4
- Culture 6

Hash'unaki NPC
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy:
  • Imperial Pantheon (55%)
  • Zaya (35%)
  • Thuranity (10%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+41) (-10)
Trade Power: 5 (1.4%)
Trade Value: 7
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 3
- Agriculture 4
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 2
- Culture 3

Maqwyan NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Monarchy:
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (75%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits(15%)
  • Weather Cult (10%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+24) (-8)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 3
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 3
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 3

Tinchone NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Confederacy:
  • Planà Nine Spirits(40%)
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (35%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (25%)
Stability: 7
Economy: (+22) (-9)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 2
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 5
- Industry 3
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 5

Most Honorable Wind-Prince Republic Cadellon
Spoiler :

Federal Republic:
  • Nobles. Highly influencial, control senate.
  • Dofangdau mainlanders. Very influential, majority of population.
  • Islanders. Slightly influential, large minority.
  • Weather Cult (40%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (30%)
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (10%)
Stability: 7 (Control over colonies)
Economy: (+67) (-12)
Trade Power: 10 (2.8%)
Trade Value: 17
- Gunnery 0
- Army 5
- Seafaring 7
- Agriculture 5
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 5

Ileri NPC
Spoiler :

Noble Republic:
  • Imperial Pantheon (45%)
  • Weather Cult (30%)
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (25%)
Stability: 7
Economy: (+66) (-14)
Trade Power: 8 (2.3%)
Trade Value: 15
- Gunnery 0
- Army 5
- Seafaring 5
- Agriculture 7
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 3
- Culture 4

Haishian NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Confederacy:
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (50%)
  • Planà Nine Spirits(40%)
  • Weather Cult (10%)
Stability: 6
Economy: (+25) (-8)
Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
Trade Value: 1
- Gunnery 0
- Army 3
- Seafaring 0
- Agriculture 3
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 4

Vélache Immaculate
Spoiler :

Meritocratic Republic:
  • Administrators. Highly influential, run government systems.
  • Merchants. Somewhat influential, confrom to traditional communal ownership.
  • Qeng Xo colonists. Uninfluential, largely absorbed into native population.
  • Planà Nine Spirits(80%)
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (10%)
  • Imperial Pantheon (10%)
Stability: 6 (Effective control over territory, Integration of Qeng Xo colonists, Tribal feuds)
Economy: (+92) (-20)
Trade Power: 8 (2.3%)
Trade Value: 19
- Gunnery 0
- Army 5
- Seafaring 4
- Agriculture 12
- Industry 4
- Infrastructure 4
- Culture 6

Ceethuche NPC
Spoiler :

Tribal Confederacy:
  • Planà Nine Spirits(50%)
  • Traditional Nine Spirits (45%)
  • Mora (5%)
Economy: (+13) (-4)
Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
Trade Value: 2
- Gunnery 0
- Army 4
- Seafaring 2
- Agriculture 2
- Industry 1
- Infrastructure 1
- Culture 3

Ishiel Province Arrow Gamer
Spoiler :

Miltary Junta:
  • Imperial Military. Highly Influencial, control the western coast line and highway.
  • Qeng Xo Merchants. Very Influential, provide the military the funds to function.
  • Dofangdau Natives. Influential, majority of population, control most of the jungle east of highway.

    • Religion:
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (45%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (45%)
      • Mora (10%)
      Stability: 6 (Native uprisings, uncertain relations with neighbours, funding for military)
      Economy: (+52) (-10)
      Trade Power: 11 (3.1%)
      Trade Value: 11
      - Gunnery 2
      - Army 10
      - Seafaring 6
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 5
      - Culture 5

    • Xao Tai NPC
      Spoiler :

      • Imperial Pantheon (50%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (35%)
      • Mora (15%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+24) (-5)
      Trade Power: 7 (2%)
      Trade Value: 5
      - Gunnery 1
      - Army 5
      - Seafaring 5
      - Agriculture 2
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Masel NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Monarchy:
      • Imperial Pantheon (35%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (35%)
      • Mora (30%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+24) (-7)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 5
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 3
      - Agriculture 4
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 4

      Sahra NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Mora (40%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (30%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (30%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+18) (-6)
      Trade Power: 2 (0.6%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 1
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 3

      Morazen NPC
      Spoiler :

      Absolute Monarchy:
      • Morazen (80%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (15%)
      • ziNweta (5%)
      Economy: (+44) (-12)
      Trade Power: 8 (2.3%)
      Trade Value: 11
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 4
      - Agriculture 6
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 4
      - Culture 5

      Ek' Cenra NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Despotism:
      • Morazen (40%)
      • Mora (40%)
      • ziNweta (20%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+33) (-9)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 3
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 1
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 3

      amaNganathuze Cived
      Spoiler :

      Clan Confederacy:
      • ziNweta (90%)
      • Mora (5%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (5%)
      Stability: 9 (Isolationism, uncertain relations with neighbours)
      Economy: (+38) (-10)
      Trade Power: 2 (0.6%)
      Trade Value: 2
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 5
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 5
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 5

      Isath NPC
      Spoiler :

      Nomadic Confederacy:
      • Mora (40%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (30%)
      • IziNweta (30%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+13) (-6)
      Trade Power: 1 (0.3%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 2
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 4
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 5

