Think about scenarios!!!!

I'm only familiar with the DS version, so heres my 2 cents.

The Ds version might ship with a map editor, it will probably have some maps and some official scenarios, Don't expect to be able to alter rules.
I'm glad they got rid of religions and corporations. I always felt stupid playing as Muslim Vikings, Hindu Romans, etc etc.

Also if there's no Earth map i'm going to be severly disappointed. Please include an Earth map and some Historically oriented scenarios like the Crusades, Rise of Rome, Fall of Rome!, The Colonization of the Americas and perhaps a Ottomans invade Europe scenario.

Another thing, get rid of the African "civilizations", only allow African tribal villages or "barbarians". It always makes me mad when a frickin' spear chuckin' Zulu attacks me with a battleship.

I haven't owned a console since I sold my ps2 about five years ago. CivRevolutions and hopefully GTA IV will make an investment in a ps3 worthwile.
It's a console game... that means there won't be any modding, period. ;)
Halo 3
Ten CHar. Its certainly possible.
What console games allow modding right now?

Unreal Tournament 3 will allow full blown mod support on the Playstation 3, supposedly.

In any case, the best we can hope for is a world builder, and I'm doubtful we'll get that.
What can you actually change?
In Halo 3,
You can put in vehicles. And a lot of other stuff. But i'm not sure because I've only heard and read about it.:D :D ;)
You can change weapons place stuff. Its not real modding but you could certainly place units on a civ map.
I'm sure will see some downloadable scenarios and civs via Xbox Live for the 360 version.
There is defenitley a worldbuilder. If you look at the tank picture in the gallery, you see the year is 6000 BC:)
Or Firaxis hasn't impleamented the years yet.
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