Thoughts about the Domestic Market

Don't worry Ray, you weren't rude at all! I just wanted to say I'd seen the message before I was busy for the day. :) I certainly understand the balance issues that could come out of messing around with yields other than the ones we use now. I know that I tend to end up with a large number of Tools very quickly, which was one of the reasons I was tossing that out as a suggestion.

Overall I'm happy with the minor changes that I've made, though as a player it is often frustrating that one city can supply my Domestic Market needs for a good indefinitely. It seems sometimes that no more than five cities can generate a surplus of every good, as long as they're in different terrains. That's obviously because selling to Europe is supposed to be the main source of money for a player, but it never feels like my colonies are building up to much. This is probably partially because of how I play (which has been changed by the new Settler mechanic, so very good job there!), and in a lot ways I'm merely trying to address what feels wrong as I play.

Though that's a reason why we all mod, isn't it?
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