      Emaki NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Republic:
      • Mora (45%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (35%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (20%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+43) (-11)
      Trade Power: 6 (1.7%)
      Trade Value: 8
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 3
      - Agriculture 6
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 4

      Zaofang NPC
      Spoiler :

      Military Junta:
      • Imperial Pantheon (50%)
      • Mora (30%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (20%)
      Stability: 8
      Economy: (+64) (-13)
      Trade Power: 10 (2.8%)
      Trade Value: 12
      - Gunnery 2
      - Army 7
      - Seafaring 5
      - Agriculture 7
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 5
      - Culture 4

      Xi-Peng NPC
      Spoiler :

      Military Junta:
      • Imperial Pantheon (60%)
      • Mora (30%)
      • Mora Zen (10%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+34) (-10)
      Trade Power: 8 (2.3%)
      Trade Value: 8
      - Gunnery 2
      - Army 8
      - Seafaring 4
      - Agriculture 4
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 4
      - Culture 4

      Manash NPC
      Spoiler :

      Absolute Monarchy:
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (35%)
      • Mora (35%)
      • Morazen 30%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+46) (-11)
      Trade Power: 2 (0.6%)
      Trade Value: 7
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 6
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Ravash NPC
      Spoiler :

      Absolute Monarchy:
      • Imperial Pantheon (60%)
      • Mara (30%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (10%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+51) (-11)
      Trade Power: 2 (0.6%)
      Trade Value: 12
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 2
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 3
      - Industry 6
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 3

      Min Hao NPC
      Spoiler :

      Noble Republic:
      • Imperial Pantheon (80%)
      • Mara (10%)
      • ziNweta (10%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+23) (-6)
      Trade Power: 2 (0.6%)
      Trade Value: 1
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 3
      - Seafaring 0
      - Agriculture 1
      - Industry 3
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 6

      Republic of Eamo Tolni
      Spoiler :

      Noble Republic:
      • Nobles. Highly influential, control voting blocks.
      • Merchants. Influential, control trade.
      • Commoners. Uinfluential, majority of populaiton.
      • Mora (80%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (15%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (5%)
      Stability: 7 (Uncertain neighbours, power balance between nobles and merchants.)
      Economy: (+69) (-14)
      Trade Power: 9 (2.5%)
      Trade Value: 16
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 5
      - Agriculture 8
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 4
      - Culture 7

      Maliso NPC
      Spoiler :

      Feudal Monarchy:
      • Mora (60%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (25%)
      • Kar-Sur (15%)
      Stability: 6
      Economy: (+27) (-8)
      Trade Power: 4 (1.1%)
      Trade Value: 4
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 4
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 2
      - Culture 4

      Imarki NPC
      Spoiler :

      Tribal Confederacy:
      • Imraki Religions (80%)
      • Mora (15%)
      • Imperial Pantheon (15%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+17) (-6)
      Trade Power: 3 (0.8%)
      Trade Value: 3
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 5
      - Seafaring 2
      - Agriculture 4
      - Industry 1
      - Infrastructure 1
      - Culture 4

      Amraki Ho NPC
      Spoiler :

      Noble Republic:
      • Imperial Pantheon (50%)
      • Mara (30%)
      • Traditional Nine Spirits (20%)
      Stability: 7
      Economy: (+42) (-9)
      Trade Power: 7 (2%)
      Trade Value: 9
      - Gunnery 0
      - Army 4
      - Seafaring 4
      - Agriculture 4
      - Industry 2
      - Infrastructure 3
      - Culture 7
Country Name / Player: Serene Jamhuriya Mungu AKA Serene Republic of Mulungu/Aile Dhoo
Colour: Cyan
Government/Ruler: Merchant Maritime Republic/Serene Doge Bwana Mkubwa Sarr
Religion: Juunjia; a faith which places emphasises the art of creation and harmony. The religion focuses on the principles of contribution, believing that those who do well and create are to be rewarded with good next live; there is a conception of paradise and rebirth. The ultimate vices are wroth, dishonour and sloth. Though the religion does not condone the worship of the gods in its folklore the local populaces that embrace Juunjia have taken up to worship the creator deity Mulungu, who is believed is the prime of virtue in all of creation and will craft the glass wine cups for the would be arrivals to the heavens for their welcoming banquet. The faith has no antagonist per so but many claim distrust for particular deities: Nyara the goddess of destruction and Shetanithe emperor of the countless hells; in the future anthologists will recon that the latter may have come about as a religious resistance against the emperors of the Qeng Xo.
Values: Ambition, Charity, Family, Honour (to the point of blood frauds), Intrigue, Loyalty, Luxury, Wealth and Wisdom
Sample Names: Keynan names like Busura, Elea (both unisex), Dalia, Hadiya (both female), Hali and Tian (both male).

Spoiler history :
The Qeng Xo Empire claimed the former Watu city-states and kingdoms under Empress Khulan the Great. Though violents mark the taking of the city of Safimama and the Kingdom of Simbanchi the Queng Xo Empire managed to absorb many of the cities through the promise of imperial trade networks and (it must be admitted) witnessing of the fate of both Safimama and Simbachi. Though governors would maintain dominative authority the Watu were granted some autonomy in thanks for the peaceful assimilation of the peoples. In time Safimama was rebuild but it was overshadowed by both Yagansteg and Damumji. This dominion ending; durning the last years of imperial the nomadic and tribal Umzingeli took advantage to launch not just their rebellion imperial rule but to claim the mighty Bluunjia River for their farmers. This resulted in a great uphevel for the Watu people.

