Moderartor,I have posted this in the Strategy&Tips forum and it's the wrong forum,please closed that one if needed.
I have been working on this topic for 3 days( not a long time each day ),and this is an updated version of my formula,it features ALL terrain possible around your city in civ3 , you would chop down the forests and jungles later ,wouldn't you?My formula applies to the cities fully railway overlaid and with 20 citizen population.The aim is to maximise the shield output.It's a very powerful formula in terms of the ablity to guide you through the decisions must be made between irrigation and mine.
I really do want to keep this as short as possible since last time many people got confused,and I believe there will be no confusion this time!
The formula is :
The total number of irrigated tiles (excluding irrigated flood plain)
= 0.5 ( -2 - 3xNumber of flood plain + 2xNumber of mountain + Number of hill + Number of tundra + Number of plain + 2xNumber of desert)
And once you get the answer,then that's the total number of tiles should be irrigated in your 20 working tiles(excluding irrigated flood plain) ,and obviously, mine the rest.Max shield output will be achieved.
The attach file is the full calculation if you are interested(a very small wordpad document) and the calculator GIDustin and I made for my formula.(special thanks to GIDustin for compiling the vb program )
I have been working on this topic for 3 days( not a long time each day ),and this is an updated version of my formula,it features ALL terrain possible around your city in civ3 , you would chop down the forests and jungles later ,wouldn't you?My formula applies to the cities fully railway overlaid and with 20 citizen population.The aim is to maximise the shield output.It's a very powerful formula in terms of the ablity to guide you through the decisions must be made between irrigation and mine.
I really do want to keep this as short as possible since last time many people got confused,and I believe there will be no confusion this time!
The formula is :
The total number of irrigated tiles (excluding irrigated flood plain)
= 0.5 ( -2 - 3xNumber of flood plain + 2xNumber of mountain + Number of hill + Number of tundra + Number of plain + 2xNumber of desert)
And once you get the answer,then that's the total number of tiles should be irrigated in your 20 working tiles(excluding irrigated flood plain) ,and obviously, mine the rest.Max shield output will be achieved.
The attach file is the full calculation if you are interested(a very small wordpad document) and the calculator GIDustin and I made for my formula.(special thanks to GIDustin for compiling the vb program )