Things to do before you die

Travel of course!
If you have seen my favorite travel destinations list you would have known how many places I wanted to go. Oh, and of course I have to get to my 10000th post! :)
Smoke a herring, pillage, rapine, destruction, spoons, little boys, Bayreuth, a small town in Austria, fly a Hunter under the Tower Bridge, and a lot of stuff to do with battleships. :evil: :yeah:
Jump off the plane ;)
Drink myself to imbecility. Haven't done that one yet.:crazyeye:

Be in a widely released film (not porn!:mad: ), whether it be as an extra, supporting role, star, or whatever.

See the new World Trade Center once it's completed (hey, I went to the old one...)

Go visit Europe for an extended period of time--any country, but for at least a year or two.

Learn how to program my VCR:lol:

Contribute a picture of myself to the Member Photos thread.
I want to get though collage (and live), be in one of those action flic gun fights, get above prince in Civ 3, and travel to germany
-visit Rome
-visit space
-learn to play a musical instrument
Get a Ferrari, and do stunts. That way when I die it'll be cool.

"Hey, I heard your grandpa died yesterday. Man, that's too bad. What happened?"
"*sobs* He flipped his F50."


Its not that i dont know what i want to do but just that i basically never want to do anything everagain.
Plato (i think) had a good list of 4 things everyone should do before they die:

1- Write a book
2- Plant a tree
3- Build a house
4- Raise a child

So far I've only planted a tree. I better get crackin' on the rest!
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