When the empire began to fell disorder and raiders caused the dislodging of many, including wealthy nobles and merchants. A sect of these refugees founded a settlement known as Mungu which they named after their faith's point of worship, Mulungu the Creator. At first a Watu nobleman attempted to claim the isle as a capital of a new kingdom, in light of the Umzingelian insurrection, only for the candidate to vanish from the face of the isle; some fishermen claim to found a mutilated corpse in waters. Before other regel canidates could step forward a committee of nobles and merchants came to desire a more elective dominion to break away from imperial and feudal distinctions; this came mainly from how the merchents had excercised more power than the traditional Watu nobility in the refuge of Mungu.

As the capital of the empire now falls Mungu has begain to spring as a heaven for noblemen, merchants and artisans. Bwana Mkubwa Sarr, a noble merchant who had a great part in funding the founding of Mungu, has been elected Serene Doge for live, with the Serene Council deployed to ensure his ultimate authority is not used against the new state itself or sets to a more regel consideration. Greatly however the Council merely serves as a vehicle for the seven great families to set their influence as they begin a new imperium of trade, hopefully more reliant than the Qeng Xo Empire that fell to the martial might it once hailed.

Claims and Capital City:


Cyan claims; red is the central city of Mungu.

Spoiler flag :
Symbol is of the creator god Mulungu.


Spoiler great seven houses :
Spoiler the big 3 :

Sane: a old Watu merchant family that boost its linage before the conquest of the Watu by the Qeng Xo. The family is famed for its fancancing and its long standing rivalry with the Sarr.

Sarr: the current family whose head is blessed with title of serene doge, gaining power through their ties to construction and maritime businesses. They are said to be sprang from the Fofana family and are in rivalry with the Sane.

Yabaoh: originally the ruling dynasty of a principality they gave up such noble power to the Qeng Xo invaders and transformed into a very wealthy noble merchant family (specialist in luxury goods) that maintain their prestige today.

Spoiler other houses :
Bilguun: a Qeng Xo family that came to Watu lands for wealthy ambition; they have ended up assimilating and mixing with the Watu to become a inseparable Watu merchant family.

Fofana: though it was the most prominent Watu merchant family during the reign of the Qeng Xo the Fofana has declined after much of its assets were claimed by the last emperors and raised by barbarian raiders.

Koinange: a young family that managed to rapidly rise in the ending days of the Qeng Xo Empire by the family's own loaning empire, become money handlers for the founders of Mungu.

Okoro: a young family of craftsmen that rise quickly in support of the Sane family, allowing them to become part of the merchant elite.

Spoiler neighbours :

Brown: Jamhuri ya Ropmji: named after the Rop dynasty of kings that founded it this city state is possible best declared a town state, for the city serves more as a trader post traditionally. However the chaos of the imperial downfall and the migrations of Watu nobility have seen the town increase in numbers, gradually becoming not just a city but a new hay mark of ambition as the Meyars (mayors) now renormalize their directives. Ropmji’s meyars are elected from the wealthy by the wealthy, though not bounded to noble families as the likes of Mungu be.

Yellow: Umbuso of Ikhaya: a kingdom of settled Umzingeli raider clans that have adopted the Watu farming centre and trade settlement of Mtonjia as their capital. The invaders have adopted much of the customs of Watu language while maintaining their old paths. The inkosi or king of this realm is Langa II of the Cisse Dynasty; Langa I who founded the kingdom four years ago had recently passed away to being maimed by a Watu axeman in battle. Langa II desires to expand his kingdom and is not amused that the merchant city of Safimama, which lays at the bed of the Bluunjia River, is currently a downgraded town used by the Munguns as a means to allow transportation from the mainland to their isle and as the centre of merchant republican farming effort. Can Mungu appease the appetite of the Kingdom of Ikhaya?

Green: Kata ya Njia Kavu: a small kata AKA county named after the fortress that serves as its central capital. Its serves as the realm of the Kipkayu dynasty and its current kuhesabu is Nyo, a isolative figure who nevertheless must maintain the county as a useful trade post and try to keep the Ikhayans from deciding to remove his kata’s independence.

Red: Jamhuri ya Damumji: the self-proclaimed Republic of Damumji is a citystate ruled by the former imperial governor Nergüi Zaya, whose great understanding of Watu culture and language has allowed some means of not only assimilating to the city to claim but also to ensure his security for harbouring critics and enemies of the emperors in their most latter years. Though Damumji claims to be a republic it is a dynastic one which the Zaya family have the luxury of nominating among themselves, giving those elites enabled to vote in the republic mealy the chance to confirm the appointment of succession. Currently there is a confliction between Nergüi’s two sons, Ganzorig and Mönkh-Erdene, for who in their rivary will become the next Kuu Meyar (grand mayor) of Damumji.

