Thread Index

Oregon Lee

Royal Tenenbaum
Oct 23, 2012
A lot of threads, both informational, idealistic, and fun threads are starting to get lost everywhere. Sometimes a point is even brought up that was mentioned in a previous thread. So I'm going to work on compiling all worth-while threads into one index. I'll even categorize them. Threads that are obsolete will not be included. Individual posts can also be included (see Notable Posts section near bottom).

• Please message me if you have a thread you wish to be up here, or you think I should organize them differently.
• Please post here if you want your new thread on here more quickly.
• Please post if you think a thread is obsolete or is better answered through another thread
• An asterisk (*) represents a dead thread (such as the OP is no longer active) and a new thread should be made in its place
• A (:nope:) that is linked represents Leoreth formally dismissing the idea. You could be a rebel, though -- you didn't hear it from me.

If you want to help update the forums, look at the to-do list 3 posts down.

(Official Modules you will find in the main DoC sticky thread)
• Expanded Dynamic Civ Names
• DiploMusic Mod
• 2nd UU and 2nd UB for DoC
• Project SYNTHESIS (Oldest thread on DoC)
• New Leaders and New Leaderheads
• Juarez, San Martin, George III
• Add Mandate of Heaven system and Chinese dynasties to DoC

• DoC Manual for 1.11
• [Tutorial] How to make a Replay .Gif
• Civilization Respawning Dates
• Russia City Name Map
• A guide to Stability*
• How to recompile a DLL
• Stability Bitmaps*
• Stabilizing a country using World builder?
• Civilization IV Demographics Information

• AI & You: Shaping the Course of History
• Bad City Placement
• Ideas for better Diplomacy*

• French Revolution: A Simple Implementation
• Alaska and Vladivostok idea
• Random Events
• Civ Specific Random Events
• Crusades and the Egypt respawn :nope:
• Historical events?

Game Mechanics Discussion
• Making Iran and Mexico Playable from the Scenario :nope:
• Mercenaries Overhaul
• Human Vassal States
• Idea: Conditional Euro spawns
• Trade routes mechanics
• All theocracies should work like Arabia's UP
• Reforms of Pyotr the Great
• Disbanding Cities
• Space Race
• (Conditionally) Impassible Deserts?
• Unique Flaws
• Master control Vassal
• Global Warming
• Minor Religions as Corporations

• India Ideas
• Argentina
• Removal of Poland
• Brazil
• South African/Boer civ
• Venice and Piedmont instead of Italy?
• More India civs
• New Portuguese UP?
• AI America starts as vassal idea?
• Playable Egypt Respawn/Mamluk Sultunate
• Easiest Civilizations
• Civ Suggestion: Polynesia
• Omani Empire
• Armenian Civilization
• Pre-European Australia
• Asiatic Khanates
• Israel (*Closed due to fighting)
• Conditional America
• Scythians

Map Changes
• Please add Semidesert tile (from SoI)
• Northern Europe map changes
• Map changes suggestions (from mmh)

Challenges or Alternate Play Methods
• • List of DoC Stories
• Play as Alp Arslan (Seljuks)
• Russia Challenge
• Fall of the Caucasians
• High to Low
• DoC Domination Challenge
• Alternative Builds in DoC
• One-City-Challenge in DoC
• "Control every city on the map" thread
• Challenge Thread
• Russian city state challenge
• Australia, Empty Australia
• DoC Whole Empire Challenge
• Small Civs Domination
• [Corporate Russia Domination] The Novgorod Republic
• [No Cottage Egalitarian America] The Jeffersonian Democracy
• The Most Serene Maritime Republics

• Optimal Russian city placement (v1.11)
• Merchants or Scientists?
• China Strategy
• Egyptian Strategy (Realpolitik)
• Ways to maximize Babylon's early researchl
• Optimal City Placement
• Byzantium strategy
• Babylon - Standing the Test of Time?
• How to keep stable and big
• Keeping Pace with rising tech costs
• Loving this mod, but struggling too
• Strategy Discussion and Guides
• Must I raze cities?
• Dealing with the Turks as Greece
• Prussian spawn as HRE
• How to get to Iceland/Vinland as Vikings
• Iran
• Help with the Dreaded Mandinka UHV
• Russia issues
• Ethiopia: How to found Catholicism?
• Insane power of espionage
• Best Ways to Collapse Your Civ

• DoC Faction Wars (Read First Post)
• The "OMG! Look what happened in DoC!" Thread
• DoC Corrupt A Wish
• Leoreth Appreciation Thread
• Favourite civ tournament
• 100 Signs that You're Addicted to DoC
• Completely Dumb Ideas
  1. Add Principality of Sealand
• Ever had an almost Real Life experience in game?
• The "Brag About Your DoC Exploits" Thread
• Why Scotland cannot be a Civilization
• In your view, what were/are the 5 greatest Civilizations of History?

