Due to a friend's illness, I will not be able to conduct research on this today like I'd planned. She underwent emergency brain surgery yesterday morning and the doctors removed a blood clot "the size of a tangerine". I will probably be at the hospital with her husband until time to take my wife to the ENT doctor. Monday is supposed to be my day off, but so much for that, I guess. I'll try to get to it either tomorrow or Thursday. Oh rats, I just remembered I have an algebra exam tonight, too.
Anyway, if someone else wants to take a stab at it, go for it. My hypothesis is:
I. That the amount the human can gain from an AI civ in peace treaties is directly proportional to the amount of power the human civ has over the AI civ (as determined by the powergraph), along with the presence (or lack) of human units in AI territory, presence (or lack) of AI units in human territory, alliances, and number of techs human has in excess of the AI.
II. That choosing any of the three options in the "sue for peace" screen will not change the amount the human civ can gain from the AI civ in peace treaties
A. Provided the human player is >5% ahead on the powergraph and provision I is met
B. Unless the human civ is equal to or less than the AI civ on the powergraph, regardless of whether or not provision I is met
Seem clear as Greek? Good, because I took ancient Greek as my foreign language in high school.
Seriously, if you need me to talk more clearly, let me know. Also, if I have missed the point of the research, let me know.