Magenta: Kuu Jamhuri ya Yagansteg: Yagansteg was an imperial trading post that gradually became a small trading city during the assimilation of the Watu into the Empire. As the Empire declined Yagansteg grew, as the Watu elites began to cling power away from the governing imperial authorities, declaring the formation of a trading republic; the Grand Republic of Yagansteg. Three merchant families dominate the republican elections; Bitok, Kogo and Musyoki. The first and current Kuu Doge is Ikeno Bitok, who desires to expand Yangsteg into a trading power, a move which may lead to a clash with the Munguns.
Government/Ruler: Aerik Sytai, First Spear of the Order of Seven Spears. The Order of Seven Spears is an ancient Deschaeni military order; though its history and traditions were nearly wiped out and forgotten, due to the pressure to assimilate from the Empire, it has been revived in the months following the Imperial collapse. General Aerik Sytai, a former Imperial general, declared himself First Spear, the highest title in the organization, and vowed to lead and defend his homeland against external threats. Though the Order of Seven Spears technically commands no legal right to lead the country, the majority of the Deschaeni nobility has long since been killed off or moved around to other parts of the former empire, and most Deschaeni accept the Order as the acting government.

Religion: The Deschaeni follow an ancient religion revolving around the belief in the Bear, Turtle, and Warrior (oft renamed to the Gunslinger in more modern interpretations). The Bear is supposed to signify strength, the Turtle endurance, and the Warrior signifies loyalty and wisdom. Though part of the larger Qeng Xo pantheon, as a result of cultural absorption, these gods, and their rites, are specific to the Deschaeni. Each of the Three Greats has their own order within society.

The Order of Seven Spears, so called for the seven spears that the Warrior used to pierce the hide of dragon who came from the Western Mountains, encompasses the military traditions and history of the Deschaen, and all Deschaeni professional soldiers are members of the order. First Spear is the leader of the Order, and is currently Aerik Sytai, acting leader of Deschaen.

The second order is the Order of the Red Claws, the followers of the Bear. The Bear in Deschaeni culture is a creature of great wisdom and strength, the wandering and lonely sage of the forest, and is the patron of scholars, engineers, merchants, and mothers. Offering to the Bear are usually given when people are about to embark upon a great journey, have a child, or when something is created (such as a tool, or a house). Followers of the Bear, though always too few in number, can be found in the dirtiest slums and along the loneliest roads, helping to tend to those less fortunate or weary travelers in need of a soft bed to sleep in.

The Order of the Shell is the final order; worshipers of the Turtle, who value endurance and patience. Many farmers, artisans, and laborers find themselves making offerings to the Great Turtle (who it is said holds the world upon his back, and has since the stars were young). Inside of cities, the Order often manifests itself in the form of guilds for hard working artisans. The Turtle is, however, most popular in rural, farming villages, where he is often the only deity of the three who has a shrine.

Values: Strength, Endurance, Wisdom.

Sample Names: Deschaeni names generally follow only a couple of rules, namely that masculine names end in a k or r and feminine names end in an a, y, or i, though there are naturally exceptions to this rule.
Male: Aerik, Syaer, Fenrir, Vendir
Female: Surya, Aerya, Fenrira, Vandi

History: The Deschaeni are an ancient people, with pockets of them scattered across the entirety of the Western Continent. Their homeland, along the continent's Eastern Shore, has been their home for as long as the mountains have stood tall and the rivers have cut through the land. When the Qeng Xo came, the Deschaen stood defiantly against them, making three glorious, valiant, and utterly futile stands at the Three Great Rivers. With the royal government a corrupt and inefficient mess, the military crushed, and commerce clamped off by a constricting Imperial blockade, Deschaen surrendered its independence to the Qeng Xo Empire four hundred years ago. Over the course of the next several hundred years, as Deschaen established itself, with its multitude of rivers, warm to temperate climate, and excellent soil, as the breadbasket of the empire, wealth and ideas flooded the region, and those who looked towards the Imperial City, rather than to Aer, were rewarded. The old aristocracy shuffled out of Deschaen, and an ill-prepared revolt lead by the descendents of the former king lead to the execution of those few who remained, a hundred years after the conquest. This relatively aristocratless has created an upper class of bourgeois farmers, who form the backbone of the economy.

Claims and Capital City: The capital, Aer, is marked on the map.

Spoiler :

Neighbours: Will add later if no one joins near me

Hope this signup is okay
Ezporata / Exhera

Color: Hot Pink
Government/Ruler: Federal republic / Kraetaq Ahgzmirat (custodian Ahgzmirat)

Religion: The faith of the Ezporatan people is Khuranism, which is a bitheist religion, believing in the god Khuran and Anrukh, good and evil respectively. They were battling since the dawn of existence, as they built worlds, and destroyed worlds. They are said to eternally battle, until the universe explodes. Khuran created the world, and Anrukh attempts to destroy it. Anrukh is usually depicted as the evil god, with darkness, a scythe, and a black robe, which had a hood covering his head. Khuran is depicted as the good god, with light, a staff, and a white robe, with a hood covering his head.