Development, Future Plans, or Developmental Requests
• v1.11 Release
• v1.12 Objectives
• Civilopedia Entry Project v1.11*
• 1700AD Scenario Development Thread
• City Name Manager development
• AI City Placement and 1700AD cities
• Suggestions for Dynamic Names
• Dynamic Collapses
• Civ-specific ranks collection thread
• [Poll] What Is the Best Feature of DoC for YOU?*

Question and Answer
• Do Post-Colonial Civs count as Europeans?
• Difficulty of Civilizations
• Best Civics Combination
• How bad is the expansion tech penalty?
• Civilizations hire mercenaries
• Mercantilism
• Founding cities on resources
• Marsh is a resource?!
• Does getting hit with a nuke lower stability?
• how do you get some of the dynamic names?
• does anyone know how to decrease turn time?
• Automatic end turn after change
• Silk Road
• What happens to your units when you collapse?
• Disabling Time Victory?
• Barcelona doesn't flip to me as Spain
• Question about Trading Companies
• Settling America (as Vikings)
• Is diplomatic victory possible?
• Using the Trading Companies script from DoC in other scenarios
• How to add a new leader?
• Can DoC be marketed?
• Why was Judaism replaced with Zoroastrianism?
• Will DoC spread to Civ 5?
• How were the Civ 4 voice files made?
• Tech rate penalty for number of cities
• Does the AI get any boosts and benefits?
• How to bulb Astronomy?
• Remove the Vassal Limit
• How to buy slaves?
• Easiest way to play as Iran?
• Isn't it unfair that inflation is higher if you start on an older map, such as 3000BC?
• When does the US settle or capture Alaska and/or Hawaii?

DoC Discussion
• Big changes for England and Russia ideas
• Rifling (1700AD scenario)
• 8th Century Iberia Revamp
• The Statue of Liberty
• Tamils in 600 CE/Fixing up early South India
• Archaeology and Tourism
• Idea: International Drug Trade
• Explain the Civic Combinations
• America Redesign
• Naval Overhaul: A Long List
• Naval Warfare
• Harbour and levee idea
• Caravans
• Arabia: Someone's idea of a sick joke?
• Religion Stability
• About the Ottomans
• Is it possible to have DoC RAND?
• Future Era
• Guided missiles
• City Size - Population Scaling
• New Mechanic: Food Slider
• DoC Multiplayer?
• Islamic Schism
• If Rome didn't crucify Jesus...
• Combat Rebalance Discussion
• Adding religious bonuses

Unanswered Requests or Questions
Will be taken off once request is fulfilled
• Rome cannot have southern Sardinia?
• Quick Music Questions
• Surviving as Zoroastrian Achaemenids
• Disabling "Stability Maps"

Notable Posts
Message me a post you think is notable, if it conveys information or a strong argument that is not represented by a thread. Or, if one post is better suited than a thread.
• "Reposted to preserve its posterity"
• I imagine there are many of these in the sticky threads. If you have time, scout through them and see if any are useful, and message me it!

Miscellaneous or Uncategorized
If a lot of similar theme threads appear here, please suggest a new category
• Possibly Starting An AAR
• How to make Mongolians attack Korea?
• Popping a settler halfway around the world
To do list:
Alright lads and lasses, there are four things that we need to update from looking at this index.
1) We need to make a new Stability Bitmaps for all the civilizations as of v1.11
2) If possible, a guide to stability as of v1.11 would be helpful to beginners
3) A poll of best or worst aspects of DoC currently would help Leoreth and the think-tanks evaluate what is working and what could be improved
4) A strategy guide on Persia
Send me a message or post here (if you don't want to get close to me) if you are willing to do any of these.
PS -- Also, if someone is willing to create, compile, and update on a casual basis all of DoC's AARs (stories about game play, ex: The country of Rome then found Greek spies north of the Alps, and not willing to allow the Greeks to go on knowing the information of military build up in Mediolanium, declared war on 20 AD), message me also.
And as always, if you have constructive criticism, post here or send me a message and I will take it into consideration. Also, if you can more eloquently answer a question than a thread here can, go ahead.
Nice! Definitely deserves to be stickied, and I definitely will be checking this often.

Small nitpick- there should be an empty line just above "Requests".
And, after 4 hours, the index is finished.
About making Iran, Mexico (and now Colombia) playable from the start, Leoreth already answered here in the last sentence so please remove it :)

How about adding notable post like in the recent "How to make Seljuk playable" or something-like-that thread? Leoreth answer how to enable the cheat mode and what line to be removed. Add it so it's not lost buried and somebody in near future asked again.

