Thick AI


Dec 6, 2004
The AI needs to be polished up. ATM I am playing continents 5 civs, Prince level. The Japanese took care of once civ, then they went to war with the only minor city Geneva (my ally). So I demanded Japanese to make peace with Geneva. He refused. I went to war with him. took 4 of his cites. He then offered me a peace treaty 7 of his cities all of his resource/money and made peace with Geneva. The Japanese has it capital left. Wierd or just a stupid civ. Other than that the game is excellent no more waiting for boarders to pop of resouces just buy the land.
This is the 1st full game I have played. I just did not think a civ would surrender that much stuff on prince level.
I've seen both extremes. Sometimes the AI will throw EVERYTHING at you to make peace. Other times they won't sweeten the deal with one lousy gold piece.

However, I believe a new patch just released fixes up the bargaining AI a touch.
I saw on one game where America kept going to war with everyone and they would surrender all their cities. It is broken. The Ai shouldn't be trading cities unless they are completely wiped out. Maybe it is a happiness thing. The AI might be getting into really unhappy territory.
I've seen both extremes. Sometimes the AI will throw EVERYTHING at you to make peace. Other times they won't sweeten the deal with one lousy gold piece.

Same here. Two times (both against Catherine, actually), they offered me cities I was about to take, all their money, open borders, etc to get 10 turns of peace, which is really just making my conquest of them faster.

Also, it seems the AI is ridiculously bad at war. Seriously, 3 units to defend you're Empire? O.o

Still, I love the game. The AI just needs some lovin'.
Yeah after that download, people won't offer a thing except a straight across peace deal. So I just steamroll their territory. Every now and again they'll offer peace and nothing else, and won't accept if I ask for other things, so I take another quarter of their empire and it's the same thing until they simply don't exist anymore. The AI has absolutely no city and resource evaluation at all, none.
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