Values: Diligence, Intelligence, Wealth, Industriousness

Sample Names:
Male: Ahgzmirat, Tenkhaleen, Eygeremkh (pattterns: ending with a consonant)
Female: Shelaire, Lazdaina, Casqiazo (patterns: ending with a vowel)

History: The people of the Ezporata came from the eastern continent, and are obviously related to their neighbors. The Ezporatan people united many years before the Qeng Xo had maps of the areas near Ezporata. The tradition has always been a council with representatives from each of the islands, and had one of the representatives was elected to lead the council, called the Kraetaq. This tradition remained during the Qeng Xo period. After independence, the Ezporatan united once more, and took control of some land on the eastern continent, Rammah.

Claims and Capital City:
Capital city is Reshala, on the fourth island from the left.
The island names are the following:
Far left: Tyakva
Second from the left: Heraen
Third from the left: Sherokh
Capital island: Reshala
Island below capital island: Erjend
Second island from the right: Vezaera
Far right island: Deshuq
Bigger area on mainland: Rhakhat
Small area on mainland: Asmutrna

The western, eastern, and southern continents are Laedah, Rammah, and Qirat, respectively.
Is there an actual limit on the size I can claim, or is it just going to be bigger=more unstable?
Map with Ailedhoo's and Mosher's claims.

Spoiler :

I won't be very available tomorrow, but should be around Tuesday to update the map and maybe get the first version of the rules up.
Obvious WIP

Grand Principality of Tsangnamdo [Tsangnamdosal Dzeyagyalpo]/ Bair

Government/Ruler: Theocratic Absolute Monarchy; the Grand Prince of Tsangnamdo [Tsangnamdothuk Dzeyagyal] also acts as the Chief Priest [Tsampa] of the Tsangsadkhar Monastery [Tsangsadkhar Gonthang], and hence the head of all adherents of Dzegyekhul in Tsangnamdo and its surrounding areas. The principle ethnic group inhabiting the Grand Principality is the Nampho peoples (Nampho Midang), who speak the Nampho language (Namphoska).

Religion: The principle religion in Tsangnamdosal territories is Dzegyekhul, a nontheistic, multisect religion focused on the ideals of enlightenment, harmony, cooperation, and global respect.

Values: What do your people value? Strength? Charity? Marmots?

Sample Names: Sample names for people in your country. At least 3 per gender, but more would be lovely.

History: Not long ago, the Nampho peoples laid claim to an empire to rival all others. Originally a group of migrants from a desert far to the east, the Nampho entered the local sphere of western Jiadau (Dharama) in a truly terrific fashion, conquering the ancient city-state of Chabu (renamed Tsabphu by the Nampho, then Suiyang by the Qeng Xo) in ~350 BIC, led by their chief Ngo Khyer Tsul (Rgyal Tsul Ngo Khyer). Under Ngo Khyer, the Nampho peoples continued their westwards push and conquest along the northern coast of Dharama, seizing territories roughly corresponding to the modern states of Kangdark, Selndo, Alahesh, and Tsadhek until the death of Ngo Khyer during his campaign against Ksezdo in the year 329 BIC. His son, Dza Ra Tsul, was crowned King, or Tsagyal, of the new Kingdom of Gyol, taking the new name and title Tsagyal Tsul Dza Rgyo. Dza Rgyo completed his father's conquest of Ksezdo by 325 BIC and began the settlement and conquest of the

Claims and Capital City: The capital city of Tsangnamdo is Tsangcho, located on Lake Sadkhar [Sadkhar-tso]

Spoiler :


Neighbours: Not necessary, but would be a great help, and give you a bit of an advantage. Describe what the people and countries neighbouring your own are like. By default, neighbouring countries will be roughly modeled off of the nearest player faction in terms of religion, race and culture.

Qeng Xo Equivalents:

Tsangnamdo- Jiangnande
Tsangcho- Jiangzhe
Dzegyekhul- Jiezhakuluo
Kingdom Of Karnei / erez87
Colour: Pinks and purples

Government/Ruler: Feudal Monarchy. Lord King Maee Trebiler. Special: ex-Imperial governor

Religion: While the generic imperial pantheon is being worshipped thinly though the lands, the two sister religions of the Karnei and the Surr continue to hold sway with most of the population. The faiths are dualistic in nature, and most people view the two gods Kar and Sur (after which the lands were named by the imperial conquest) as sister and brother who sometime quarrel, extremist of both religions see the other god as the enemy the world. The lords of Karnei have for now managed to maintain stability and kept extremism low, but with imperial hegemony gone, it is unknown how long this will remain.

Values: The Karnei value power and wealth, as well as the chain of command and honoring their place in society. They are also quietly religious, and believe in doing quiet good deeds to others, without their knowledge. The Surr under Karnei rule have learned the value of power and wealth, but are still very religious, building great houses to their god, and worshiping their holy books and the commands they give.
Sample Names: Karnei names: Sumi, Gannath, Lakim, Maeen, all masculine, feminine names have la- added at the beginning, like la-lakim. Surr names under the kingdom have been influenced by the Karnei, but older names such as Torrok, Rantheon, Leeami etc. are still going strong.

