Thumpper's Viking Tournament


Dec 8, 2002
NW corner CT
Thumpper's Viking Tournament

Everyone is a Viking! (Actually, you can take whichever Civ. you want and just "act" like a Viking!
It’s early to the sea in galleys and longboats!
And everyone has some early amphibious units!
There are only two UU’s - available to All! Beserks and Longboats!

A 4 Player - Free for All Elimination Tournament for Conquests
Monday Night at 8:00 EST. 12-29-03
on Civ3players Ladder

2 Rounds of 90 minutes - each played on a specially-made "Viking" Map

Scenario Rule Changes: !!! Please Read !!!
I have made a few rule changes to make this tournament more fun.
- The whole map will be visible from the start! "Pre-explored"
- There are only two UU’s and they are available to Everyone!
Beserks and Longboats!
- Galleys (1.1.3) are available after Writing.
- Longboats (2.1.3) (Dromons renamed) are available
after Mapmaking.
- Warriors, Archers, and of course Beserks are Amphibious
(They can all attack from boats.)
- Research cost of some of the later Techs is reduced by about
80% to allow for Beserks to make a contribution in 90 mins.
- A Longboat or Beserk victory will trigger a Golden Age.
- Civ. Specific Abilities are on (Industrious, Militaristic, Agricultural, Commercial…) along with the techs that they start out with.
So pick your Civ. carefully! Remember Seafaring may be a little more useful in this game!

Game settings:
Game Type: Simultaneous Moves
Game Mode: Scenario
Turn Timer: Fast
Difficulty: Regent

Game Rules:
Allow Conquest Victory
Accelerated Production
Victory Point Scoring
All other settings are off.
(Non Elimination!)

Game Limits:
Time Limit 90 mins
(Whoever has the most Victory Points Wins!)

Hosts should place the maps in their CONQUESTS Scenario directory. And Load Scenario to play.

Study the maps and strategize.

Please Enjoy!

Here is the Round 1 Map!

Forgot to point out that there is an extra Victory Point location on the Round 2 Map. It is in the coastal tile between the 4 mountains!
An extra 25 VP's per turn that it is held!

Hmmm, tempting but i'm more of a pangae kick their ass early type of guy :D
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