Also posts about how to enable SVN, post about how to install VD, Blue Marble dst. Also post on how to enable Phyton Exception.. post about how to make sure you rename the folder to RFC Dawn of Civilization before complaining the game can't work :)

Yes, this thread should be stickied. I hope Leoreth saw this and make this sticky....
(IDK honestly whether mod or admin that stickie'd post but I think it's mod.)

Also, yes I think the Soundtrack mod already obsolete because the link is dead now :(
Yes, this is very useful information and worth a sticky thread.

A few notes from my perspective: first of all, VD and the soundtrack module aren't modmodmods, but official modules of the main modmod (I wonder how often we can assign the prefix mod- to words and still know what we're talking about). Also, they're already linked to in the main mod thread. Same with many of the things BenZL mentioned, there already is a thread that expains all of that in a rather verbose fashion so no need for redundancy.

It would also be good if threads where I answered with some variation of "not going to happen" didn't show up here.
It would also be good if threads where I answered with some variation of "not going to happen" didn't show up here.

If anything, the "not going to happen" threads should get a category all of their own to help reduce the number of threads in that vein.

It's sort of like Vlad Tepes leaving all the impaled soldiers in front of his castle.
Or that, sure.
About making Iran, Mexico (and now Colombia) playable from the start, Leoreth already answered here in the last sentence so please remove it :)
He could always be wrong though. It's not like he doesn't WANT it to happen, he just thinks its impossible. A genius might come along.

How about adding notable post like in the recent "How to make Seljuk playable" or something-like-that thread? Leoreth answer how to enable the cheat mode and what line to be removed. Add it so it's not lost buried and somebody in near future asked again.
He doesn't answer it all in that post. Plus he doesn't just answer cheat mode in that post.
Also posts about how to enable SVN, post about how to install VD, Blue Marble dst. Also post on how to enable Phyton Exception.. post about how to make sure you rename the folder to RFC Dawn of Civilization before complaining the game can't work :)
Sounds like you should find them.
Also, yes I think the Soundtrack mod already obsolete because the link is dead now :(
If anything, the "not going to happen" threads should get a category all of their own to help reduce the number of threads in that vein.

It's sort of like Vlad Tepes leaving all the impaled soldiers in front of his castle.

Got it!
It would also be good if threads where I answered with some variation of "not going to happen" didn't show up here.

If you find them, post them. I looked through around 6 threads I thought would have that and couldn't find any answers.
It would also be good if threads where I answered with some variation of "not going to happen" didn't show up here.

Actually, instead of making a section for all the answers to questions, I'll just put a * with a link to your answer next to them. :)
The threads that prompted me to say this are the "make Iran and Mexico playable from the scenario screen" and "disable stability maps" ones, both of which I gave a pretty final answer.

They really cannot be regarded "unfulfilled requests" unless you want to pointlessly keep them in that list forever.
The threads that prompted me to say this are the "make Iran and Mexico playable from the scenario screen" and "disable stability maps" ones, both of which I gave a pretty final answer.

They really cannot be regarded "unfulfilled requests" unless you want to pointlessly keep them in that list forever.

Like I pointed out, I would not imagine you would be against making Iran and Mexico playable. So it doesn't hurt to have it there. It's the same thing as saying "make us able to fly in the sky like birds" in 1900.
As for the disable stability maps, the poster was asking how HE could personally do it. I don't believe there has been a good enough answer for him yet. Nobody made a step by step process on how one would go about doing that. That would be useful for some.
If you want to make this index less useful by having it imply things that run counter to what I want to communicate, go ahead. I had hoped that this thread would serve the purpose of stopping people from asking for the same things over and over again, but whatever.

I don't know how I can be more explicit than "This will never happen ever because I'm not going to even make an attempt at it".
If you want to make this index less useful by having it imply things that run counter to what I want to communicate, go ahead. I had hoped that this thread would serve the purpose of stopping people from asking for the same things over and over again, but whatever.

I don't know how I can be more explicit than "This will never happen ever because I'm not going to even make an attempt at it".

you're kind of going overboard, and disrespecting the work I put into this.
I'm not saying that you need to do anything, I'm simply saying that if someone else were to do the work for you, it'd be a win-win for everyone. And as for the other thread in question, it doesn't matter if you say it will never happen, because it's a personal question not a question that regards DoC.
It's his mod. or modmod. He decide.
Even if suddenly group of Einsteins appeared and try to came up with good solution, I think the best they can do is create a modmodmod or modmodmodmod :)
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