History: It’s hard to begin to describe the Karnei and Surr, their ancient rivalries and their eventual unification under the empire. The cultures are very old, probably older then the Qeng Xo, but they were never truly a unified force. Many small kingdoms, usually referred to as “the small kingdoms” by others ruled these lands, with the rare kingdom taking over some of the others to form a more powerful house, only to disappear later. Outsiders saw the Karnei and Surr as easy to occupy and control, as the people were not great warriors, and their lack of unity brought them down easily. When Qeng Xo came, many of the Karnei and nearly all of the Surr have been scared into unifying against the outsiders. The war lasted for decades, probably more than a century. It ended with the “traitors”, the Karnei of the north, siding with the empire peacefully, in return for receiving rule, as vassals, over all the Kingdoms of Karnei and Surr. The Emperors agreed, and the Karnei forces joined them, with knowlefge of the land and of the different kingdoms and nations in the area, and with an alliance with the Reqq barbarian tribes, the other kingdoms fell. With the final little kingdom occupied, the largest of them, the Malat kingdom (a Surr kingdom) surrendered as a vassal under the now lords of Karney and Surr. With their surrender the war was practically over. The allied Reqq were allowed to settle on the rich lands of the Karnei that fought against the empire.
As the Empire continued to expand the lords of Karnei were particularly good to them, sending extra rations and tribue, making sure the emperors liked them most. As the tribal lands of the Occulta fell under the rule of the empire, the emperors gave the lord of Karnei rule over the eastern most of the Occulta, to aid in their enslavement under the cultured world. The lords have been particularly ruthless in maintaining control over the pseudo-unified kingdom, mostly in fear of the empire, but also in fear of ever losing control.
Now rumors of the death of the imperial court begun to flood the lands of Karnei and Surr, and the self-proclaimed Lord-King Maee Trebiler, the last of a long line of vassals to the empire have taken it upon himself to maintain the kingdom unified and strong. The end of the empire left supplies and powerful and trained imperial forces in his kingdom, and since he swore to maintain the imperial order for the most part, the forces have agreed, for the time being, to work under him. Successful or not, these are new trying times for the Karnei and Surr, as open rebellions already begun among the Occulta, and rumors are that the dukes of Malat will not remain peaceful forever without a grand empire to be afraid of…

Claims and Capital City: Map added. Capital is Takrit. Malat capital is Malat. The large city to the east is the city of Xino, an imperial settlement with settled Qeng Xo, who had mostly self-rule under the lords of Karnei.
Neighbours: Karnei and Surr are nations and kingdoms with cities and well developed urban cultures. The Reqq are barbarian tribes of the mountains, never really conquered by anyone, but also not particularly hostile to others. Enjoy living their lives in peace. Some Reqq tribes have moved into the kingdom and mostly settled down as farmers. They are big supporters of the lords, as anyone else will probably enslave them all, or worse. The Occulta are tribal people from the west of the area, horse lords and others, perhaps further east they formed nation and kingdoms as well, but near the kingdom they are mostly raiding parties. Those under the control of the kingdom hate it, but are also totally enslaved and many of them are spread thinly thought the kingdom as sold slaves. They are considered lesser by all the others, but they probably have quite the punch waiting outside the borders. The ones under kingdom rule are probably already in open rebellion.

OOC: I assume this may be a bit big, but I see it as collapsing soon within an update or two, into either two or many more kingdoms (and countless duchies), unless of course I somehow maintain control over this vast unstable land. Seeing other people claims, I guess it isn't that big... hehe

I also welcome other players to join remaking this (including the names other then the Karnei) and become rebellious vassals in this growing insane days! (or maybe even honor bound vassals, who knows!)


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Claims with thomas and bair added in.

Spoiler :

Made this before Erez's post, and don't have time to redo it. You're good though Erez.

Princedoms of Tha'mad/Seon
Color: Deepest blue.
Government/Ruler: Nominally speaking the princedoms are ruled by independent princes, whose consensus is represented by one of their members known as the Headmaster. The position of the Headmaster is elected in the event of the previous Headmaster's death. In rare cases, the united princes may call for a vote of no confidence, the success of which will result in the immediate replacement of the current Headmaster by the current Shadow Headmaster.

Realistically speaking, the Headmaster himself has very little power. True power lies in the College and the Shadow College, two powerful voting blocks of individuals located in the capital city of Tha'im. These voting blocks are composed of relatives of the princes, princes themselves, or their 'representatives,' who debate and legislate laws that impact the entire princedoms and lead the combined armies raised from princely levies. The voting block who backed the current Headmaster into power is known as the College, whileas the voting block that failed to gain majority and failed to back the current headmaster is known as the Shadow College.

Law and order over the Princedoms is maintained by intricate network of intelligence network and agents who are adept at 'dealing' with upstart rebels or princes before they become a major threat to the stability of the United Princedoms. These networks are controlled by the two Colleges, who are expected to maintain unity and law in the regions administered by their 'princes.'

The Princedoms have, due to the mix of their isolationist policies and terrain advantage, have managed to avoid being too entangled in Imperial Politics. This was further aided by the Princedoms standard policy of 'obfuscation,' or purposeful creation of absurd rumors and half-truths in order to limit foreign understanding of their lands and customs. As a result, many see the people of the Princedoms as a land ruled by mysterious wizards and cannibals, among many other things. Some of these rumors may be true.

Religion: The Princedom have seen no reason to regulate religious beliefs of its citizens and members.

Values: Secrecy, wisdom, and knowledge.

