Lazy sweeper
Mooooo Cra Chirp Fssss Miaouw is a game of words
Hi all, and Marry X-mas
Mele Kalikimaka!!!
What have you seen so far that you think could get an option or two on how some things in Civ 7 works, or could work, that you would like to change,
or just point it out to the devs that this or that could work better etc.
This things could be for example all of these:
Game mechanics
Gameplay with without mouse and keyboard
Gameplay generic
FMV or other cutscenes
Units or building graphics
Leaders and diplomacy
Steam workshop
Non Steam workshop
but not any of these:
Cost of game or DLC
Number of base civs
Name of cities or other cultural stuff that could be subjective
Religious stuff, even if I'd put the Crusaders and Saladdin plus other Arabs holy war warriors ( medieval Jihadist?) as unique units in the game (like the warrior monks)...
Let's begin.
I would like everybody to try give a category for each idea, so that devs do not get crazy reading everything like a Russian salad.
So put category first, then describe, and give a reason if any.
Leaders and diplomacy - add option to disable Leaders cutscenes entirely and substitute it with a text log - cutscenes interrupts gameplay.
UI - text mode instead of leaders and advisors, and all cutscenes. Small icons only allowed - It should fasten gameplay significantly. Never to see a cutscene again.
Leaders and diplomacy, gameplay with mouse and keyboard - enable ESC and ENTER buttons to immediately exit any cutscene - ESC means I don't care if possible, and ENTER equal YES.
Map - Barebone graphics effects - No Antialiasing, blur, upscale, bloom, shadows, daycycle, units animation, low res textures, low poly. no dx12 exclusive- So it can run on 1Gb Vram and Dx11 low spec
Non Steam workshop, moddability - Map editor with basic text per tile on right click, with a simple cascade of all possible tile options, and export saves with a config file - We can make scenarios possible...?
General gameplay - Limiting units building, or settlers, or towns, seems a bad idea to me, if it was possible to disable it as an option from the start.
it'd be a good start.
General gameplay - Allow total kills as an option - No great generals respawn (permadeath) - A sort of Iron mode.
General gameplay - Allow trading everything - no restrictions - If in late game I am too strong and want to help an ally, I want to give him cities, units, gold, techs, maps, and then make him declare war on who I want with relative ease.
Gameplay mechanic, Leaders and diplomacy - Allow disable all kind of Leaders agenda, and warmogering, suzerainty and Alliances bonus - malus mechanics. All Leaders follow one simple rule, that is 30 turns of bad relationship after they have been declared war, plus 30 of terrible if they lost a resource or a city. After it returns to normal. Wars are declared only based on units strenght, and always go to war with the stronger Civilization, in order to stop them to win. The stronger Civ instead must alway go to war with the weakest. this will naturally stretch the stronger civ, and all other civs now have an incentive to all declare war at the same time to the stronger civ. Military Alliances must be easy to make both for Ai and for Human with AI. - Replace all interactions with some simple based text option like for all cutscenes.
UI, Map - Barebone units gameplay only, cities evolve themselves automatically, and Human players do not have to enter city view, except to give Units build orders or Wonders or special buildings. All growth mechanics are automatic as is border expansion. - together with icon and text mode for all cutscenes, it should significantly reduce every aspect of the game detached from actual map and units gameplay action - A more arcade feel, faster turns, a lot less micromanagement that could destroy the gameplay before even release.
Gameplay mechanic - Time between turns - fast unit movement and no animation, fast combat, text interaction and autogrowth - a maximum of 5 seconds on the largest map with all 30 civs visible on the map, that is the goal.
Gameplay - RNG Leader madness - makes random Leaders go mad and declare war on its allies, with no reason, they just ate a bad batch of champignons and got crazy.

What have you seen so far that you think could get an option or two on how some things in Civ 7 works, or could work, that you would like to change,
or just point it out to the devs that this or that could work better etc.
This things could be for example all of these:
Game mechanics
Gameplay with without mouse and keyboard
Gameplay generic
FMV or other cutscenes
Units or building graphics
Leaders and diplomacy
Steam workshop
Non Steam workshop
but not any of these:
Cost of game or DLC
Number of base civs
Name of cities or other cultural stuff that could be subjective
Religious stuff, even if I'd put the Crusaders and Saladdin plus other Arabs holy war warriors ( medieval Jihadist?) as unique units in the game (like the warrior monks)...
Let's begin.
I would like everybody to try give a category for each idea, so that devs do not get crazy reading everything like a Russian salad.
So put category first, then describe, and give a reason if any.
Leaders and diplomacy - add option to disable Leaders cutscenes entirely and substitute it with a text log - cutscenes interrupts gameplay.
UI - text mode instead of leaders and advisors, and all cutscenes. Small icons only allowed - It should fasten gameplay significantly. Never to see a cutscene again.
Leaders and diplomacy, gameplay with mouse and keyboard - enable ESC and ENTER buttons to immediately exit any cutscene - ESC means I don't care if possible, and ENTER equal YES.
Map - Barebone graphics effects - No Antialiasing, blur, upscale, bloom, shadows, daycycle, units animation, low res textures, low poly. no dx12 exclusive- So it can run on 1Gb Vram and Dx11 low spec
Non Steam workshop, moddability - Map editor with basic text per tile on right click, with a simple cascade of all possible tile options, and export saves with a config file - We can make scenarios possible...?
General gameplay - Limiting units building, or settlers, or towns, seems a bad idea to me, if it was possible to disable it as an option from the start.
it'd be a good start.
General gameplay - Allow total kills as an option - No great generals respawn (permadeath) - A sort of Iron mode.
General gameplay - Allow trading everything - no restrictions - If in late game I am too strong and want to help an ally, I want to give him cities, units, gold, techs, maps, and then make him declare war on who I want with relative ease.
Gameplay mechanic, Leaders and diplomacy - Allow disable all kind of Leaders agenda, and warmogering, suzerainty and Alliances bonus - malus mechanics. All Leaders follow one simple rule, that is 30 turns of bad relationship after they have been declared war, plus 30 of terrible if they lost a resource or a city. After it returns to normal. Wars are declared only based on units strenght, and always go to war with the stronger Civilization, in order to stop them to win. The stronger Civ instead must alway go to war with the weakest. this will naturally stretch the stronger civ, and all other civs now have an incentive to all declare war at the same time to the stronger civ. Military Alliances must be easy to make both for Ai and for Human with AI. - Replace all interactions with some simple based text option like for all cutscenes.
UI, Map - Barebone units gameplay only, cities evolve themselves automatically, and Human players do not have to enter city view, except to give Units build orders or Wonders or special buildings. All growth mechanics are automatic as is border expansion. - together with icon and text mode for all cutscenes, it should significantly reduce every aspect of the game detached from actual map and units gameplay action - A more arcade feel, faster turns, a lot less micromanagement that could destroy the gameplay before even release.
Gameplay mechanic - Time between turns - fast unit movement and no animation, fast combat, text interaction and autogrowth - a maximum of 5 seconds on the largest map with all 30 civs visible on the map, that is the goal.
Gameplay - RNG Leader madness - makes random Leaders go mad and declare war on its allies, with no reason, they just ate a bad batch of champignons and got crazy.
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