History: The Princedoms joined the Empire as vassals ages ago, but the exact nature of their relationship and loyalty to the Empire was always questionable at best. All Imperial governors assigned to the province have complained about the frustrating nature of the natives, who constantly fed the Imperial bureaucracy with lies and half-truths to obfuscate what actually went on deep inside the tropical jungles of the Princedoms, where the majority of its citizens lived, along with insisting the Imperial visitors to their province obey certain strange laws and customs. As a result, the Princedoms have enjoyed relative autonomy compared to many other provinces of the Empire. The fact that the Princedoms nevertheless paid an acceptable amount of tax to the Empire and formed a major trading partner to many of its cities to the north meant that the Empire saw little reason to intervene with the strange customs of the jungle people.

The Princedoms are major exporters of jungle wood, cotton, spices, exotic food, and other valuable luxury items high in demand among the elites of the north. Majority of its populace live in subsistence farms all over the jungle, or live in plantations of nobles who grow cash crops along the river.
Empire of Qi / Christos200
Colour: Blue
Government/Ruler: Absolute Monarchy - Emperor Yangdi

The supreme ruler of Qi is the Emperor. He is considered to be the Son of Heaven and have the Mandate of Heaven. He is thus revered as a Demigod. The Emperor can have only one Empress, whose first child is the only legal heir to the throne, and as many concubines he wishes, but their children cannot claim the throne. Next to the Emperor is the Imperial Chancellor, who is a trusted Eunuch of the Emperor. The Imperial Chancellor heads the Imperial Council and is responsible for executing the wishes of the Emperor. The Imperial Council is made up of three Ministries: The Ministry of Treasury, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Stability. The Minister of Treasury is a trusted Eunuch who is responsible for the collection of taxes and for overseeing the Inspectors. The Inspectors (who are not Eunuchs) each oversee one of the provinces of the Empire. The Inspector is responsible for collecting taxes in his province and managing the ‘Tax Officials’, who collect the taxes. The Minister of War is a General and not a Eunuch. He is responsible for managing War affairs and overseeing the two Supreme Commanders: The ‘Supreme Commander of the Army’ and ‘Supreme Commander of the Navy’. Each of them manages army and naval affairs respectively. The ‘Grand Secretary of Supplies’ serves as the link between the Ministry of Treasury and Ministry of War and makes sure that needed money and supplies are transferred from the Ministry of Treasury to the Ministry of War when needed. The Minister of Stability is responsible for law enforcing and overseeing the ‘Grand Judges’. The ‘Grand Judges’ are one for each province and oversee the Judges in each province and how justice is served. They are also responsible for local issues, acting as governors. The ‘Grand Secretary of Communications’ is the head of the ‘Communications Agency’ and responsible for passing orders and messages from the Ministers, who are in the capital, to their subordinates in the provinces. He is also responsible for managing the ‘Stations’, where the messengers, who are riding horses, can rest a bit and change their horse for an other one in order to make their journey as fast as possible. The ‘Grand Eunuch’ is the head of the Eunuchs and the one who trains and provides new Eunuch officials for the Empire. All Ministries, except for the above stated high officials, also have thousands of minor officials, to secure coordination and execution of the Emperor’s orders. Officials are selected through ‘Imperial Examinations’ were the candidates are tested in Mathematics, Calligraphy, Poetry and the Kongxi Classics.


The Qi people believe in two Gods: Heavenly Emperor Wang and Supreme Deity Ling. There are also some other minor deities, called ‘Spirits’, who are not considered equal of the two Gods. According to legend, the Heavenly Emperor Wang created the Earth because he was bored. However, the Earth was empty and with no life. So, the Heavenly Emperor decided to create the Sun, the Sea and the Land. Those were created by the Spirits Lee, Ning and Zhang respectively. Each one of those Spirits is responsible for the wellbeing of their creation, so the Qi people offer wine and vegetables to the three Spirits every New Year Day.

Still bored, the Heavenly Emperor created the humans. For thousands of years, he just watched them live in villages and develop. But, one day he saw a beautiful eighteen years old woman named Ling. He fell in love with her but how could a God marry a mortal woman? The Heavenly Emperor was however not discouraged by this, but instead did something that never again happened before or since: since he could not marry a mortal, he would make Ling a Goddess. He gave up half of his powers to make her a Goddess and named her ‘Supreme Deity’.

Except for the two Gods and three spirits, the ‘Ancestors’ are just as important to the Qi people. The Qi people offer wine and vegetables to the tombs of their ancestors the first day of every month and have ‘Memorial Tablets’ to their homes, one for each dead ancestor, to which they bow at least once every day.

Just as important, if not more important, as religion is philosophy. The Elder Shang wrote the Kongxi Classics, a collection of four books, detailing his philosophy. The main belief of Kongxism, as that philosophy is known, is that human beings are fundamentally good, and teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and communal endeavour, especially self-cultivation and self-creation. Kongxism thought focuses on the cultivation of virtue and maintenance of ethics. Some of the basic Kongxism ethical concepts and practices include rén, yì, and lǐ, and zhì. Ren ("humaneness") is the essence of the human being which manifests as compassion; it is the virtue-form of Heaven. Yi is the upholding of righteousness and the moral disposition to do good. Li is a system of ritual norms and propriety that determines how a person should properly act in everyday life according to the law of Heaven. Zhi is the ability to see what is right and fair, or the converse, in the behaviors exhibited by others. Kongxism holds one in contempt, either passively or actively, for failure to uphold the cardinal moral values of ren and yi. Important role in Kongxism has filial piety, obedience to the ancestors and elders, loyalty to the Emperor and respect for Teachers.

Values: Education, honor, filial piety and loyalty.

Sample Names:

Male: Guo Jing, Yang Kang, Linghu Chong

Female: Huang Rong, Zhou Zhirou, Yue Lingshan

History: The Qi people descent from colonists of Qeng Xo who eliminated the local population and populated the area for the Empire. The grew rich due to the administrative virtuous of it's Governors and even before the Empire collapsed, one hundred years ago when the Empire was still stable, the Qi people declared their independence. So, the Empire of Qi was formed and the Imperial Governor was crowned Emperor of Qi. The Qeng Xo tried to reclaim the area but they were crushed on the battlefield by the military genius of the Qi General Yue Fei. In fact, this was the first setback for the Qeng Xo and began it's decline. Since then, the Empire has remained peaceful and largely isolated from the outside world.

Claims and Capital City: Luoyang (name of Capital)

The capital is marked on the map.

Spoiler :

Neighbours: Most of them are barbarians with blonde hair and blue eyes who came from the North are called Gaths. They are organized in hundreds of autonomous small tribes which live as hunters mainly and are led either by a Chief or, the most advanced of them, by a Council of Elders. Although they are brave, fierce and ferocious warriors, they are undisciplined and fight each other although they do invade from time to time the Empire.
House Massoul / Thomas.berubeg
Colour: Bright Green
Government/Ruler: Semi-Feudal Clan System. Currently dominated by Clan Massoul
Religion: To come
Values: Freedom, Strength
Sample Names:
Islander names (M&F): Athlak, Ila, Krum, Oki, Othr, Palaq, Inuvik, Ulriq, Paquthuk.
Kishlahi Names (M): Abhinav, Ani, Gabriel, Mallish, Raheem, Taj
Kishlahi Names (F): Anakhet, Anavith, Anabeth, Ayse, Jayne, Resheka,​
The Southern Islands were inhabited for centuries by Islander clans, living semi-nomadically, year by year, hunting the great whales of the sea, raiding and trading with each other and their neighbors, and rarely did the great Boneships of the Island Clans venture into warmer waters. Native Islands are Generally big, bulky, hairy individuals, with round features. The tend towards blue and green eyes, with long straight hair with color ranging from blonde to red to dark auburn. However, a drastic awakening and rebalancing was in store for the Islanders. They had occasionally traded with a distant people far to the north known as the Kishlahi. Dark skinned, with svelte figures and heads of tightly curled black hair, the Kishlahi were once a cultured people, ruling a network of trade cities subservient to Karnei (The little duchies). However, three hundred years ago, the Empire swept through, and many Kishlahi fled south in a ramshackle fleet. Landing in the Southern Islands, they imposed their will on the southern Islands with steel (a metal that, to the islanders, was a rarity, reserved to the elite) and fire. Exploiting the network of clans and alliances, the Kishlahi imposed thier clan-like structure on the islands and built a refuge that they believed would preserve them from the empire, though, in time, It’s reach even extended over the islands, though the relative poverty of the islands ensured that the Empire only nominally ruled the islands.

Claims and Capital City:


Great Clan:
House Massoul (Kishlahi) - Steam Cliffs(Parul)
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House Massoul rules from the only city deserving of the name in the Southern Islands. The City of Parul is nestled deep inside the network of caves and cliffs on the Island’s Northern coast, warmed by hot springs carrying warmth and life to the outskirts of the city. Within it, a teeming ecosystem thrives, which, complimented by the hunting and fishing traditional to the Islands, allows for a population larger and more prosperous than most foreigners would believe possible for such an inhospitable land.

High Clans:
House Bede (Islander) - South Whale Tale Island
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Clan Ghupta (Kishlahi) - Jawbone Isle
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Clan Samael (Kishlahi) - The Drop
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Noble Houses:
Clan Achan (Kishlahi) - Old Rock
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Clan Agron (Islander) - Broken Points
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Clan Caress (Kishlahi) - Far Isle
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Clan Granger (Islander) - Clyffe
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Clan Hethatha (Kishlahi) - Green Island
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Clan Krats (Islander) - Last Light
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Clan Malin (Kishlahi) - North Whale Tail Island
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Clan Crow (Islander) - South Mussel Islands
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Clan Seina (Kishlahi) - North Mussel Islands
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Clan Aladar (Kishlahi) - Standing Stones
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Clan Avalais (Kishlahi) - Bone Island
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Clan Levantine (Islander) - Broken Tooth
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Clan Ogoun (Kishlahi) - One Tree Island
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Neighbours: Karnei and Surr to the North. The Cold Mainland is inhabited by Nomadic tribes who live mostly as the Islanders did before the coming of the Kishlahi.
Empire of Qi / Christos200

Christos, you realize you are smack dab in the middle of an area that looks like the Canadian Arctic in terms of climate and flora and fauna? Not exactly the best place to have much beyond nomadic subsistence hunting.

Edited my post.
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